The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada 2014 – A message from Canada's Chief Public Health Officer

A Message From Canada's Chief Public Health Officer

This year, the Public Health Agency of Canada marks its tenth anniversary and seventh annual report. While it's remarkable how much has changed in that short period, it's even more telling to consider, from a broader perspective, what the pace of that change means for our future.

This report looks forward on some of the challenges and opportunities influencing public health and Canada down the road. As with other reports it is not a compendium, nor does it address all the important future impacts, but rather some key ideas and evidence to generate debate, discussion and ultimately practical action. This report makes it clear that the issues we face impact us all directly. We know our population is aging. We know our environment is changing. And we know the pace of technological change is faster than ever. What does all of this mean for our health and well-being?

Some of our most pressing questions have no simple answers. As the world transitions, how can we best manage this change in a way that improves rather than diminishes health?

One thing is certain — we can't afford to consider any of these changes in isolation. That's why we must go beyond traditional public health borders and venture into some relatively new territory. This report examines what we know about what is changing, and includes examples of potential impacts moving forward.

At this time, I would like to express our sincere thanks to Dr. David Butler-Jones for his significant contribution to protecting and promoting the health and safety of Canadians over the past 10 years as Canada's first Chief Public Health Officer.

Dr. Gregory Taylor, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada

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