ARCHIVED – The Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement
Electronic Version
Original signed November 21, 2005
1.0 Preamble
1.1 This Agreement is between HER MAJESTY IN RIGHT OF CANADA, as represented by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (hereafter referred to as “Canada”) and HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO, as represented by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (hereafter called “Ontario”).
1.2 TAKING INTO ACCOUNT Section 95 of the Constitution Act, 1867, whereby immigration is a shared responsibility.
1.3 AND WHEREAS the Parliament of Canada has enacted the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, S.C. 2001, c. 27, as amended, under this responsibility.
1.4 AND WHEREAS the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees certain mobility rights to every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada and guarantees equal protection and equal benefit of the law to everyone without discrimination.
1.5 AND WHEREAS the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the equality of status to English and French as the official languages of Canada.
1.6 AND WHEREAS subsection 10(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act S.C. 2001 as amended, (hereinafter referred to as the “IRPA”) requires the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to consult with the provinces annually with respect to the number of foreign nationals in each class who will become permanent residents each year, their distribution in Canada taking into account regional economic and demographic requirements and the measures to be undertaken to facilitate their integration into Canadian society.
1.7 AND WHEREAS subsection 8(1) of the IRPA and Section 5 of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act authorizes the Minister of CIC, with approval of the Governor in Council, to enter into agreements with provinces for the purposes of the IRPA.
1.8 AND WHEREAS Ontario’s Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (MCI) has authority to enter into this Agreement with Canada pursuant to Section 3 of the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Act and by Order in Council #1478/2005 made under Section 2(2) of the Executive Council Act.
1.9 AND WHEREAS the Minister of CIC and the Minister of MCI signed a Letter of Intent With Respect to a Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement on May 6, 2004.
1.10 AND WHEREAS Canada and Ontario signed, on May 17, 2005, an Addendum to the May 2004 Memorandum of Agreement on Shared Priorities, with respect to establishing new collaborative approaches to the delivery of public services and developing integrated service delivery models, including in the area of immigration.
1.11 AND WHEREAS subsection 3(1) of the IRPA includes, among other objectives, to:
- support the development of a strong and prosperous Canadian economy in which the benefits of immigration are shared across all regions of Canada;
- enrich and strengthen the social and cultural fabric of Canadian society, while respecting the federal, bilingual and multicultural character of Canada; and
- support and assist the development of minority official languages communities in Canada.
1.12 AND WHEREAS the French Language Services Act of Ontario indicates that the Legislative Assembly recognizes the contribution of the cultural heritage of the French speaking population and wishes to preserve it for future generations.
1.13 AND WHEREAS Canada and Ontario share a mutual interest in:
- maximizing the contribution of immigration to the achievement of the social, demographic and economic goals of both Canada and Ontario;
- ensuring immigrants have the opportunity to fully utilize their skills within the Canadian labour market as quickly as possible;
- achieving family reunification and humanitarian goals through the immigration program;
- fostering partnerships and the participation of municipal, community and private sector stakeholders in immigration; and
- increasing program effectiveness and minimizing costs.
2.0 Definitions
2.1 Words used in this Agreement which are defined in the IRPA or in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (hereafter referred to as the “IRPR”), have the same meaning as in that Act or those Regulations. A reference to the IRPA or the IRPR is a reference to that Act or those Regulations as amended from time to time. Otherwise, the following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this Agreement:
- “immigrant”, as used in this Agreement and unless stipulated otherwise, means permanent residents, protected persons and Convention refugees, as defined in the IRPA;
- “temporary resident” means temporary workers, students and visitors, as defined in the IRPA and IRPR;
- “refugee claimants” refers to a person who has made a claim for refugee protection under subsection 99(3) of the IRPA;
- “educational institutions” means publicly-funded postsecondary education institutions, namely universities and colleges that receive operating grant funding from the Government of Ontario;
- “language training” includes the following:
- “basic language training” which refers to instruction from Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) levels 1 to 6/7, or Standards linguistiques canadiens (SLC) levels 1-6/7 for French, as currently covered by the federal Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program,
- “higher-level language training” which refers to instruction from Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) levels 7 to 12, or Standards linguistiques canadiens (SLC) levels 7-12 for French, and
- “occupation-specific language training” which refers to instruction geared to the language skills needed to be competent in a specific sector or occupation.
