Departmental Financial Statements 2016-17 - Health Canada

Statement of Management Responsibility Including Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

Responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of the accompanying financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2017, and all information contained in these statements rests with the management of Health Canada. These financial statements have been prepared by management using the Government's accounting policies, which are based on Canadian public sector accounting standards.

Management is responsible for the integrity and objectivity of the information in these financial statements. Some of the information in the financial statements is based on management's best estimates and judgment, and gives due consideration to materiality. To fulfill its accounting and reporting responsibilities, management maintains a set of accounts that provides a centralized record of the Department's financial transactions. Financial information submitted in the preparation of the Public Accounts of Canada, and included in Health Canada's Departmental Results Report, is consistent with these financial statements.

Management is also responsible for maintaining an effective system of internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) designed to provide reasonable assurance that financial information is reliable, that assets are safeguarded and that transactions are properly authorized and recorded in accordance with the Financial Administration Act and other applicable legislation, regulations, authorities and policies.

Management seeks to ensure the objectivity and integrity of data in its financial statements through careful selection, training and development of qualified staff; through organizational arrangements that provide appropriate divisions of responsibility; through communication programs aimed at ensuring that regulations, policies, standards, and managerial authorities are understood throughout the Department and through conducting an annual risk-based assessment of the effectiveness of the system of ICFR.

The system of ICFR is designed to mitigate risks to a reasonable level based on an ongoing process to identify key risks, to assess effectiveness of associated key controls, and to make any necessary adjustments.

A risk-based assessment of the system of ICFR for the year ended March 31, 2017 was completed in accordance with the Treasury Board Policy on Internal Control, and the results and action plans are summarized in the annex.

The effectiveness and adequacy of the Department's system of internal control is reviewed by the work of internal audit staff, who conduct periodic audits of different areas of the Department's operations, and by the Departmental Audit Committee, which oversees management's responsibilities for maintaining adequate control systems and the quality of financial reporting.

The financial statements of Health Canada have not been audited.

Simon Kennedy
Deputy Minister
Ottawa, Canada
Date: August 23, 2017

Randy Larkin
Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer
Ottawa, Canada
Date: August 23, 2017

Statement of Financial Position (Unaudited)
As at March 31

(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (note 4) $ 287,899 $ 267,134
Vacation pay and compensatory leave 42,057 37,535
Deferred revenue 7,976 8,905
Employee future benefits (note 6) 40,965 52,886
Other liabilities (note 7) 118,519 96,373
Total gross liabilities 497,416 462,833
Liabilities held on behalf of Government
Deferred revenue (173) (200)
Total liabilities held on behalf of Government (173) (200)
Total net liabilities 497,243 462,633
Financial assets
Due from Consolidated Revenue Fund 273,252 261,145
Accounts receivable and advances (note 8) 88,080 57,357
Total gross financial assets 361,332 318,502
Financial assets held on behalf of Government
Accounts receivable and advances (note 8) (56,001) (35,160)
Total financial assets held on behalf of Government (56,001) (35,160)
Total net financial assets 305,331 283,342
Departmental net debt 191,912 179,291
Non-financial assets
Tangible capital assets (note 9) 141,057 135,225
Total non-financial assets 141,057 135,225
Departmental net financial position $ (50,855) $ (44,066)

Contractual obligations (note 10)
Contingent liabilities (note 11)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Simon Kennedy
Deputy Minister
Ottawa, Canada
Date: August 23, 2017

Randy Larkin
Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer
Ottawa, Canada
Date: August 23, 2017

Statement of Operations and Departmental Net Financial Position (Unaudited)
For the Year Ended March 31

(in thousands of dollars) 2017
Planned Results
2017 2016
A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians $ 343,595 $ 359,330 $ 319,968
Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians 644,947 695,323 629,043
First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status 2,851,373 3,102,718 2,843,393
Internal services 301,355 339,286 359,153
Expenses incurred on behalf of Government 2,568 323 (3,802)
Total expenses 4,143,838 4,496,980 4,147,755
Sales of goods and services
   Services of a regulatory nature 61,223 56,183 45,611
   Rights and privileges 67,202 53,113 54,736
   Services of a non-regulatory nature 223,961 204,655 204,564
   Lease and use of public property 290 151 265
Revenues from fines 1,998 986 1,807
Interest 541 211 334
Other 436 2,155 1,472
Revenues earned on behalf of Government (14,526) (16,412) (16,755)
Total revenues 341,125 301,042 292,034
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers 3,802,713 4,195,938 3,855,721
Government funding and transfers
Net cash provided by Government of Canada   4,045,138 3,813,726
Change in due from Consolidated Revenue Fund   12,107 3,443
Services provided without charge by other government departments (note 12)   131,921 128,953
Transfer of the transition payments for implementing salary payments in arrears   (17) (263)
Transfer of tangible capital assets from (to) other government departments   - 155
Net cost of (revenue from) operations after government funding and transfers   6,789 (90,293)
Departmental net financial position - Beginning of year   (44,066) (134,359)
Departmental net financial position - End of year   $ (50,855) $ (44,066)

