Second-hand car seat and booster seat safety

Know what to look for when buying or borrowing a second-hand car seat or booster seat.

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Before you buy or borrow

Different car seats and booster seats are designed for different stages of your child's development.

When looking for a second-hand car seat or booster seat, it is important to make sure you're buying or borrowing the right seat for your child.

Choosing a child car seat or booster seat

It is also important to make sure that the seat meets current Canadian safety regulations.

All new and used car seats and booster seats sold in Canada must meet Transport Canada safety requirements. This includes items that are:

  • sold
    • at garage sales
    • at second-hand stores
    • through personal sales
    • through online second-hand retailers
  • borrowed
  • given away for free

Make sure that the seat you're planning to buy or borrow hasn't been recalled. Check Transport Canada's Safety alerts and notices for child car seats as well as Health Canada's recalls and safety alert database to find out the recall information and recommended actions.

Safety tips for second-hand seats

Some second-hand car seats and boosters may not be safe to buy or borrow. Do not use a car seat or booster seat if the seller/lender does not know the history of the seat.

When considering a second-hand car seat or booster seat, make sure that it:

  • has a National Safety Mark
    • the mark is proof that the seat meets the Canadian safety standards
  • comes with a manual
    • check that all parts listed in the manual are included and in good working order
    • or contact the manufacturer to get the manual if you do not have it
  • has not been in a vehicle during a collision

When shopping for a second-hand car seat, make sure that the seat has:

  • a buckle that you can latch and unlatch
  • a harness that you can tighten and loosen
  • a chest clip that closes easily and remains closed
  • an anchoring system in good working order

Expiry dates are indicated on most car seats and booster seats even though it is not required by law. For questions regarding the expiry date for a specific child car seat or booster seat, please contact the manufacturer.

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