- Footnote
Footnote 1
Government of Canada: Bill C-5: Public Health Agency of Canada Act, LS-523E, c. 5, 2006.
- Footnote 2
Footnote 2
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2008-04-04). Who We Are. Retrieved on November 7, 2011, from http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/about_apropos/who-eng.php
- Footnote 3
Footnote 3
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010-11-17). The Role of the Chief Public Health Officer. Retrieved on November 7, 2011, from
- Footnote 4
Footnote 4
Last, J. M. (2001). A Dictionary of Epidemiology. (New York: Oxford University Press Inc.).
- Footnote 5
Footnote 5
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-06-20). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved on December 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 6
Footnote 6
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-06-16). Mandate. Retrieved on December 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 7
Footnote 7
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2004-09-01). The Federal Strategy. Retrieved on December 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 8
Footnote 8
National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health. (2003). Learning from SARS: Renewal of Public Health in Canada. (Ottawa: Health Canada).
- Footnote 9
Footnote 9
Mowat, D. L. & Butler-Jones, D. (2007). Public Health in Canada: A Difficult History. HealthcarePapers, 7(3), 31-36.
- Footnote 10
Footnote 10
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2003-06-16). What Makes Canadians Healthy or Unhealthy? Retrieved on October 17, 2011, from
- Footnote 11
Footnote 11
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2001-12-08). What is the Population Health Approach? Retrieved on December 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 12
Footnote 12
Graham, H. & Power, C. (2004). Childhood disadvantage and adult health: a lifecourse framework.
- Footnote 13
Footnote 13
Last, J. M. (2007). A Dictionary of Public Health. (New York: Oxford University Press Inc.).
- Footnote 14
Footnote 14
Hertzman, C. & Power, C. (2003). Health and Human Development: Understandings from Life-Course Research. Developmental Neuropsychology, 24(2&3), 719-744.
- Footnote 15
Footnote 15
Butler-Jones, D. (2009). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2009: Growing Up Well - Priorities for a Healthy Future. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 16
Footnote 16
Canadian Institute for Health Information. (2005). Improving the Health of Young Canadians. (Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information).
- Footnote 17
Footnote 17
Gaudet, S. (2007). Emerging Adulthood: A New Stage in the Life Course. Implications for Policy Development. (Ottawa: Policy Research Initiative).
- Footnote 18
Footnote 18
Greaves, L. (1999). CIHR 2000: Sex, Gender and Women's Health. (Vancouver: British Columbia Centre for Excellence for Women's Health).
- Footnote 19
Footnote 19
Forrest, C. B. & Riley, A. W. (2004). Childhood Origins Of Adult Health: A Basis For Life-Course Health Policy. Health Affairs, 23(5), 155-164.
- Footnote 20
Footnote 20
Butler-Jones, D. (2011). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2011: Youth and Young Adults - Life in Transition. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 21
Footnote 21
Contra Costa Health Services. (2005-04). The Life Course Model and Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health - An Overview. Retrieved on December 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 22
Footnote 22
Health Canada. (2010-05-10). Sex and Gender-Based Analysis (SGBA). Retrieved on October 17, 2011, from
- Footnote 23
Footnote 23
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Gender and Health. (2012). What a Difference Sex and Gender Make: A Gender, Sex and Health Research Casebook. (Ottawa: Canadian Institutes of Health Research).
- Footnote 24
Footnote 24
Butler-Jones, D. (2008). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2008: Addressing Health Inequalities. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 25
Footnote 25
Butler-Jones, D. (2010). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2010: Growing Older - Adding Life to Years. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 26
Footnote 26
Statistics Canada. (2012-05-26). Age and Sex for the Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Divisions, Census Subdivisions and Dissemination Areas, 2011 Census [Data File]. Retrieved on May 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 27
Footnote 27
Statistics Canada. (2011). Population Projections by Aboriginal Identity in Canada, 2006 to 2031. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 28
Footnote 28
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-27). CANSIM Table 051-0001 Estimates of population, by age group and sex for July 1, Canada, provinces and territories, annual [Custom Data File]. Retrieved on January 3, 2012.
- Footnote 29
Footnote 29
Statistics Canada. (2011). Projections of the Diversity of the Canadian Population, 2006 to 2031. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 30
Footnote 30
Statistics Canada. (2010-12-06). 2006 Aboriginal Population Profile [Data File]. Retrieved on March 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 31
Footnote 31
Statistics Canada. (2011-07-04). Place of Birth, Period of Immigration, Sex and Age Groups for the Immigrant Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census [Data File]. Retrieved on January 12, 2012, from
- Footnote 32
Footnote 32
Statistics Canada. (2012-01-17). Population and dwelling counts, for population centres, 2011 and 2006 censuses [Data File]. Retrieved on February 8, 2012, from
- Footnote 33
Footnote 33
Statistics Canada. (2012-01-24). Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, 2011 and 2006 censuses [Data File]. Retrieved on February 8, 2012, from
- Footnote 34
Footnote 34
Statistics Canada. (2007). Census snapshot of Canada - Urbanization. Canadian Social Trends, Winter(84), 12-13.
- Footnote 35
Footnote 35
Dandy, K. & Bollman, R. D. (2008). Seniors in Rural Canada. Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin, 7(8), 1-56.
- Footnote 36
Footnote 36
Statistics Canada. (2011). Canada Year Book, 2011. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 37
Footnote 37
Statistics Canada. (2010-05-25). CANSIM Table 052-0005 Projected population, by projection scenario, sex and age group as of July 1, Canada, provinces and territories, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on March 27, 2012, from
- Footnote 38
Footnote 38
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. (2011-11-07). Indicators of Well-being in Canada. Canadians in Context - Aboriginal Population. Retrieved on November 7, 2011, from
- Footnote 39
Footnote 39
Statistics Canada. (2010-10-06). Aboriginal identity population by age groups, median age and sex, 2006 counts for both sexes, for Canada, provinces and territories [Data File]. Retrieved on November 7, 2011, from
- Footnote 40
Footnote 40
Statistics Canada. (2010-12-01). Age groups, Rural/Urban area, Immigrant status, Aboriginal Identity and Sex for Persons 12 to 29 years of age in Private Households of Canada, 2006 Census [Custom Data File]. Retrieved on November 7, 2011.
- Footnote 41
Footnote 41
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0512 Life expectancy, at birth and at age 65, by sex, Canada, provinces and territories, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on January 10, 2012, from
- Footnote 42
Footnote 42
Statistics Canada. (2005). Projections of the Aboriginal populations, Canada, provinces and territories 2001 to 2017. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 43
Footnote 43
Greenberg, L. & Normandin, C. (2011). Disparities in life expectancy at birth. Health at a Glance, April 2011(1), 1-13.
- Footnote 44
Footnote 44
Statistics Canada. Canadian Community Health Survey, 2010: Annual [Share Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 45
Footnote 45
Statistics Canada. (2011-10-21). CANSIM Table 105-0501 Health indicator profile, annual estimates, by age group and sex, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions (2011 boundaries) and peer groups, occasional [Data File]. Retrieved on January 12, 2012, from
- Footnote 46
Footnote 46
Public Health Agency of Canada Steering Committee on Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy. Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy in Canada: 2010 Report by the Public Health Agency of Canada. In Press.
- Footnote 47
Footnote 47
Murphy, K. A., Spence, S. T., McIntosh, C. N., & Connor Gorber, S. K. (2006). Health State Descriptions for Canadians: Musculoskeletal Diseases. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 48
Footnote 48
Statistics Canada. (2010). Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). Annual Component - 2010 Questionnaire. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 49
Footnote 49
Hypertension Canada. (n.d.). What is Hypertension. Retrieved on November 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 50
Footnote 50
Norfield, J. (2009). Management of Hypertension. Guide for Health Professionals.
- Footnote 51
Footnote 51
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010-07-22). Hypertension Facts and Figures. Retrieved on November 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 52
Footnote 52
Hypertension Canada. (n.d.). Diet and Exercise Tips. Retrieved on March 8, 2012, from
- Footnote 53
Footnote 53
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2009-05-15). Effective ways for reducing high blood pressure. Retrieved on November 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 54
Footnote 54
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). Life with Arthritis in Canada: A personal and public health challenge.
- Footnote 55
Footnote 55
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis. (2007-03-15). Arthritis Research - The Largest Subset of All Musculoskeletal Disorders. Retrieved on November 15, 2011, from
- Footnote 56
Footnote 56
The Arthritis Society. (2011-04-11). Types of Arthritis. Retrieved on November 7, 2011, from
- Footnote 57
Footnote 57
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010-08-20). Arthritis Risk Factors. Retrieved on May 10, 2012, from
- Footnote 58
Footnote 58
Ng, C., Chatwood, S., & Young, T. K. (2010). Arthritis in the Canadian Aboriginal population: north-south differences in prevalence and correlates. Chronic Diseases in Canada, 31(1), 22-26.
- Footnote 59
Footnote 59
Statistics Canada. Aboriginal Peoples Survey: Adults, 2006 [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 60
Footnote 60
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2007). Life and Breath: Respiratory Disease in Canada. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 61
Footnote 61
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-06-28). Asthma. Retrieved on November 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 62
Footnote 62
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011). Diabetes in Canada: Facts and figures from a public health perspective. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 63
Footnote 63
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011). Your Guide to Diabetes. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 64
Footnote 64
World Health Organization. (2012). Genetics and Diabetes. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 65
Footnote 65
Canadian Cancer Society's Steering Committee on Cancer Statistics. (2011). Canadian Cancer Statistics, 2011. (Toronto: Canadian Cancer Society).
- Footnote 66
Footnote 66
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-06-28). Mental Illness. Retrieved on November 21, 2011, from
- Footnote 67
Footnote 67
The Lancet. (2011). Health concerns of adolescents who are in a sexual minority. The Lancet, 377(9783), 2056.
- Footnote 68
Footnote 68
Government of Canada. (2006). The Human Face of Mental Health and Mental Illness in Canada.
- Footnote 69
Footnote 69
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0521 Deaths, by cause, Chapter I: Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00 to B99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 70
Footnote 70
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0522 Deaths, by cause, Chapter II: Neoplasms (C00 to D48), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 71
Footnote 71
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0523 Deaths, by cause, Chapter III: Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism (D50 to D89), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 72
Footnote 72
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0524 Deaths, by cause, Chapter IV: Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00 to E90), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 73
Footnote 73
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0525 Deaths, by cause, Chapter V: Mental and behavioural disorders (F00 to F99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 74
Footnote 74
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0526 Deaths, by cause, Chapter VI: Diseases of the nervous system (G00 to G99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 75
Footnote 75
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0527 Deaths, by cause, Chapter VII: Diseases of the eye and adnexa (H00 to H59), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 76
Footnote 76
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0528 Deaths, by cause, Chapter VIII: Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (H60 to H95), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 77
Footnote 77
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0529 Deaths, by cause, Chapter IX: Diseases of the circulatory system (I00 to I99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 78
Footnote 78
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0530 Deaths, by cause, Chapter X: Diseases of the respiratory system (J00 to J99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 79
Footnote 79
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0531 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XI: Diseases of the digestive system (K00 to K93), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 80
Footnote 80
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0532 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XII: Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00 to L99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 81
Footnote 81
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0533 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XIII: Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00 to M99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 82
Footnote 82
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0534 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XIV: Diseases of the genitourinary system (N00 to N99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 83
Footnote 83
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0535 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XV: Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00 to O99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 84
Footnote 84
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0536 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XVI: Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00 to P96), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 85
Footnote 85
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0537 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XVII: Congenital malformation, deformation and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00 to Q99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 86
Footnote 86
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0538 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XVIII: Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00 to R99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 87
Footnote 87
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0540 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XX: External causes of morbidity and mortality (V01 to Y89), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 88
Footnote 88
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0542 Deaths, by cause, Chapter XXII: Codes for special purposes (U00 to U99), age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on October 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 89
Footnote 89
Statistics Canada. Canadian Vital Statistics, Death Database, 2008. All computations on these data were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 90
Footnote 90
World Health Organization. (2003). Social Determinants of Health: The Solid Facts. 2nd edition. (Denmark: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 91
Footnote 91
Statistics Canada. Labour Force Survey, January 1990 to December 2011, Public-Use Microdata File. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Labour Statistics Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 92
Footnote 92
Gilmore, J. (2010). Trends in Dropout Rates and the Labour Market Outcomes of Young Dropouts. Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada, 7(4).