3.0 Purpose and objectives
3.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the framework for a long-term partnership between Canada and Ontario with respect to immigration. It defines the respective roles and responsibilities of Canada and Ontario relating to immigrants and temporary residents.
3.2 The objectives of this Agreement are:
- to foster an effective partnership between Canada and Ontario for the recruitment, selection and admission of immigrants and temporary residents, as well as the settlement and integration of immigrants in Ontario;
- to ensure that Canada’s immigration policies and programs respond to Ontario’s social, economic development and labour-market priorities;
- to optimize the economic benefits of immigration through co-operation in promotion and recruitment, facilitating the entry of skilled workers, temporary workers and international students, and reducing barriers to the labour market integration of immigrants in Ontario;
- to ensure the effectiveness and integrity of programs of Canada and Ontario in respect of immigration by fostering co-operation in research, evaluation and information sharing;
- to share responsibilities between Canada and Ontario for achieving the successful social and economic integration of immigrants in Ontario, including adequate, fair, and ongoing federal funding for settlement and integration services based on needs and the proportion of Canada’s immigrants arriving in Ontario;
- to foster effective cooperation between Canada and Ontario on the development and implementation of policies and programs to support the development of minority official languages communities in Ontario;
- to foster partnerships with, and the participation of stakeholders including municipal governments, community-based organizations, minority official languages communities and the private sector in the recruitment of immigrants and temporary residents, and in the settlement and integration of immigrants; and
- to establish and develop new governance mechanisms to support a collaborative approach to policy development, operational delivery and program accountability for immigration to Ontario, and settlement and integration in Ontario.
3.3 Implementation of this Agreement will, to the extent possible, be coordinated in conjunction with the implementation of a proposed Canada-Ontario Labour Market Development Agreement.
3.4 Along with the General Provisions, this Agreement encompasses the following Annexes:
- Annex A - Consultation, Information Sharing and Research
- Annex B - Collaborative Canada and Ontario Immigration Portals
- Annex C - Pilot Provincial Nominee Program
- Annex D - Settlement Services
- Annex E - Language Training
- Annex F - Partnerships with Municipalities
3.5 Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, in the event of a conflict between the General Provisions of this Agreement and the Annexes, the General Provisions will prevail.
4.0 Policy and program development
4.1 Immigration Policy, Program and Projections
4.1.1 Canada will establish Canadian immigration policy, develop immigration programs and establish immigration projections in consultation with Ontario and other provinces/territories.
4.1.2 In establishing Canadian immigration policy, developing its immigration programs and establishing immigration projections, Canada will recognize shared responsibilities for immigration and take into account Ontario’s social and economic objectives.
4.2 Selection and Admissibility
4.2.1 Canada shall determine national standards and objectives relating to immigration.
4.2.2 Canada shall prescribe the classes of immigrants and classes of persons who may be selected based on certain regulatory criteria, determine Convention refugee status, and determine the admission requirements for immigrants and temporary residents.
4.2.3 Canada shall be responsible for the selection and admissibility of all immigrants to Canada, except as otherwise set out in this Agreement.
4.2.4 Ontario will be consulted and have the opportunity to make recommendations with respect to selection and admissibility policies as they impact on Ontario, taking into consideration the specific goals of the province and the need to maintain national standards. Canada will take into consideration Ontario’s recommendations in these matters.
4.2.5 In accordance with its international obligations, Canada shall determine who is a refugee within the meaning of the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, and who are persons in similar circumstances in need of Canada’s protection.
4.3 Citizenship
4.3.1 Canada and Ontario will work together to promote the full participation of immigrants in Ontario and Canadian society, while recognizing Canada’s responsibility for determining conditions related to the granting of Canadian citizenship.
4.4 Consultation, Information Sharing and Research
4.4.1 Canada and Ontario will collaborate and consult with each other in a timely manner on their respective immigration-related legislation, regulations, policies, programs and projections. Furthermore, they will consult in respect of any issues raised by one of the Parties, as set out in Annex A of this Agreement.
4.4.2 Canada and Ontario agree to cooperate by sharing information and research, in accordance with Annex A, in the interest of: supporting the development of immigration policy, programs and projections; undertaking program evaluation; managing program integrity; reducing overlap and avoiding duplication.
