ARCHIVED - Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Diseases - Knowledge Development and Exchange Functional Component
The following background documents were selected by PHAC as the most relevant to this formative evaluation to provide the contractor with some context on the KD&E Functional Component.
- Fully-elaborated Results-based Management and Accountability Framework. Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease, Public Health Agency of Canada, Submitted to Treasury Board, February 1, 2007
- ISHLCD Functional Coordinator Workshop: Knowledge, development and Exchange. Marie DesMeules, Randy Adams and Fiona Chin-Yee, Public Health Agency of Canada, April, 2008
- Knowledge Cycle Framework and accompanying definitions. May 2008. Developed by the Knowledge Exchange Working Group of the Canadian Best Practices Initiative, for the Public Health Agency of Canada.
- Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the Knowledge Development, Exchange and Dissemination Functional Component; Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease; Prepared by: Public Health Agency of Canada; Submitted to: Treasury Board Secretariat; February 1, 2007 (Annex 3)
- Project Evaluation and Reporting Tool (PERT), Complete Questionnaire, Public Health Agency of Canada, June 9, 2008
- Results of an Environmental Scan; Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control; Evidence and Risk Assessment Division; Public Health Agency of Canada; Contributing authors: Alan Amey, Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Marie DesMeules, Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, John Lavis, McMaster University, Sonya Corkum, Knowledge Translation Consultant; August 3, 2007
- Self-Reported Organizational Data; Literature review and synthesis
- Self-Report Organizational Data Discussion Paper; Version 3: March 31 2006; Submitted to: Population Health Evaluator's Network (PHEN); Public Health Agency of Canada; Natalie Kishchuk, Recherché et évaluation inc. [Source: Self-Report Organizational Data Discussion Paper. Natalie Kishchuk, Ph.D. (2006)]
- Self-Reported Organizational Data; Literature review and synthesis examined strengths and weaknesses along two dimensions: Classical standards for measurement quality; Risk
- What’s happening in knowledge development and exchange about chronic disease?; The results of an environmental scan; Adapted by Alan Amey; Manager, Planning and Evaluation; Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control; Public Health Agency of Canada environmental scan for the knowledge development and exchange (KD&E) component of the Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease; John N. Lavis, MD PhD and Sonya H. Corkum. c. 2007.
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