Advisory Panel on Healthcare Innovation - summary of expertise, experience, and affiliations and interests
The following table summarizes the information about expertise, experience, and affiliations and interests relevant to the Advisory Panel on Healthcare Innovation mandate declared by panel members. Health Canada considered these declarations as part of the appointment process.
This summary is available as part of Health Canada's commitment to be transparent about the membership of its advisory bodies.
Assessment of affiliations and interests prior to each meeting
Prior to each committee meeting, the advisory body Chair and executive secretary assess each member's affiliations and interests, including direct financial interests, as they may apply to agenda items. Based on this review, they will decide, if necessary, to limit a member's participation in all or part of the meeting agenda, and will inform the member of this decision. As well, on receipt of the meeting agenda, members are expected to review their own affiliations and interests against agenda items and advise the Chair and secretariat if they see a potential cause for concern regarding the integrity and objectivity of their participation.
Members are expected to report promptly any changes in their circumstances as reported on the Affiliations and Interests Declaration Form to the secretariat and the Chair of the advisory body. Health Canada also asks members to review their affiliations and interests declaration on an annual basis.
In accordance with sections 3.2 to 3.6 of the Health Canada Policy on External Advisory Bodies, a person with a direct financial interest in a matter on the advisory body agenda may not participate in discussions with respect to that item, but they may participate in discussions regarding policy, management, or program development as they relate to the mandate of the advisory body.
Indicated expertise/experience
- Sector/perspective:
- health professional
- industry
- patient
- research/academia
- Expertise/experience:
- Direct financial interests
- Current employment, investments in companies, partnerships, equity, royalties, joint ventures, trusts, real property, stocks, shares, or bonds that relate to the mandate of the advisory body.
- Indirect financial interests
- Within the past five years, payment from the regulated industry for work done or being done, including past employment, contracts, or consulting; or financial support, including research support, personal education grants, contributions, fellowships, sponsorships, and honoraria.Footnote 1
- Within the past five years, materials, discounted products, gifts, or other benefits, or attendance at meetings where all or part of the travel and accommodation costs were provided by a party with an interest in the mandate of the advisory body.Footnote 2
- Within the last three years, grants or other funding from a party with an interest in the mandate of the advisory body to any of the organizations where you are currently employed or participate in internal decision making.Footnote 3
- Intellectual interests
- Within the last five years, any formal advice or opinion to industry, a government organization, or a non-government organization.
- Within the last five years, any published or publicly stated point of view.
- Current professional or volunteer affiliations, such as membership of professional societies, lobbying, public interest, or advocacy groups.
- Other
- Any other affiliations and interests or potential circumstances that might give a well-informed member of the public reasonable grounds for concern regarding the integrity and objectivity of your participation.
- Direct financial interests
Name | Indicated Sector/ Perspective and Expertise |
Summary of Responses | ||||||||
1a. | 2a | 2b | 2c | 3a | 3b | 3c | 4a | Comments | ||
Dr. David Naylor | Academia; Health professional / Immediate Past President University of Toronto | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Professor of Medicine and immediate past President of the University of Toronto, which is the recipient of substantial funding from healthcare granting entities, including CIHR and the province of Ontario. Scientific Advisory board member for Lady Davis Institute, as well as a number of international health-related affiliations (JAMA Editorial Board, Education Advisory Committee for the Harvard School of Public Health, Aga Khan University and health system trustee). Trustee of Northwest International Healthcare REIT. Co-chair of a Toronto Region Board of Trade initiative to develop health science cluster, 2013-14 (resigned given Panel responsibilities). Member of Review of Federal Support to R&D Panel (Jenkins Panel), 2010-2011. Previously Dean of Medicine, Chief Executive of the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Director of Clinical Epidemiology at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Member of Ontario Medical Association. Has authored/co-authored many academic publications, non-academic articles, advisory reports to government, participated in many expert panels and given numerous speeches as well as media interviews on healthcare. Past member of committees and task forces leading to the establishment of CIHR, and past two-term inaugural Governor of CIHR, 1993-2003. Holds investments in companies with interests related to healthcare. Spouse of member is active in innovation field. |
Cy Frank | Academic / Research; CEO of Alberta Innovates Health Solutions | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Holds personal investments in the healthcare industry. Employed from 2009-2012 by Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute and Alberta Health Services. Pharmaceutical industry research support of $250,000 between 2007-2012 as co-principal investigator on a team grant. Was volunteer chair of Canadian Academy of Health Sciences panel on returns on investment in health research (2007-2009). As an academic, has published a number of articles and given several presentations regarding material that would be relevant to the work of the panel. Member of a number of professional societies, including the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Alberta College of Physicians and member of many committees in Alberta Health and Alberta Innovates Health Solutions. |
Neil Fraser | Industry; President of Medtronic Inc. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | President of Medtronic Inc. and owns stocks and options in the company. Co-owns Vuka Innovation with spouse. Co-Chair of Centre for the Advancement of Health Innovations (Conference Board of Canada). On advisory boards for the National Research Council Canada, Ivey Health Innovation Council, Rotman Health, Ontario Health Innovation Council, MEDEC, University of Ottawa Medical Devices Program and CANet (Canadian Arrhythmia Network). |
Dr. Francine Girard | Health professional / Academic; Dean and an associate professor at the Faculté des sciences infirmières at the Université de Montréal. | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Member of the National Expert Commission struck by the Canadian Nurses Association, which produced a report entitled "A Nursing Call to Action." |
Toby Jenkins | Academia/Industry; Executive Fellow at the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, President of Columbia Developments | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | None. |
Dr. Jack Mintz | Academia / Industry; Director and Palmer Chair in Public Policy, University of Calgary |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Director, Morneau Shepell, which has a health management practice. Vice-President and Chair, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Co-chair, research committee, Canadian Tax Foundation. In 2013, took part in Expert Panel on Executive Compensation through an Alberta Health Services Grant. Has provided expert witness to both Senate and House of Commons Committees. Has provided formal advice or opinion to a number of domestic and international institutions (e.g., Finance Canada, International Monetary Fund, World Bank). On Board of Editors for Canadian Tax Journal and International Tax and Public Finance. Member of Board for Imperial Oil Limited, as well as Chair of Imperial Oil's Safety, Health and Environment Committee. Published several papers relating to healthcare funding and over 200 papers on taxation. |
Chris Power | Health professional / President and CEO, Capital Health / as of March 2, 2015, will be CEO of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute. | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Capital Health has received grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement for research-related work. The Canadian Patient Safety Institute is an arms-length not-for-profit corporation that receives operational funding from Health Canada. Power is Board Chair of Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, which is funded by Health Canada. Testified before the Commons Committee on Health in May 2013 in capacity as Chair of the Board of Association of Canadian Academic Healthcare Organizations. Member/Chair of several professional associations in healthcare, including HealthCareCan, Canadian College of Health Leaders and Governing Council Member of CIHR. |
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