- Footnote 93
Footnote 93
Statistics Canada. (2011-04-07). Immigrant Status and Period of Immigration, Labour Force Activity, Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree, Location of Study, Age Groups and Sex for the Population 15 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census [Data File]. Retrieved on April 11, 2012, from
- Footnote 94
Footnote 94
Statistics Canada. (2011-04-07). Aboriginal Identity, Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree, Major Field of Study - Classification of Instructional Programs, 2000, Area of Residence, Age Groups and Sex for the Population 15 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2006 Census [Data File]. Retrieved on April 11, 2012, from
- Footnote 95
Footnote 95
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-16). CANSIM Table 477-0054 Registered apprenticeship training, completions, by age groups, sex and major trade groups [Data File]. Retrieved on March 2, 2012, from
- Footnote 96
Footnote 96
Statistics Canada. (2008-10-22). Historical Statistics of Canada, Section D: The Labour Force. Labour Force at Census Dates (Series D1-123). Table D8-85 Work force, by industrial category and sex, census years, 1911 to 1971 (gainfully occupied 1911 to 1941, labour force 1951 to 1971) [Data File]. Retrieved on November 22, 2011, from
- Footnote 97
Footnote 97
Statistics Canada. (2011-07-04). Industry - North American Industry Classification System 1997 (Historical), Age Groups and Sex for the Labour Force 15 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2001 and 2006 Censuses [Data File]. Retrieved on November 22, 2011, from
- Footnote 98
Footnote 98
Statistics Canada. (2012-01-04). CANSIM Table 282-0004 Labour force survey estimates (LFS), by educational attainment, sex and age group, annual [Custom Data File]. Retrieved on January 10, 2012.
- Footnote 99
Footnote 99
Statistics Canada. (2011-03-02). CANSIM Table 282-0106 Labour force survey estimates (LFS), by immigrant status, educational attainment, sex and age group, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on November 16, 2011, from
- Footnote 100
Footnote 100
Statistics Canada. (2011-04-07). Labour Force Activity, Aboriginal Identity, Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree, Area of Residence, Age Groups and Sex for the Population 15 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2006 Census [Data File]. Retrieved on April 11, 2012, from
- Footnote 101
Footnote 101
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2004-03-23). The Social Determinants of Health: Working Conditions as a Determinant of Health. Retrieved on December 12, 2011, from
- Footnote 102
Footnote 102
Jackson, A. (2002). The Unhealthy Canadian Workplace.
- Footnote 103
Footnote 103
Chandola, T., Heraclides, A., & Kumari, M. (2010). Psychophysiological biomarkers of workplace stressors. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 35(1), 51-57.
- Footnote 104
Footnote 104
Byrne, D. G. & Espnes, G. A. (2008). Occupational stress and cardiovascular disease. Stress and Health, 24(3), 231-238.
- Footnote 105
Footnote 105
Park, J. (2008). Work stress and job performance. Perspectives on Labour and Income, 20(1), 5-17.
- Footnote 106
Footnote 106
Kouvonen, A., Kivimäki, M., Virtanen, M., Pentti, J. et al. (2005). Work stress, smoking status, and smoking intensity: an observational study of 46 190 employees. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 59(1), 63-69.
- Footnote 107
Footnote 107
Azagba, S. & Sharaf, M. F. (2011). The effect of job stress on smoking and alcohol consumption. Health Economics Review, 1.
- Footnote 108
Footnote 108
Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada. (2011). National Work Injury, Disease and Fatality Statistics, 2008-2010. (Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada).
- Footnote 109
Footnote 109
Statistics Canada. (2012-01-04). CANSIM Table 282-0010 Labour Force Survey estimates (LFS), by National Occupational Classification for Statistics (NOC-S) and sex, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on April 5, 2012, from
- Footnote 110
Footnote 110
Statistics Canada. (2012-06-18). CANSIM Table 202-0707 Market, total and after-tax income of individuals, where each individual is represented by their adjusted household income, by economic family type and adjusted after-tax income quintiles, 2010 constant dollars, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on November 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 111
Footnote 111
Statistics Canada. (2010-01-07). Aboriginal Identity, Age Groups, Area of Residence, Sex and Selected Demographic, Cultural, Labour Force, Educational and Income Characteristics, for the Total Population of Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2006 Census [Data File]. Retrieved on April 13, 2012, from
- Footnote 112
Footnote 112
Statistics Canada. (2010-01-07). Immigrant Status and Place of Birth, Immigrant Status and Period of Immigration, Age Groups, Sex and Selected Demographic, Cultural, Labour Force, Educational and Income Characteristics, for the Total Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census [Data File]. Retrieved on April 13, 2012, from
- Footnote 113
Footnote 113
Statistics Canada. (2012-06-15). CANSIM Table 202-0802 Persons in low income families, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on August 26, 2011, from
- Footnote 114
Footnote 114
Commission on Social Determinants of Health. (2007). Achieving Health Equity: from root causes to fair outcomes. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 115
Footnote 115
Dahlgren, G. & Whitehead, M. (2006). European strategies for tackling social inequities in health: Levelling up Part 2. (Copenhagen: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 116
Footnote 116
Yanbaeva, D. G., Dentener, M. A., Creutzberg, E. C., Wesseling, G. et al. (2007). Systemic Effects of Smoking. CHEST, 131(5), 1557-1566.
- Footnote 117
Footnote 117
Baliunas, D., Patra, J., Rehm, J., Popova, S. et al. (2002). Smoking-attributable mortality and expected years of life lost in Canada 2002: Conclusions for prevention and policy. Chronic Diseases in Canada, 27(4), 154-162.
- Footnote 118
Footnote 118
Department of Health and Human Services. (2004). The health consequences of smoking: a report of the Surgeon General. (Atlanta: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health).
- Footnote 119
Footnote 119
Kroon, L. A. (2007). Drug interactions with smoking. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 64(18), 1917-1921.
- Footnote 120
Footnote 120
Schein, J. R. (1995). Cigarette smoking and clinically significant drug interactions. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 29(11), 1139-1148.
- Footnote 121
Footnote 121
Desai, H. D., Seabolt, J., & Jann, M. W. (2001). Smoking in patients receiving psychotropic medications: a pharmacokinetic perspective. CNS Drugs, 15(6), 469-494.
- Footnote 122
Footnote 122
Health Canada. (2007-12-12). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 1999 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 123
Footnote 123
Health Canada. (2007-12-12). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2000 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 124
Footnote 124
Health Canada. (2007-11-16). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2001 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 125
Footnote 125
Health Canada. (2007-12-12). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2002 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 126
Footnote 126
Health Canada. (2007-12-12). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2003 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 127
Footnote 127
Health Canada. (2007-12-12). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2004 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 128
Footnote 128
Health Canada. (2007-12-12). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2005 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 129
Footnote 129
Health Canada. (2007-12-12). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2006 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 130
Footnote 130
Health Canada. (2008-08-26). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2007 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 131
Footnote 131
Health Canada. (2009-08-13). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2008 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 132
Footnote 132
Health Canada. (2010-09-27). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2009 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 133
Footnote 133
Health Canada. (2011-09-07). Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) 2010 [Data File]. Retrieved on October 14, 2011, from
- Footnote 134
Footnote 134
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2010: Annual, Person File [Share Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 135
Footnote 135
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 1999: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 136
Footnote 136
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2000: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 137
Footnote 137
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2001: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 138
Footnote 138
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2002: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 139
Footnote 139
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2003: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 140
Footnote 140
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2004: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 141
Footnote 141
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2005: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 142
Footnote 142
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2006: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 143
Footnote 143
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2007: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 144
Footnote 144
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2008: Annual, Person File [Public-Use Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 145
Footnote 145
Statistics Canada. Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 2009: Annual, Person File [Share Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Special Surveys Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 146
Footnote 146
The First Nations Information Governance Centre. (2011). RHS Phase 2 (2008/10) Preliminary Results. (Ottawa: The First Nations Information Governance Centre).
- Footnote 147
Footnote 147
Health Canada. (2011-07-18). Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey. Summary of Results For 2010. Retrieved on October 19, 2011, from
- Footnote 148
Footnote 148
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (2003). Do You Know... Alcohol [Brochure].
- Footnote 149
Footnote 149
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011-10-28). Alcohol and Public Health. Fact Sheets - Alcohol Use and Health. Retrieved on May 10, 2012, from
- Footnote 150
Footnote 150
Canadian Public Health Association. (n.d.). Alcohol and your health: less is more when it comes to healthy living. Retrieved on May 10, 2012, from
- Footnote 151
Footnote 151
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. (n.d.). Canada's Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines. Communicating Alcohol-Related Health Risks. Retrieved on May 10, 2012, from
- Footnote 152
Footnote 152
Health Canada. Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey, 2010. All computations on these microdata were prepared by Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 153
Footnote 153
Canadian Public Health Association. (n.d.). How does alcohol affect health. Retrieved on April 26, 2012, from
- Footnote 154
Footnote 154
The First Nations Information Governance Centre. (2005). RHS 2002/03: Results for Adults, Youth and CHildren Living in First Nations Communities. (Ottawa: First Nations Centre).
- Footnote 155
Footnote 155
Rehm, J., Baliunas, D., Brochu, S., Fischer, B. et al. (2006). The Costs of Substance Abuse in Canada, 2002.
- Footnote 156
Footnote 156
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (2003). Do You Know... Cannabis [Brochure].
- Footnote 157
Footnote 157
Health Canada. (2009-12-21). Health Concerns: Cannabis/Marijuana (also hash, hash oil and hemp). Retrieved on October 20, 2011, from
- Footnote 158
Footnote 158
Health Canada. (2011-06-17). Information for Health Care Professionals. Marihuana (marijuana, cannabis) dried plant for administration by ingestion or other means. Retrieved on March 22, 2012, from
- Footnote 159
Footnote 159
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (2003). Do You Know... Cocaine [Brochure].
- Footnote 160
Footnote 160
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (2003). Do You Know... Ecstasy [Brochure].
- Footnote 161
Footnote 161
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (2004). Do You Know... Hallucinogens [Brochure].