4.4.3 Canada and Ontario will ensure that any information sharing, including the sharing of personal information, will be conducted in accordance with applicable federal and provincial legislation and in accordance with their policies relating to protection of privacy, access to information and security of records.
4.5 Program Integrity
4.5.1 Recognizing that it is in their mutual interest and to their mutual benefit, Canada and Ontario will cooperate to ensure that their respective programs, as they relate to immigrants and temporary residents, respect the program and policy interests of Canada and Ontario.
4.5.2 Specific arrangements with respect to program integrity matters may be concluded through annexes or memoranda of understanding pursuant to this Agreement.
4.5.3 The commitment to cooperate pursuant to Section 4.5.1 shall not be interpreted by either Party to impose legal, financial or other obligations beyond specific arrangements and conditions which are already in operation, set out in this Agreement or to be mutually agreed upon.
5.0 Economic Immigration
5.1 Canada and Ontario agree that facilitating the entry of economic immigrants, temporary foreign workers and international students is an important element of Canada’s and Ontario’s immigration priorities.
5.2 Promotion and Recruitment
5.2.1 Canada and Ontario shall co-operate in planning and implementing promotion and recruitment activities abroad, recognizing Canada’s responsibility for co-ordinating federal-provincial activities nationally.
5.2.2 This Agreement does not preclude either Party from independently undertaking promotion and recruitment activities.
5.2.3 Canada and Ontario undertake to coordinate the development of their respective immigration portals, to support their promotion and recruitment objectives, and the integration of immigrants in Canada and Ontario, in accordance with Annex B of this Agreement.
5.2.4 Canada and Ontario undertake to examine opportunities for sharing personal information on business immigrants destined to Ontario, subject to section 4.4.3 of the General Provisions, and in accordance with Annex A.
5.2.5 Canada and Ontario agree to implement a Pilot Provincial Nominee Program in accordance with Section 87 of the IRPR and Annex C, within twelve (12) months of the signing of this Agreement.
5.3 Temporary Foreign Workers
5.3.1 In order to help meet identified skill needs of Ontario employers and multinational employers, Canada and Ontario agree to negotiate in good faith, in consultation with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, an Annex related to the entry of temporary foreign workers, in accordance with Section 204 (c) of the IRPR.
5.3.2 The Annex shall be negotiated with the intent of providing Ontario with mechanisms to facilitate the entry of temporary foreign workers to meet Ontario’s economic priorities and labour market objectives. The Annex will permit the entry of temporary foreign workers, through agreed upon mechanisms, as expeditiously as possible, taking into consideration statutory requirements, and operational and resource constraints.
5.3.3 Canada and Ontario agree to make best efforts to successfully complete the negotiation of the Annex prior to the commencement of the implementation of the Pilot Provincial Nominee Program, as set out in Annex C.
5.4 International Students (Off-Campus Work Permits)
5.4.1 Canada and Ontario recognize the benefit of international students to the competitiveness of the educational institutions they attend and to Canada as a whole.
5.4.2 Canada and Ontario agree that a key objective is to enable international students to access Canadian labour market opportunities complementary to their academic development while maintaining the integrity of Canada’s international student program.
5.4.3 Canada and Ontario agree that key benefits include opportunities for international students to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Canadian society and to forge closer ties to the communities where they study and work.
5.4.4 Canada agrees to issue off-campus work permits to eligible international students enrolled in participating educational institutions in all areas of Ontario in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding to be negotiated with the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
6.0 Social and economic integration of immigrants
6.1 Canada and Ontario recognize that the continuum of programs and services provided to support successful social and economic integration must continue to evolve in an effort to respond to changing and emerging needs, with corresponding changes in investments.
6.2 The following continuum of programs and services is important to the successful social and economic integration of immigrants:
- pre-arrival information/orientation;
- settlement services;
- language training; and
- immigr ant labour market integration.
6.3 Pre-Arrival Information / Orientation
6.3.1 Programs and services related to pre-arrival information and orientation are presently provided mainly by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), particularly through the Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA) initiative, delivered under the Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program (ISAP). As well, Canada and Ontario have developed, funded and currently maintain various web sites providing information to prospective immigrants.