Segmented information (note 13)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Statement of Change in Departmental Net Debt (Unaudited)
For the Year Ended March 31

(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Net cost of (revenue from) operations after government funding and transfers $ 6,789 $ (90,293)
Change due to tangible capital assets    
Acquisition of tangible capital assets 29,011 30,608
Amortization of tangible capital assets (22,668) (25,713)
Proceeds from disposal of tangible capital assets (500) (253)
Gain (loss) on disposal of tangible capital assets including adjustments (11) (279)
Non-cash changes in tangible capital assets - (69)
Transfer of tangible capital assets from (to) other government departments - 155
Total change due to tangible capital assets 5,832 4,449
Net increase (decrease) in departmental net debt 12,621 (85,844)
Departmental net debt - Beginning of year 179,291 265,135
Departmental net debt - End of year $ 191,912 $ 179,291

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
For the Year Ended March 31

(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Operating activities
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers $ 4,195,938 $ 3,855,721
Non-cash items:
Amortization of tangible capital assets (22,668) (25,713)
Gain (loss) on disposal of tangible capital assets including adjustments (11) (279)
Non-cash changes in tangible capital assets - (69)
Services provided without charge by other government departments (note 12) (131,921) (128,953)
Transition payments for implementing salary payments in arrears 17 263
Variations in Statement of Financial Position:
Decrease (increase) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities (20,765) (2,927)
Decrease (increase) in vacation pay and compensatory leave (4,522) 1,575
Decrease (increase) in deferred revenue 902 (1,073)
Decrease (increase) in employee future benefits 11,921 4,575
Decrease (increase) in other liabilities (22,146) 81,996
Increase (decrease) in accounts receivable and advances 9,882 (1,745)
Cash used in operating activities 4,016,627 3,783,371

Capital investing activities

Acquisition of tangible capital assets



Proceeds from disposal of tangible capital assets



Cash used in capital investing activities 28,511 30,355
Net cash provided by Government of Canada $ 4,045,138 $ 3,813,726

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)
For the Year Ended March 31, 2017

1. Authority and objectives

The Department of Health was established effective July 12, 1996 under the Department of Health Act to participate in the promotion and preservation of the health of the people of Canada. It is named in Schedule I of the Financial Administration Act and reports through the Minister of Health. Priorities and reporting are aligned under the following strategic outcomes and related programs:

Strategic Outcome 1:  A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians

Canadians expect their governments to provide a health system that meets their needs and that delivers results effectively and efficiently. In addition to ensuring that it meets specific federal responsibilities, such as health services for federal employees and during international events held in Canada, Health Canada works with provincial and territorial governments as well as health organizations and other stakeholder groups to address the health objectives of Canadians. Research and policy analysis, support and funding to test innovations in health service delivery and monitoring of provincial and territorial application of the Canada Health Act all lead to continuing improvement in Canada's health system.


  • Canadian Health System Policy
  • Specialized Health Services
  • Official Language Minority Community Development

Strategic Outcome 2:  Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians

This strategic outcome seeks to ensure that the food that Canadians eat and products they use are as safe as possible and that threats to health are addressed effectively. It helps increase Canadians’ understanding of factors that influence everyone’s health such as environmental conditions and nutrition. It helps to limit the use and abuse of tobacco and illicit drugs.


  • Health Products
  • Food Safety and Nutrition
  • Environmental Risks to Health
  • Consumer Product and Workplace Hazardous Materials
  • Substance Use and Abuse
  • Radiation Protection
  • Pesticides

Strategic Outcome 3:  First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status

This strategic outcome seeks to ensure that First Nations and Inuit living on reserve or in Inuit communities have access to health services as well as a limited range of medically necessary health-related goods and services not provided through private insurance plans, provincial/territorial health or social programs or other publicly funded programs. It seeks to reduce the gap in health outcomes between First Nations and Inuit and the Canadian population in general. 


  • First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care
  • Supplementary Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit
  • Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit
Internal services

Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization, and not those provided to a specific program. The groups of activities are Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; and Acquisition Services.

2. Summary of significant accounting policies

These financial statements have been prepared using the Government's accounting policies stated below, which are based on Canadian public sector accounting standards. The presentation and results using the stated accounting policies do not result in any significant differences from Canadian public sector accounting standards.

Significant accounting policies are as follows:

(a) Parliamentary authorities

The Department is financed by the Government of Canada through Parliamentary authorities. Financial reporting of authorities provided to the Department do not parallel financial reporting according to generally accepted accounting principles since authorities are primarily based on cash flow requirements. Consequently, items recognized in the Statement of Financial Position and in the Statement of Operations and Departmental Net Financial Position are not necessarily the same as those provided through authorities from Parliament. Note 3 provides a reconciliation between the bases of reporting. The planned results amounts in the “Expenses” and “Revenues” sections of the Statement of Operations and Departmental Net Financial Position are the amounts reported in the Future-Oriented Statement of Operations included in the 2016-17 Report on Plans and Priorities. Planned results are not presented in the “Government funding and transfers” section of the Statement of Operations and Departmental Net Financial Position and in the Statement of Change in Departmental Net Debt because these amounts were not included in the 2016-17 Report on Plans and Priorities.