- Footnote 162
Footnote 162
Health Canada. (2009-02-24). Health Concerns: Cocaine and Crack Cocaine. Retrieved on October 20, 2011, from
- Footnote 163
Footnote 163
Health Canada. (2011-08-02). Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey [Data File]. Retrieved on August 26, 2011, from
- Footnote 164
Footnote 164
Statistics Canada. (2011-12-19). CANSIM Table 102-4505 Crude birth rate, age-specific and total fertility rates (live births), Canada, provinces and territories, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on January 4, 2012, from
- Footnote 165
Footnote 165
Statistics Canada. (2008-10-22). Historical Statistics of Canada, Section B: Vital Statistics and Health. Vital Statistics (Series B1-81). Table B1-14 Live births, crude birth rate, age-specific fertility rates, gross reproduction rate and percentage of births in hospital, Canada, 1921 to 1974 [Data File]. Retrieved on June 30, 2011, from
- Footnote 166
Footnote 166
Statistics Canada. (2010-10-22). Age-specific fertility rate: number of live births and age-specific fertility rate by age of mother and number of children previously born, 1961 to 1997 [Data File]. Retrieved on February 22, 2011, from
- Footnote 167
Footnote 167
Statistics Canada. (2011-12-19). CANSIM Table 102-4503 Live births, by age of mother, Canada, provinces and territories [Data File]. Retrieved on May 30, 2012, from
- Footnote 168
Footnote 168
Statistics Canada. (2011). Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 169
Footnote 169
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-02-22). Reported cases and rates of chlamydia by age group and sex, 1991 to 2009 [Data File]. Retrieved on August 26, 2011, from
- Footnote 170
Footnote 170
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-02-23). Reported cases and rates of infectious syphilis by age group and sex, 1993 to 2009 [Data File]. Retrieved on August 26, 2011, from
- Footnote 171
Footnote 171
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-02-22). Reported cases and rates of gonorrhea by age group and sex, 1980 to 2009 [Data File]. Retrieved on August 26, 2011, from
- Footnote 172
Footnote 172
HealthLinkBC. (2011-02-15). Check Your Symptoms. Exposure to Sexually Transmitted Infections. Topic Overview. Retrieved on November 1, 2011, from
- Footnote 173
Footnote 173
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010-04-19). Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Retrieved on November 1, 2011, from
- Footnote 174
Footnote 174
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). Report on Sexually Transmitted Infections in Canada: 2008. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 175
Footnote 175
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). HIV/AIDS Epi Updates, July 2010. (Prepared by Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division, Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control). (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 176
Footnote 176
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2009). HIV and AIDS in Canada. Surveillance Report to December 31, 2008. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 177
Footnote 177
Fang, L., Oliver, A., Jayaraman, G. C., & Wong, T. (2010). Trends in Age Disparities Between Younger and Middle-Age Adults Among Reported Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Infectious Syphilis Infections in Canada: Findings From 1997 to 2007. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 37(1), 18-25.
- Footnote 178
Footnote 178
Statistics Canada. (2011-04-07). Legal Marital Status, Common-law Status, Age Groups and Sex for the Population 15 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2001 and 2006 Censuses [Data File]. Retrieved on April 18, 2012, from
- Footnote 179
Footnote 179
Schmid, G. P., Williams, B. G., Garcia-Calleja, J. M., Miller, C. et al. (2009). The unexplored story of HIV and ageing. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 87(3), 162-162A.
- Footnote 180
Footnote 180
Savasta, A. M. (2004). HIV: Associated Transmission Risks in Older Adults - An Integrative Review of the Literature. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 15(1), 50-59.
- Footnote 181
Footnote 181
Lindau, S. T., Leitsch, S. A., Lundberg, K. L., & Jerome, J. (2006). Older Women's Attitudes, Behavior and Communication about Sex and HIV: A Community-Based Study. Journal of Women's Health, 15(6), 748-753.
- Footnote 182
Footnote 182
Minichiello, V., Hawkes, G., & Pitts, M. (2011). HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and Sexuality in Later Life. Current Infectious Disease Reports, 13(2), 182-187.
- Footnote 183
Footnote 183
Smith, K. P. & Christakis, N. A. (2009). Association Between Widowhood and Risk of Diagnosis With a Sexually Transmitted Infection in Older Adults. American Journal of Public Health, 99(11), 2055-2062.
- Footnote 184
Footnote 184
Warburton, D. E. R., Nicol, C. W., & Bredin, S. S. D. (2006). Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 174(6), 801-809.
- Footnote 185
Footnote 185
Lee, I. M. & Skerrett, P. J. (2001). Physical activity and all-cause mortality: what is the dose-response relation? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33(Supplement 6), S459-S471.
- Footnote 186
Footnote 186
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-01-20). Physical Activity. Benefits of Physical Activity. Retrieved on December 21, 2011, from
- Footnote 187
Footnote 187
Colley, R. C., Garriguet, D., Janssen, I., Craig, C. L. et al. (2011). Physical activity levels of Canadian adults: Accelerometer results from the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey. Health Reports, 22(1), 7-14.
- Footnote 188
Footnote 188
World Health Organization. (2010). Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 189
Footnote 189
Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. (2012). Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines. 2012 Scientific Statement.
- Footnote 190
Footnote 190
Colley, R. C., Garriguet, D., Janssen, I., Craig, C. L. et al. (2011). Physical activity levels of Canadian children and youth: Accelerometer results from the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey. Health Reports, 22(1), 15-24.
- Footnote 191
Footnote 191
Public Health Agency of Canada & Canadian Institute for Health Information. (2011). Obesity in Canada: A joint report from the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information.
- Footnote 192
Footnote 192
Government of Ontario. (2010). Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Healthy Weights. Guidance Document. (Ministry of Health Promotion).
- Footnote 193
Footnote 193
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011). Curbing Childhood Obesity: A Federal, Provincial and Territorial Framework for Action to Promote Healthy Weights.
- Footnote 194
Footnote 194
Kirkpatrick, S. & Tarasuk, V. (2003). The relationship between low income and household food expenditure patterns in Canada. Public Health Nutrition, 6(6), 589-597.
- Footnote 195
Footnote 195
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (1996). Rome Declaration on World Food Security. Retrieved on November 28, 2011, from
- Footnote 196
Footnote 196
Health Canada. (2007). Income-Related Household Food Security in Canada. (Ottawa: Health Canada).
- Footnote 197
Footnote 197
Rosol, R. (2009). Evaluating Food Security in Nunavut: Preliminary Results from the Inuit Health Survey.
- Footnote 198
Footnote 198
Egeland, G. M., Johnson-Down, L., Cao, Z. R., Sheikh, N. et al. (2011). Food Insecurity and Nutrition Transition Combine to Affect Nutrient Intakes in Canadian Arctic Communities. The Journal of Nutrition, 141(9), 1746-1753.
- Footnote 199
Footnote 199
Chan, H. M., Fediuk, K., Hamilton, S., Rotas, L. et al. (2006). Food Security in Nunavut, Canada: Barriers and Recommendations. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 65(6), 416-431.
- Footnote 200
Footnote 200
Rosol, R., Huet, C., Wood, M., Lennie, C. et al. (2011). Prevalence of affirmative responses to questions of food insecurity: International Polar Year Inuit Health Survey, 2007-2008. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 70(5), 488-497.
- Footnote 201
Footnote 201
Chaput, J.-P., Klingenberg, L., Astrup, A., & Sjödin, A. M. (2011). Modern sedentary activities promote overconsumption of food in our current obesogenic environment. Obesity Reviews, 12(5), e12-e20.
- Footnote 202
Footnote 202
Charbonneau-Roberts, G., Saudny-Unterberger, H., Kuhnlein, H. V., & Egeland, G. M. (2005). Body Mass Index May Overestimate the Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among the Inuit. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 64(2), 163-169.
- Footnote 203
Footnote 203
Srikanthan, P., Seeman, T. E., & Karlamangla, A. S. (2009). Waist-Hip-Ratio as a Predictor of All-Cause Mortality in High-Functioning Older Adults. Annals of Epidemiology, 19(10), 724-731.
- Footnote 204
Footnote 204
Cole, T. J., Bellizzi, M. C., Flegal, K. M., & Dietz, W. H. (2000). Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. British Medical Journal, 320(7244), 1240-1243.
- Footnote 205
Footnote 205
Cole, T. J., Flegal, K. M., Nicholls, D., & Jackson, A. A. (2007). Body mass index cut offs to define thinness in children and adolescents: international survey. British Medical Journal, 335(7612), 194-197.
- Footnote 206
Footnote 206
Douketis, J. D., Paradis, G., Keller, H., & Martineau, C. (2005). Canadian guidelines for body weight classification in adults: application in clinical practice to screen for overweight and obesity and to assess disease risk. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 172(8), 995-998.
- Footnote 207
Footnote 207
World Health Organization. (2011-03). Obesity and overweight. Retrieved on April 19, 2012, from
- Footnote 208
Footnote 208
Statistics Canada. Canadian Health Measures Survey, 2007: Cycle 1 [Share Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 209
Footnote 209
Statistics Canada. Canada Health Survey, 1978 [Share Microdata File]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 210
Footnote 210
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2006). Supplement - Canadian National Report on Immunization, 2006. Canada Communicable Disease Report (CCDR), 32S3, 1-44.
- Footnote 211
Footnote 211
Laroche, J., Frescura, A., & Belzak, L. (2010). Results from the 2006 and 2009 Childhood National Immunization Coverage Surveys. Presentation at the 9th Canadian Immunization Conference. Immunization: A Global Challenge for the 21st Century, Quebec City, CA.
- Footnote 212
Footnote 212
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2006). Canadian Immunization Guide. (Seventh ed.). (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 213
Footnote 213
F/P/T Advisory Committee on Population Health and Health Security. (2003). National Immunization Strategy: Final Report, 2003.
- Footnote 214
Footnote 214
Health Canada. (2011-11-24). Childhood Immunization. Retrieved on July 11, 2012, from
- Footnote 215
Footnote 215
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2005). National Standards for Immunization Coverage Assessment: Recommendations from the Canadian Immunization Registry Network. Canada Communicable Disease Report (CCDR), 31(9), 93-96.
- Footnote 216
Footnote 216
Johnson, J. L., Greaves, L., & Repta, R. (2007). Better Science with Sex and Gender: A Primer for Health Research. (Vancouver: Women's Health Research Network).
- Footnote 217
Footnote 217
Clow, B., Pederson, A., Haworth-Brockman, M., & Bernier, J. (2009). Rising to the Challenge: Sex- and gender-based analysis for health planning, policy and research in Canada. (Halifax: Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health).
- Footnote 218
Footnote 218
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-05). Sex and Gender-Based Analysis Training Manual. Unpublished.
- Footnote 219
Footnote 219
Johnson, J. L., Greaves, L., & Repta, R. (2009). Better science with sex and gender: Facilitating the use of a sex and gender-based analysis in health research. International Journal for Equity in Health, 8(14).
- Footnote 220
Footnote 220
Health Canada. (2010-03-12). Health Portfolio Sex and Gender-Based Analysis Policy. Retrieved on December 8, 2011, from
- Footnote 221
Footnote 221
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (2012-05-01). IGH Relevance Review Criteria. Retrieved on July 25, 2012, from
- Footnote 222
Footnote 222
Lovaas, K. E. (2005). Gender Roles. In J. T. Sears (Ed.), Youth, education, and sexualities: An international encyclopedia, (pp. 364-369). (Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group).
- Footnote 223
Footnote 223
Wells, K., Roberts, G., & Allan, C. (2012). Supporting transsexual and transgender students in K-12 schools: A guide for educators. (Ottawa: Canadian Teachers' Federation).
- Footnote 224
Footnote 224
GLAAD. (2010-05). GLAAD's Media Reference Guide - Transgender Glossary of Terms. Retrieved on February 13, 2012, from http://www.glaad.org/reference/transgender
- Footnote 225
Footnote 225
Goldner, E. M., Jenkins, E., Palma, J., & Bilsker, D. (2011). A Concise Introduction to Mental Health in Canada. (Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press Inc.).
- Footnote 226
Footnote 226
Teich, N. M. (2012). Transgender 101: A simple guide to a complex issue. (New York: Columbia University Press).
- Footnote 227
Footnote 227
Pan American Health Organization. (n.d.). Gender Mainstreaming in Health: A Practical Guide.
- Footnote 228
Footnote 228
World Health Organization. (2007). Engaging men and boys in changing gender-based inequity in health: Evidence for programme interventions. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 229
Footnote 229
Shelley, C. A. (2008). Transpeople: Repudiation, trauma, healing. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press).
- Footnote 230
Footnote 230
Statistics Canada. General Social Survey, 2007: Cycle 21 - Family, Social Support, and Retirement, 2008-09-08. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada. Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, Data Liberation Initiative [producer and distributor]. All computations on these microdata were prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the responsibility for the use and interpretation of these data is entirely that of the author(s).
