Evaluation of the Overseas Orientation Initiatives

Text version: Level of FSW survey respondent awareness of pre-departure orientation, by country

South Korea
(n= 61)
Sri Lanka
Other countries
Not aware of orientation 84.8% 80.3% 73.0% 68.4% 63.6% 60.7% 43.5% 28.6% 19.1% 70.6%
Aware of orientation 15.2% 19.7% 27.0% 31.6% 36.4% 39.3% 56.5% 71.4% 80.9% 29.4%

Text version: Percentage of FSW survey respondents that made changes before departure

  Changed what to bring (n=1,049) Saved more money before departure (n=1,024) Get more training before getting a job (n=1,024) Changed type of job to search for (n=1,008) Changed destination city (n=1,041) Made a short landing (n=998) Changed departure date (n=1,049)
Yes 44.5% 41.5% 39.7% 27.1% 11.7% 6.8% 4.5%
No 55.5% 58.5% 60.3% 72.9% 88.3% 93.2% 95.5%

Text version: Percentage of COA survey respondents that agreed pre-departure orientation was “very much” helpful

  Changed what to bring (n=1,049)
The banking system (n=784) 47.1%
Use public transportation (n=796) 49.6%
Make a budget (n=785) 52.6%
The school system (n=773) 55.6%
Housing (n=794) 56.9%
Adjust to culture (n=814) 66.2%
Get emergency help (n=781) 67.9%
The health care system (n=821) 70.2%
Laws about family violence (n=796) 72.5%
Canadian Multiculturalism (n=795) 73.3%
Prepare for weather (n=818) 73.7%
Rights and Responsibilities (n=817) 75.2%
Know what to do upon arrival (n=822) 76.9%

Text version: Percentage of FSW survey respondents that accessed settlement services

Job search
COA (n=445) AEIP (n=89) CIIP (n=599) None (1,227) COA (n=445) AEIP (n=89) CIIP (n=599) None (n=1,127) COA (n=445) AEIP (n=89) CIIP (n=599) None (n=1,127)
Yes 55.1% 61.8% 51.4% 37.8% 63.1% 37.1% 62.1% 41.8% 29.2% 56.2% 25.7% 41.0%
No 44.9% 38.2% 45.9% 62.2% 36.8% 62.9% 37.9% 58.2% 70.8% 43.8% 74.3% 59.0%

Text version: FSW survey respondents level of difficulty with initial settlement

  Find help on
Meet initial
settlement needs
COA (n=405) AEIP (n=77) CIIP (n=545) None (n=1,123) COA (n=408) AEIP (n=78) CIIP (n=551) None (n=1,155)
Very difficult 4.4% 6.5% 6.2% 7.7% 5.4% 6.4% 7.1% 6.2%
Difficult 12.8% 13.0% 12.1% 15.9% 11.3% 20.5% 9.3% 12.0%
Somewhat difficult 24.2% 39.0% 26.1% 38.5% 26.2% 38.5% 29.2% 35.9%
Not at all difficult 58.5% 41.6% 55.6% 38.0% 57.1% 34.6% 54.4% 45.8%

Text version: FSW survey respondents agreement that pre-departure orientation information was accurate

  CIIP (n=565) AEIP (n=80) COA (n=433)
Agree 73.1% 63.8% 75.3%
Disagree 26.9% 36.3% 24.7%

Text version: FSW survey respondents agreement that pre-departure orientation helped them have realistic expectations

  CIIP (n=565) AEIP (n=80) COA (n=433)
Agree 76.8% 77.5% 72.1%
Disagree 23.2% 22.5% 27.9%

Text version: FSW survey respondents opinions on usefulness of pre-departure orientation for preparation for employment