(b) Net cash provided by Government

The Department operates within the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF), which is administered by the Receiver General for Canada. All cash received by the Department is deposited to the CRF, and all cash disbursements made by the Department are paid from the CRF. The net cash provided by Government is the difference between all cash receipts and all cash disbursements, including transactions between departments of the Government.

(c) Amounts due from the Consolidated Revenue Fund

Amounts due from the CRF are the result of timing differences at year-end between when a transaction affects authorities and when it is processed through the CRF. Amounts due from the CRF represent the net amount of cash that the Department is entitled to draw from the CRF without further authorities to discharge its liabilities.

(d) Revenues

  • Revenues from regulatory fees are recognized in the accounts based on the services provided in the year.
  • Funds received from external parties for specified purposes are recorded upon receipt as deferred revenue. These revenues are recognized in the period in which the related expenses are incurred.
  • Funds that have been received are recorded as deferred revenue, provided the Department has an obligation to other parties for the provision of goods, services or the use of assets in the future.
  • Other revenues are accounted for in the period in which the underlying transaction or event that gave rise to the revenue takes place.
  • Revenues that are non-respendable are not available to discharge the Department's liabilities. While the Deputy Head is expected to maintain accounting control, he has no authority regarding the disposition of non-respendable revenues. As a result, non-respendable revenues are considered to be earned on behalf of the Government of Canada and are therefore presented in reduction of the entity's gross revenues.

(e) Expenses

Expenses are recorded on the accrual basis:

  • Transfer payments are recorded as expenses when authorization for the payment exists and the recipient has met the eligibility criteria or the entitlements established for the transfer payment program. In situations where payments do not form part of an existing program, transfer payments are recorded as expenses when the Government announces a decision to make a non-recurring transfer, provided the enabling legislation or authorization for payment receives parliamentary approval prior to the completion of the financial statements. Transfer payments that become repayable as a result of conditions specified in the contribution agreement that have come into being are recorded as a reduction to transfer payment expense and as a receivable.
  • Vacation pay and compensatory leave are accrued as the benefits are earned by employees under their respective terms of employment.
  • Services provided without charge by other government departments for accommodation, employer contributions to the health and dental insurance plans, legal services and workers' compensation are recorded as operating expenses at their estimated cost.

(f) Employee future benefits

  1. Pension benefits:  Eligible employees participate in the Public Service Pension Plan (the "Plan"), a multiemployer pension plan administered by the Government. The Department's contributions to the Plan are charged to expenses in the year incurred and represent the total departmental obligation to the Plan. The Department's responsibility with regard to the Plan is limited to its contributions. Actuarial surpluses or deficiencies are recognized in the financial statements of the Government of Canada, as the Plan's sponsor.
  2. Severance benefits:  Employees entitled to severance benefits under labour contracts or conditions of employment earn these benefits as services necessary to earn them are rendered. The obligation relating to the benefits earned by employees is calculated using information derived from the results of the actuarially determined liability for employee severance benefits for the Government as a whole.

(g) Accounts receivable

Accounts receivable are stated at the lower of cost and net recoverable value. A valuation allowance is recorded for accounts receivable where recovery is considered uncertain.

(h) Contingent liabilities

Contingent liabilities are potential liabilities that may become actual liabilities when one or more future events occur or fail to occur. To the extent that the future event is likely to occur or fail to occur, and a reasonable estimate of the loss can be made, an estimated liability is accrued and an expense recorded. If the likelihood is not determinable or if an amount cannot be reasonably estimated, the contingency is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.

(i) Environmental liabilities

Environmental liabilities consist of estimated costs related to the remediation of contaminated sites.

A liability for remediation of contaminated sites is recognized when all of the following criteria are satisfied: an environmental standard exists, contamination exceeds the environmental standard, the department is directly responsible or accepts responsibility, it is expected that future economic benefits will be given up and a reasonable estimate of the amount can be made. The liability reflects the Department’s best estimate of the amount required to remediate the sites to the current minimum standard for its use prior to contamination. When the cash flows required to settle or otherwise extinguish a liability are expected to occur over extended future periods, a present value technique is used. The discount rate applied is taken from the government’s consolidated revenue fund monthly lending rates for periods of one year and over which is based on the Government's cost of borrowing. The discount rates used are based on the term rate associated with the estimated number of years to complete remediation. For remediation costs with estimated future cash flows spanning more than 25 years, the Government of Canada's 25-year Consolidated Revenue Fund lending rate is used as the discount rate.

The recorded environmental liabilities are adjusted each year, as required, for present value adjustments, inflation, new obligations, changes in management estimates and actual costs incurred.

If the likelihood of the Department’s responsibility is not determinable, a contingent liability is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. If measurement uncertainty exists, it is also disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.

