Performance Delivery Context – Federal Releases

Official Title: Performance Monitoring Report 2017-2018, Program Delivery Context – Federal Releases
From: Parole Board of Canada

Federal Releases

Tables 24-32

This section discusses federal releases of offenders directly from institutions and graduations of offenders to subsequent federal supervision periods. Federal releases directly from institutions include releases on federal supervision periods, as well as releases upon completion of the offender’s sentence:

  1. federal releases from institutions on day parole;
  2. federal releases from institutions on full parole;
  3. federal releases from institutions on statutory release;
  4. federal releases at warrant expiry;
  5. federal releases at warrant expiry with a long-term supervision order;
  6. other types of federal releases such as transfers to foreign countries, releases when the offender died, etc.

Graduations to subsequent federal supervision periods include:

  1. day parole continued;
  2. graduations from day parole to full parole;
  3. graduations from day parole to statutory release;
  4. graduations from federal supervision periods to long-term supervision orders upon warrant expiry.

In this section, federal releases and graduations are discussed together to demonstrate how the Board uses discretionary release to facilitate the gradual reintegration of offenders into society.

Figure 10. Federal Releases from Institutions and Graduations to Subsequent Federal Supervision Periods

Federal Releases from Institutions and Graduations to Subsequent Federal Supervision Periods
Text equivalent for Figure 10. Federal Releases from Institutions and Graduations to Subsequent Federal Supervision Periods 
  DP from institutions DP continued FP from institutions DP to FP SR from institutions DP to SR Other*
2017/18 2,649 1,347 208 1,382 4,377 592 325
2016/17 2,556 1,210 168 1,273 4,864 623 279
2015/16 2,169 1,183 178 1,107 5,270 566 361
2014/15 2,018 1,222 185 951 5,368 494 354
2013/14 1,907 1,186 164 928 5,643 551 368

*Includes releases from institutions at warrant expiry, at warrant expiry with a long-term supervision order, graduations from federal supervision periods to a long-term supervision order upon warrant expiry, deaths, transfers to foreign countries, etc.

  • In 2017/18, federal releases directly from institutions decreased 4.5% (from 7,889 to 7,533) compared to the previous year. Graduations to subsequent federal supervision periods increased 6.9% (from 3,132 to 3,347).
  • By region, federal releases directly from institutions decreased in the Atlantic (-2.0%), Quebec (-17.1%) and Pacific (-5.9%) regions and increased in the Ontario (+2.0%) and Prairie (+0.4%) regions in 2017/18. Graduations to subsequent federal supervision periods increased in the Quebec (+11.0%), Ontario (+14.5%) and Pacific (+8.5%) regions, while they decreased in the Atlantic (-5.3%) and Prairie (-0.6%) regions. 
  • Following the increases seen in 2016/17, federal releases on discretionary release increased significantly in 2017/18: by 6.1% on day parole and 10.3% on full parole. Federal releases on statutory release decreased by 9.4%. These changes point to a return to the pre-2011/12 patterns in releases, that is, prior to Bill C‑59 (Abolition of Early Parole). 

Figure 11. Graduations from Federal Supervision Periods (Non-Violent Offenders)

Graduations from Federal Supervision Periods (Non-Violent Offenders)
Text equivalent of Figure 11. Graduations from Federal Supervision Periods (Non-Violent Offenders) 
  DP continued DP to FP DP to SR
2010/11 108 939 135
2011/12 (C-59) 176 550 204
2012/13 386 534 299
2013/14 391 607 286
2014/15 380 596 235
2015/16 353 693 298
2016/17 329 748 323
2017/18 367 818 283

In 2017/18, the number of day parole supervision periods that were continued increased 11.3%, graduations from day parole to full parole increased 8.6%, and graduations from day parole to statutory release decreased 5.0% when compared to the previous year.

Some of the above changes were related to the APR affected offenders. However, in 2017/18, continuations of day paroles were primarily driven by offenders serving sentences for schedule I non-sex offences.

The following subsection discusses federal releases on statutory release in relation to prior consideration for discretionary release.

The five-year data indicate that the proportion of offenders who had no parole review prior to their release on statutory release has increased significantly in the last five years:

  1. The proportion of federal releases to statutory release where parole was previously granted/directed increased from 23% in 2013/14 to 25% in 2017/18.
  2. The proportion of federal releases to statutory release where parole was previously denied/not directed decreased from 27% in 2013/14 to 20% in 2017/18.
  3. The proportion of federal releases to statutory release with no prior parole decision increased from 51% in 2013/14 to 55% in 2017/18.

