Begin updating Phases 1 and 2 (Initial Assessment and Alerting, and Situational Assessment) of the emergency response process in the HPERP immediately - leveraging the expertise, lessons learned and work being done by the teams currently working on EVD and the risk assessment process for VOCs. |
- The Emergency Management Branch is committed to updating key Health Portfolio Emergency Management plans, in line with commitments made to the Office of the Auditor General's report on pandemic preparedness (March 2021).
- The Health Portfolio Emergency Response Plan (HPERP) will be updated first and, per this recommendation, work will begin with Phases 1 and 2 of this plan. This work will begin in Fall 2021.
- 1. Creation of a Tiger Team to coordinate and address updating of plans
- Additional resources are required to properly support the updating of plans and the revision of the HP ERP. A Tiger Team will be put in place to help coordinate the work of updating plans, leveraging existing resources as subject-matter experts.
October 2021 |
Cindy Evans
Vice President
Emergency Management Branch |
- 2. Development of governance, consultation, and approval mechanisms
- Revision of the HP ERP requires consultations with implicated groups across the Health Portfolio. For example, HP ERP Phases One and Two apply equally to emergencies under the purview of Health Canada, such as radiological, nuclear, and chemical events, as they do to communicable diseases under PHAC's purview. To help manage updates to the HP ERP in a coordinated fashion, the Tiger Team will identify and articulate a list of partners to consult and the governance mechanisms through which approvals will be obtained.
November 2021 |