6.3.2 Canada and Ontario agree that the key objective of these initiatives is to provide accurate, current, relevant and consistent information as well as tools to prospective immigrants, allowing them to make informed decisions and to better prepare them for life in Canada.
6.3.3 Canada and Ontario agree that the desired outcome of these initiatives is to ensure that Canada is viewed as a destination of choice where immigrants have a realistic opportunity of utilizing their education, skills and experience, of achieving their potential and of maximizing their contribution to the Canadian economy and society.
6.3.4 Canada and Ontario agree that a key priority to be addressed is the development of collaborative Canada and Ontario Immigration Portals which provide more extensive information, including labour market information, and new self-assessment tools. Municipal involvement in developing content for these Portals is a related priority. Specific arrangements with respect to the development of the Portals are contained in Annex B.
6.4 Settlement Services
6.4.1 Settlement services, excluding language training, are services that include, but are not limited to, those presently offered by CIC, through its Host Program and Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program (ISAP), and by MCI, through its Newcomer Settlement Program (NSP). These services currently encompass: reception upon arrival, in-Canada orientation, settlement counselling, refugee resettlement services, referral to community resources, and translation/interpreter services.
6.4.2 Canada and Ontario agree that the key objective in this area is to effectively deliver, in an efficient and coordinated manner with partners and communities, an appropriate range of programs and services which will facilitate and accelerate the social and economic integration of immigrants.
6.4.3 Canada and Ontario agree that the desired outcome of these programs, services and initiatives is to help immigrants fully participate in the Canadian economy and society.
6.4.4 Canada and Ontario agree that two key priorities to be addressed are to undertake joint development of a four-year strategy for settlement service delivery in Ontario and to examine harmonization in the delivery of settlement services funded by Canada and Ontario, in order to better respond to the needs of immigrants and communities, including the needs of minority official languages communities. Specific arrangements with respect to the settlement services are contained in Annex D.
6.5 Language Training
6.5.1 Language training is presently funded primarily by CIC, through its Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program, and by the Ontario Ministry of Education (MEDU), through its adult non-credit ESL/FSL programs. These services, provided by public-sector and non-governmental partners, encompass language assessment, language training and delivery assistance. CIC funds primarily basic language training and limited occupation-specific language training.
6.5.2 Canada and Ontario agree that the key objective in this area is the development of a comprehensive language training system that responds to the full range of immigrant language training needs, and is supported by language assessment and referral.
6.5.3 Canada and Ontario agree that a key priority to be addressed is increased availability of language training. Specific arrangements with respect to the provision of language training are contained in Annex E.
6.6 Immigrant Labour Market Integration
6.6.1 Addressing barriers to the labour market integration of immigrants is a key objective for Canada and Ontario.
6.6.2 The range of initiatives Canada and Ontario currently undertake specifically for immigrants include: employment counselling and assessment; specialized job search assistance; labour market information and research; community partnerships; assessment and recognition of education, skills and foreign credentials; bridge training; assistance with access to regulated occupations; academic and essential skills upgrading; job preparation and work placements; apprenticeships; mentoring initiatives; and employment supports.
6.6.3 Canada and Ontario agree that the key outcome of their joint efforts, as described above, is the accelerated labour market integration of immigrants commensurate with their education, skills, and experience.
6.6.4 Commitments to improve labour market services to immigrants to support successful integration into the Ontario labour market are being pursued through separate negotiations towards a Canada-Ontario Labour Market Development Agreement.
7.0 Implementation
7.1 Governance Mechanisms
7.1.1 Canada and Ontario will establish a Joint Steering Committee to oversee implementation of this Agreement. The members of the committee shall include the Deputy Minister of CIC and the Deputy Minister of MCI.
7.1.2 The Joint Steering Committee will meet at least once each year and its responsibilities are to:
- approve annually the joint priorities for the year ahead with respect to the ongoing implementation of this Agreement;
- review annual progress on the priorities that have been established for the year;
- establish a Management Committee on the basis described in section 7.1.3 of the General Provisions and provide direction to the Management Committee;
- resolve disputes in accordance with section 7.5 of the General Provisions; and
- from time to time, and not less than every five years, review this Agreement and, subject to sections 7.4.3 and 7.4.7, determine whether amendments to the Agreement would be necessary as a result of this review.
