ARCHIVED - Promotion of Population Health Grant and Contribution Programs: Summary of Program Evaluations, 2004-2009
Annex 2: Title, Preparer and Date of the Eevaluation Reports Reviewed for this Report
Program | Title, Preparer and Date of Evaluation |
1. Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities (AHSUNC) | Summary Report for the Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern Communities 2003 – 2005 National Impact Evaluation, Johnston Research Inc., March 31, 2006 |
2. Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) | Health Canada Evaluation of the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP), PRA Inc., May 6, 2004 |
3. Centres of Excellence for Children’s Well-Being (CofE) | Evaluation of the Centres of Excellence for Children’s Well-Being Program, Consulting and Audit Canada, August 2005 |
4. Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) | Formative Evaluation of the Community Action Program for Children, Public Health Agency of Canada, November 2007 |
5. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD, formerly Fetal Alcohol Syndrome / Fetal Alcohol Effects) | Summative Evaluation: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Initiative, Government Consulting Services, June 12, 2008 |
6. Health Canada/Veterans Affairs Canada - Falls Prevention Initiative (HC/VAC) | Final Evaluation of the Health Canada/Veterans Affairs Canada Falls Prevention Initiative, EKOS Research Associates Inc., February 10, 2005 |
7. Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS (CHSA) | No evaluation conducted in the 2004-09 period – federal government action on HIV/AIDS was expanded considerably in May 2004 and this Strategy was replaced by the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada at that time. |
8. Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada (FI) | Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada, Implementation Evaluation Report, Public Health Agency of Canada, November 2008 |
9. Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative (CBCI) | “So Much Sharing”: Evaluation of the Capacity-Building Component of the Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative, Natalie Kischuk Evaluation and Research Inc, March 8, 2008 |
10. Canadian Diabetes Strategy (CDS) | Evaluation of the Canadian Diabetes Strategy, Rick Wilson Consulting Inc., October 2004 and Evaluation of the Canadian Diabetes Strategy 1999-2004, Summary, Public Health Agency of Canada, March 2005 |
11. Hepatitis C Prevention, Support and Research Program (HEP C) | Evaluation of the Hepatitis C Prevention, Support and Research Program 1999/2000 – 2005/2006, Public Health Agency of Canada, December 2006 |
12. Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease (ISHLCD) | Implementation Review of the Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease, Performance Management Network Inc., January 8, 2007 and Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Second Implementation Review, Public Health Agency of Canada |
13. Canadian Health Network (CHN) | Evaluation of the Canadian Health Network, EKOS Research Associates Inc., March 16, 2006 |
14. National Collaborating Centres for Public Health (NCCPH) | Formative Evaluation of the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health Program (NCCPH), Charis Management Consulting Inc., December 31, 2008 |
15. Population Health Fund (PHF) | Population Health Fund Evaluation 2008, WindRose Consulting Ltd., January 2009 |
16. Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI) -- Sectoral Involvement in Departmental Policy Development | evaluation not yet available |
Program | Title, Preparer and Date of Evaluation |
Relevance: To what extent is there a continued need for federal involvement in this area? |
Impact and Effect: To what extent have the programs contributed to the achievement of outcomes identified in the logic model? |
Design and Delivery: How have programs approached the design and delivery of programs? (What has worked well, what has not) |
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