ARCHIVED - Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada Implementation Evaluation Report


Annexes I.1 – I.7
Supporting Analytical Tables

Annex I-6 - Governance Evaluation Results
Indicators of Good Governance Federal Initiative Evaluation Results

Proper authorization of programs and activities

Funds are provided directly to four departments and agencies participating in the Federal Initiative. Programs and activities are described in program documents.

Clear objectives and performance expectations for the overall Federal Initiative plus component programs

Most program reporting templates did not show a link between program activities and the Federal Initiative logic model.  Alignment of program objectives with those of the Federal Initiative are needed.  Public Works and Consulting Services Canada is actually reviewing the RMAF to align with programs and objectives. Results will be available by March 2009. 
Federal Initiative needs to develop an horizontal framework for DPR/PAA/RPP to provide information about results related to expenditures.

Understanding of Federal Initiative objectives by program managers and staff

Good evidence from managers assisting the AWG.  Human resource mobility may negatively influence this indicator.  A continuing transfer of knowledge is needed, as well as developing strategies for human resource retention, e.g. develop a concept of rotational experts between Federal Initiative programs; working groups dedicated exclusively to answer an issue or challenge.

Cooperative, coordinated and transparent management and planning processes

The necessary central tool to make decisions is in place:  The Responsibility Centres Committee seconded by the Accountability Working Group.  Program managers need to implement the concept of “administration of funds by planned results.”  Good collaboration between programs and support components.  Training in risk management monitoring and communications is needed. 

Regular compilation and reporting of performance information – spanning activities, reach, key outputs and strategic outcomes

Performance and financial information is sent quarterly to the Accountability and Evaluation Section, HIV/AIDS Division, PHAC.  Data is identified for Federal Initiative Areas of Action only.  Difficulties have been found linking activities data with Federal Initiative outcomes and key outputs.  Federal Initiative design needs to be fully implemented at program level.  Some programs are evaluating their performance system (e.g. National and Regional Gs&Cs).  Other programs are in developmental stage or only provided outputs not aligned with key outputs or strategic outcomes.  Data from different systems are not comparable.  Most data are manually compiled from different databases and non-compatible systems.  The reporting system collects information from multiple sources and databases (16).   Cross-referencing of program data with financial data is needed.  Human resources and investments on Federal Initiative reporting system are needed to implement a performance measurement and management system before the summative evaluation.  Need important investment of human resources and systems to align programs activities and outputs with key outputs and outcomes.

Use of performance information to facilitate planning and management across all program elements, or interdependent grouping of programs

Performance information is currently under development and has been of limited use in management decision-making processes.  Reporting focuses exclusively on mandatory requirements.
Information is not being collected to ascertain whether programs are using their performance information to facilitate internal planning and management. 

Integration of performance reporting with the planning and performance reporting cycles of participating department and agencies

Integration of performance reporting is currently under development.  Some exercises were undertaken in the past, but were not completed or validated.
Data – not information – are collected manually from RCs. 

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