Figure 12. Federal Releases on Statutory Release in Relation to Prior Consideration for Parole

Federal  Releases on Statutory Release in Relation to Prior Consideration for Parole
Text equivalent of Figure 12. Federal Releases on Statutory Release in Relation to Prior Consideration for Parole 
  Parole granted Parole denied No parole decision
2017/18 1,222 994 2,753
2016/17 1,286 1,102 3,099
2015/16 1,229 1,326 3,281
2014/15 1,255 1,457 3,150
2013/14 1,415 1,644 3,135

Between 2013/14 and 2017/18, the substantial increase in the proportion of releases on statutory release where there were no prior parole decisions was driven by offenders serving sentences for schedule I-non-sex offences (from 56% in 2013/14 to 63% in 2017/18).

Compared to the previous year, the proportion of releases on statutory release where there was no prior parole decision was stable for offenders serving sentences for schedule II offences, the majority of whom prior to the abolition of the APR were automatically reviewed and usually directed to parole. The proportion decreased for sex offenders (from 56% in 2016/17 to 51% in 2017/18), as more of these offenders were released on discretionary release.

When looking at the numbers by race, 2 out of 3 Indigenous offenders and 3 out of 5 Black offenders released on statutory release were not seen by the Board for a parole review. The ratios were 1:2 for White offenders and 1:3 for Asian offenders.

  • Federal releases at warrant expiry without a prior parole decision fluctuated in the last five years (between 81 and 87 per year). In 2017/18, 87% of releases at warrant expiry, as well as releases on long‑term supervision at warrant expiry, were releases where there was no prior parole review.

Overall, in 2017/18, a total of 7,038 federal offenders were released from institutions and 2,684 federal offenders graduated from one federal supervision period to another.

Table 24. Federal Releases and Graduations

Release/Graduation Type 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
# % # % # % # % # %
DP from institutions 1,907 18 2,018 19 2,169 20 2,556 23 2,649 24
DP continued 1,186 11 1,222 12 1,183 11 1,210 11 1,347 12
All day parole 3,093 29 3,240 31 3,352 31 3,766 34 3,996 37
FP from institutions 164 2 185 2 178 2 168 2 208 2
DP to FP 928 9 951 9 1,107 10 1,273 12 1,382 13
All full parole 1,092 10 1,136 11 1,285 12 1,441 13 1,590 15
SR from institutions 5,643 53 5,368 51 5,270 49 4,864 44 4,377 40
DP to SR 551 5 494 5 566 5 623 6 592 5
All statutory release 6,194 58 5,862 55 5,836 54 5,487 50 4,969 46
WED to LTSO 37 0 42 0 51 0 30 0 48 0
Graduations to LTSO 25 0 18 0 31 0 26 0 26 0
All LTSO 62 1 60 1 82 1 56 0 74 1
WED from institutions 201 2 190 2 176 2 155 1 146 1
Other* 105 1 118 1 117 1 116 1 105 1
Releases from institutions 8,057 75 7,921 75 7,961 73 7,889 72 7,533 69
Graduations 2,690 25 2,685 25 2,887 27 3,132 28 3,347 31
Offenders released
from institutions
7,341   7,294   7,321   7,366   7,038  
Offenders who graduated from one supervision period to another or to LTSO 2,025   2,051   2,236   2,471   2,684  

* ‘Other’ includes death, transfers to foreign countries, etc.
Note: The number of releases from institutions and graduations may be greater than the number of offenders released, as an offender could be released from the institution and graduate from one supervision period to another supervision period more than once during the same year.