(j) Tangible capital assets

All tangible capital assets and leasehold improvements having an initial cost of $10,000 or more are recorded at their acquisition cost. The Department does not capitalize intangibles, works of art and historical treasures that have cultural, aesthetic or historical value, assets located on Indian Reserves and museum collections.

Amortization of tangible capital assets is done on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset as follows:

Tangible capital assets
Asset class Sub-asset class Amortization period
Buildings Buildings 25 years
Works and infrastructure Works and infrastructure 25 years
Leasehold improvements Leasehold improvements Lease term, max. 40 years
Machinery and equipment Machinery and equipment 8-12 years
Computer equipment 3-5 years
Computer software 3 years
In-house developed software 5 years
Other equipment 5-12 years
Vehicles Motor vehicles 4-7 years
Other vehicles 10 years
Assets under construction Buildings in progress of construction Assets under construction are recorded in the applicable capital asset class in the year that they become available for use and are not amortized until they become available for use.
Engineering works in progress of construction
Work in progress for software
Other construction or work in progress

(k) Measurement uncertainty

The preparation of these financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses reported in the financial statements. At the time of preparation of these statements, management believes the estimates and assumptions to be reasonable. The most significant items where estimates are used are contingent liabilities, environmental liabilities, the liability for employee future benefits, allowance for doubtful accounts and the useful life of tangible capital assets. Actual results could significantly differ from those estimated. Management’s estimates are reviewed periodically and, as adjustments become necessary, they are recorded in the financial statements in the year they become known.

3. Parliamentary authorities

The Department receives most of its funding through annual parliamentary authorities. Items recognized in the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Operations and Departmental Net Financial Position in one year may be funded through parliamentary authorities in prior, current or future years. Accordingly, the Department has different net results of operations for the year on a government funding basis than on an accrual accounting basis. These differences are reconciled in the following tables:

(a) Reconciliation of net cost of operations to current year authorities used:

Reconciliation of net cost of operations to current year authorities used
(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers $ 4,195,938 $ 3,855,721
Adjustments for items affecting net cost of operations but not affecting authorities:
Amortization of tangible capital assets (22,668) (25,713)
Gain (loss) on disposal of tangible capital assets (11) (279)
Services provided without charge by other government departments (131,921) (128,953)
Decrease (increase) in vacation pay and compensatory leave (4,522) 1,575
Decrease (increase) in employee future benefits 11,921 4,575
 Refund/adjustment of prior years' expenditures 20,779 15,882
 Bad debt expense 715 (4,340)
 Increase (decrease) in transfer payment accrual 2,926 (7,953)
Decrease (increase) in workforce adjustment measures 112 578
 Statutory spending authority equivalent to revenues earned 55,026 55,536
Other (52,725) 899
Total items affecting net cost of operations but not affecting authorities (120,368) (88,193)
Adjustments for items not affecting net cost of operations but affecting authorities:
 Disbursement to Canada Health Infoway Inc. 37,878 82,700
 Acquisitions of tangible capital assets 29,011 30,608
 Salary overpayments 9,785 -
 Issuance of accountable advances 785 -
 Transition payments for implementing salary payments in arrears 17 263
 Proceeds from disposal of Crown assets 171 33
Total items not affecting net cost of operations but affecting authorities 77,647 113,604
Current year authorities used $ 4,153,217 $ 3,881,132

(b) Authorities provided and used:

Authorities provided and used
(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Authorities provided:
Vote 1 - Operating expenditures $ 1,987,121 $ 1,832,092
Vote 5 - Capital expenditures 36,587 34,939
Vote 10 - Grants and contributions 2,039,369 1,810,890
Statutory amounts 205,334 253,657
Authorities available for future years (49) -
Lapsed authorities (115,145) (50,446)
Current year authorities used $ 4,153,217 $ 3,881,132

4. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

The following table presents details of the Department's accounts payable and accrued liabilities:

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Accounts payable - Other government departments and agencies $ 7,347 $ 7,054
Accounts payable - External parties 102,275 99,730
Total accounts payable 109,622 106,784
Accrued liabilities 178,277 160,350
Total accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 287,899 $ 267,134

In Canada's Economic Action Plan 2012, the Government announced savings measures to be implemented by departments starting in 2012-13 and extending over the three subsequent fiscal years. To this effect, the Department has recorded an obligation for termination benefits as part of accrued liabilities to reflect the estimated workforce adjustment costs. The remaining balance of these measures as of March 31, 2017 is $16,000 ($128,000 as of March 31, 2016).

5. Environmental liabilities

Remediation of contaminated sites

The government has developed a “Federal Approach to Contaminated Sites”, which incorporates a risk-based approach to the management of contaminated sites. Under this approach the Government has inventoried the contaminated sites on federal lands that have been identified, allowing them to be classified, managed and recorded in a consistent manner. This systematic approach aids in the identification of the high risk sites in order to allocate limited resources to those sites which pose the highest risk to the environment and human health.

