Activity 3 – Goals

From: Privy Council Office

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Activity 3
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Activity 3 helps you identify and prioritize your Goals with consideration for the People and the Context you have just outlined. Identifying clear engagement goals helps to ensure that those involved (the engagement team, decision-makers, and participants) have shared expectations. Clear goals also allow you to define and measure your intended impact.

Step 1: Your goals

Examine the context considerations discussed in the previous activity (Awareness, Relationship, Confidence) and take note of which areas show the most negative (leftward positions) or polarized (combinations of leftward and rightward positions) ratings. The realities of your context should inform which engagement goals you choose.

For Step 1, select your goals from the table. For Step 2, write them in the diagram in the section for “My Team’s Goals”.

Questions to consider:

  • Which Goal might help address challenges and barriers identified in this group’s Context?


Step 1: Your goals
Text version

Table with three columns to be read from left to right. The header for column one reads “Context consideration” and the three context considerations from Activity 2 are listed sequentially in rows 2, 3 and 4: 1. Awareness of the Issue, 2. Relationship with Government, 3. Confidence in the System. The second column is titled “Team Goals”. For each of the three context considerations listed in column 1, there are three associated team goals in column 2. For awareness of the issue, the team goal options listed are:

  • Expose trade-offs and constraints surrounding an issue,
  • Hear diverse perspectives and understand values and,
  • Identify/enhance understanding of public problems.

For Relationship with Government, the team goal options listed are:

  • Transform a conflict or narrative on specific issue,
  • Develop relationships for ongoing collaboration, and
  • Develop consensus

For Confidence in the System, the team goals options listed are:

  • Ensure public policies reflect public values
  • Enhance citizen trust in government
  • Increase support for decisions and implementation

The final option underneath the ones listed is “Others?”, which is not associated with a specific context consideration.

In column three, there is a list of empty check boxes, one beside each of the Team Goal options listed in column two.

Step 2: People’s goals

Discuss with your team what is motivating the People’s (from Activity 2) participation in your engagement process. Write down your assumptions in the chart below. 

Questions to consider: 


Step 2: People’s Goals
Text version

Activity has four arrows, each with two elbows that connect to a square box in the centre. Two arrows are above the box and two are below. The top two arrows and the bottom left arrow are titled “Person 1 Goals”, “Person 2 Goals” and “Person 3 Goals”, respectively. Each one represents one of the three people or groups you selected for Activity 2. The bottom right arrow is titled “My Team’s Goals”. In the first elbow of each arrow, two bullet points are provided to list that person’s goals. Under “My Teams Goal’s”, you can write the goals identified in Part 1 of this Activity. In the centre, the square box has the title “Shared goals”. Here you can write any goals from Part 1 of this Activity that may be shared goals, or other goals you come up with.

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