7.1.3 The Management Committee will coordinate the ongoing implementation of this Agreement. It will have two co-chairs, one designated by the Deputy Minister of CIC and one by the Deputy Minister of MCI. It will include representatives from the MCI, CIC’s national and regional offices, and, as appropriate, federal departments and provincial ministries responsible for programs, or services related to immigration and refugee protection.
7.1.4 The Management Committee shall meet at least twice each year and its responsibilities are to:
- recommend priorities for the year ahead to the Joint Steering Committee;
- develop an Annual Work Plan at the outset of each year, based upon the priorities approved by the Joint Steering Committee;
- oversee the ongoing management of this Agreement, including the implementation of the Annual Work Plan;
- report annually to the Joint Steering Committee on the progress made with respect to the Annual Work Plan; and
- develop dispute resolution procedures and resolve disputes in accordance with section 7.5 of the General Provisions.
7.1.5 The Management Committee may establish Working Groups for the purposes of implementing the priorities approved by the Joint Steering Committee. These Working Groups may involve third party participation as required and appropriate in the view of the Management Committee.
7.1.6 Canada and Ontario will take all reasonable measures necessary to implement this Agreement and to ensure that implementation is in accordance with their respective legislation and policies, including those that relate to official languages.
7.1.7 In keeping with the purpose and scope of this Agreement, Canada will be open and transparent concerning its intention to enter into agreements with other provinces respecting immigration and Canada will provide, at Ontario’s request, a copy of other federal provincial agreements made under subsection 8 (1) of the IRPA, and will negotiate amendments to this Agreement, taking into consideration the different needs and circumstances of the provinces and territories.
7.2 Accountability
7.2.1 Canada and Ontario will share information on program investments and results with respect to their respective settlement and language training programs on a fiscal year basis. Both parties shall collaborate in developing appropriate arrangements for public release of this information, taking into consideration their respective reporting and accountability obligations and practices.
7.2.2 Canada and Ontario shall collaborate in the development of comparable performance indicators and measures for their respective settlement and language training programs, building on work already underway by both Parties and in cooperation with service provider organizations.
7.2.3 Canada and Ontario shall collaborate in the development and revision of evaluation frameworks, in the conduct of evaluations of mutual interest and in the sharing of such evaluation results for their respective settlement and language training programs.
7.2.4 All practices, activities and undertakings under this Agreement are subject to audit by the respective audit and evaluation agencies of Canada and Ontario. The Parties agree to fully cooperate with each other in respect of such audits.
7.3 Partnerships
7.3.1 Canada and Ontario recognize the benefits of involving stakeholders and partners in facilitating the social and economic integration of immigrants in Ontario, including municipal governments as well as the voluntary and private sectors.
7.3.2 Canada and Ontario believe that municipalities in Ontario, large and small, can fully benefit from immigration to Ontario to the extent that they have developed and offer the necessary community infrastructure to welcome immigrants and support their integration.
7.3.3 Canada and Ontario agree on the need to foster community-based involvement, including a broad range of government and non-government stakeholders, in order to create and support new and innovative approaches to the social and economic integration of immigrants.
7.3.4 Specific arrangements for involving municipal partners and other stakeholders are specified in Annex F.
7.4 Other Implementation Provisions
7.4.1 The French and English language versions of this Agreement are equally authoritative.
7.4.2 In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and a prior agreement entered into between the Parties, this Agreement shall prevail.
7.4.3 This Agreement may be amended by the mutual written consent of the Parties, subject to any required approval or authorization, including the approval of the Governor in Council.
7.4.4 Canada and Ontario may agree to negotiate additional annexes to this Agreement or updates to existing annexes which reflect the broad objectives of the Agreement and are related to such matters as:
- new immigration priorities or developments;
- programs or policies emerging from pilot projects;
- temporary foreign workers;
- refugees and refugee claimants;
- other subjects as mutually agreed upon.
7.4.5 Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time by providing at least 12 months notice in writing to the other Party. Upon notice of termination, the Joint Steering Committee will negotiate a transition strategy.
