Canada-British Columbia Immigration Agreement
Annex D - Schedule C
Research Information Sharing
1.1 This schedule along with Appendix A to this schedule, forms an integral part of Annex D pursuant to Section 4.0 of that Annex.
1.2 The Permitted Parties will not manipulate the Research Information provided under this schedule in such a way that leads to re-identification of individuals.
2.0 Purpose
2.1 The Permitted Parties will collect, use and disclose the Micro Data and Data Cubes for research and statistical purposes, and policy and program development.
2.2 The Research Information disclosed to British Columbia by Canada under this schedule may only be used for these purposes by the Permitted Parties.
3.0 Definitions
3.1 For the purposes of this schedule the following definitions apply:
- “Data Cube” refers to an Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) multidimensional database containing aggregate data and allowing, through a user interface, different views of the data to be quickly displayed.
- “Micro Data” refers to individual client record information stored in IRCC’s administrative data systems, excluding the first and last names, and the identifying numbers and symbols. Micro Data may contain Personal Information as defined under section 2.2 (b) of Annex D.
- “Research Information” means the Micro Data and Data Cubes identified in Appendix A to this schedule and collected, used and disclosed by or to the Permitted Parties for the purposes referred to in Section 2.0 of this schedule.
4.0 Authorities
4.1 For Canada, the disclosure of the Personal Information as described in this schedule is authorized by sections 8(2)(f) and 8(2) (j) of the Privacy Act.
4.2 For British Columbia:
- the collection of the Research Information as described in this schedule is authorized by section 26(c) and (e) of FOIPPA; and
- the use of the Research Information as described in this schedule is authorized by section 32(a) of FOIPPA.
5.0 Permitted Parties
5.1 The Permitted Parties under this schedule are:
- British Columbia Ministry of Municipal Affairs and/or any successor ministry with responsibility for the activities described in section 2.0 of this schedule;
- British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, and/or any successor ministry with responsibility for the activities described in Section 2.0 of this schedule;
- British Columbia Statistics Agency
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and/or any successor department with responsibility for the activities described in Section 2.0 of this schedule; and
- Consultants or researchers, who are under a contract with the Permitted Parties that include non-disclosure and confidentiality clauses, or other non-disclosure and confidentiality arrangements with the Permitted Parties, to provide agreed-upon services for which they require access to the information provided under this schedule.
6.0 Information to be provided
6.1 Canada will provide the Research Information identified in Appendix A to this schedule to British Columbia.
6.2 Canada will notify British Columbia’s Schedule Designated Representative in writing as soon as possible in the event of any significant change in the information provided under the Appendix of this schedule and will provide updated information within 30 days, subject to operational constraints.
7.0 Frequency of Information Sharing
7.1 Canada will provide the Research Information identified in Appendix A to British Columbia quarterly, commencing on a date to be established by Canada.
7.2 Canada will provide the Express Entry Data Cube in Appendix A to British Columbia on a semi-annual basis, commencing on a date to be established by Canada.
8.0 Ad Hoc Requests
8.1 Any requests by British Columbia under Section 5.0 of Annex D for Statistical Reports that can be generated using the Research Information provided by Canada to British Columbia under Appendix A of this schedule, may be subject to fees payable for processing applications for immigration statistical data reports as set out under section 15.0, Fees, of Annex D to this Agreement.
9.0 Secondary Disclosure Information
9.1 The Permitted Parties will not disclose the Research Information in any form except as authorized or required by law.
10.0 Distribution of Statistical Reports
10.1 The Parties agree that Statistical Reports generated by British Columbia’s Permitted Parties from the Research Information will not include Personal Information under the Privacy Act and FOIPPA, when they have been subject to the following small cell suppression process or any small cell suppression process required at the time of producing Statistical Reports:
- except for those values labelled in the Micro Data as "other", "unknown" or "not stated", all data values equal to 1, 2, 3 or 4 and any data values that could reasonably be used to recalculate the true value of those must be suppressed; or
- rounding of all data values to nearest 0 or 5.
10.2 British Columbia’s Permitted Parties as described in paragraphs 5.1(a) and (b) of this schedule may, at their discretion, distribute Statistical Reports that they generate using the Research Information identified in Appendix A to this schedule, provided that the Reports meet the conditions under section 10.1 of this schedule, as follows:
- within the Government of British Columbia, provided that any onward distribution by the Government of British Columbia is subject to section 14.0 of Annex D.
- to Third Parties subject to the provisions of section 14.0 of Annex D.
11.0 Schedule Focal Points
11.1 The Schedule Focal Points are:
- For Canada:
Director of Data, Development and Reporting, Chief Data Officer Branch,
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada - For British Columbia:
Director, Labour Market and Immigration Analysis, Workforce Innovation and Skills
Training, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training
11.2 Either Participant may designate a new Schedule Focal Point notifying the other Participant’s Schedule Focal Point in writing.
12.0 General
12.1 This schedule comes into force when the Agreement is signed by the last of the Parties to do so and remains in effect for 5 years from that date unless terminated as described in section 17.0 of Annex D or replaced by another agreement between the Parties.
12.2 In the event of termination of this Agreement, Annex D or this schedule, each of the Parties acknowledges it is not absolved of its responsibilities in connection with the Research Information.
Appendix A: Information and Variables Provided by Canada to British Columbia
Permanent Residents Micro Data – duration of (ten) 10 years or more
- Birth country
- Citizenship country
- Landing date
- Birth date
- Person age at landing
- Education qualification
- Years of schooling
- Family status
- Gender
- Humanitarian public policy
- Application category
- Language spoken
- Official language
- Marital status
- Intended destination municipality
- Intended destination province
- Last known address province
- Last known address postal codes
- NOC 2006 and NOC 2011 occupation
- Skill Level
- Point of entry office
- Point of service office
- Public policy
- Special program
- Syrian refugee indicator
- Money amount
- Express Entry Flag
Data Cubes
Canada will provide British Columbia with data cubes related to Permanent Residents and Temporary Residents and Express Entry pool. The data cubes will enable the building of summary level statistical reports based on de-personalized information.
