Conditional Release and Performance – Detention

Official Title: Performance Monitoring Report 2018-2019, Conditional Release and Performance – Detention
From: Parole Board of Canada


Before an offender’s statutory release date, CSC can refer the case to the Board for a detention review if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the offender is likely to commit an offence causing death or serious harm to another person, a sexual offence involving a child or a serious drug offence before the expiration of the offender’s sentence. If the Board determines that the offender is likely to reoffend, then a detention order is issued, and the offender is detained.

  • As of April 7, 2019, 191 offenders were detained (26 fewer than in 2017-18), 31 had a detention order but had not yet reached their statutory release dates (six fewer than in 2017-18) and 18 had had their one chance statutory release revoked and were subsequently detained (two less than in 2017-18).
  • In 2018-19, the number of referrals for detention decreased 29% to 85 (from 119) when compared to 2017-18.
  • The detention referral rate (ratio of detention referrals against the total offender population entitled to statutory release in a given year) remained stable in 2018-19.
  • The number of offenders detained following a detention review decreased to 77 (-30%) compared to the previous year, while their proportion decreased to 91%. Seven offenders (8%) were released on one chance statutory release and one offender (1%) was released on statutory release following a detention review in 2018-19.
  • In 2018-19, the Atlantic and Prairie regions reported the highest initial detention rates (100% and 97% respectively), while the Ontario region reported the lowest rate (79%), compared to the national average of 91%.
  • In 2018-19, 95% of offenders serving sentences for sexual offences and 92% of offenders serving sentences for violent offences who were referred for detention were detained.
  • Averaged over the last five years, the detention rate for Indigenous offenders was 93% compared to 96% for non-Indigenous offenders.
  • Averaged over the last five years, 95% of male offenders referred for detention were detained, compared to 100% for women offenders.
  • In 2018-19, the Board conducted 51 subsequent detention reviews and confirmed detention in 92% of cases, compared to 107 reviews in 2017-18 with a confirmation rate of 79%.
  • In the last five years, the Board conducted 683 subsequent detention reviews, confirming detention in 92% of cases.
Table 133. Detained Offenders by Region (as of April 7, 2019)
Status Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies Pacific Canada
Presently detained 14 28 29 49 22 142
Detention ordered/not past SR date 3 5 5 14 4 31
One chance SR revoked 1 3 1 10 3 18
Detained total 18 36 35 73 29 191
Table 134. Referrals for Detention by Region
Year Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies Pacific Canada
2009-10 25 54 79 97 23 278
2010-11 20 44 71 88 30 253
2011-12 16 51 53 73 21 214
2012-13 16 57 59 79 25 236
2013-14 16 51 48 70 23 208
2014-15 11 37 32 62 32 174
2015-16 16 39 39 54 25 173
2016-17 12 38 18 40 27 135
2017-18 18 21 29 37 14 119
2018-19 5 15 19 29 17 85
10-year total 155 407 447 629 237 1,875
Table 135. Detention Referral Rate
Year Detention Referrals Offenders Entitled
to Statutory Release
Detention Referral
Rate (%)
2009-10 278 5,966 4.7
2010-11 253 5,530 4.6
2011-12 214 5,731 3.7
2012-13 236 6,013 3.9
2013-14 208 6,019 3.5
2014-15 174 5,710 3.0
2015-16 173 5,581 3.1
2016-17 135 5,151 2.6
2017-18 119 4,597 2.6
2018-19 85 4,324 2.0

Definition: Offenders entitled to statutory release = number of offenders released from institutions on statutory release + number of offenders detained + number of offenders with detention ordered not past SR date + number of offenders with one chance SR revoked.

Table 136. Outcome of Initial Detention Reviews
Year Detained Statutory Release One-Chance SR Total
# % # % # %
2009-10 261 94 10 4 7 3 278
2010-11 239 94 3 1 11 4 253
2011-12 207 97 3 1 4 2 214
2012-13 232 98 2 1 2 1 236
2013-14 200 96 3 1 5 2 208
2014-15 164 94 3 2 7 4 174
2015-16 167 97 2 1 4 2 173
2016-17 131 97 - - 4 3 135
2017-18 110 92 2 2 7 6 119
2018-19 77 91 1 1 7 8 85
10-year avg - 95 - 2 - 3 -
Table 137. Outcome of Initial Detention Reviews by Offence Type (%)
Type Year Sexual Violent Non-Violent
Detained 2014-15 98 92 100
2015-16 97 96 100
2016-17 100 95 100
2017-18 90 92 100
2018-19 95 92 60
5y avg 97 94 95
Statutory release 2014-15 2 2 0
2015-16 0 2 0
2016-17 0 0 0
2017-18 3 1 0
2018-19 0 2 0
5y avg 1 1 0
One-chance statutory release 2014-15 0 7 0
2015-16 3 2 0
2016-17 0 5 0
2017-18 6 7 0
2018-19 5 7 40
5y avg 2 5 5
Table 138. Outcome of Initial Detention Reviews by Indigenous and Non-Indigenous (%)
Type Year Indigenous Non-Indigenous
Detained 2014-15 93 95
2015-16 97 96
2016-17 96 97
2017-18 89 95
2018-19 88 93
5y avg 93 96
Statutory release 2014-15 3 1
2015-16 0 2
2016-17 0 0
2017-18 4 0
2018-19 0 2
5y avg 1 1
One-chance statutory release 2014-15 4 4
2015-16 3 2
2016-17 4 3
2017-18 7 5
2018-19 12 5
5y avg 5 3
Table 139. Outcome of Initial Detention Reviews by Gender (%)
Type Year Male Female
Detained 2014-15 94 100
2015-16 96 100
2016-17 97 -
2017-18 92 100
2018-19 90 100
5y avg 95 100
Statutory release 2014-15 2 0
2015-16 1 0
2016-17 0 -
2017-18 2 0
2018-19 1 0
5y avg 1 0
One-chance statutory release 2014-15 4 0
2015-16 2 0
2016-17 3 -
2017-18 6 0
2018-19 8 0
5y avg 4 0
Table 140. Initial Detention Rates by Region (%)
Year Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies Pacific Canada
2009-10 96 98 89 96 91 94
2010-11 100 98 92 98 83 94
2011-12 94 98 100 96 90 97
2012-13 94 98 100 100 92 98
2013-14 94 94 100 99 87 96
2014-15 91 95 97 97 88 94
2015-16 100 100 90 100 92 97
2016-17 100 97 94 98 96 97
2017-18 83 90 97 97 86 92
2018-19 100 93 79 97 88 91
10-year average 95 97 94 98 89 95
Table 141. Outcome of Subsequent Annual Detention Reviews
Number/ Rate 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 5-Year
Total subsequent reviews 270 219 36 107 51 683
Detention confirmed 261 203 31 84 47 626
% detention confirmed 97% 93% 86% 79% 92% 92%

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