Performance Delivery Context - Federal Admissions

Official Title: Performance Monitoring Report 2017-2018, Program Delivery Context – Federal Admissions
From: Parole Board of Canada

Federal Admissions

Tables 16-23

There are two types of admissions to federal custody: admissions on warrants of committal (new federal sentence) and admissions due to revocations (same sentence). Admissions that do not fall strictly into these two categories, such as federal-provincial transfers, interprovincial exchange of service, transfers from foreign countries, etc. are placed into the category Other.

  • The total number of federal admissions in 2017/18 decreased 0.8% (to 7,387).
Figure 9. Federal Admissions
Federal Admissions

*Includes transfers from foreign countries, exchanges of service, supervision terminated, etc.

Text equivalent  for Figure 9. Federal Admissions
  Initial warrants of committal Repeat warrants of committal Revocations for breach of conditions Revocations with outstanding charge Revocations with offence Other*
2013/14 3,840 1,315 1,978 267 651 130
2014/15 3,692 1,191 1,897 204 583 89
2015/16 3,765 1,208 1,859 243 559 95
2016/17 3,849 1,183 1,627 167 493 111
2017/18 3,806 1,286 1,536 189 493 77

Federal admissions on initial warrants of committal (first-time federal offenders) decreased 1.1% (to 3,806) in 2017/18, while federal admissions on repeat warrants of committal increased 8.7% (to 1,286) compared to the previous year.

  • Federal admissions due to revocations decreased (-3.0%; to 2,218) in 2017/18.
  • In 2017/18, federal admissions on warrants of committal increased in the Ontario (+6.9%) and Prairie (+0.4%) regions and decreased in the Atlantic (-2.4%), Quebec (-0.7%) and Pacific (-4.4%) regions. Federal admissions due to revocations increased in the Prairie region (+4.2%) and decreased in the other regions: Atlantic (-15.6%), Quebec (-0.5%), Ontario (-0.6%) and Pacific (-18.5%) regions.
  • In the last five years (between 2013/14 and 2017/18), offenders in the Other race category were the most likely to be admitted on initial warrants of committal and White offenders were the most likely to be admitted on repeat warrants of committal. Indigenous offenders were the most likely to be admitted to federal custody on all types of revocations.
  • During the same time period, female federal offenders were more likely to be admitted on initial warrants of committal and male federal offenders were more likely to be admitted on repeat warrants of committal and on all types of revocations.
  • When looking at the offence profile in 2017/18, there were no substantial changes in the proportions of admissions for offenders serving sentences for murder and non-violent offences (schedule II and non-scheduled offences). The proportion of federal admissions increased for offenders serving sentences for schedule I-non-sex offences (+1.7%) and decreased for offenders serving sentences for schedule I-sex offences (-1.3%) in 2017/18 compared to 2016/17.
  • The average age of a first-time federal offender admitted to custody has increased slightly over the last five years. In 2017/18, 41% of federal admissions on initial warrants of committal (first-time federal offenders) were for offenders between 18-29 years of age, and 28% were for offenders between 30-39 years of age. By comparison, in 2013/14, first-time federal offenders between 18-29 years of age accounted for 46% of federal admissions on initial warrants of committal, and those between 30-39 years of age accounted for 24% of federal admissions on initial warrants of committal.
  • The majority of first-time Black offenders admitted to federal custody over the last five years were between 18 to 29 years of age, accounting for 57% of federal admissions on initial warrants of committal for this group, followed by Indigenous offenders (56%), the two youngest groups. By comparison, 36% of admissions of first-time federal White offenders and 39% of admissions of first-time federal Asian offenders were for offenders between 18 to 29 years of age during the same reference period. The proportion was 43% for offenders in the Other category.
Table 16. Federal Admissions to Institutions
Admission Type 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
# % # % # % # % # %
Warrant of committal Initial 3,840 47 3,692 48 3,765 49 3,849 52 3,806 52
Repeat 1,315 16 1,191 16 1,208 16 1,183 16 1,286 17
Subtotal 5,155 63 4,883 64 4,973 64 5,032 68 5,092 69
Revocation for breach of condition Day parole 288 4 252 3 264 3 228 3 274 4
Full parole 110 1 95 1 93 1 92 1 87 1
Stat. release 1,580 19 1,550 20 1,502 19 1,307 18 1,175 16
Revocation with outstanding charge Day parole 13 0 7 0 10 0 9 0 13 0
Full parole 26 0 18 0 15 0 14 0 20 0
Stat. release 228 3 179 2 218 3 144 2 156 2
Revocation with offence Day parole 44 1 31 0 37 0 34 0 39 1
Full parole 40 0 39 1 30 0 30 0 21 0
Stat. release 567 7 513 7 492 6 429 6 433 6
Subtotal 2,896 35 2,684 35 2,661 34 2,287 31 2,218 30
Other Termination 1 0 5 0 3 0 3 0 4 0
Transfer from foreign countries 57 1 19 0 26 0 62 1 24 0
‘Other’ 72 1 65 1 66 1 46 1 49 1
Subtotal 130 2 89 1 95 1 111 1 77 1
Total admissions 8,181   7,656   7,729   7,430   7,387  
Total offenders 7,991   7,491   7,551   7,312   7,267  

Definition: ‘Repeat warrant of committal’ is when an offender, after completing a first federal sentence, subsequently receives another federal sentence. ‘Other’ includes transfers from foreign countries, supervision terminated, exchange of services, provincial transfers, etc.
Note: The number of admissions may be greater than the number of offenders admitted to federal institutions, as an offender could be admitted to an institution more than once during the same year.

