ARCHIVED - Evaluation of the C-EnterNet Program Final Report


Annex B: Matrix of Interview Questions

Government Consulting Services (GCS) has been engaged by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to conduct an evaluation of the C-EnterNet Program.  This evaluation will help to inform future decisions related to the program.

As part of the evaluation, GCS is conducting interviews with key stakeholders involved in the program.  The purpose of these interviews is to obtain informed perspectives on the program’s relevance, design/delivery, impact, and cost-effectiveness. 

The following questions will serve as a guide for our interview.  In some cases, questions will not be relevant to your particular situation or experience.  The interview will focus on those questions most relevant to you.

Please also note that the responses you provide are confidential and will not be attributed to you in the evaluation report (only aggregate information will be released) or in any documentation provided to PHAC.

Question Indicator Groups
C-Net team PHAC senior mg’t ROWPH Steering Cmttee Sample of AC members Experts
1.  Can you briefly describe your involvement with the C-EnterNet program? --  
2.  Is infectious enteric disease an important issue in Canada right now?  Why or why not? 1.1.1
3.  Does C-EnterNet help to address the issue of infectious enteric disease in Canada?  If so, in what way? 1.1.3
4.  The C-EnterNet program consists of four components: a public health component; a water component; an agriculture component; and a retail component. How relevant are all of these components? Please explain your answer. 1.1.4  
5.  Currently, C-EnterNet operates one surveillance site, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo.  Is similar information needed from other regions of Canada?  Please explain your answer. 1.1.5  
6.  How does C-EnterNet align with Government of Canada objectives and priorities? 1.2.1        
7.  How does C-EnterNet align with PHAC’s objectives, priorities, mission and vision? 1.2.2        
8.  How does C-EnterNet align with the priorities of your local health department? 1.2.3        
9.  C-EnterNet is facilitated by the federal government through PHAC.  Should the program or any of its components be transferred to another level government or to the private sector, in your opinion?  Why or why not? 1.3.2      
10.  Are there other programs or organizations providing similar or the same information/services as C-EnterNet? [If yes, probe for specific areas of commonality / difference.] 1.4.1  
[Ask Q.11 if Q.10 = Yes]
11.  Please describe the degree of coordination between C-EnterNet and these other programs or organizations, if any.
12.  What elements of C-EnterNet’s design and delivery contribute positively to the success of program? 2.1.1    
13.  What elements of C-EnterNet’s design and delivery impede the success of the program? 2.1.1    
14.  How feasible would it be to replicate the C-EnterNet pilot to other sites?  Do you foresee any related barriers? 2.2.1, 2.2.2  
15.  The C-EnterNet program is jointly managed by the Centre for Food-Borne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases and the Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses.  How effective is this management structure for C-EnterNet (e.g., for providing strategic direction, decision-making)?  What have been the key management success factors and challenges? 2.3.1      
16.  What formal mechanisms or processes are in place with respect to:
a) Annual program planning
b) Performance measurement and reporting
17.  Using the following rating scale, how would you characterize the effectiveness of the C-EnterNet Advisory Committee in providing advice and guidance to the program?  Please explain your answer.
Not at all effective
Very effective
18.  Using the following rating scale, how would you characterize the effectiveness of the Regional Steering Committee in helping to oversee and guide C-EnterNet activities in the pilot site?  Please explain your answer.
Not at all effective
Very effective
19.  Are there any gaps in the content or types of information / data produced and /or received by C-EnterNet?  [If yes, probe for specific detail.] 3.2.6    
20.  Has C-EnterNet resulted in the establishment and development of collaborative networks related to enteric disease? 3.3.3  
21.  a) What contribution has C-EnterNet made to the advancement of source attribution methodologies for Canada, if any?  3.4.2    
21  b) Has C-EnterNet established any Canadian estimates on source attribution?  If yes, how many?  If not, why not? 3.8.1        
22.  Using the following rating scale, how would you characterize the success of C-EnterNet in raising the level of knowledge of enteric diseases and exposures among stakeholders? Please explain your answer.
Not at all effective
Very effective
23.  Has C-EnterNet had any impact on the accuracy of notifiable disease data at your local health department? 3.6.1        
24.  Have you implemented and/or developed any new standardized tools at your local health department as a result of your participation in C-EnterNet? 3.6.2        
25.  Has public health capacity been improved in any way as a result of C-EnterNet (including at laboratories)? 3.6.3        
26.  Have you made any changes to your programs, policies, practices or health messages as a result of the information produced by C-EnterNet?  Please explain any changes. 3.7.1      
27.  To what extent have programs, policies, practices or health messages been informed, created or evaluated by the information produced by C-EnterNet? 3.7.2      
28.  Using the following rating scale, overall, how would you characterize the success of C-EnterNet in contributing to reducing the burden of human enteric illness?  Please explain your answer.
Not at all effective
Very effective
29.  Has C-EnterNet had any impacts that were not expected (either positive or negative)? 3.10.1    
30.  Could the results produced by C-EnterNet be achieved more cost-effectively in other ways or by other groups? 4.1.1  
31.  Are there any modifications that could be made to either the design or delivery of C-EnterNet that would improve the program’s cost-effectiveness? 4.1.2      

Thank you for your assistance in this important evaluation.

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