Management Response and Action Plan – Audit of the Resolution Health Support Program – March 2016
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Health Canada
Recommendations | Management Response and Planned Management Action | Deliverables | Expected Completion Date | Responsibility |
Recommendation 1 |
Management agrees with this recommendation. |
The First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) has an effective governance framework in place for achieving the objectives of the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program (IRS RHSP), and the program will develop, as recommended, Terms of Reference for the monthly IRS RHSP Regional Working Group. |
1.1 Terms of reference for the monthly IRS RHSP Regional Teleconferences. |
June 2016 |
Executive Director, Office of Public and Population Health (OPPH) Regional Executive Officers (REO) |
Recommendation 2 It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Ministers, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, strengthen the suite of management controls for service delivery and claims processing by:
Management agrees with this recommendation. |
FNIHB will update the provider audit framework and finalize the business requirements for the Mental Health IT Modernization Project and the personal information bank submission. |
2.1 Provider audit framework consistent with the NIHB model. |
March 2017 |
Executive Director, OPPH REOs |
Regarding the eligibility criteria, the program aims to ensure effective access to needed services. Its mandate is very precise about those to be supported during hearings or Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) events and follow-up counselling sessions. The program will further assess the number of individuals receiving counselling support who might not be eligible as former students, family members (defined as spouse/partner, those raised by or raised in the household of a former IRS student, and any relations who have experienced effects of intergenerational trauma associated with an eligible family member's time at an IRS), as well as TRC or Commemoration events participants. |
2.2a FNIHB will record and track prior approvals for individuals other than former residents or family members as 'exception clients' for the 2016-17 fiscal year. Preliminary findings will be presented to the Senior Management Committee. |
February 2017 |
Executive Director, OPPH REOs |
2.2b At the end of the 2016-17 fiscal year, an analysis of the data will be undertaken and a final report completed. |
May 2017 |
2.3 A reminder will be sent to all regions about existing eligibility criteria. |
July 2016 |
The transportation guidelines allow for flexibilities within the regional context to organize services, taking into account cost-effectiveness, client needs, availability of services, provider availability to travel and privacy-related factors. The program will issue a reminder to all regions to ensure that continued attention is given to organizing supports in the most cost-effective, culturally appropriate and client-centred way. |
2.4 FNIHB will engage its Regional Working Group to communicate to the regions the flexibilities within the transportation guidelines, to consider opportunities to maximize the effectiveness of how culturally appropriate and client-centred services are delivered, as well as best practices currently being used. |
April 2016 |
Executive Director, OPPH REOs |
2.5 FNIHB will finalize the business requirements document for the enhancements to the Mental Health Services Tracking System. |
March 2017 |
2.6 FNIHB will develop the personal information bank. |
June 2016 |
Recommendation 3 It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Ministers, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, review the reporting requirements and the performance measurement strategy framework to ensure that data requested and received is clearly articulated, accurate, useful and informs decision-making. |
Management agrees with the recommendation. |
Health Canada's Mental Wellness Cluster performance measurement strategy framework, which includes the RHSP, will be updated by April 2016. The program currently captures performance data that is utilized to support decision-making. In alignment with the recommendation, the program will continue to review its reporting requirements to ensure that data collection supports decision-making, while balancing the need to reduce the reporting burden on contribution agreement recipients and program staff. |
3.1 A revised mental wellness performance measurement strategy and an assessment of the reporting requirements. |
December 2016 |
Director General, Strategic Policy, Planning and Information Executive Director, OPPH REOs |
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