The Department has identified 1 site (1 site in 2015-16) where action is possible and for which a liability of $101,000 ($173,000 in 2015-16) has been recorded. This liability represents management’s best estimate of the costs required to remediate the site to the current minimum standard for its use prior to contamination, based on information available at the financial statement date. A net present value technique has been used since the cash flows are expected to occur over extended future periods.

The liability estimate is based on a future cash requirement, adjusted for inflation using a forecast Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of 2%. Inflation is included in the undiscounted amount. The Government of Canada lending rate applicable to loans with similar terms to maturity has been used to discount the estimated future expenditures. The March 2017 rates range from 0.89% for 2 year term to 2.55% for a 25 or greater year term.

The nature and source of the liability is contamination primarily associated with fuel storage and handling, e.g., accidental spills related to fuel storage tanks or former fuel handling practices, e.g. petroleum hydrocarbons, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and BTEX. The estimated total undiscounted expenditures are $101,000 ($174,000 in 2015-16).

6. Employee future benefits

(a) Pension benefits

The Department's employees participate in the Public Service Pension Plan (the "Plan"), which is sponsored and administered by the Government of Canada. Pension benefits accrue up to a maximum period of 35 years at a rate of 2 percent per year of pensionable service, times the average of the best five consecutive years of earnings. The benefits are integrated with Canada/Québec Pension Plan benefits and they are indexed to inflation.

Both the employees and the Department contribute to the cost of the Plan. Due to the amendment of the Public Service Superannuation Act following the implementation of provisions related to Economic Action Plan 2012, employee contributors have been divided into two groups – Group 1 relates to existing plan members as of December 31, 2012 and Group 2 relates to members joining the Plan as of January 1, 2013. Each group has a distinct contribution rate.

The 2016-17 expense amounts to the following:

Pension benefits
(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Expense for the year $ 80,056 $ 81,556

For Group 1 members, the expense represents approximately 1.12 times (1.25 times in 2015-16) the employee contributions and, for Group 2 members, approximately 1.08 times (1.24 times in 2015-16) the employee contributions.

The Department's responsibility with regard to the Plan is limited to its contributions. Actuarial surpluses or deficiencies are recognized in the Financial Statements of the Government of Canada, as the Plan's sponsor.

(b) Severance benefits

Severance benefits provided to the Department’s employees were previously based on an employee’s eligibility, years of service and salary at termination of employment. However, since 2011 the accumulation of severance benefits for voluntary departures progressively ceased for substantially all employees. Employees subject to these changes were given the option to be paid the full or partial value of benefits earned to date or collect the full or remaining value of benefits upon departure from the public service. By March 31, 2017, substantially all settlements for immediate cash out were completed. Severance benefits are unfunded and, consequently, the outstanding obligation will be paid from future authorities.

The changes in the obligations during the year were as follows:

Severance benefits
(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Accrued benefit obligation - Beginning of year $ 52,886 $ 57,461
Provision for the year (9,115) 229
Benefits paid during the year (2,806) (4,804)
Accrued benefit obligation - End of year $ 40,965 $ 52,886

7. Other liabilities

Other liabilities
(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Canada Health Infoway Inc. $ 50,477 $ 88,479
Other 68,042 7,894
Total other liabilities $ 118,519 $ 96,373

Budget 2007 announced an allocation of $400.0 million to Canada Health Infoway Inc. Of this authority $392.2 million has been disbursed to date, $9.4 million in 2016-17 ($12.8 million in 2015-16). Budget 2009 announced an additional allocation of $500.0 million to Canada Health Infoway Inc. Of this 2009 authority $457.3 million has been disbursed to date, $28.6 million in 2016-17 ($69.9 million in 2015-16). The disbursed amounts include interest deemed to have been paid to Canada Health Infoway Inc.

The remaining other liabilities include amounts for contingent liabilities of $60.9 million ($0.4 million in 2015-16) and Specified Purpose Accounts: Collaborative research projects $3.1 million ($3.1 million in 2015-16); Miscellaneous federal/provincial projects $1.7 million ($1.6 million in 2015-16); and World Health Organization $0.1 million ($0.1 million in 2015-16).

8. Accounts receivable and advances

The following table presents details of the Department's accounts receivable and advances balances:

Accounts receivable and advances
(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Accounts receivable - Other government departments and agencies $ 19,808 $ 11,183
Accounts receivable - External parties 63,304 61,233
Employee advances  17,967 55
Subtotal  101,079 72,471
Allowance for doubtful accounts on receivables from external parties (12,999) (15,114)
Gross accounts receivable and advances 88,080 57,357
Accounts receivable held on behalf of Government (56,001) (35,160)
Net accounts receivable and advances $ 32,079 $ 22,197

