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Showing 51 - 60 of 505 results

Canada announces first-ever category-based selection invitations for newcomers with work experience in agriculture and agri-food

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada announced changes to Express Entry through category-based selection on May 31, 2023. These changes will help address labour shortages and support economic goals by inviting candidates with specific work experience or French language ability to apply for permanent residence.

Canada announces first-ever category-based selection invitations for newcomers with work experience in transport

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

On May 31, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada announced changes to Express Entry through category-based selection. These changes will help address labour shortages and support economic goals by inviting candidates with specific work experience or French language ability to apply for permanent residence.

Minister Miller highlights new tax-free first home savings account that helps Canadians reach their goals of home ownership faster

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

As house prices have climbed, saving for a down payment is out of reach for many Canadians, particularly young people. Today, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, shared how the new tax-free First Home Savings Account is available and helping put home ownership back within reach of Canadians across the country.

Canada and Iceland sign youth mobility arrangement

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

The Government of Canada is committed to providing Canadian youth with opportunities to gain international experience and perspectives, as they are particularly important in today’s global economy. Canadian youth will soon have easier access to a new destination for working and travelling abroad.

Canada announces the first-ever Express Entry invitations for newcomers with experience in the trades

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

Canada’s Express Entry system is now tailored to provide a streamlined and efficient pathway for individuals with expertise in critical fields. By prioritizing the invitation of skilled newcomers with experience in the trades, Canada aims to meet the increasing demand for talent and fill key positions that contribute to the nation’s economic growth and advancement.

Canada doubles resettlement spaces for human rights defenders

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

Human rights defenders (HRDs) are active in every part of the world and play an essential role in promoting and protecting human rights internationally. In many countries, HRDs are increasingly at risk of violence, often subject to threats and injustices, forced to flee their homes due to fear of attack and reprisal, and on occasion, unable to return to their home country. Individuals from vulnerable and marginalized groups are at particularly heightened risk due to their intersectional identities.

More federal housing support for asylum claimants

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

Canada is a nation that has been shaped by immigration. With increasing global migration, like many other countries, Canada is experiencing a rise in the number of people claiming asylum. While housing and supports for asylum claimants are the responsibility of provinces and municipalities, the federal government recognizes the need for all levels of government to work together on solutions to address the current need, and we have been there every step of the way.

Canada launches pathway to reunite families and support Ukrainians

| Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | news releases

As Russia’s ongoing, brutal invasion of Ukraine persists, Canada continues to adapt its response to help those fleeing violence. Since its launch in March 2022, the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) has provided temporary safe haven to over 166,000 Ukrainians. Now, we are introducing ongoing support for those who want to come to Canada, and for those who want to stay here permanently with their family.

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