Table 17. Federal Admissions to Institutions by Region
Region 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
W. of C. Rev.  W. of C. Rev.  W. of C. Rev.  W. of C. Rev.  W. of C. Rev.
Atlantic 539 300 571 257 514 287 534 339 521 286
Quebec 1,358 566 1,227 476 1,152 476 1,075 422 1,067 420
Ontario 1,325 593 1,201 531 1,312 459 1,336 345 1,428 343
Prairies 1,506 1,130 1,528 1,101 1,634 1,102 1,698 910 1,704 948
Pacific 427 307 356 319 361 337 389 271 372 221
Canada 5,155 2,896 4,883 2,684 4,973 2,661 5,032 2,287 5,092 2,218

Note: Excluded were ‘other’ admissions, such as transfers from foreign countries, supervision terminated, exchange of services, provincial transfers, etc.

Table 18. Federal Admissions to Institutions by Indigenous and Race (between 2013/14 and 2017/18)
Admission Type Indigenous Asian Black White Other
# % # % # % # % # %
Warrant of committal (Initial) 4,285 40 1,004 72 1,629 57 10,266 49 1,768 76
Warrant of committal (Repeat) 1,817 17 116 8 380 13 3,715 18 155 7
Revocation with outstanding charge 415 4 21 1 94 3 504 2 36 2
Revocation with offence 1,154 11 32 2 139 5 1,392 7 62 3
Revocation for breach of conditions 2,955 28 190 14 598 21 4,892 23 262 11
Other* 114 1 38 3 42 1 270 1 38 2
Total 10,740   1,401   2,882   21,039   2,321  

*Includes transfers from foreign countries, supervision terminated, exchange of services, provincial transfers, etc.

Table 19. Federal Admissions to Institutions by Gender (between 2013/14 and 2017/18)

Admission Type Male Female
# % # %
Warrant of committal (Initial) 17,239 48 1,713 64
Warrant of committal (Repeat) 5,972 17 211 8
Revocation with outstanding charge 1,041 3 29 1
Revocation with offence 2,620 7 159 6
Revocation for breach of conditions 8,374 23 523 20
Other* 474 1 28 1
Total 35,720   2,663  

*Includes transfers from foreign countries, supervision terminated, exchange of services, provincial transfers, etc.

Table 20. Federal Admissions to Institutions by Offence Type

Offence Type 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
# % # % # % # % # %
Murder 211 3 186 2 191 2 214 3 248 3
Schedule I sex 889 11 872 11 781 10 886 12 788 11
Schedule I non-sex 3,514 43 3,403 44 3,389 44 3,189 43 3,298 45
Schedule II 1,750 21 1,688 22 1,837 24 1,723 23 1,674 23
Non-scheduled 1,817 22 1,507 20 1,531 20 1,418 19 1,379 19
Total 8,181   7,656   7,729   7,430   7,387  

Table 21. Proportions of Admissions by Offence Type for Warrants of Committal and due to Revocations (%)

Offence Type 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
W. of C. Rev. W. of C. Rev. W. of C. Rev. W. of C. Rev. W. of C. Rev.
Murder 2.7 2.3 2.6 2.2 2.7 2.0 3.2 2.1 4.0 1.9
Schedule I sex 12.8 7.7 12.9 8.8 12.1 6.4 13.8 8.0 12.8 5.8
Schedule I non-sex 39.3 49.7 40.7 51.2 39.1 52.7 39.2 51.8 39.7 56.1
Schedule II 25.0 14.8 25.6 15.8 27.6 16.6 25.8 17.2 25.3 17.0
Non-scheduled 20.2 25.4 18.3 21.9 18.5 22.3 17.8 20.9 18.2 19.2
Total 5,155 2,896 4,883 2,684 4,973 2,661 5,032 2,287 5,092 2,218

Note: Excluded were ‘other’ admissions, such as transfers from foreign countries, supervision terminated, exchange of services, provincial transfers, etc.

Table 22. Age at Admission on Initial Warrants of Committal

Age Group 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
# % # % # % # % # %
Under 18 4 0 - - 2 0 - - 1 0
18-29 1,767 46 1,691 46 1,509 40 1,616 42 1,566 41
30-39 938 24 953 26 1,132 30 1,067 28 1,080 28
40-49 602 16 514 14 574 15 606 16 588 15
50-59 326 8 350 9 346 9 334 9 358 9
60-69 149 4 128 3 149 4 158 4 141 4
70-79 45 1 49 1 48 1 55 1 62 2
Over 80 9 0 7 0 5 0 13 0 10 0
Total 3,840   3,692   3,765   3,849   3,806  

Table 23. Average Age at Admission on Initial Warrants of Committal by Indigenous and Race (between 2013/14 and 2017/18)

Age Group Indigenous Asian Black White Other
# % # % # % # % # %
Under 18 7 0 - - - - - - - -
18-29 2,421 56 392 39 932 57 3,649 36 755 43
30-39 1,074 25 304 30 428 26 2,870 28 494 28
40-49 500 12 164 16 176 11 1,781 17 263 15
50-59 210 5 107 11 71 4 1,165 11 161 9
60-69 58 1 31 3 16 1 555 5 65 4
70-79 15 0 6 1 6 0 209 2 23 1
Over 80 - - - - - - 37 0 7 0
Total 4,285   1,004   1,629   10,266   1,768  

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