Supplementary Information Tables: 2013–14 Report on Plans and Priorities

Horizontal Initiatives

Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada

Name of Horizontal Initiative: Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada (FI)

Name of Lead Department(s): Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency)

Lead Department Programs: Public Health Infrastructure, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: January 13, 2005

End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: Ongoing

Total Federal Funding Allocation (Start to End Date): Ongoing

Description of the Horizontal Initiative (Including Funding Agreement): The FI strengthens domestic action on HIV and AIDS, builds a coordinated Government of Canada approach, and supports global health responses to HIV and AIDS. It focuses on prevention and access to diagnosis, care, treatment and support for those populations most affected by HIV and AIDS in Canada — people living with HIV and AIDS, gay men, Aboriginal people, people who use injection drugs, people in prison, youth, women, and people from countries where HIV is endemic. The FI also supports and strengthens multi-sector partnerships to address the determinants of health. It supports collaborative efforts to address factors which can increase the transmission and acquisition of HIV including sexually transmitted infections (STI) and also addresses co-infection issues with other infectious diseases (e.g., Hepatitis C and tuberculosis) from the perspective of disease progression and morbidity in people living with HIV and AIDS. People living with and vulnerable to HIV and AIDS are active partners in Federal Initiative policies and programs.

Shared Outcome(s):

First level outcomes

  • Increased knowledge and awareness of the nature of HIV and AIDS and ways to address the disease;
  • Increased individual and organizational capacity;
  • Increased Canadian engagement and leadership in the global context; and
  • Enhanced engagement and collaboration on approaches to address HIV and AIDS.

Second level outcomes

  • Reduced stigma, discrimination, and other barriers;
  • Improved access to more effective prevention, care, treatment and support;
  • Internationally informed Federal response; and
  • Increased coherence of the Federal response.

Ultimate outcomes

  • Prevent the acquisition and transmission of new infections;
  • Improved quality of life for those at risk and living with HIV and AIDS;
  • Contribute to the global effort to reduce the spread of HIV and AIDS and mitigate its impact; and
  • Contribute to the strategic outcomes of partner departments.

Governance Structure(s):

The Responsibility Centre Committee (RCC) is the governance body for the FI. It is comprised of directors from the nine Responsibility Centres which receive funding through the FI. Led by the Agency, the RCC promotes policy and program coherence among the participating departments and agencies, and ensures that evaluation and reporting requirements are met.

The Agency is the Federal lead for issues related to HIV and AIDS in Canada responsible for overall coordination, communications, social marketing, reporting, evaluation, national and regional programs, policy development, surveillance and laboratory science, and leadership on international health policy and program issues.

Health Canada (HC) supports HIV and AIDS prevention, education, awareness building and community capacity building in First Nation communities south of the 60th parallel, as well as facilitating access to quality HIV/AIDS diagnosis, care, treatment, and social support services in these communities.

As the Government of Canada's agency for health research, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) sets priorities for and administers the extramural research program.

Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), an agency of the Public Safety Portfolio, provides health services (including services related to the prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment of HIV and AIDS) to offenders sentenced to two years or more.

Planning Highlights: In 2013–14, Federal partners will develop integrated approaches to community acquired infections and related health factors such as co-morbidities, mental health, aging, chronic diseases, and other determinants of health. Programs will strengthen links with provinces and territories and other stakeholders on HIV and related programs among Aboriginal and Northern populations, including developing enhanced approaches to address HIV and AIDS. Programs will also strengthen intervention and implementation research and support new research initiatives to prevent transmission.

Federal Partner: The Agency
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Public Health Infrastructure Public Health Laboratory Systems Ongoing 4.9 ER 1.1
ER 1.2
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Infectious and Communicable Diseases Ongoing 3.6 ER 2.1
Healthy Communities Ongoing 33.3 ER 3.1
ER 3.2
ER 3.3
Total Ongoing 41.8  

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 1.1: Public health decisions and interventions are supported by timely, reliable and accredited reference service testing that accurately captures all the circulating HIV strains in Canada and directs attention to new outbreaks of HIV. This ensures effective identification and testing for emerging strains of HIV; enhance quality, reliability and comparability of HIV testing.

