ARCHIVED - Summative Evaluation of the Blood Safety Contribution Program - Final Report
III. Summative Evaluation
Purpose of the evaluation
Use, Goals and Objectives
The PHAC undertook this summative evaluation of the BSCP to assess its relative impact on health surveillance activities, as well as its impact on the safety of the Canadian blood supply. The information provided through evaluation will inform and contribute to the renewal of the Program’s Terms and Conditions, scheduled to occur in 2009. The findings from the evaluation will be used by PHAC and other stakeholders in order to improve and/or modify the program, thereby improving value for money and patient safety.
This evaluation was national in scope, including surveillance activities in all 13 provinces and territories. It covers the period from October 1998 to April 2008, and was carried out between April and November 2008.
The evaluation focused on the continued contextual relevance of the program, the degree to which desired outcomes have been achieved, the extent to which the program has helped achieve outcomes, value for money, and resources required to fill gaps and continue improving the program. Though they are at varying stages of development and implementation, the evaluation covered all five components of the BSCP: 1) TTISS; 2) TESS; 3) CTOSS; 4) Data linkages and communications; and 5) High risk populations and emerging pathogens.
Evaluation Questions
The following specific evaluation questions were addressed:
- Is there a continued need for the BSCP?
- Are the BSCP target audiences and activities appropriate in light of societal/environmental requirements?
- Does the program continue to be consistent with departmental and government-wide priorities?
- What are the best practices and lessons learned from the development and implementation of the five components that make up the BSCP?
- Are the accountability measures for the three surveillance systems and lines of accountability clear to stakeholders, including funding recipients?
- To what extent has the BSCP been successful in engaging its stakeholders (particularly those who contribute, analyse, and use the surveillance data)?
- To what extent have the short-term outcomes of the BSCP been achieved?
- What remains to be done before each component of the BSCP is fully operational?
- What progress has been made towards the intermediate outcomes of the BSCP?
- What progress has been made towards the long-term outcome of the BSCP?
- Have there been any unintended (positive or negative) outcomes of the BSCP activities? If so, what are they, and what actions were taken as a result?
- How have the contributions flowing to each of the funding recipients impacted the achievement of BSCP outcomes and contributed to national surveillance systems?
- Is BSCP as designed the most appropriate and efficient means of achieving its objectives?
- What resources are required to sustain, strengthen or enhance blood safety surveillance?
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