Supplementary Information Table 2021-22

From: Parole Board of Canada

Official title: Parole Board of Canada 2021-22 Departmental Plan, Supplementary Information Table

Gender Based Analysis Plus

General information

Institutional GBA+ Capacity

The PBC has a GBA+ Working Group from various sections that meets regularly. In 2020-21, the PBC released its Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) Guide. As part of the launch of the Guide, representatives from the Working Group hosted information sessions for each program area.

Although the PBC uses disaggregated gender data, it is not currently being used for GBA+. Gender data is used to inform the PBC's corporate planning reporting (e.g., Performance Monitoring Report), and research. An offender's reported gender is based on data entered in Correctional Service Canada's (CSC) Offender Management System from which the PBC extracts all offender profile information. Concerning gender data for Board members and staff, this information is reported as entered into Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

Highlights of GBA+ Results Reporting Capacity by Program

Conditional Release

In 2020-21, the PBC will:
  • Develop policy amendments incorporating gender considerations in decision-making as part of the Policy Manual Alignment Review;
  • Make system changes as it relates to offender correspondence, to accommodate offender chosen name;
  • Develop communication and training tools to inform Board members on how to address offenders with gender considerations in decision-making; and
  • Operationalize the management action plan for the PBC report called “Gendered Parole: Responding to Women Offender Needs” to provide a gender-responsive approach for women through enhancements to PBC's guidance and training to Board members and staff.

Record Suspension
and Expungement

All programs remove stigmatizing barriers of having a criminal record that allow people to pursue two of the pillars and goals: Education and skills development and Economic prosperity and participation.

Legislatively, these programs are not required to report on gender data, unless requested on an adhoc basis by the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

Update all program application forms and implement internal database system changes with the addition of a third gender box -“Another Gender” as a non-binary option to enable comprehensive gender data collection for possible future reporting.

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