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Showing 151 - 160 of 505 results

Canada welcomes first federal charter flight for Ukrainians in Winnipeg

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

As part of our commitment to support those fleeing Russia’s unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine, Canada has been working to secure charters for those who need help travelling here. The Government of Canada continues to work closely with provinces and territories, settlement organizations and NGOs across the country to support Ukrainians and their family members before, during and after their arrival in Canada.

Canada supports the Global Compact for Migration

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

Migrants are an important part of our national identity, and they have contributed greatly to Canada’s growth. They are a source of strength for Canada, as migrants help drive economic growth by filling labour force gaps and maintain population growth while contributing to our nation’s strong cultural foundation.

Businesses offer jobs for Afghan newcomers

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

The Government of Canada is working hard to resettle at least 40,000 Afghan nationals as quickly and safely as possible. Canada has now welcomed a total of 13,050 Afghan refugees, with more arriving every week.

Federal charter flights for Ukrainians who want to come to Canada 

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

Canada continues to stand with the people of Ukraine, including providing them with a temporary safe haven in Canada. We know that some Ukrainians and their family members may need help to travel, and we have been working to provide options for them to come to Canada.

Afghan journalists find freedom of expression in Canada

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

The Government of Canada is working hard to resettle at least 40,000 Afghan nationals as quickly and safely as possible. Canada has now welcomed a total of 12,605 Afghan refugees, with more arriving every week.

Minister Fraser concludes a successful visit to Europe

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC), today concluded a successful visit to Europe, which included stops in Belgium, France and Poland. Throughout the week, the Minister met with key European allies and European Union (EU) partners to discuss the ongoing crises in Afghanistan and Ukraine and reaffirmed Canada’s commitment to helping the world’s most vulnerable.

Canada expands overseas services for Ukrainians

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

The Government of Canada is steadfast in its commitment to help Ukrainians and their family members. Since the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET) was launched, Canada has approved more than 71,000 applications. We recognize that many Ukrainians may have questions after they submit their applications and their biometric information, and Canada is expanding services on the ground in Europe to better support those who wish to seek temporary safe haven in Canada.

Canadians continue to support Afghan refugees across the country

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

The Government of Canada is working hard to resettle at least 40,000 Afghan nationals as quickly and safely as possible. Canada has now welcomed a total of 12,160 Afghan refugees, with more arriving every week.

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