- Footnote 231
Footnote 231
Statistics Canada. (2007). General Social Survey, 2007: Cycle 21 - Family, Social Support and Retirement: Main Survey Questionnaire. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 232
Footnote 232
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Gender and Health. (2009). Gender Matters: Institute of Gender and Health Strategic Plan 2009-2012.
- Footnote 233
Footnote 233
Greaves, L. (2011). Why Put Gender and Sex into Health Research? In J. L. Oliffe & L. Greaves (Eds.), Designing and Conducting Gender, Sex and Health Research, (pp. 3-13). (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.).
- Footnote 234
Footnote 234
World Health Organization. (2002). Gender Analysis in Health: A review of selected tools. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 235
Footnote 235
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). Canada is Committed to SGBA. Health Equit-eNotes, 2, 1-7.
- Footnote 236
Footnote 236
Status of Women Canada. (2010). Gender-based Analysis: An Integrated Approach to Gender-based Analysis. 2007 Edition.
- Footnote 237
Footnote 237
Federal, Provincial, & Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health. (1994). Strategies for Population Health: Investing in the Health of Canadians.
- Footnote 238
Footnote 238
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2001-12-08). Towards a Common Understanding: Clarifying the Core Concepts of Population Health. Retrieved on December 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 239
Footnote 239
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-10-21). What Determines Health? Retrieved on October 17, 2011, from
- Footnote 240
Footnote 240
Commission on Social Determinants of Health. (2008). Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Final Report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 241
Footnote 241
Marmot, M., Atkinson, T., Bell, J., Black, C. et al. (2010). Fair Society, Healthy Lives: Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England Post-2010. (The Marmot Review).
- Footnote 242
Footnote 242
Health Canada. (2003). Exploring Concepts of Gender and Health. (Ottawa: Health Canada).
- Footnote 243
Footnote 243
Mikkonen, J. & Raphael, D. (2010). Social Determinants of Health: The Canadian Facts. (Toronto: York University School of Health Policy and Management).
- Footnote 244
Footnote 244
World Health Organization. (2009). Strategy for Integrating Gender Analysis and Actions into the Work of WHO. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 245
Footnote 245
Canadian Women's Health Network. (n.d.). Sex and Gender-Based Analysis (SGBA). Retrieved on December 8, 2011, from
- Footnote 246
Footnote 246
Correa-de-Araujo, R. (2006). Serious Gaps: How the Lack of Sex/Gender-Based Research Impairs Health. Journal of Women's Health, 15(10), 1116-1122.
- Footnote 247
Footnote 247
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). Report from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System: Hypertension in Canada, 2010.
- Footnote 248
Footnote 248
Wilkins, K., Campbell, N. R. C., Joffres, M. R., McAlister, F. A. et al. (2010). Blood pressure in Canadian adults. Health Reports, 21(1), 1-10.
- Footnote 249
Footnote 249
He, J. & Whelton, P. K. (1999). Elevated systolic blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular and renal disease: Overview of evidence from observational epidemiologic studies and randomized controlled trials. American Heart Journal, 138(3, Supplement), S211-S219.
- Footnote 250
Footnote 250
Society for Women's Health Research. (2009). Sex Differences in Cardio/Cerebrovascular Diseases. Retrieved on January 19, 2012, from
- Footnote 251
Footnote 251
Piña, I. L. & Buchter, C. (2003). Heart Failure in Women. Cardiology in Review, 11(6), 337-344.
- Footnote 252
Footnote 252
Jessup, M. & Piña, I. L. (2004). Is it important to examine gender differences in the epidemiology and outcome of severe heart failure? Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 127(5), 1247-1252.
- Footnote 253
Footnote 253
Canadian Institute for Health Information & Health Canada. (2003). Women's Health Surveillance Report: A Multi-dimensional Look at the Health of Canadian Women. (Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information).
- Footnote 254
Footnote 254
Samad, Z., Wang, T. Y., Frazier, C. G., Shah, S. H. et al. (2008). Closing the Gap: Treating Hypertension in Women. Cardiology in Review, 16(6), 305-313.
- Footnote 255
Footnote 255
Reckelhoff, J. F. (2001). Gender Differences in the Regulation of Blood Pressure. Hypertension, 37(5), 1199-1208.
- Footnote 256
Footnote 256
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. (n.d.). High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy. Retrieved on February 7, 2012, from
- Footnote 257
Footnote 257
Seely, E. W. (1999). Hypertension in Pregnancy: A Potential Window into Long-Term Cardiovascular Risk in Women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 84(6), 1858-1861.
- Footnote 258
Footnote 258
Marín, R., Gorostidi, M., Portal, C. G., Sánchez, M. et al. (2000). Long-Term Prognosis of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Hypertension in Pregnancy, 19(2), 199-209.
- Footnote 259
Footnote 259
Wilson, B. J., Watson, M. S., Prescott, G., Sunderland, S. et al. (2003). Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy and risk of hypertension and stroke in later life: results from cohort study. British Medical Journal, 326, 845-852.
- Footnote 260
Footnote 260
Courtenay, W. H. (2000). Constructions of masculinity and their influence on men's well-being: a theory of gender and health. Social Science & Medicine, 50(10), 1385-1401.
- Footnote 261
Footnote 261
Wolf-Maier, K., Cooper, R. S., Kramer, H., Banegas, J. R., Giampaoli, S. et al. (2004). Hypertension Treatment and Control in Five European Countries, Canada, and the United States. Hypertension, 43(1), 10-17.
- Footnote 262
Footnote 262
Meyer, I. H. (2007). Prejudice and Discrimination as Social Stressors. In I. H. Meyer & M. E. Northridge (Eds.), The Health of Sexual Minorities: Public Health Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Populations, (pp. 242-267). (New York: Springer).
- Footnote 263
Footnote 263
Herek, G. M., Chopp, R., & Strohl, D. (2007). Sexual Stigma: Putting Sexual Minority Health Issues in Context. In I. H. Meyer & M. E. Northridge (Eds.), The Health of Sexual Minorities: Public Health Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Populations, (pp. 171-208). (New York: Springer).
- Footnote 264
Footnote 264
Mayo Clinic. (2012-01-24). High blood pressure (hypertension): Risk factors. Retrieved on June 20, 2012, from
- Footnote 265
Footnote 265
Ong, K. L., Tso, A. W. K., Lam, K. S. L., & Cheung, B. M. Y. (2008). Gender Difference in Blood Pressure Control and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Americans With Diagnosed Hypertension. Hypertension, 51(4), 1142-1148.
- Footnote 266
Footnote 266
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2009-05-15). Reducing the Risk of Hypertension. Retrieved on March 13, 2012, from
- Footnote 267
Footnote 267
World Health Organization. (2002-06). Gender and Mental Health. Retrieved on September 26, 2011, from
- Footnote 268
Footnote 268
World Health Organization. (2011). Gender and women's mental health. Retrieved on September 26, 2011, from
- Footnote 269
Footnote 269
Health Canada. (2002). A Report on Mental Illnesses in Canada. (Ottawa: Health Canada).
- Footnote 270
Footnote 270
Canadian Mental Health Association. (2007-05-08). Men and Mental Illness. Retrieved on October 31, 2011, from
- Footnote 271
Footnote 271
Séguin, M., Lesage, A., Turecki, G., Daigle, F. et al. (2005). Research Project on Deaths by Suicide in New Brunswick between April 2002 and May 2003. (New Brunswick: Douglas Hospital Research Centre and Government of New Brunswick).
- Footnote 272
Footnote 272
Canadian Institute for Health Information. (2010). Depression Among Seniors in Residential Care.
- Footnote 273
Footnote 273
Penney, C., Senécal, S., Bobet, E., & Guimond, É. (2009). The effect of community level factors on suicide in Inuit Nunangat. Canadian Diversity, 7(3), 77-84.
- Footnote 274
Footnote 274
Canadian Mental Health Association (Ontario). (n.d.). Gender Differences. Retrieved on August 22, 2011, from
- Footnote 275
Footnote 275
Vigod, S. N. & Stewart, D. E. (2009). Emergent research in the cause of mental illness in women across the lifespan. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 22(4), 396-400.
- Footnote 276
Footnote 276
Mayo Clinic. (2010-09-01). Depression in women: Understanding the gender gap. Retrieved on December 7, 2011, from
- Footnote 277
Footnote 277
Bennett, H. A., Einarson, A., Taddio, A., Koren, G. et al. (2004). Prevalence of Depression During Pregnancy: Systematic Review. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 103(4), 698-709.
- Footnote 278
Footnote 278
National Institute of Mental Health. (2009-01-23). What causes depression in women? Retrieved on December 7, 2011, from
- Footnote 279
Footnote 279
Fung, K. & Dennis, C. L. (2010). Postpartum depression among immigrant women. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 23(4), 342-348.
- Footnote 280
Footnote 280
Stewart, D. E., Gagnon, A., Saucier, J. F., Wahoush, O. et al. (2008). Postpartum Depression Symptoms in Newcomers. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 53(2), 121-124.
- Footnote 281
Footnote 281
Freeman, E. W. (2010). Associations of depression with the transition to menopause. Menopause, 17(4), 823-827.
- Footnote 282
Footnote 282
Altemus, M. (2006). Sex differences in depression and anxiety disorders: Potential biological determinants. Hormones and Behavior, 50(4), 534-538.
- Footnote 283
Footnote 283
Kuehner, C. (2003). Gender differences in unipolar depression: an update of epidemiological findings and possible explanations. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 108(3), 163-174.
- Footnote 284
Footnote 284
Tiffin, P. A., Pearce, M. S., & Parker, L. (2005). Social mobility over the lifecourse and self reported mental health at age 50: prospective cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 59(10), 870-872.
- Footnote 285
Footnote 285
Smith, K. L. W., Matheson, F. I., Moineddin, R., & Glazier, R. (2007). Gender, Income and Immigration Differences in Depression in Canadian Urban Centres. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 98(2), 149-153.
- Footnote 286
Footnote 286
Haas, A. P., Eliason, M., Mays, V. M., Mathy, R. M. et al. (2010). Suicide and Suicide Risk in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations: Review and Recommendations. Journal of Homosexuality, 58(1), 10-51.
- Footnote 287
Footnote 287
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- Footnote 288
Footnote 288
Deschamps, G. (1998). We Are Part of a Tradition: A Guide on Two-Spirited People for First Nations Communities. (Toronto).
- Footnote 289
Footnote 289
Rieger, G. & Savin-Williams, R. (2012). Gender Nonconformity, Sexual Orientation, and Psychological Well-Being. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41(3), 611-621.
- Footnote 290
Footnote 290
Mayock, P., Bryan, A., Carr, N., & Kitching, K. (2008). Supporting LGBT Lives: A Study of Mental Health and Well-Being. (Gay and Lesbian Equality Network [GLEN] and BeLonGTo).
- Footnote 291
Footnote 291
Tjepkema, M. (2008). Health care among gay, lesbian and bisexual Canadians. Health Reports, 19(1), 53-64.
- Footnote 292
Footnote 292
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- Footnote 293
Footnote 293
Clements-Nolle, K., Marx, R., & Katz, M. (2006). Attempted Suicide Among Transgender Persons. Journal of Homosexuality, 51(3), 53-69.