9. Tangible capital assets

Tangible capital assets (in thousands of dollars)
Cost Opening balance Acquisitions Disposals/write-downs Transfers and adjustments Closing balance
Land $ 1,175 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,175
Buildings 135,369 - - 26,046 161,415
Works and infrastructure 2,067 - - - 2,067
Leasehold improvements 26,475 - - - 26,475
Machinery and equipment 233,411 15,101 (4,048) 2,907 247,371
Vehicles 14,157 1,766 (1,915) 20 14,028
Assets under construction 36,662 12,144 - (29,153) 19,653
Total $ 449,316 $ 29,011 $ (5,963) $ (180) $ 472,184
Accumulated amortization Opening balance Amortization Disposals/write-downs Transfers and adjustments Closing balance
Buildings $ 118,402 $ 1,884 $ - $ - $ 120,286
Works and infrastructure 501 83 - - 584
Leasehold improvements 23,094 692 - - 23,786
Machinery and equipment 162,420 18,703 (3,566) (200) 177,357
Vehicles 9,674 1,306 (1,886) 20 9,114
Total $ 314,091 $ 22,668 $ (5,452) $ (180) $ 331,127

Net book value

Net book value
Net change acquisitions and amortization Net change disposals/write-downs Net change transfers and adjustments Net book value 2017
Land $ 1,175 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,175
Buildings 16,967 (1,884) - 26,046 41,129
Works and infrastructure 1,566 (83) - - 1,483
Leasehold improvements 3,381 (692) - - 2,689
Machinery and equipment 70,991 (3,602) (482) 3,107 70,014
Vehicles 4,483 460 (29) - 4,914
Assets under construction 36,662 12,144 - (29,153) 19,653
Total $ 135,225 $ 6,343 $ (511) $ - $ 141,057

Transfers from assets under construction represent assets that were put into use in the year and have been transferred to the other capital asset classes as applicable.

10. Contractual obligations

The nature of the Department's activities can result in multi-year contracts and obligations whereby the Department will be obligated to make future payments in order to carry out its transfer payment programs or when the services/goods are received. Significant contractual obligations that can be reasonably estimated are summarized as follows:

Contractual obligations
(in thousands of dollars) Transfer payments Operating contracts Total
2017-18 $ 1,647,300 $ 25,802 $ 1,673,102
2018-19 1,180,668 - 1,180,668
2019-20 1,010,557 - 1,010,557
2020-21 794,612 - 794,612
2021-22 and thereafter 1,281,905 - 1,281,905
Total $ 5,915,042 $ 25,802 $ 5,940,844

11. Contingent liabilities

Contingent liabilities arise in the normal course of operations and their ultimate disposition is unknown.

Claims and litigation

Claims have been made against the Department in the normal course of operations. These claims include items with pleading amounts and other items for which no amount is specified. While the total amount claimed in these actions is significant, their outcomes are not determinable. The Department has recorded an allowance for claims and litigations where it is likely that there will be a future payment and a reasonable estimate of the loss can be made. Claims and litigations for which the outcome is not determinable and a reasonable estimate can be made by management amount to approximately $1,523.3 million in 2016-17 ($1,040.3 million in 2015-16).

12. Related party transactions

The Department is related as a result of common ownership to all government departments, agencies, and Crown corporations. The Department enters into transactions with these entities in the normal course of business and on normal trade terms. In addition, the Department has agreements with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board and the Public Health Agency of Canada related to the provision of various finance and administrative services. During the year, the Department received common services which were obtained without charge from other government departments as disclosed below.

a) Common services provided without charge by other government departments:

During the year, the Department received services without charge from certain common service organizations, related to accommodation, legal services, the employer's contribution to the health and dental insurance plans and workers' compensation coverage. These services provided without charge have been recorded in the Department's Statement of Operations and Departmental Net Financial Position as follows:

Common services provided without charge by other government departments
(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Employer's contribution to the health and dental insurance plans $ 71,661 $ 66,904
Accommodation 56,069 58,554
Legal services 3,733 2,986
Worker's compensation 458 509
Total $ 131,921 $ 128,953

The Government has centralized some of its administrative activities for efficiency, cost-effectiveness purposes and economic delivery of programs to the public. As a result, the Government uses central agencies and common service organizations so that one department performs services for all other departments and agencies without charge. The costs of these services, such as the payroll and cheque issuance services provided by Public Services and Procurement Canada and audit services provided by the Office of the Auditor General are not included in the Department’s Statement of Operations and Departmental Net Financial Position. The costs of information technology infrastructure services provided by Shared Services Canada, following the transfer of responsibilities in November 2011 and April 2013, are also not included in the Department’s Statement of Operations and Departmental Net Financial Position.

b) Other transactions with related parties:

Other transactions with related parties
(in thousands of dollars) 2017 2016
Accounts payable - Other government departments and agencies $ 7,347 $ 7,054
Accounts receivable - Other government departments and agencies 19,808 11,183
Expenses - Other government departments and agencies 97,751 102,511
Revenues - Other government departments and agencies 70,766 71,144

Expenses and revenues disclosed in (b) exclude common services provided without charge, which are already disclosed in (a).