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
Job opportunities (n=76) 3.9% 31.6% 57.9% 6.6%
Foreign cred recog (n=73) 11.0% 41.1% 42.5% 5.5%
Match skills (n=73) 9.6% 34.2% 49.3% 6.8%
Get a job (n=76) 9.2% 39.5% 42.1% 9.2%
Upgrade skills (n=75) 10.7% 41.3% 44.0% 4.0%
Workplace culture (n=78) 11.5% 41.0% 41.0% 6.4%
Job opportunities (n=424) 5.7% 29.0% 51.9% 13.4%
Foreign cred recog (n=419) 6.4% 30.1% 50.8% 12.6%
Match skills (n=422) 9.5% 35.5% 43.4% 11.6%
Get a job (n=426) 8.9% 28.4% 47.2% 15.5%
Upgrade skills (n=423) 9.0% 33.3% 45.2% 12.5%
Workplace culture (n=425) 5.6% 27.1% 53.2% 14.1%
Job opportunities (n=560) 5.7% 14.3% 61.3% 18.8%
Foreign cred recog (n=557) 4.7% 13.1% 61.0% 21.2%
Match skills (n=560) 4.6% 24.6% 52.7% 18.0%
Get a job (n=556) 4.9% 18.7% 57.9% 18.5%
Upgrade skills (n=556) 5.2% 20.7% 58.1% 16.0%
Workplace culture (n=557) 5.4% 21.7% 58.2% 14.7%

Text version: FSW survey respondents level of difficulty with employment-related elements

  Very difficult Difficult Somewhat difficult Not at all difficult
Matching job and skills
COA (n=405) 66.9% 14.8% 11.9% 6.4%
AEIP (n=73) 78.1% 16.4% 5.5% 0.0%
CIIP (n=537) 63.9% 17.9% 13.0% 5.2%
None (n=1,059) 72.6% 13.6% 8.5% 5.3%
Looking for a job
COA (n=409) 48.7% 21.5% 17.4% 12.5%
AEIP (n=72) 65.3% 23.6% 9.7% 1.4%
CIIP (n=533) 44.5% 22.7% 22.1% 10.7%
None (n=1,054) 51.0% 22.8% 16.6% 9.6%
Foreign credential recognition
COA (n=385) 37.1% 23.9% 18.7% 20.3%
AEIP (n=64) 46.9% 31.3% 17.2% 4.7%
CIIP (n=497) 33.0% 23.1% 25.6% 18.3%
None (n=1,029) 36.3% 24.6% 22.1% 17.0%
Getting any job
COA (n=400) 36.0% 25.5% 24.5% 14.0%
AEIP (n=69) 56.5% 23.2% 15.9% 4.3%
CIIP (n=522) 28.9% 26.1% 24.1% 20.9%
None (n=1,052) 35.0% 26.0% 25.5% 13.6%
Finding job-related training
COA (n=393) 22.6% 24.9% 26.5% 26.0%
AEIP (n=67) 20.9% 31.3% 28.4% 19.4%
CIIP (n=524) 19.5% 23.9% 27.7% 29.0%
None (n=1,051) 26.9% 25.4% 31.4% 16.3%

Text version: Distribution of expenditures for COA (2007-2008 — 2010-2011)

Salary and benefits 50.8%
Overhead (rent, utilities, maintenance, admin) 19.0%
Travel 15.1%
Translation, photocopying, printing (material) 5.2%
Childminding and hospitality 4.6%
Capital/Equipment 3.3%
Supplies and other material 1.9%

Text version: Distribution of expenditures for AEIP (2008-2009 — 2010-2011)

Salary and benefits 62.7%
Overhead (rent, utilities, maintenance, admin) 17.3%
Communications, Promotion, Marketing 6.2%
Travel 4.9%
Capital/Equipment/Set-up 3.8%
Other 2.8%
Supplies and other material 2.2%

Text version: Distribution of expenditures for CIIP (including SPOS project) (2010-2011)

Salary and Benefits 33.8%
Overhead (rent, utilities, maintenance, admin) 27.0%
Capital/Equipment/Set-up 13.6%
Partnerships / Support to referrals partners 9.0%
Training/Professional Development 4.8%
Travel 4.7%
Other 4.6%
Curriculum development / guest speakers 2.6%


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