- Footnote 294
Footnote 294
Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (2002). Retrieved on December 13, 2011, from
- Footnote 295
Footnote 295
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- Footnote 296
Footnote 296
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011-03-25). Chlamydia - CDC Fact Sheet. Retrieved on December 13, 2011, from
- Footnote 297
Footnote 297
Health Canada. (2006-12-06). It's Your Health - Chlamydia. Retrieved on December 13, 2011, from
- Footnote 298
Footnote 298
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Footnote 299
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011-04-05). Gonorrhea - CDC Fact Sheet. Retrieved on December 13, 2011, from
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Footnote 300
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Footnote 301
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010-09-16). Syphilis - CDC Fact Sheet. Retrieved on December 13, 2011, from
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Footnote 302
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2008 Edition. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 303
Footnote 303
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- Footnote 304
Footnote 304
Marsiglio, W. (1988). Adolescent male sexuality and heterosexual masculinity: A conceptual model and review. Journal of Adolescent Research, 3(3-4), 285-303.
- Footnote 305
Footnote 305
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- Footnote 306
Footnote 306
Allman, D. (1999). M is for Mutual A is for Acts - Male Sex Work and AIDS in Canada. (Ottawa: Health Canada).
- Footnote 307
Footnote 307
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2006). Street Youth in Canada: Findings from Enhanced Surveillance of Canadian Street Youth, 1999-2003. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 308
Footnote 308
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Footnote 309
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- Footnote 310
Footnote 310
Bodley-Tickell, A. T., Olowokure, B., Bhaduri, S., White, D. J. et al. (2008). Trends in sexually transmitted infections (other than HIV) in older people: analysis of data from an enhanced surveillance system. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 84(4), 312-317.
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Footnote 311
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- Footnote 312
Footnote 312
Haworth-Brockman, M. & Isfeld, H. (2009). Guidelines for gender-based analysis of health data for decision making. (Pan American Health Organization).
- Footnote 313
Footnote 313
Shoveller, J., Johnson, J., Rosenberg, M., Greaves, L. et al. (2009). Youth's experiences with STI testing in four communities in British Columbia, Canada. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 85(5), 397-401.
- Footnote 314
Footnote 314
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- Footnote 315
Footnote 315
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- Footnote 316
Footnote 316
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- Footnote 317
Footnote 317
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Footnote 318
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- Footnote 319
Footnote 319
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- Footnote 320
Footnote 320
Tracy, J. K., Lydecker, A. D., & Ireland, L. (2010). Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening Among Lesbians. Journal of Women's Health, 19(2), 229-237.
- Footnote 321
Footnote 321
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Footnote 322
Saewyc, E. M., Poon, C., Wang, N., Homma, Y. et al. (2007). Not Yet Equal: The Health of Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Youth in BC. (Vancouver: McCreary Centre Society).
- Footnote 323
Footnote 323
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- Footnote 324
Footnote 324
Bird, C. E. & Rieker, P. P. (1999). Gender matters: an integrated model for understanding men's and women's health. Social Science & Medicine, 48(6), 745-755.
- Footnote 325
Footnote 325
Macintyre, S., Hunt, K., & Sweeting, H. (1996). Gender differences in health: Are things really as simple as they seem? Social Science & Medicine, 42(4), 617-624.
- Footnote 326
Footnote 326
Lawrence, K. & Rieder, A. (2007). Methodologic and ethical ramifications of sex and gender differences in public health research. Gender Medicine, 4(2), S96-S105.
- Footnote 327
Footnote 327
Prins, M. H., Smits, K. M., & Smits, L. J. (2007). Methodologic Ramifications of Paying Attention to Sex and Gender Differences in Clinical Research. Gender Medicine, 4(2), S106-S110.
- Footnote 328
Footnote 328
Krieger, N. (2002). Genders, sexes, and health: what are the connections - and why does it matter? International Journal of Epidemiology, 32(4), 652-657.
- Footnote 329
Footnote 329
Phillips, S. P. (2005). Defining and measuring gender: A social determinant of health whose time has come. International Journal for Equity in Health, 4(11).
- Footnote 330
Footnote 330
Phillips, S. P. (2008). Measuring the health effects of gender. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62(4), 368-371.
- Footnote 331
Footnote 331
ACOG Committee Opinion. (2007). Research Involving Women. (Washington, D.C.: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists).
- Footnote 332
Footnote 332
Health Canada. (1999). Women's Health Surveillance: A Plan of Action for Health Canada. (Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services).
- Footnote 333
Footnote 333
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- Footnote 334
Footnote 334
Chasey, S., Pederson, A., & Duff, P. (2010). Canadian Women's Health Indicators: An Introduction, Environmental Scan, and Framework Examination. (Vancouver: British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health).
- Footnote 335
Footnote 335
Donner, L., Isfeld, H., Haworth-Brockman, M., & Forsey, C. (2008). A Profile of Women's Health in Manitoba. (Winnipeg: Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence).
- Footnote 336
Footnote 336
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- Footnote 337
Footnote 337
The University Health Network Women's Health Program, The Centre for Research in Women's Health, & The Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. (2002). Ontario Women's Health Status Report. (Prepared for the Ontario Women's Health Council)
- Footnote 338
Footnote 338
Freeman, J. G., King, M., Pickett, W., Craig, W. et al. (2011). The Health of Canada's Young People: A Mental Health Focus. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 339
Footnote 339
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- Footnote 340
Footnote 340
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Footnote 341
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- Footnote 342
Footnote 342
United Nations. (1995). Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, China.
- Footnote 343
Footnote 343
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- Footnote 344
Footnote 344
World Health Organization. (2011). Mainstreaming gender in public health: what does it mean? Retrieved on November 7, 2011, from
- Footnote 345
Footnote 345
Fraser, S. (2009). 2009 Spring Report of the Auditor General of Canada.
- Footnote 346
Footnote 346
Health Canada. (2010). Sex and Gender-Based Analysis Quick Reference Manual.
- Footnote 347
Footnote 347
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- Footnote 348
Footnote 348
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- Footnote 349
Footnote 349
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- Footnote 350
Footnote 350
Native Women's Association of Canada. (n.d.). A Culturally Relevant Gender Application Protocol. (Ottawa: Native Women's Association of Canada).
- Footnote 351
Footnote 351
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- Footnote 352
Footnote 352
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- Footnote 353
Footnote 353
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- Footnote 354
Footnote 354
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. (2010-09-15). Impact Evaluation of INAC's Gender-Based Analysis Policy - Follow-up Status Update as of September 30, 2009. Retrieved on March 26, 2012, from
- Footnote 355
Footnote 355
National Advisory Committee on Immunization. (2012). Update on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines. Canada Communicable Disease Report (CCDR), 38(ACS-1), 1-62.
- Footnote 356
Footnote 356
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- Footnote 357
Footnote 357
Snyder, J. E. (2011). Trend Analysis of Medical Publications About LGBT Persons: 1950-2007. Journal of Homosexuality, 58(2), 164-188.
- Footnote 358
Footnote 358
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2011-01-20). Benefits to Physical Activity. Retrieved on March 1, 2012, from
- Footnote 359
Footnote 359
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- Footnote 360
Footnote 360
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- Footnote 361
Footnote 361
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- Footnote 362
Footnote 362
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- Footnote 363
Footnote 363
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- Footnote 364
Footnote 364
World Health Organization. (2007). A Guide for Population-Based Approaches to Increasing Levels of Physical Activity: Implementation of the WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 365
Footnote 365
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2009). Investing in Prevention - The Economic Perspective. Key Findings from a Survey of the Recent Evidence.
- Footnote 366
Footnote 366
Hankivsky, O., Friesen, J., Varcoe, C., MacPhail, F. et al. (2004). Expanding Economic Costing in Health Care: Values, Gender and Diversity. Canadian Public Policy, 30(3), 257-282.
- Footnote 367
Footnote 367
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Footnote 368
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- Footnote 369
Footnote 369
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- Footnote 370
Footnote 370
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- Footnote 371
Footnote 371
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Footnote 372
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- Footnote 373
Footnote 373
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- Footnote 374
Footnote 374
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- Footnote 375
Footnote 375
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Footnote 376
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- Footnote 377
Footnote 377
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Footnote 378
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- Footnote 379
Footnote 379
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- Footnote 380
Footnote 380
Stewart-Brown, S. (2006). What is the evidence on school health promotion in improving health or preventing disease and, specifically, what is the effectiveness of the health promoting schools approach? (Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe [Health Evidence Network]).
- Footnote 381
Footnote 381
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- Footnote 382
Footnote 382
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). Questions & Answers: Gender Identity in Schools.
- Footnote 383
Footnote 383
Krieger, I. (2011). Helping your transgender teen: A guide for parents. (New Haven: Genderwise Press).
- Footnote 384
Footnote 384
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- Footnote 385
Footnote 385
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- Footnote 386
Footnote 386
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- Footnote 387
Footnote 387
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- Footnote 388
Footnote 388
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- Footnote 389
Footnote 389
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Footnote 390
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Footnote 391
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- Footnote 392
Footnote 392
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- Footnote 393
Footnote 393
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- Footnote 394
Footnote 394
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- Footnote 395
Footnote 395
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- Footnote 396
Footnote 396
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- Footnote 397
Footnote 397
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- Footnote 398
Footnote 398
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- Footnote 399
Footnote 399
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). The Public Health Agency of Canada's Innovation Strategy - Taking Action to Reduce Inequalities in Canada. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 400
Footnote 400
Public Health Agency of Canada. Applying SGBA and Equity Analysis to Innovation Strategy Project Proposals. Unpublished.
- Footnote 401
Footnote 401
Legato, M. (1998). Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Gender-Specific Aspects of Hypertension and the Consequences of Treatment. Journal of Women's Health, 7(2), 199-209.
- Footnote 402
Footnote 402
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. (1997). Women, Heart Disease and Stroke in Canada: Issues and Options. (Ottawa: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada).
- Footnote 403
Footnote 403
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- Footnote 404
Footnote 404
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- Footnote 405
Footnote 405
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- Footnote 406
Footnote 406
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- Footnote 407
Footnote 407
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- Footnote 408
Footnote 408
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- Footnote 409
Footnote 409
The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science, & Technology. (2006). Out of the shadows at last. Transforming Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction Services in Canada.
- Footnote 410
Footnote 410
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Footnote 411
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- Footnote 412
Footnote 412
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- Footnote 413
Footnote 413
Mental Health Commission of Canada. (2012). Changing directions, changing lives: The mental health strategy for Canada. (Calgary: Mental Health Commission of Canada).
- Footnote 414
Footnote 414
Pollett, H. (2007). Mental Health Promotion: A Literature Review. (Prepared for the Mental Health Promotion Working Group of the Provincial Wellness Advisory Council).
- Footnote 415
Footnote 415
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- Footnote 416
Footnote 416
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- Footnote 417
Footnote 417
Stewart, D., Robertson, E., Dennis, C.-L., Grace, S. L. et al. (2003). Postpartum depression: A literature review of risk factors and interventions. (Toronto: University Health Network Women's Health Program).
- Footnote 418
Footnote 418
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- Footnote 419
Footnote 419
Dennis, C.-L. (2005). Psychosocial and psychological interventions for prevention of postnatal depression: systematic review. British Medical Journal, 331(15), 1-8.
- Footnote 420
Footnote 420
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- Footnote 421
Footnote 421
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- Footnote 422
Footnote 422
Centre for the Study of Gender Social Inequities and Mental Health. (n.d.). Reproductive and sexual mental health. Retrieved on February 24, 2012, from
- Footnote 423
Footnote 423
Saskatoon Health Region. (2012). Healthy and Home Postpartum Support Program. Retrieved on March 1, 2012, from
- Footnote 424
Footnote 424
Avis, K. & Bowen, A. (2004). Postpartum depression support program evaluation. (Saskatchewan: Community-University Institute for Social Research).
- Footnote 425
Footnote 425
Dennis, C. L., Hodnett, E., Reisman, H. M., Kenton, L. et al. (2009). Effect of peer support on prevention of postnatal depression among high risk women: multisite randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 338(a3064).