13. Segmented information

Presentation by segment is based on the Department's program alignment architecture. The presentation by segment is based on the same accounting policies as described in the Summary of significant accounting policies in note 2. The following table presents the expenses incurred and revenues generated for the main programs, by major object of expense and by major type of revenue. The segment results for the period are as follows:

Segmented information
(in thousands of dollars) A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status Internal services 2017 Total 2016 Total
Transfer payments $ 303,683 $ 30,469 $ 1,639,755 $ - $ 1,973,907 $ 1,788,767
Salaries and employee benefits 36,417 480,386 220,025 204,536 941,364 947,928
Utilities, materials and supplies 1,299 20,370 569,405 5,438 596,512 554,358
Professional and special services 12,583 40,553 379,882 75,203 508,221 478,763
Travel non-insured health patients -  - 246,957 - 246,957 212,609
Accommodation 2,174 28,676 13,134 21,555 65,539 68,458
Other 1,807 60,847 274 (501) 62,427 1,893
Travel and relocation 622 6,152 24,904 1,181 32,859 28,267
Amortization of tangible capital assets 140 9,148 1,945 11,435 22,668 25,713
Repair and maintenance 53 5,548 2,137 9,360 17,098 17,619
Information services 286 9,473 328 3,022 13,109 10,081
Rentals 195 2,190 976 6,868 10,229 7,440
Communications 71 1,511 2,996 1,904 6,482 5,321
Bad debts - - - (715) (715) 4,340
Expenses incurred on behalf of Government - - - 323 323 (3,802)
Total expenses 359,330 695,323 3,102,718 339,609 4,496,980 4,147,755
Sales of goods and services
   Services of a
- 52,584 - 3,599 56,183 45,611
   Rights and
8 49,556 - 3,549 53,113 54,736
   Services of a
14,737 7,547 124,701 57,670 204,655 204,564
   Lease and use
   of public
- - 65 86 151 265
Revenues from fines - 986 - - 986 1,807
Interest - - - 211 211 334
Other 149 437 419 1,150 2,155 1,472
Revenues earned on behalf of Government (132) (14,699) (281) (1,300) (16,412) (16,755)
Total revenues 14,762 96,411 124,904 64,965 301,042 292,034
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers $ 344,568 $ 598,912 $ 2,977,814 $ 274,644 $ 4,195,938 $ 3,855,721

Health Canada's Annex to the Statement of Management Responsibility Including Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

Assessment of Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting and Action Plan for The Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2017

1. Introduction

This document provides summary information on the measures taken by Health Canada (HC) to maintain an effective system of internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) including information on internal control management, assessment results and related action plans.

Detailed information on Health Canada’s authority, mandate and program activities can be found in the 2016-17 Departmental Results Report and the 2016-17 Report on Plans and Priorities.

2. Departmental system of internal control over financial reporting

2.1 Internal control management

Health Canada has a well-established governance and accountability structure to support departmental assessment efforts and oversight of its system of internal control. A departmental internal control over financial reporting framework, approved by the Deputy Minister and the Chief Financial Officer, is in place and includes:

  • Organizational Accountability Structures: Establish the means by which the leading authorities at Health Canada, i.e. Deputy Minister, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Audit Executive, the Departmental Audit Committee (DAC), Assistant Deputy Ministers and Governance Committees, ensure proper accountability, stewardship and transparency in the conduct of financial management, risk management and internal control, and stewardship over resources.
  • Values and Ethics: Health Canada adheres to the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector and has implemented its internal Code of Conduct, which provides mechanisms for listening to employee concerns, ensuring broad training on values and ethics issues, and linking values and ethics to integrated risk management.
  • Ongoing Communication and Training: Ensure that all Departmental employees are informed and trained on statutory requirements, policies and procedures for sound financial management and controls.
  • Monitoring, Regular Updates and Assessments: Ensure that internal controls are monitored through ongoing assessments and updated as required. Results of such assessments are reported to the Deputy Minister, Departmental Senior Management, and the DAC with action plans to remediate any deficiencies. DAC meets three times annually and provides advice to the Deputy Minister on the adequacy and functioning of the Department's risk management, control and governance frameworks and processes. In addition, key financial controls may be subjected to audit by the Office of Audit and Evaluation who conducts audits in accordance with the risk-based audit plan. The most recent audit of key financial controls was completed for 2015-16.
  • Departmental Audit Committee: The DAC endorses the efforts of the department in maintaining an effective ICFR.
2.2 Service arrangements relevant to financial statements

Health Canada relies on other organizations for the processing of certain transactions that are recorded in its financial statements as follows:

Common Arrangements

  • Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) centrally administers the payments of salaries and the procurement of goods and services in accordance with the Health Canada Delegation of Authority, and provides accommodation services.
  • The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat provides Health Canada with information used to calculate various accruals and allowances, such as the accrued severance liability.
  • The Department of Justice provides legal services to Health Canada.
  • Shared Services Canada provides information technology (IT) infrastructure services to Health Canada in the areas of data centre and network services. The scope and responsibilities are addressed in the interdepartmental arrangement between Shared Services Canada and Health Canada.

