Management Risk and Action Plan

December 2014

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Audit of the Risk Management Framework (PDF document - 26 KB- 2 pages)

Audit of the Risk Management Framework - December 2014
Recommendations Management Response and Planned Management Action Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsibility
Recommendation 1

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy, Planning and International Affairs Branch, in consultation with branch assistant deputy ministers/heads, develop performance indicators to track the progress of risk mitigation strategies.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

In the 2014-15 Report on Plans and Priorities, it was noted that specific performance indicators in the Risk Analysis section are under development for the risk treatments.

The Strategic Policy, Planning and International Affairs Branch (SPPIAB) will work with branches to develop performance indicators for risk mitigation strategies for the Corporate Risk Profile and branch plans (that is, risk treatment and risk controls) to track and monitor progress towards risk mitigation. This work will be aligned with the Agency Operational Plan. Develop a set of performance indicators to monitor progress of corporate and branch plan risk mitigation strategies September 2015 A/ADM, SPPIAB



Branch Head, HSIB

Recommendation 2

It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy, Planning and International Affairs Branch, establish and implement a monitoring process of branch and corporate risks.

Management agrees with the recommendation.
The Strategic Policy, Planning and International Affairs Branch (SPPIAB) will develop and implement a monitoring process for branch and corporate risks that is integrated with the operational planning and reporting processes. A monitoring process for branch and corporate risks September 2015 A/ADM, SPPIAB

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