Table 25. Federal Releases from Institution by Region

Release Type Region 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
Day parole Atlantic 291 323 382 382 401
Quebec 503 486 512 733 624
Ontario 384 384 483 534 678
Prairies 479 556 548 613 653
Pacific 250 269 244 294 293
Canada 1,907 2,018 2,169 2,556 2,649
Full parole Atlantic 6 7 8 5 9
Quebec 40 21 32 21 25
Ontario 52 107 91 83 79
Prairies 26 31 32 40 76
Pacific 40 19 15 19 19
Canada 164 185 178 168 208
Statutory release Atlantic 577 514 528 505 458
Quebec 1,145 1,176 1,215 1,091 892
Ontario 1,364 1,191 1,104 979 860
Prairies 1,955 1,848 1,762 1,773 1,710
Pacific 602 639 661 516 457
Canada 5,643 5,368 5,270 4,864 4,377
WED Atlantic 19 18 8 9 12
Quebec 43 39 36 43 36
Ontario 41 53 42 34 28
Prairies 74 53 63 45 41
Pacific 24 27 27 24 29
Canada 201 190 176 155 146
WED to LTSO Atlantic 1 1 - 2 2
Quebec 10 14 16 14 12
Ontario 13 15 17 7 21
Prairies 8 5 8 3 7
Pacific 5 7 10 4 6
Canada 37 42 51 30 48
All releases from institutions Atlantic 899 875 936 912 894
Quebec 1,767 1,776 1,833 1,942 1,610
Ontario 1,882 1,778 1,784 1,665 1,699
Prairies 2,569 2,516 2,432 2,500 2,511
Pacific 940 976 976 870 819
Canada 8,057 7,921 7,961 7,889 7,533

Note: The totals include other types of releases from institutions, such as transfers to foreign countries, death, etc.

Table 26. Graduations from Federal Supervision Periods by Region

Graduation Type Region 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
Day parole continued Atlantic 69 60 85 75 72
Quebec 338 390 292 317 368
Ontario 262 251 253 273 318
Prairies 251 257 290 279 280
Pacific 266 264 263 266 309
Canada 1,186 1,222 1,183 1,210 1,347
Day parole to full parole Atlantic 168 151 200 238 238
Quebec 254 261 285 365 430
Ontario 139 188 243 285 346
Prairies 228 241 276 283 272
Pacific 139 110 103 102 96
Canada 928 951 1,107 1,273 1,382
Day parole to statutory release Atlantic 63 54 80 60 44
Quebec 120 127 126 188 165
Ontario 161 139 135 147 148
Prairies 135 113 161 141 149
Pacific 72 61 64 87 86
Canada 551 494 566 623 592
Graduations to LTSO Atlantic 2 - 3 1 -
Quebec 8 6 12 10 14
Ontario 8 4 5 6 2
Prairies 3 6 5 7 5
Pacific 4 2 6 2 5
Canada 25 18 31 26 26
All graduations Atlantic 302 265 368 374 354
Quebec 720 784 715 880 977
Ontario 570 582 636 711 814
Prairies 617 617 732 710 706
Pacific 481 437 436 457 496
Canada 2,690 2,685 2,887 3,132 3,347

Table 27. Federal Releases by Indigenous and Race (between 2013/14 and 2017/18)

Release Type Indigenous Asian Black White Other
# % # % # % # % # %
DP from institutions 1,894 14 665 28 808 20 7,290 23 642 27
DP continued 1,227 9 282 12 323 8 4,069 13 247 10
DP all 3,121 24 947 41 1,131 28 11,359 36 889 37
FP from institutions 84 1 128 5 140 3 453 1 98 4
DP to FP 620 5 456 20 419 10 3,790 12 356 15
FP all 704 5 584 25 559 14 4,243 13 454 19
SR from institutions 8,185 63 660 28 2,067 51 13,718 43 892 37
DP to SR 603 5 126 5 237 6 1,750 6 110 5
SR all 8,788 67 786 34 2,304 56 15,468 49 1,002 42
WED 355 3 12 1 66 2 406 1 29 1
WED (to LTSO) 63 0 4 0 20 0 105 0 16 1
Graduation to LTSO 38 0 1 0 5 0 79 0 3 0
LTSO all 101 1 5 0 25 1 184 1 19 1
Total 13,069   2,334   4,085   31,660   2,393  

Note: Excluded releases from 2013/14 to 2017/18 were 8 transfers to foreign countries, 270 deceased and 283 ‘other’ for a total of 561.

Table 28. Federal Releases by Gender (between 2013/14 and 2017/18)

Release Type Male Female
# % # %
DP from institutions 10,142 20 1,157 30
DP continued 5,618 11 530 14
DP all 15,760 32 1,687 44
FP from institutions 803 2 100 3
DP to FP 5,099 10 542 14
FP all 5,902 12 642 17
SR from institutions 24,283 49 1,239 32
DP to SR 2,548 5 278 7
SR all 26,831 54 1,517 39
WED 848 2 20 1
WED (to LTSO) 203 0 5 0
Graduation to LTSO 121 0 5 0
LTSO all 324 1 10 0
Total 49,665   3,876  

Note: Excluded releases from 2013/14 to 2017/18 were 8 transfers to foreign countries, 270 deceased and 283 ‘other’ for a total of 561.

