Appendix 4: Evaluation of the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada 2008–09 to 2012–13 – Details on data collection and analysis methods

Appendix 4 - Details on Data Collection and Analysis Methods

Evaluators collected and analyzed data from multiple sources.

  • Performance data:
    • Performance measurement reports from each of the Responsibility Centres of the Federal Initiative
    • Evaluation reports and reviews conducted by individual Responsibility Centres (e.g. ACAP outcome assessment, Clinical Trials Network evaluation report, CIHR and National HIV and Retrovirology Laboratories bibliometric and citation reviews).
  • Document and file review
    • Previous evaluations of the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada: Implementation Evaluation Report (2008)
    • Key program documents outlining history, evolution and current context of the Initiative
    • Documents, report, and other key outputs produced through the Initiative.
    • Minutes from Federal Initiative governance committee meetings and meetings of the key Federal/Provincial/Territorial committees involved in overseeing Federal Initiative activities (Public Health Network, Communicable and Infectious Disease Steering Committee; Federal/Provincial/Territorial Heads of Correction)
    • Public Opinion Research (secondary data review): Attitudinal tracking surveys: conducted in 2003, 2006 and 2012.
  • Literature review
    • A literature review and international comparative analysis included both peer-reviewed and grey literature. An iterative review strategy was implemented, where review papers, key government reports, and articles from Tier 1 publications were initially sought. The comparative analysis involved three countries that were chosen based on their similarity to the Canadian context (United States, United Kingdom and Australia). A review grid was developed that addressed various dimensions of the federal HIV/AIDS response of each of the countries. Information was gathered mainly from government websites and government reports, external reports, and interviews with a small number of representatives from these countries that could provide additional information and clarification.
  • Financial data review
  • Key informant interviews
    • From April to September 2013, a total of 54 one-hour (on average) interviews were conducted. These interviews were audio-recorded. They were transcribed (verbatim) and used for analysis
    • A selection of key informants, including both management and staff, within the four partner departments were interviewed
    • Key informants from the key advisory bodies (Ministerial Advisory Council for the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada, and the National Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Council) and stakeholders from national non-governmental organizations were interviewed
    • Key informants from other federal government departments were interviewed. Contacts were identified where/when available by program staff within the four partner departments.

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