- Footnote 426
Footnote 426
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- Footnote 427
Footnote 427
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario. (2005). Interventions for postpartum depression. (Toronto: Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario).
- Footnote 428
Footnote 428
Madden, J. (2007). No need to despair: Evaluation of the Middlesex-London Health Unit Postpartum Depression Program. (London: Middlesex-London Health Unit).
- Footnote 429
Footnote 429
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- Footnote 430
Footnote 430
O'Mahony, J. & Donnelly, T. (2010). Immigrant and refugee women's post-partum depression help-seeking experiences and access to care: a review and analysis of the literature. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 17(10), 917-928.
- Footnote 431
Footnote 431
Stotland, N. L. & Stewart, D. (2001). Psychological Aspects of Women's Health Care: The Interface between Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Second Edition. (Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc.).
- Footnote 432
Footnote 432
Centre for the Study of Gender Social Inequities and Mental Health. (n.d.). Mission and Goals. Retrieved on March 1, 2012, from
- Footnote 433
Footnote 433
Centre for the Study of Gender Social Inequities and Mental Health. (n.d.). About. Retrieved on March 1, 2012, from
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Footnote 434
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- Footnote 435
Footnote 435
World Health Organization. (2004). Gender in Mental Health Research. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 436
Footnote 436
Oliffe, J. L. & Phillips, M. J. (2008). Men, depression and masculinities: A review and recommendations. Journal of Men's Health, 5(3), 194-202.
- Footnote 437
Footnote 437
Coltrane, S. (2000). Research on Household Labor: Modeling and Measuring the Social Embeddedness of Routine Family Work. Journal of Marriage and Family, 62(4), 1208-1233.
- Footnote 438
Footnote 438
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- Footnote 439
Footnote 439
Madsen, S. A. & Juhl, T. (2007). Paternal depression in the postnatal period assessed with traditional and male depression scales. The Journal of Men's Health & Gender, 4(1), 26-31.
- Footnote 440
Footnote 440
Matthey, S., Barnett, B., Kavanagh, D. J., & Howie, P. (2001). Validation of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale for men, and comparison of item endorsement with their partners. Journal of Affective Disorders, 64(2-3), 175-184.
- Footnote 441
Footnote 441
Edmondson, O. J. H., Psychogiou, L., Vlachos, H., Netsi, E. et al. (2010). Depression in fathers in the postnatal period: Assessment of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale as a screening measure. Journal of Affective Disorders, 125(1-3), 365-368.
- Footnote 442
Footnote 442
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- Footnote 443
Footnote 443
Zubaran, C., Schumacher, M., Roxo, M. R., & Foresti, K. (2010). Screening tools for postpartum depression: validity and cultural dimensions. African Journal of Psychiatry, 13(5), 357-365.
- Footnote 444
Footnote 444
Melrose, S. (2010). Paternal postpartum depression: how can nurses begin to help? Contemporary Nurse, 34(2), 199-210.
- Footnote 445
Footnote 445
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- Footnote 446
Footnote 446
Bowering, D. (2011). Where are the Men? Chief Medical Health Officer's Report on the Health and Wellbeing of Men and Boys in Northern BC. (Prince George: Northern Health).
- Footnote 447
Footnote 447
Rutz, W. & Rihmer, Z. (2007). Suicidality in men - practical issues, challenges, solutions. The Journal of Men's Health & Gender, 4(4), 393-401.
- Footnote 448
Footnote 448
Meyers Norris Penny. (2007). Literature Review: Men at Risk Suicide Prevention Program Evaluation. (Prepared for Alberta Mental Health Board). (Edmonton: Alberta Health Services).
- Footnote 449
Footnote 449
Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health. (2006). The Assessment of Suicide Risk and Prevention of Suicide. (Toronto: Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health).
- Footnote 450
Footnote 450
Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health. (2010-10-22). Tools for Health Care Providers: Late Life Suicide Prevention Toolkit. Retrieved on June 18, 2012, from
- Footnote 451
Footnote 451
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- Footnote 452
Footnote 452
Suicide Prevention Resource Center. (2008). Suicide risk and prevention for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. (Newton: Education Development Center, Inc.).
- Footnote 453
Footnote 453
Vogel, L. (2011). Canada suicide prevention efforts lagging, experts say. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 183(1), E27-E28.
- Footnote 454
Footnote 454
Government of New Brunswick. (2007). Connecting to life. Provincial Suicide Prevention Program. (New Brunswick Health).
- Footnote 455
Footnote 455
Australian Government. (2008). A framework for prevention of suicide in Australia. (Barton: Commonwealth of Australia).
- Footnote 456
Footnote 456
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- Footnote 457
Footnote 457
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- Footnote 458
Footnote 458
Kirmayer, L. J., Brass, G. M., Holton, T., Paul, K. et al. (2007). Suicide Among Aboriginal People in Canada. (Ottawa: The Aboriginal Healing Foundation).
- Footnote 459
Footnote 459
Canadian Population Health Initiative. (2006). How Healthy Are Rural Canadians? An Assessment of Their Health Status and Health Determinants. (Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information).
- Footnote 460
Footnote 460
Olson, R. (2011). Men and Suicide. (Centre for Suicide Prevention).
- Footnote 461
Footnote 461
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- Footnote 462
Footnote 462
Morgan, M., Hayes, R., Williamson, M., & Ford, C. (2007). Men's Sheds: A Community Approach to Promoting Mental Health and Well-being. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 9(3), 48-52.
- Footnote 463
Footnote 463
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- Footnote 464
Footnote 464
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Footnote 465
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- Footnote 466
Footnote 466
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- Footnote 467
Footnote 467
Golding, B., Brown, M., Foley, A., Harvey, J. et al. (2007). Men's sheds in Australia: Learning through community contexts. (Adelaide: NCVER).
- Footnote 468
Footnote 468
Misan, G. & Sergeant, P. (2009). Men's sheds - a strategy to improve men's health. In G. Gregory (Ed.), National Rural Health Conference, National Rural Health Alliance, Cairns, AU.
- Footnote 469
Footnote 469
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- Footnote 470
Footnote 470
de Peuter, J. (2007). Male Suicide and Help-seeking. Review of the Literature. (Calgary: Calgary and Area Suicide Prevention Council).
- Footnote 471
Footnote 471
Martin, N. & Johnston, V. (2007). A time for action: Tackling stigma and discrimination. (Report to the Mental Health Commission of Canada).
- Footnote 472
Footnote 472
Mental Health Commission of Canada. (n.d.). Stigma: The Facts [Brochure].
- Footnote 473
Footnote 473
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- Footnote 474
Footnote 474
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- Footnote 475
Footnote 475
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- Footnote 476
Footnote 476
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- Footnote 477
Footnote 477
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- Footnote 478
Footnote 478
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- Footnote 479
Footnote 479
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- Footnote 480
Footnote 480
Wang, J., Fick, G., Adair, C., & Lai, D. (2007). Gender specific correlates of stigma toward depression in a Canadian general population sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 416(1-3), 91-97.
- Footnote 481
Footnote 481
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- Footnote 482
Footnote 482
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- Footnote 483
Footnote 483
Centre for Advancement of Men's Health. (2010). The History of the Men's Health Night in Australia: The Male Health Intervention. Does the 'Bloke's Night Out' create a behaviour change in men's health outcomes?
- Footnote 484
Footnote 484
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- Footnote 485
Footnote 485
Denner, B. (2008). Comparing the Health of Rural Men in Australia and Canada.
- Footnote 486
Footnote 486
Denner, B. (n.d.). Why we need National Male Health Policy. (Castlemaine: Centre for Advancement of Men's Health, Men's Awareness Network and Hepburn Health Service Daylesford).
- Footnote 487
Footnote 487
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- Footnote 488
Footnote 488
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- Footnote 489
Footnote 489
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Footnote 490
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- Footnote 491
Footnote 491
Modgill, G. & Patten, S. (2012). British Columbia's Interior Health Authority's usage of the Ontario Central LHIN Anti-Stigma training program: An independent evaluation by Opening Minds. (Mental Health Commission of Canada).
- Footnote 492
Footnote 492
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- Footnote 493
Footnote 493
Mental Health Commission of Canada. (2012-02-28). World comes to Canada to fight stigma and surrounding mental illness: International conference to be health in Ottawa. Retrieved on June 21, 2012, from
- Footnote 494
Footnote 494
Mental Health Commission of Canada. (Personal Communications on 5th International Stigma Conference. Together Against Stigma: Changing how we see mental illness, July 18, 2012).
- Footnote 495
Footnote 495
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- Footnote 496
Footnote 496
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- Footnote 497
Footnote 497
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- Footnote 498
Footnote 498
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- Footnote 499
Footnote 499
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- Footnote 500
Footnote 500
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Footnote 501
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Footnote 502
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- Footnote 503
Footnote 503
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- Footnote 504
Footnote 504
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- Footnote 505
Footnote 505
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Footnote 506
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- Footnote 507
Footnote 507
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- Footnote 508
Footnote 508
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- Footnote 509
Footnote 509
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- Footnote 510
Footnote 510
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- Footnote 511
Footnote 511
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- Footnote 512
Footnote 512
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- Footnote 513
Footnote 513
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- Footnote 514
Footnote 514
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- Footnote 515
Footnote 515
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- Footnote 516
Footnote 516
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- Footnote 517
Footnote 517
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- Footnote 518
Footnote 518
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- Footnote 519
Footnote 519
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Footnote 520
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Footnote 521
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- Footnote 522
Footnote 522
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- Footnote 523
Footnote 523
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- Footnote 524
Footnote 524
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- Footnote 525
Footnote 525
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- Footnote 526
Footnote 526
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- Footnote 527
Footnote 527
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- Footnote 528
Footnote 528
Josephson, W. L. & Proulx, J. (1999). Healthy Relationships Project: Preliminary Results for year three. (Social Sciences Research Council).
- Footnote 529
Footnote 529
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- Footnote 530
Footnote 530
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- Footnote 531
Footnote 531
National Clearing House on Family Violence. (2008). Aboriginal Women and Family Violence. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 532
Footnote 532
Aboriginal Healing Foundation. (2003). Aboriginal Domestic Violence in Canada. (Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation).
- Footnote 533
Footnote 533
McMillan, L. J. (2011). Addressing Mi'kmaq Family Violence. Family Violence and Aboriginal Communities: Building Our Knowledge and Direction Through Community Based Research and Community Forums.
- Footnote 534
Footnote 534
Statistics Canada. (2011). Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 535
Footnote 535
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2008-11-30). Same-Sex Partner Violence. Retrieved on February 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 536
Footnote 536
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- Footnote 537
Footnote 537
R.A.Malatest & Associates Ltd. (2010). Non-Violence: A Strength Based Community Inquiry. (Prepared for Government of the Northwest Territories, Northwest Territories Justice).
- Footnote 538
Footnote 538
Northwest Territories Health and Social Services. (2009). NWT Family Violence Action Plan: Phase II (2007-2012).
- Footnote 539
Footnote 539
American Psychological Association. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association).
- Footnote 540
Footnote 540
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- Footnote 541
Footnote 541
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- Footnote 542
Footnote 542
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- Footnote 543
Footnote 543
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- Footnote 544
Footnote 544
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- Footnote 545
Footnote 545
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- Footnote 546
Footnote 546
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- Footnote 547
Footnote 547
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- Footnote 548
Footnote 548
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- Footnote 549
Footnote 549
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- Footnote 550
Footnote 550
Bailey, R. (2011). Letting Children be Children. Report of an Independent Review of the Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Childhood. (United Kingdom: The Stationary Office Ltd.).