Table 29. Federal Releases and Graduations by Offence Type

Release/Graduation Type Year Murder Schedule I-Sex Schedule I-Non-Sex Schedule II Non-Scheduled
  # % # % # % # % # %
Releases from institutions on day parole 2013/14 109 17 167 15 562 13 689 28 380 17
2014/15 142 20 141 14 596 14 781 30 358 17
2015/16 122 18 193 18 661 15 817 31 376 18
2016/17 144 20 232 20 800 18 937 33 443 23
2017/18 157 21 279 24 822 19 954 35 437 24
Day parole continued 2013/14 415 65 80 7 300 7 253 10 138 6
2014/15 417 60 98 10 327 8 250 10 130 6
2015/16 425 61 94 9 311 7 233 9 120 6
2016/17 418 59 114 10 349 8 238 8 91 5
2017/18 441 59 142 12 397 9 242 9 125 7
Releases from institutions on full parole 2013/14 10 2 19 2 29 1 58 2 48 2
2014/15 9 1 15 1 32 1 94 4 35 2
2015/16 11 2 23 2 23 1 86 3 35 2
2016/17 12 2 21 2 35 1 65 2 35 2
2017/18 9 1 23 2 52 1 83 3 41 2
Graduations from day parole to full parole 2013/14 77 12 46 4 198 5 436 18 171 8
2014/15 89 13 62 6 204 5 432 17 164 8
2015/16 100 14 75 7 239 5 514 19 179 9
2016/17 104 15 122 11 299 7 545 19 203 11
2017/18 109 15 124 11 331 8 608 22 210 11
Releases from institutions on statutory release 2013/14 6 1 625 55 2,801 66 856 35 1,355 60
2014/15 3 0 540 53 2,725 64 862 34 1,238 59
2015/16 6 1 498 47 2,767 63 838 31 1,161 57
2016/17 1 0 483 42 2,577 58 811 29 992 51
2017/18 4 1 428 37 2,403 55 677 25 865 47
Graduations from day parole to statutory release 2013/14 1 0 80 7 184 4 169 7 117 5
2014/15 - - 55 5 204 5 137 5 98 5
2015/16 - - 65 6 203 5 174 7 124 6
2016/17 - - 68 6 232 5 204 7 119 6
2017/18 - - 78 7 231 5 176 6 107 6
Releases from institutions at WED 2013/14 - - 70 6 113 3 6 0 12 1
2014/15 - - 74 7 100 2 3 0 13 1
2015/16 3 0 58 5 99 2 2 0 14 1
2016/17 - - 58 5 92 2 - - 5 0
2017/18 1 0 52 4 85 2 1 0 7 0
Releases from institutions to LTSO 2013/14 - - 21 2 16 0 - - - -
2014/15 1 0 20 2 20 0 - - 1 0
2015/16 - - 28 3 23 1 - - - -
2016/17 - - 17 1 12 0 - - 1 0
2017/18 - - 16 1 31 1 - - 1 0
Graduations to LTSO 2013/14 - - 13 1 12 0 - - - -
2014/15 - - 10 1 5 0 - - 3 0
2015/16 - - 18 2 12 0 - - 1 0
2016/17 - - 12 1 14 0 - - - -
2017/18 - - 18 2 7 0 - - 1 0

Note 1: Offenders serving sentences for murder on statutory release and those released at WED include federal offenders serving determinate sentences for offences of first and second degree murder convicted under the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, as well as those serving determinate sentences for second degree murder that were transfers from the United States.
Note 2: Category ‘Other’ (transfers to foreign countries, deceased, etc.) was used in calculations but not shown in the table.

