ARCHIVED - Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada Implementation Evaluation Report
Annexes II.1 – II.4
Annex II-2 – Interview Guide/Questionnaire – Canada’s Report on HIV/AIDS in 2006
Note: Answer only those questions which relate to your organization’s work. Please include your responses into the template below.
The federal government is committed to periodically reporting on progress towards the outcomes identified in the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada Logic Model (attached).
The questions below have been formulated to enhance our ability to report on outcome-based results of work taking place under the Federal Initiative. Descriptions of each outcome are attached as Appendix A.
Section 1: Federal Initiative Outcomes
Over the past year, has your organization’s work contributed to one or more of the following? If so, how? Please provide one or two detailed examples, where applicable. (Please provide an assessment of the outcomes/evidence that supports the outcomes, not activity or project descriptions).
- Increased knowledge and awareness.
- Enhanced multi-sectoral engagement and alignment.
- Increased individual and organizational capacity.
- Increased coherence of federal response.
- Reduced stigma, discrimination and other barriers.
- Improved access to more effective prevention, care, treatment and support.
- Strengthened pan-Canadian response to HIV/AIDS.
Please explain, where applicable, how a specific target population has benefited from efforts, for example, to increase the knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS-related health risks (please support this with any available evidence gathered on an ongoing basis or through special studies).
Section 2: Evaluation and Accountability
Has your organization undertaken an evaluation exercise in the past year? If so, please explain and describe the results as related to the Immediate or Intermediate outcomes of the Logic Model.
Section 3: Leading Together
How has your organization used Leading Together in the past year (i.e., work planning, resource tool, reference, etc.)? Specifically, has Leading Together had an influence on planning, decision making, informing or stimulating work not only within your respective sectors, but also in the broader, pan-Canadian response to HIV/AIDS? Please explain and give concrete examples, if applicable.
Section 4: Challenges and Future Directions
Please describe your organization’s priorities for the upcoming year in achieving the Immediate or Intermediate outcomes of the Logic Model, and the challenges faced in addressing these priorities.
Appendix A
There are three levels of outcomes anticipated as results of these activities. They are described according to their sequence in time and reach. Immediate outcomes generally occur first, and are more directly affected by the Federal Initiative. Intermediate and long-term outcomes require broader participation and more time to achieve.
Immediate Outcomes
- Increased knowledge and awareness -- Through the above activities, both individuals and organizations are made more knowledgeable and aware. This includes, for instance, awareness of the epidemic’s seriousness at home and abroad, the mechanics of its spread and treatment, its complex nature, its particular stronghold on socially marginalized populations, and how stigmatizing thoughts and behaviour contribute to its spread.
- Enhanced multi-sectoral engagement and alignment -- A population health approach focuses on addressing the complex interaction of determinants of health. HIV/AIDS especially requires such an approach, given the multiplicity of factors contributing to its spread, and the many governments and non-governmental organizations involved in the response. For some sectors, stronger participation is needed. For others, greater coordination, integration, and alignment with other players is needed. Federal planning, coordination, and reporting will aim to strengthen engagement and alignment among federal, provincial, and territorial responses with the approaches of other sectors and with global strategies and initiatives.
- Increased individual and organizational capacity -- Participants in Canada’s HIV/AIDS response need to be positioned to enhance and strengthen their contributions. The federal contribution to the response strives to enhance the capacity of organizations to respond both domestically and internationally. In addition, individuals also need to increase their capacity to prevent infection, and to access care, treatment, and support options. This is achieved through targeted interventions, social marketing activities, and knowledge and information sharing.
- Increased coherence of federal response -- Federal responsibilities on the determinants of health and global health issues are shared among federal departments and agencies, which have varied levels of engagement with HIV/AIDS issues, and varied levels of alignment with the broader Canadian response. These disparate federal contributions need to be coherent so that the federal government’s contribution can ultimately be strengthened.
Intermediate Outcomes
- Reduced HIV/AIDS stigma, discrimination, and other barriers -- The overwhelming impact of HIV/AIDS on marginalized Canadians, including gay men, Aboriginal populations, and people who inject drugs, has charged the virus with stigma and discrimination since its emergence over 20 years ago. Reducing that stigma and discrimination, along with other barriers, such as poverty and lack of housing, will afford individuals better health outcomes. Documenting and sharing Canada’s rights-based approaches internationally will assist other countries in their efforts to address stigma and discrimination.
- Improved access to more effective prevention, care, treatment, and support -- Canadians need an improved level of access to interventions preventing the spread of HIV infection, but also to current and emerging prevention and care technologies (e.g. vaccines, microbicides, treatment regimens). These also need continuous enhancements to maintain and increase their effectiveness. Canada will also contribute technical and policy expertise to global efforts to improve access to prevention, care, treatment, and support.
- Strengthened Canadian response to HIV/AIDS -- In addition to improving social and individual conditions, the efforts of the federal contribution also benefit Canada’s response to HIV/AIDS. With time, the sum of the Canadian response is strengthened through continued enhancements and refining of federal participation. All efforts, if well coordinated and communicated, contribute to a strengthening of the overall Canadian response to HIV/AIDS both domestically and internationally.
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