7.4.6 Any notice to be delivered under this Agreement shall be sent to the Party as follows:
Address for notice to Canada
Deputy Minister
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1
Address for notice to Ontario
Deputy Minister
Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
400 University Avenue, 6 th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9
7.4.7 Any notice, information or document provided for under this Agreement shall be effectively given if delivered or sent by letter, electronic mail or facsimile, postage or other charges prepaid. Any notice that is delivered shall have been received on delivery; any notice sent by electronic mail or facsimile shall be deemed to have been received one working day after having been sent, and any notice mailed shall be deemed to have been received eight (8) calendar days after being mailed.
7.4.8 This Agreement will be valid for five (5) years but may be extended by mutual agreement. Notwithstanding section 3.5 of the General Provisions, specific arrangements for duration, amendments and termination as detailed in the annexes to this Agreement take precedence over these General Provisions. If an annex to this Agreement is not terminated at the time this Agreement is terminated, the General Provisions remain in effect to the extent necessary to give full force and effect to that annex.
7.4.9 This Agreement will come into force on the date that it is signed by the last of the Parties to do so.
7.5 Dispute Resolution Process
7.5.1 In the case of a dispute or disagreement under this Agreement, Canada and Ontario officials will attempt to resolve the matter orally or in writing, and in accordance with any procedures established pursuant to section 7.1.4 (e) of the General Provisions.
7.5.2 In the event that respective officials from Canada and Ontario are unable to resolve the dispute expeditiously, it will be referred to the Management Committee for resolution and, if it remains unresolved after consideration, the Joint Steering Committee will be the ultimate arbiter.
7.5.3 Procedures for addressing disputed issues will be determined by the Management Committee. Such procedures will be flexible, provide equal opportunities for representation by each Party, establish clear time limits and ensure clarity for the implementation of final decisions.
8.0 Financial Arrangements
8.1 Beyond the annual settlement funding currently allocated in Ontario, in the order of $109.6 M in 2004-05, Canada agrees to invest additional resources for settlement services and language training for prospective immigrants to, and immigrants residing in Ontario. Canada commits to providing incremental funding that will grow over a five-year period to reach a cumulative total of $920 M in new investments by 2009-10. For planning purposes, this incremental funding is projected to be disbursed in accordance with the following profile:
2005-06 - $50 M;
2006-07 - $115 M;
2007-08 - $185 M;
2008-09 - $250 M;
2009-10 - $320 M.
8.2 Canada will make every reasonable effort to meet the foregoing target amounts but may, subject to consultation with Ontario and subject to approval of Canada’s Treasury Board, re-profile uncommitted contribution funds from one fiscal year to future fiscal year(s), ending in 2009-10, based on priorities established in consultation with Ontario and confirmed by the Joint Steering Committee.
The foregoing funding profile includes:
- an amount of $2 M to Ontario annually to support municipal involvement in the development of the Canada and Ontario immigration portals as set out in Annex B;
- an amount of $40 M in 2009-10 for the Enhanced Language Training initiative, as set out in Annex E;
- CIC administrative and program delivery costs averaging 10% annually over the five-year period to support settlement services and language training in Ontario, which specifically include program delivery staff, policy and program development activities (such as consultations), research activities as well as program accountability requirements (such as performance measurement, evaluation, monitoring and auditing activities).
8.3 All references to funding commitments or payments on the part of Canada including contributions or other types of transfers, that are contained in this Agreement are subject to Parliamentary appropriations and, as such, may be cancelled or reduced if funding levels are changed by Parliament. Such commitments or payments shall only be in accordance with the Financial Administration Act and all related policies on the part of Canada.
8.4 A provision in this Agreement which requires the payment, utilization or expenditure of money by Ontario is subject to an appropriation being made in respect thereof by the Legislature for the fiscal year in which the payment, utilization or expenditure is to be made and there being funds available for it, in accordance with Ontario’s Financial Administration Act. Should the Legislature cancel or reduce anticipated funding levels, then the amount of the payments, funds available for utilization or expenditures by Ontario may be cancelled or reduced accordingly.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been signed by the Parties on the dates written below:
The Honourable Joe Volpe
Minister, Citizenship and Immigration
Janice Charette
Deputy Minister,
Citizenship and Immigration
The Honourable Mike Colle
Minister, Citizenship and Immigration
Joan Andrew
Deputy Minister,
Citizenship and Immigration
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