News results

Showing 51 - 60 of 358 results

Taking action against fraud and strengthening financial and procurement management

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | news releases

The Government of Canada is committed to spending Canadians’ tax dollars wisely and responsibly. This includes a commitment to doing businesses with suppliers that meet the expectations of Canadians, and ensuring that the government’s procurement processes are effective and well-managed.

Government of Canada announces contract award to help redevelop Canada’s Parliamentary Precinct

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | news releases

Today, the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Public Services and Procurement, announced that Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) has awarded Pomerleau Inc. a $2.8-million construction management services contract for the first phase of the Block 2 Redevelopment Project. This redevelopment will transform aging buildings into an innovative complex that creates a new fourth wall to parliament square, in a way that respects our past and embraces our future.

Government of Canada announces preferred bidder for Logistics Vehicle Modernization project in support of Canadian Armed Forces

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | news releases

The Government of Canada is committed to providing members of our Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) with the modern vehicles, equipment and services they need to keep Canadians safe. To support domestic and international exercises and operations, the CAF requires a robust logistics supply chain. An important part of this chain consists of logistics vehicles used to transport materiel, munitions, personnel and other supplies between and within areas of operation.

Government of Canada marks key milestones to build new federal facility in St. John’s

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | news releases

The Government of Canada is investing in green and modern work facilities to support the efficient delivery of tax services to Canadians, while ensuring the long-term sustainable presence of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in the area of St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Canada announces $1.68-billion investment in technology network for Canadian Army

| Public Services and Procurement Canada | news releases

In the current global environment, Canada needs a modern, adaptable army that can meet security challenges of today and tomorrow. We are making the necessary investments to provide Canadian Army members with the tools that they need to do their jobs, while ensuring that these investments create jobs and growth for Canadians.

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