Specific Arrangements

  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides platform access to its human resources management system of record (PeopleSoft).
  • Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) provides host services to Health Canada for the Grants and Contributions Information Management System (GCIMS).
  • Pursuant to a contract with the Government of Canada, Express Scripts Canada (ESC), an external service provider, administers the Health Information and Claims Processing System for pharmacy, dental care, medical supplies and equipment benefits on behalf of the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch program. The external service provider has the authority and responsibility to ensure that claims paid on behalf of Health Canada for services provided to First Nations and Inuit clients are made in accordance with the terms and conditions set out by the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch program. Pursuant to the contract requirements, an independent annual assurance report on the operating effectiveness of controls is provided by the external service provider’s independent auditors at the end of each reporting period in accordance with Canadian auditing standards.
  • Through a Shared Services Partnership Agreement, Health Canada provides the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) with services including the following related to ICFR: human resources (pay and benefits), financial management (financial operations) and materiel management (procurement and contracting). Assurance on the shared controls of these services is provided through this Annex. Under this agreement, the PHAC also provides Health Canada with internal audit services which encompass audits related to financial management and controls.
  • Health Canada provides PHAC, the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, INAC, and the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency with a financial system platform (SAP) to capture and report all financial transactions.

3. Departmental assessment results during fiscal year 2016-17

Health Canada’s ongoing risk-based monitoring program has been in place for the last four years. This ensures that internal controls over financial reporting are maintained, monitored and reviewed, with timely corrective measures taken when issues are identified. The key findings from the current year's assessment activities are summarized below.

New or significantly amended key controls: Health Canada re-assesses key controls affected by new or significantly amended processes identified in its ongoing risk-based monitoring plan.

In 2014-15, Health Canada initiated the phased-in implementation of GCIMS, hosted by INAC, for the management and reporting of transfer payments. More functionalities and modules were implemented throughout 2015-16 and 2016-17. For 2017-18, system enhancements are expected to continue with the adoption of new modules. Working collaboratively with INAC, Health Canada has updated the design and continues to monitor operating effectiveness of its key controls to support the progress of business process standardization.

Health Canada continues to work with Public Services and Procurement Canada and the Treasury Board Secretariat to identify and implement strengthened controls in payroll processing (post Phoenix). Since the implementation of the Phoenix pay system, Public Services and Procurement Canada has encountered challenges in processing pay transactions. Health Canada has enhanced its existing controls to ensure reliability of financial reporting. To ensure effectiveness of these enhanced controls, additional tests will be conducted in the next fiscal year.

Ongoing risk-based monitoring plan: Health Canada completed its assessment of the following processes in line with its 2016-17 ongoing risk-based monitoring plan: Financial Statements and Year End and Reporting; Revenue, Receivables and Receipts; Grants and Contributions; Payroll; Capital Assets; Non-Insured Health Benefits provided to First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals outside ESC Contract; and Information Technology General Controls.

Key controls tested as part of Health Canada's ongoing risk-based monitoring plan in 2016-17 were found to be operating effectively with no significant deficiencies identified. However, opportunities for improvement in the following areas were identified and are being addressed:

  • Continued enhancements to the online employee departure application;
  • Improvements to the regional Non-Insured Health Benefits systems;
  • Consistency in follow up on delinquent accounts receivable;
  • Payroll controls need strengthening in the area of FAA Section 34 authorization; and
  • Disaster Recovery Plans for critical systems have not been tested.

4. Departmental action plan

4.1 Progress during fiscal year 2016-17

Health Canada continued to conduct its ongoing risk-based monitoring according to the previous fiscal year’s rotational plan as shown in the following table.

Progress of Ongoing Risk-Based Monitoring Testing for 2016-17
Key Control Areas Status
Completed as Planned
Financial Statements, Year End and Reporting Yes
Revenue, Receivables and Receipts Yes
Grants and Contributions Yes
Payroll Yes
Capital Assets Yes
Non-Insured Health Benefits— Operations and Maintenance (O&M) non-ESC Yes
Information Technology General Controls (ITGC) Yes
4.2 Action plan for the next fiscal year and subsequent years

Health Canada’s rotational ongoing risk-based monitoring plan over the next three years, based on an annual validation of the high-risk processes and controls and related adjustments to the ongoing monitoring plan as required, is shown in the following table.

Rotational Ongoing Risk-Based Monitoring Plan
Key Control Areas Fiscal year 2017-18 Fiscal year 2018-19 Fiscal year 2019-20
Entity Level Controls Yes No No
Budget Yes No No
Financial Statements, Year End and Reporting Yes Yes Yes
Revenue, Receivables and Receipts Yes Yes Yes
Purchasing, Payables and Payments Yes No Yes
Grants and Contributions Yes Yes Yes
Payroll Yes Yes Yes
Capital Assets No Yes No
Non-Insured Health Benefits – Contract for Operations and Maintenance (O&M) under Express Scripts Canada (ESC) Yes No Yes
Non-Insured Health Benefits – O&M controls outside ESC Contract Yes Yes Yes
Information Technology General Controls (ITGC) Yes Yes Yes

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