Issues/Questions |
Indicators |
Data Sources |
A) Relevance – Does the Component continue to be consistent with departmental-wide priorities, and does it realistically address an actual need? |
A.1 Is there a continued need for the Community-based Programming Functional Component? |
- stakeholders identify need
- evidence of Pan-Canadian nature and magnitude of problem
- Diabetes project proposals
- Surveillance reports
- theoretical evidence in population health literature of potential impact of programming
A.2 Is there overlap and duplication across Functional Components? |
- components are developed strategically in coordination and are defined as complementary but distinct
- ISHLCD Program Documentation
- First and Second ISHLCD Implementation Reviews
A.3 Are there any elements that should or could be transferred in whole or in part to:
- the Provinces/Territories?
- the private sector?
- voluntary sector?
- role of federal government defined and supported by evidence
- Diabetes Policy Review
- Strategic Review
- understanding of like-type programs in public and private sector, and how program contribution does not duplicate or work at cross-purposes with other programs or policies
- Results from the Diabetes Policy Review Stakeholder Consultations
B) Design and Delivery – Are the most appropriate and effective means being used to achieve objectives? |
B.1 Are there any key gaps in the Community-based Program Functional Component? |
- Achieved outcomes reflected planned outcomes
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- Diabetes Policy Review
- Report: Diabetes Community-based Program Annual Evaluation Report for 2006-07 funded projects
- Report: A Regional View: Diabetes Community-based Program regional summaries, promising practices and lessons learned
B.2 What have been the key lessons learned to date? |
- Results of:
- 2006-07 PERT
- Final 2006-07 project evaluations
- National and Regional annual reports
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- Diabetes Policy Review
- First and Second Implementation Reviews (ISHLCD)
- Report: Diabetes Community-based Program Annual Evaluation Report for 2006-07 funded projects
- Report: A Regional View: Diabetes Community-based Program regional summaries, promising practices and lessons learned
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- Diabetes Policy Review
- First and Second ISHLCD Implementation Reviews
B.3 Is the current monitoring system for the Functional Component effective? |
- Key outcomes are tracked using information management system
C) Success / Progress – Is the Component effective and without unwanted outcomes? |
C.1 What have been the key activities and outputs achieved? Key results include: |
Enhancing community capacity: C.1.1
- To what extent have interventions been planned, implemented and evaluated using evidence to address multiple risk factors (among high-risk populations within various social, economic and physical environments)?
- Project proposals (solicitation file)
- Project planning questions
- PERT: Q1
- description of project objectives
- Project planning questions
- PERT: Q1
- description of evaluation plans and use of lessons learned
- Project planning questions
- PERT: Q19
- Exploration of root causes of issues targeted by projects
- Involvement of target population in asking why / identifying root causes
- Involvement of target population in finding solutions to root causes
- Access to resources needed for project success
- Volunteers and other in-kind contributions
- Education, awareness and outreach activities offered to target population
- Project team member skill and knowledge development (e.g., in evaluation, best practices, policy influence)
- Links made with diverse sectors
- Increase in information sharing between organizations
- Collaborative partnerships formed
- Collaborative action with partners
- To what extent have partnerships been formed among health practitioners, planners, researchers, and policy-makers within and across organizations, sectors and jurisdictions?
- # of links and # of new links by sector/type
- To what extent has collaboration occurred within systems of prevention, detection and management of diabetes?
- # of links and # of new links by sector/type
- To what extent have healthier public policies addressing prevention, early detection and management of diabetes attempts to influence?
- #, type, and description of actions to change or develop policy
C.2 To what extent have the key (reach) targets been met with:
- target groups and/or intermediaries?
- ultimate beneficiaries?
- reach to target groups and/or intermediaries through funded projects
- reach to ultimate beneficiaries through funded projects
C.3 To what extent has progress been made on other direct outcomes? (see Logic Model for Funded Projects within Community-based Program of the Canadian Diabetes Strategy) |
- To what extent has knowledge of: diabetes related determinants, risk and protective factors, at-risk populations, effective interventions, and promising community-based practices increased?
- %/# of target population (researchers, practitioners, etc) who report increased knowledge related to diabetes determinants, risk and protective factors, at-risk populations, effective interventions, and promising community-based practices
- PERT: Q16
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- Diabetes Policy Review
- To what extent has awareness and improved attitudes of high-risk populations increased?
- %/# of high-risk target populations who report increased awareness related to diabetes determinants, risk and protective factors, at-risk populations, effective interventions, and promising community-based practices
- PERT: Q16
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- Diabetes Policy Review
- To what extent has knowledge of the skills and behaviours necessary to prevent diabetes increased among high-risk populations?
- %/# of target population (high risk populations) who report increased knowledge related to skills and behaviours necessary to prevent diabetes
- PERT: Q16
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- Diabetes Policy Review
- To what extent are healthier public policies in organizations across sectors and jurisdictions addressing high-risk populations, early detection and management of diabetes?
- # of policies developed and implemented
- description of outcomes of policy work
- PERT : Q15
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- To what extent has the capacity to apply best practices and clinical practice guidelines to better screen, educate and counsel improved?
- # of trained personnel (e.g. front-line service providers) trained in best practices/clinical practice guidelines
- PERT: Q9, Q13
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- # training or educational products produced and disseminated
- PERT: Q5, Q11, Q20
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- # of training or educational activities that took place
- PERT: Q10, Q13
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- enhanced organizational policies to promote the application of clinical practice guidelines
- PERT: Q15, Q16, Q20
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- Diabetes Policy Review
C.4 To what extent has progress been made on ultimate outcomes to date? (see Logic Model for Funded Projects within Community-based Program of the Canadian Diabetes Strategy) |
C.5 What have been the unintended positive or negative impacts, if any, of the Community-based Programming Functional Component to date? |
- Results of:
- 2006-07 PERT
- Final 2006-07 project evaluations
- National and Regional annual reports
- NCR and Ontario Region Project Sharing Meeting
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- Diabetes Policy Review
- First and Second Implementation Reviews (ISHLCD)
- Report: Diabetes Community-based Program Annual Evaluation Report for 2006-07 funded projects
- Report: A Regional View: Diabetes Community-based Program regional summaries, promising practices and lessons learned
- Report from NCR/Ontario Region Information Sharing Meeting
- Diabetes Outcome Evaluation
- Diabetes Policy Review
- First and Second ISHLCD Implementation Reviews