The Permanent Residents data cube will contain information and dimensions reflecting demographic characteristics such as:
- Source country information, such as country of birth, citizenship and last permanent residence;
- Gender, age, marital and family status;
- Language ability, such as mother tongue, official language;
- Education, such as years of schooling, education level;
- Occupation skills, skill level;
- Immigration category and class;
- Destination geography in Canada;
- Measures, such as counts of individuals, time frames (year, quarter, month); and,
- Other variables as they are made available
- Age at landing
- Canadian Geography – Intended Destination
- Client Demographic
- Family Status
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Syrian Refugee Indicator
- Country of Birth
- Country of Citizenship
- Landing Date
- Education
- Education Qualification
- Years of Schooling
- Express Entry
- Humanitarian Public Policy
- Immigration Category
- Language
- Official Language
- Spoken Language
- Language speaking measure
- English-speaking
- French-speaking
- Occupation
- NOC 2011 with Code
- Skill Level
- Skill Level Point of Service
- Office Type
- Province
- Port of Entry
- Office Type
- Public Policy
- Special Program
The Temporary Residents data cubes will contain information and dimensions reflecting demographic characteristics such as:
- Source country information, such as country of birth, citizenship, last permanent residence, gender, age, marital and family status;
- Language ability, such as mother tongue, official language;
- Education, such as years of schooling, education level;
- Occupation skills, skill level;
- Destination geography in Canada;
- Measures, such as counts of individuals, time frames (year, quarter, month); and
- Other variables as they are made available.
TR Sign Date and TR Year End
- Canadian Geography – Client Location
- Client Demographics
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Country of Birth
- Country of Citizenship
- Sign Date
- Education
- Study Levels
- Language
- Language speaking measure
- English-speaking
- French-speaking
- Official Language
- Spoken Language
- Occupation
- NOC 2011 with Code
- Skills Levels
- Permit Holder Type
- Special Program
- Work Permit Classification
TR Year End Only
- Permits Held in Year
- Multi-Permit
- Study Permit
- Temporary Resident Permit
- Work Permit
- Age at Year End
- Canadian Geography - Client Location
- Client Demographics
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Country of birth
- Country of citizenship
- Education
- Language
- Language speaking measure
- English-speaking
- French-speaking
- Official language
- Spoken language
- Occupation
- NOC 2011 with Code
- Skill Levels
- Permit Holder Type
- Permits Held in Year
- Snapshot Year
- Special Program Work Permit Classification
Express Entry Dataset
The Express Entry data cube is to support immigration policy development and performance measurement, better understand complementarity between federal and provincial economic immigration policies and compile and report statistics on the effectiveness of existing policies. Under no circumstances will this information be used for administrative purposes such as making a decision on a provincial nominee program nomination. Specific prohibited use includes, but is not limited to:
- Manipulation in such a way to re-identify an individual; or,
- Administrative purposes such as making a decision on a provincial nominee program nomination.
The Express Entry data cube provides a profile of candidates in the Express Entry pool by core Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS) and bonus CRS score attributes. The data includes only de-identified data concerning candidates in the Express Entry pool on a given date who identify British Columbia as a province of interest or identified an interest in all provinces.
- Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS)
- Average core CRS score
- Average total CRS score
- CRS - Total - 10 points range
- CRS - Total - 50 points range
- CRS - Total - custom rollup
- CRS - Core - 10 points range
- CRS - Core - 50 points range
- CRS - Core - custom rollup
- Province
- Province of interest (British Columbia)
- Province of interest – number (one province, two or more provinces, all provinces)
- Province of intended destination (British Columbia, other provinces)
- Age
- Exact Age
- Age CRS Rollup
- Gender
- Education
- Highest level of education
- Country (continent and subcontinent also included)
- Field of study
- City (if province of study is British Columbia)
- Province (if country of study is Canada – British Columbia, other province)
- Number of CRS points awarded for education in Canada
- Official Language
- First Official Language Assessed
- First Official Language CLB Level (first official language assessed, lowest CLB level among all four abilities)
- First Official Language CLB Level – Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
- Second Official Language Assessed
- Second Official Language CLB Level (first official language assessed, lowest CLB level among all four abilities)
- Second Official Language CLB Level – Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
- Number of CRS points awarded under the French-speaking factor
- Most Recent Occupation in Canada
- Occupation (NOC - 2, 3, 4)
- Occupation Skill Level (NOC O, A, B, C, D)
- Duration (in months and years)
- Full/part-time
- Place of employment – City (if most recent occupation in British Columbia)
- Place of employment – Province (if most recent occupation in Canada – British Columbia, other province)
- Most Recent Occupation Abroad
- Occupation (NOC – 2, 3, 4)
- Occupation Skill Level (NOC O, A, B, C, D)
- Duration (in months and years)
- Full/part-time
- Place of employment – Country (continent and subcontinent also included)
- Minimum Entry Criteria
- Provincial Nominee
- Job Offer
- Job Offer – Occupation (NOC – 2, 3, 4)
- Job Offer – Occupation Skill Level (NOC O, A, B, C, D)
- Job Offer – City (if job offer in British Columbia)
- Job Offer – Province (British Columbia, other province)
- Number of CRS points awarded under the Job Offer factor
- Certificate of Qualification
- Occupation (NOC 4)
- Province of issuance (British Columbia, other province)
- Siblings in Canada
- Number of points awarded under the Siblings in Canada factor
Page details
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