Table 30. Proportions of Federal Releases and Graduations by Offence Type (%)

Release/Graduation Type Offence Type 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
Releases from institutions on day parole Murder 6 7 6 6 6
Schedule I-sex 9 7 9 9 11
Schedule I-non-sex 29 30 30 31 31
Schedule II 36 39 38 37 36
Non-scheduled 20 18 17 17 16
Day parole continued Murder 35 34 36 35 33
Schedule I-sex 7 8 8 9 11
Schedule I-non-sex 25 27 26 29 29
Schedule II 21 20 20 20 18
Non-scheduled 12 11 10 8 9
Releases from institutions on full parole Murder 6 5 6 7 4
Schedule I-sex 12 8 13 13 11
Schedule I-non-sex 18 17 13 21 25
Schedule II 35 51 48 39 40
Non-scheduled 29 19 20 21 20
Graduations from day parole to full parole Murder 8 9 9 8 8
Schedule I-sex 5 7 7 10 9
Schedule I-non-sex 21 21 22 23 24
Schedule II 47 45 46 43 44
Non-scheduled 18 17 16 16 15
Releases from institutions on statutory release Murder 0 0 0 0 0
Schedule I-sex 11 10 9 10 10
Schedule I-non-sex 50 51 53 53 55
Schedule II 15 16 16 17 15
Non-scheduled 24 23 22 20 20
Graduations from day parole to statutory release Murder 0 - - - -
Schedule I-sex 15 11 11 11 13
Schedule I-non-sex 33 41 36 37 39
Schedule II 31 28 31 33 30
Non-scheduled 21 20 22 19 18

Note 1: The proportion is calculated by offence type and applied to each type of release/graduation.
Note 2: Offenders serving sentences for murder on statutory release include federal offenders serving determinate sentences for offences of first and second degree murder convicted under the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, as well as those serving determinate sentences for second degree murder that were transfers from the United States.

Table 31. Federal Releases to Statutory Release in Relation to Prior Consideration for Parole Release

Year Type Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies Pacific Canada
# % # % # % # % # % # %
2013/14 Parole granted/directed 188 29 299 24 302 20 468 22 158 23 1,415 23
Parole denied/not directed 145 23 382 30 347 23 623 30 147 22 1,644 27
No prior parole decision 307 48 584 46 876 57 999 48 369 55 3,135 51
2014/15 Parole granted/directed 132 23 286 22 270 20 417 21 150 21 1,255 21
Parole denied/not directed 130 23 415 32 245 18 514 26 153 22 1,457 25
No prior parole decision 306 54 602 46 815 61 1,030 53 397 57 3,150 54
2015/16 Parole granted/directed 177 29 231 17 239 19 415 22 167 23 1,229 21
Parole denied/not directed 93 15 457 34 187 15 454 24 135 19 1,326 23
No prior parole decision 338 56 653 49 813 66 1,054 55 423 58 3,281 56
2016/17 Parole granted/directed 195 35 276 22 248 22 402 21 165 27 1,286 23
Parole denied/not directed 69 12 346 27 180 16 402 21 105 17 1,102 20
No prior parole decision 301 53 657 51 698 62 1,110 58 333 55 3,099 56
2017/18 Parole granted/directed 177 35 265 25 235 23 394 21 151 28 1,222 25
Parole denied/not directed 87 17 305 29 139 14 362 19 101 19 994 20
No prior parole decision 238 47 487 46 634 63 1,103 59 291 54 2,753 55

Note: Includes releases on statutory release directly from institutions and graduations from day parole to statutory release.

Table 32. Federal Releases at Warrant Expiry in Relation to Prior Consideration for Parole Release

Year Type Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies Pacific Canada
# % # % # % # % # % # %
2013/14 Parole granted/directed - - 1 2 - - 2 2 2 7 5 2
Parole denied/not directed 3 15 10 19 8 15 16 20 3 10 40 17
No prior parole decision 17 85 42 79 46 85 64 78 24 83 193 81
2014/15 Parole granted/directed - - 3 6 - - 2 3 - - 5 2
Parole denied/not directed 2 11 6 11 7 10 2 3 8 24 25 11
No prior parole decision 17 89 44 83 61 90 54 93 26 76 202 87
2015/16 Parole granted/directed 1 13 2 4 - - 2 3 1 3 6 3
Parole denied/not directed - - 6 12 7 12 5 7 7 19 25 11
No prior parole decision 7 88 44 85 52 88 64 90 29 78 196 86
2016/17 Parole granted/directed 1 9 - - 1 2 1 2 1 4 4 2
Parole denied/not directed - - 7 12 6 15 4 8 5 18 22 12
No prior parole decision 10 91 50 88 34 83 43 90 22 79 159 86
2017/18 Parole granted/directed - - 2 4 1 2 1 2 - - 4 2
Parole denied/not directed - - 5 10 6 12 5 10 5 14 21 11
No prior parole decision 14 100 41 85 42 86 42 88 30 86 169 87

Note: Includes releases directly from institutions at warrant expiry and releases at warrant expiry to long-term supervision orders.

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