- Footnote 551
Footnote 551
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- Footnote 552
Footnote 552
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- Footnote 553
Footnote 553
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- Footnote 554
Footnote 554
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Footnote 555
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- Footnote 556
Footnote 556
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- Footnote 557
Footnote 557
UNAIDS. (1997). Impact of HIV and sexual health education on the sexual behaviour of young people: a review update. (Geneva: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS).
- Footnote 558
Footnote 558
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- Footnote 559
Footnote 559
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2008). Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education.
- Footnote 560
Footnote 560
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- Footnote 561
Footnote 561
Vogel, L. (2010). Canadian baby boomers shirk safe sex. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(18), E827-E828.
- Footnote 562
Footnote 562
Morton, C. R., Kim, H., & Treise, D. (2011). Safe Sex After 50 and Mature Women's Beliefs of Sexual Health. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 45(3), 372-390.
- Footnote 563
Footnote 563
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Footnote 564
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- Footnote 565
Footnote 565
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- Footnote 566
Footnote 566
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Footnote 567
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- Footnote 568
Footnote 568
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- Footnote 569
Footnote 569
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- Footnote 570
Footnote 570
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- Footnote 571
Footnote 571
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- Footnote 572
Footnote 572
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- Footnote 573
Footnote 573
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- Footnote 574
Footnote 574
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- Footnote 575
Footnote 575
McCall, D. & McKay, A. (2004). School-Based and School-Linked Sexual Health Education and Promotion in Canada. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Canada, 26(6), 596-600.
- Footnote 576
Footnote 576
United Nations Educational, Scientific, & Cultural Organization. (2009). International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education: An evidence-informed approach for schools, teachers and health educators, Volume 1: The rationale for sexuality education. (Paris: UNESCO, Section on HIV and AIDS).
- Footnote 577
Footnote 577
United Nations Educational, Scientific, & Cultural Organization. (2009). International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education: An evidence-informed approach for schools, teachers and health educators, Volume 2: Topics and learning objectives. (Paris: UNESCO, Section on HIV and AIDS).
- Footnote 578
Footnote 578
Sex Information and Education Council of Canada. (2009). Sexual health education in the schools: Questions & answers (3rd edition). The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 18(1-2), 47-60.
- Footnote 579
Footnote 579
Frontline Partners with Youth Network. (2010-03-31). The Toronto Teen Survey - What did LGBTQ and Questioning Youth Have To Say? Retrieved on June 9, 2011, from
- Footnote 580
Footnote 580
Tolman, D. L. & McClelland, S. I. (2011). Normative Sexuality Development in Adolescence: A Decade in Review, 2000-2009. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), 242-255.
- Footnote 581
Footnote 581
Saewyc, E. M. (2011). Research on Adolescent Sexual Orientation: Development, Health Disparities, Stigma, and Resilience. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), 256-272.
- Footnote 582
Footnote 582
Balsam, K. (2003). Trauma, stress, and resilience among sexual minority women: Rising like the phoenix. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 7(4), 1-8.
- Footnote 583
Footnote 583
Savin-Williams, R. C. (2008). Then and now: Recruitment, definition, diversity, and positive attributes of same-sex populations. Developmental Psychology, 44(1), 135-138.
- Footnote 584
Footnote 584
Brill, S. & Pepper, R. (2008). The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals. (San Francisco: Cleis Press).
- Footnote 585
Footnote 585
Savin-Williams, R. C. (2005). The new gay teenager. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
- Footnote 586
Footnote 586
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- Footnote 587
Footnote 587
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- Footnote 588
Footnote 588
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- Footnote 589
Footnote 589
Aggleton, P., Bell, S., Shoveller, J., & Shannon, K. Defining Structural Factors: Agency and Structure in HIV Prevention. In M. Sommer & R. Parker (Eds.), Structural Approaches to Public Health, (To be published February 15, 2013).
- Footnote 590
Footnote 590
The University of British Columbia. (n.d.). Camp Registration. Retrieved on June 22, 2012, from
- Footnote 591
Footnote 591
The University of British Columbia. (n.d.). Programming at CampOUT! Retrieved on June 22, 2012, from
- Footnote 592
Footnote 592
The University of British Columbia. (n.d.). Leadership Resources. Retrieved on June 22, 2012, from
- Footnote 593
Footnote 593
Sales, J. M., Milhausen, R. R., & DiClemente, R. J. (2006). A decade in review: building on the experiences of past adolescent STI/HIV interventions to optimise future prevention efforts. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 82(6), 431-436.
- Footnote 594
Footnote 594
Sales, J. M. & DiClemente, R. J. (2010). Adolescent STI/HIV Prevention Programs: What Works for Teens? (Ithaca: Act for Youth Center of Excellence).
- Footnote 595
Footnote 595
Laub, C., Somera, D. M., Gowen, K., & Diaz, R. M. (1999). Targeting "Risky" Gender Ideologies: Constructing a Community-Driven, Theory-Based HIV Prevention Intervention for Youth. Health Education and Behavior, 26(2), 185-199.
- Footnote 596
Footnote 596
Marston, C. & King, E. (2006). Factors that shape young people's sexual behaviour: a systematic review. The Lancet, 368(9547), 1581-1586.
- Footnote 597
Footnote 597
Zierler, S. & Krieger, N. (1997). Reframing Women's Risk: Social Inequalities and HIV Infection. Annual Review of Public Health, 18, 401-436.
- Footnote 598
Footnote 598
Gahagan, J. & Ricci, C. (2012). HIV/AIDS Prevention for Women in Canada: A Meta-Ethnographic Synthesis. (Halifax: Dalhousie University).
- Footnote 599
Footnote 599
Meckler, G. D., Elliot, M. N., Kanouse, D. E., Beals, K. P. et al. (2006). Nondisclosure of Sexual Orientation to a Physician Among a Sample of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 160(12), 1248-1254.
- Footnote 600
Footnote 600
Dardick, L. & Grady, K. E. (1980). Openness Between Gay Persons and Health Professionals. Annals of Internal Medicine, 93(1), 115-119.
- Footnote 601
Footnote 601
Kass, N. E., Faden, R. R., Fox, R., & Dudley, J. (1992). Homosexual and Bisexual Men's Perceptions of Discrimination in Health Services. American Journal of Public Health, 82(9), 1277-1279.
- Footnote 602
Footnote 602
Smith, E. M., Johnson, S. R., & Guenther, S. M. (1985). Health Care Attitudes and Experiences during Gynecologic Care among Lesbians and Bisexuals. American Journal of Public Health, 75(9), 1085-1087.
- Footnote 603
Footnote 603
Dysart-Gale, D. (2010). Social Justice and Social Determinants of Health: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Intersexed, and Queer Youth in Canada. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 23(1), 23-28.
- Footnote 604
Footnote 604
Hatzenbuehler, M. L. (2011). The Social Environment and Suicide Attempts in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth. Pediatrics, 127(5), 896-903.
- Footnote 605
Footnote 605
Hirsch, A. J., Carlson, J. S., & Crowl, A. L. (2010). Promoting positive development outcomes in sexual minority youth through best practices in clinic-school consultation. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 23(1), 17-22.
- Footnote 606
Footnote 606
Weber, S. & Poster, E. C. (2010). Guest editorial: Special issue on mental health nursing care of LGBT adolescents and young adults. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 23(1), 1-2.
- Footnote 607
Footnote 607
Immigrant Women's Health Centre. (2012). Annual Report 2009. (Toronto: Immigrant Women's Health Centre).
- Footnote 608
Footnote 608
Immigrant Women's Health Centre. (2012). About. Retrieved on July 16, 2012, from
- Footnote 609
Footnote 609
Immigrant Women's Health Centre. (2012). Mobile Health Clinic. Retrieved on July 16, 2012, from
- Footnote 610
Footnote 610
Guruge, S., Hunter, J., Barker, K., McNally, M. J. et al. (2010). Immigrant women's experiences of receiving care in a mobile health clinic. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(2), 350-359.
- Footnote 611
Footnote 611
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. (2009). Sexually Transmitted Infections Case Management and Contact Tracing Best Practice Recommendations. (Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care).
- Footnote 612
Footnote 612
BC Online Sexual Health Services. (n.d.). What is the BC Online Sexual Health Services? Retrieved on April 30, 2012, from
- Footnote 613
Footnote 613
Family Planning Association. (n.d.). The Middle-age Spread (STIs in the over 50s) – Sexual Health Week 2010. Retrieved on January 26, 2012, from
- Footnote 614
Footnote 614
Family Planning Association. (2010). People over 50. Relationships and sexual health.
- Footnote 615
Footnote 615
Statistics Canada. (2011-07-04). Industry - North American Industry Classification System 2002, Occupation - National Occupational Classification for Statistics 2006, Work Activity in 2005 and Sex for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over Having a Usual Place of Work or Working at Home of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions of Work, 2006 Census [Data File]. Retrieved on May 5, 2012, from
- Footnote 616
Footnote 616
Messing, K., Östlin, P., & World Health Organization. (2006). Gender Equality, Work and Health: A Review of the Evidence. (Geneva: World Health Organization).
- Footnote 617
Footnote 617
Messing, K. (1998). One-eyed science: Occupational health and women workers. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press).
- Footnote 618
Footnote 618
Messing, K., Punnett, L., Bond, M., Alexanderson, K. et al. (2003). Be the Fairest of Them All: Challenges and Recommendations for the Treatment of Gender in Occupational Health Research. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 43(6), 618-629.
- Footnote 619
Footnote 619
Canadian Women's Health Network. (2005). Preventing Work-related Injuries: Health Hazards. Retrieved on February 3, 2012, from
- Footnote 620
Footnote 620
Breslin, F. C., Polzer, J., MacEachen, E., Morrongiello, B. et al. (2007). Workplace injury or "part of the job"?: Towards a gendered understanding of injuries and complaints among young workers. Social Science & Medicine, 64(4), 782-793.
- Footnote 621
Footnote 621
Street, S. (2009). Gender-Based Analysis: A Tool for Evidence-based Research in Occupational Therapy? Focusing on Workplace Health. 2009 CAOT Conference, Ottawa, CA.
- Footnote 622
Footnote 622
Institute for Work & Health. (n.d.). Vulnerable workers more likely to receive no income for work-related absence. Retrieved on February 3, 2012, from
- Footnote 623
Footnote 623
Heilman, M. E. & Chen, J. J. (2005). Same Behaviour, Different Consequences: Reactions to Men's and Women's Altruistic Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(3), 431-441.
- Footnote 624
Footnote 624
Messing, K. (1998). Hospital trash: Cleaners speak of their role in disease prevention. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 12(2), 168-187.
- Footnote 625
Footnote 625
Messing, K. & Elabidi, D. (2003). Desegregation and occupational health: how male and female hospital attendants collaborate on work tasks requiring physical effort. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 1(21), 83-103.
- Footnote 626
Footnote 626
Shields, M. & Wilkins, K. (2009). Factors related to on-the-job abuse of nurses by patients. Health Reports, 20(2), 7-20.
- Footnote 627
Footnote 627
Meadus, R. J. & Crein Twomeya, J. (2011). Men student nurses: The nursing education experience. Nursing Forum, 46(4), 269-279.
- Footnote 628
Footnote 628
Shields, M. & Wilkins, K. (2006). Findings from the 2005 National Survey of the Work and Health of Nurses. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 629
Footnote 629
Villeneuve, M. & MacDonald, J. (2006). Toward 2020: Visions for Nursing. (Ottawa: Canadian Nurses Association).
- Footnote 630
Footnote 630
Special Senate Committee on Aging. (2009). Canada's Aging Population: Seizing the Opportunity. (Ottawa: The Senate of Canada).
- Footnote 631
Footnote 631
Health Canada. (2004). Family/Informal Caregivers in Canada Caring for Someone with a Mental Illness. (Ottawa: Health Canada).