ER 1.2: Use of laboratory-generated knowledge is increased to: develop diagnostic, prognostic and drug resistance testing standards; provide quality assurance and performance standardization services for regional laboratories; determine changes in the patterns of HIV transmission; and reduce transmission of HIV from mothers to their infants through the identification of optimal and affordable antiviral therapies. Laboratory research expertise and knowledge platforms are consolidated to develop a hub for global leadership in HIV research and viral diagnostics, outbreak response, and genetic linkages to risk of disease.

ER 2.1: Engage and collaborate with provinces and territories through the Public Health Network, develop greater awareness of trends and a better understanding of factors associated with HIV and related STBBIs through targeted behavioral epidemiological surveys, and promote and integrate best practices to inform prevention and control efforts in HIV and related STBBI surveillance and guidance.

ER 3.1: Enhance public health and community capacity to prevent and control HIV and related STBBI, through strategic partnerships among stakeholders.

ER 3.2: Develop integrated approaches to HIV and related STBBIs and factors such as co-morbidities, mental health, aging, chronic diseases, and other determinants of health, including an integrated community funding model and a renewed stakeholder engagement strategy which expands the mandate of existing disease-specific engagement mechanisms.

ER 3.3: Improve information available to public health stakeholders by providing updated knowledge for effective interventions among vulnerable populations including HIV/AIDS population-specific status reports, Questions and Answers: Inclusive Practice in Sexual Health Education with Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Questions and Answers: STBBI in Middle-aged and Older Adults, and other targeted information products.

Federal Partner: Health Canada
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Internal Services Governance and Management Support Services Ongoing 1.1 ER 4.1
First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care Bloodborne Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infections — HIV/AIDS Ongoing 4.5 ER 5.1
Total Ongoing 5.6  

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 4.1: In collaboration with other Government of Canada partners, the Health Portfolio will support Canada's engagement in the global response to HIV/AIDS to ensure Canada's international engagement is coherent and effective.

ER 5.1: Work will be initiated with First Nations leadership and other stakeholders to develop enhanced approaches to address HIV/AIDS in First Nation communities south of the 60th parallel. The expected result is a report setting forth directions for an enhanced national approach, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes.

Federal Partner: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Health and Health Services Advances HIV and AIDS Research Initiative Ongoing 20.7 ER 6.1
ER 6.2
ER 6.3
Total Ongoing 20.7  

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 6.1: Increased knowledge and awareness of the nature of HIV and ways to address the disease through the development and administration of diverse HIV research funding programs. In 2013–14, new funding and funding programs will focus on finding a cure for HIV, strengthening Canada's network of clinical investigators and addressing social determinants of health and health services.

ER 6.2: A strong and diverse HIV research community with the capacity to advance HIV research from biomedical science to community-based projects through support for training and multi-disciplinary research teams.

ER 6.3: Enhanced coordination and strategic alignment of HIV research with national and international health research priorities and initiatives through the leadership and involvement of CIHR and Canadian researchers. Better coordination and strengthened partnerships will enhance resources for priority topics and help ensure effective application of new knowledge.

Federal Partner: Correctional Service of Canada
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Custody Institutional Health Services Public Health Services Ongoing 4.2 ER 7.1
ER 7.2
Total Ongoing 4.2  

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 7.1: Increased knowledge and awareness of the nature of HIV/AIDS and ways to address the disease achieved through health surveillance activities, knowledge transfer to service providers, educational program delivery, and distribution of disease prevention materials to federal offenders.

ER 7.2: Enhanced engagement and collaboration on approaches to address HIV/AIDS through the development and strengthening of partnerships with provincial/territorial governments, federal departments, and community partners. Results will be achieved through meetings and ongoing communication with Federal/Provincial/Territorial Heads of Corrections Working Group on Health, Community Consultation Committee on Public Health, and meetings and presentations with other federal departments and community partners.

Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date) Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2013–14
Ongoing 72.3

Results to be Achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if Applicable): N/A

Contact Information:

Geneviève Tremblay
100 Eglantine Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9

Preparedness for Avian and Pandemic Influenza

Name of Horizontal Initiative: Preparedness for Avian and Pandemic Influenza Initiative

Name of Lead Department(s): Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency)

Lead Department Programs: Public Health Infrastructure, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Health Security

Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: June 21, 2006

End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: Ongoing

Total Federal Funding Allocation (Start to End Date): