Changes made to list of non-prescription drugs: Notice of modification

Date: October 28, 2022

Health Canada's Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch has amended the following list:

Health Canada posted the notice about the proposal to modify the list of non-prescription drugs on August 11, 2020. A 60-day comment period followed. Health Canada reviewed and considered all comments received.

Within the product classes set out in the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement, Health Canada has expanded the list of non-prescription drugs. The list now includes all approved ingredients, quantities and uses or purposes for all non-prescription drugs except medicated skin care products.

Product classes covered are:

Health Canada is currently updating the following guidance document:

This change is effective as of October 28, 2022.

Contact us

Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch (ROEB)
200 Eglantine Dr
Address Locator 0900C2
Ottawa ON K1A 0K9

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