- Footnote 632
Footnote 632
Cranswick, K. & Dosman, D. (2008). Eldercare: What we know today. Canadian Social Trends, Winter 2008(86), 48-57.
- Footnote 633
Footnote 633
Kroska, A. (2003). Investigating Gender Differences in the Meaning of Household Chores and Child Care. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65(2), 456-473.
- Footnote 634
Footnote 634
Morris, M. (2001). Gender-sensitive home and community care and caregiving research: A synthesis paper.
- Footnote 635
Footnote 635
McGuire, L. C., Anderson, L. A., Talley, R. C., & Crews, J. E. (2007). Supportive Care Needs of Americans: A Major Issue for Women as Both Recipients and Providers. Journal of Women's Health, 16(6), 784-790.
- Footnote 636
Footnote 636
Women's Health Matters. (2012). Sandwich generation caring for elders: practical supports through life's transitions. Retrieved on February 16, 2012, from
- Footnote 637
Footnote 637
Lilly, M. B., Laporte, A., & Coyte, P. C. (2010). Do they care too much to work? The influence of caregiving intensity on the labour force participation of unpaid caregivers in Canada. Journal of Health Economics, 29(6), 895-903.
- Footnote 638
Footnote 638
Sipes, C. S. (2002). The experiences and relationships of gay male caregivers who provide care for their partners with AIDS. In B. J. Kramer & E. H. Thompson (Eds.), Men as Caregivers: Theory, research and service implications, (pp. 151-190). (New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.).
- Footnote 639
Footnote 639
Keefe, J. & Rajnovich, B. (2007). To Pay or Not to Pay: Examining Underlying Principles in the Debate on Financial Support for Family Caregivers. Canadian Journal on Aging, 26(Supplement 1), 77-89.
- Footnote 640
Footnote 640
Service Canada. (2010-03). Employment Insurance (EI) Compassionate Care Benefits [Brochure].
- Footnote 641
Footnote 641
Technical Advisory Committee on Tax Measures for Persons with Disabilities. (n.d.). Disability-Related Federal Personal Income Tax Measures- Infirm Dependant Credit. Retrieved on May 18, 2010, from
- Footnote 642
Footnote 642
Canada Revenue Agency. (2012-01-04). Line 315 - Caregiver amount. Retrieved on June 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 643
Footnote 643
Canada Revenue Agency. (2012-01-04). Line 305 - Amount for an eligible dependant. Retrieved on June 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 644
Footnote 644
Canada Revenue Agency. (2012-01-04). Line 306 - Amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older. Retrieved on June 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 645
Footnote 645
Canada Revenue Agency. (2012-06-18). Line 318 - Disability amount transferred from a dependant. Retrieved on June 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 646
Footnote 646
Canada Revenue Agency. (2012-04-04). Line 326 - Amounts transferred from your spouse or common-law partner. Retrieved on June 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 647
Footnote 647
Canada Revenue Agency. (2012-01-04). Line 330 - Medical expenses for self, spouse or common-law partner, and your dependent children born in 1994 or later. Retrieved on June 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 648
Footnote 648
Canada Revenue Agency. (2012-01-04). Line 331 - Allowable amount of medical expenses for other dependants. Retrieved on June 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 649
Footnote 649
Duxbury, L., Higgins, C., & Schroeder, B. (2009). Balancing paid work and caregiving responsibilities: A closer look at family caregivers in Canada. (Ottawa: Canadian Policy Research Networks).
- Footnote 650
Footnote 650
Beauregard, T. A. & Henry, L. C. (2009). Making the link between work-life balance practices and organizational performance. Human Resource Management Review, 19, 9-22.
- Footnote 651
Footnote 651
Sörensen, S., Pinquart, M., & Duberstein, P. (2002). How Effective Are Interventions With Caregivers? An Updated Meta-Analysis. The Gerontologist, 42(3), 356-372.
- Footnote 652
Footnote 652
Pinquart, M. & Sörensen, S. (2005). Ethnic differences in the caregiving experience: Implications for interventions. Geriatrics and Aging, 8(10), 64-66.
- Footnote 653
Footnote 653
Pinquart, M. & Sörensen, S. (2006). Helping caregivers of persons with dementia: which interventions work and how large are their effects? International Psychogeriatrics, 18(4), 577-595.
- Footnote 654
Footnote 654
Statistics Canada. (2004). The gap in achievement between boys and girls. Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada, October 2004(4).
- Footnote 655
Footnote 655
Raymond, M. (2008). High School Dropouts Returning to School. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 656
Footnote 656
Government of Quebec. (2004). Boys' Academic Achievement: Putting the findings into perspective. Summary Report.
- Footnote 657
Footnote 657
Statistics Canada. (2004). Children of immigrants: how well do they do in school? Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada, October 2004(4).
- Footnote 658
Footnote 658
Fortin, N. M., Oreopoulos, P., Phipps, S., & Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. (2012). Leaving Boys Behind: Gender Disparities in High Academic Achievement.
- Footnote 659
Footnote 659
Sarkadi, A., Kristiansson, R., Oberklaid, F., & Bremberg, S. (2008). Fathers' involvement and children's developmental outcomes: a systematic review of longitudinal studies. Acta Paediactrica, 97(2), 153-158.
- Footnote 660
Footnote 660
Long, D. (2008). All Dads Matter. Towards an Inclusive Vision for Father Involvement Initiatives in Canada.
- Footnote 661
Footnote 661
Vogel, C. A., Boller, K., Faerber, J., Shannon, J. D. et al. (2003). Understanding Fathering: The Early Head Start Study of Fathers of Newborns.
- Footnote 662
Footnote 662
Manahan, C. & Ball, J. (2007). Aboriginal Fathers Support Groups: Bridging the Gap between Displacement and Family Balance. First Peoples Child & Family Review, 3(4), 42-49.
- Footnote 663
Footnote 663
Ravanera, Z. R. (2008). Profiles of Fathers in Canada. (Prepared for Changing Fatherhood: Supporting Involvement, a SSHRC-CURA project of the Father Involvement Research Alliance).
- Footnote 664
Footnote 664
National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health. (2011). ...with Dad: Strengthening the Circle of Care.
- Footnote 665
Footnote 665
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre. (n.d.). Traditional Parenting. Retrieved on February 17, 2012, from
- Footnote 666
Footnote 666
Manitoba Metis Federation. (n.d.). Metis Community Liaison Department. Retrieved on February 17, 2012, from
- Footnote 667
Footnote 667
Dze L K'ant Friendship Centre Society. (n.d.). Full Circle Support - Parenting with FASD. Retrieved on February 17, 2012, from
- Footnote 668
Footnote 668
Young and Potential Fathers. (2012). About YPF. Retrieved on July 3, 2012, from
- Footnote 669
Footnote 669
Father Involvement Initiative - Ontario Network. (2012). Unique and New Toronto Program for Young African-Canadian Fathers. Retrieved on July 3, 2012, from
- Footnote 670
Footnote 670
Young and Potential Fathers. (2012). Services. Retrieved on July 3, 2012, from
- Footnote 671
Footnote 671
Hoffman, J. (2007). Supporting Father Involvement in Canadian Families: An Overview. (Peterborough: FIRA).
- Footnote 672
Footnote 672
Dubeau, D., Devault, A., & Forget, G. (2009). La paternité au XXIe siècle. (Montreal: Presses de l'Université Laval).
- Footnote 673
Footnote 673
Father Involvement Initiative - Ontario Network. (n.d.). Our History. Retrieved on July 3, 2012, from
- Footnote 674
Footnote 674
Father Involvement Initiative - Ontario Network. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved on July 3, 2012, from
- Footnote 675
Footnote 675
Father Involvement Research Alliance. (2012). About Us - Partners. Retrieved on July 3, 2012, from
- Footnote 676
Footnote 676
BC Council for Families. (2011). Learn More About the Father Involvement Network. Retrieved on July 3, 2012, from
- Footnote 677
Footnote 677
Father Involvement Research Alliance. (2012). About Us. Retrieved on July 4, 2012, from
- Footnote 678
Footnote 678
My Daddy Matters Because ... (n.d.). Fatherhood: it's the best job on the planet. Retrieved on February 9, 2012, from
- Footnote 679
Footnote 679
My Daddy Matters Because ... (n.d.). Research Report II. Research Report on the National Project on Fathering.
- Footnote 680
Footnote 680
Hoffman, J. (2011). Father Factors: What social science research tells us about fathers and how to work with them. (Peterborough: Father Involvement Research Alliance).
- Footnote 681
Footnote 681
Health Canada. (2003). Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults.
- Footnote 682
Footnote 682
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. (2002). An Evolving Terminology Relating to Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.
- Footnote 683
Footnote 683
Statistics Canada. (2011-04-05). 2006 Census reference materials. Aboriginal Peoples Technical Report. 1. Concepts and variables. Retrieved on January 17, 2012, from
- Footnote 684
Footnote 684
Canadian Study of Health and Aging. (n.d.). Clinical Examination. Retrieved on August 29, 2011, from
- Footnote 685
Footnote 685
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. (n.d.). Housing in Canada Online - Definitions of Variables. Retrieved on January 13, 2012, from
- Footnote 686
Footnote 686
Environment Canada. (2012-06-18). Ground-Level Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter Air Quality Indicators Data [Data File]. Retrieved on June 20, 2012, from
- Footnote 687
Footnote 687
Health Canada. (2011). Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey 2010: Microdata User Guide. (Health Canada).
- Footnote 688
Footnote 688
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2010). HIV and AIDS in Canada. Surveillance Report to December 31, 2009. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Footnote 689
Footnote 689
Statistics Canada. (2009-11-20). Immigration population. Retrieved on February 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 690
Footnote 690
Statistics Canada. (2009-11-20). Place of birth of respondent. Retrieved on February 29, 2012, from
- Footnote 691
Footnote 691
Statistics Canada. (2009-12-08). More information on Year of immigration. Retrieved on June 15, 2012, from
- Footnote 692
Footnote 692
Statistics Canada. (2011-09-26). CANSIM Table 102-0506 Infant deaths and mortality rates, by age group and sex, Canada, annual [Data File]. Retrieved on August 22, 2011, from
- Footnote 693
Footnote 693
Parikh, S. V., Lam, R. W., & CANMAT Depression Work Group. (2001). Clinical Guidelines for the Treatment of Depressive Disorders. I. Definitions, Prevalence, and Health Burden. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 46(S1), 13S-20S.
- Footnote 694
Footnote 694
Statistics Canada. (2011-10-25). Health Indicators. Definitions and data sources. 1. Health Status. Retrieved on January 18, 2012, from
- Footnote 695
Footnote 695
Statistics Canada. (2011). Income in Canada, 2009. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 696
Footnote 696
Statistics Canada. (2011). Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) - 2009 Survey Overview. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 697
Footnote 697
Statistics Canada. (2011-06-13). CANSIM Table 202-0801 Low income cut-offs before and after tax by community and family size, 2009 constant dollars, annual (dollars) [Data File]. Retrieved on January 17, 2012, from
- Footnote 698
Footnote 698
Statistics Canada. (2011). April to June 2011. Quarterly Demographic Estimates, 25(2), 1-80.
- Footnote 699
Footnote 699
Statistics Canada. (2012-01-31). Population centre (POPCTR). Retrieved on February 8, 2012, from
- Footnote 700
Footnote 700
Statistics Canada. (2011-02-25). CANSIM Table 102-4309 Mortality and potential years of life lost, by selected causes of death and sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions and peer groups, occasional [Data File]. Retrieved on August 26, 2011, from
- Footnote 701
Footnote 701
Statistics Canada. (2005). Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 3.1 Final Questionnaire. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).
- Footnote 702
Footnote 702
Statistics Canada. (n.d.). Uniform Crime Reporting Survey - Concepts and Definitions. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada).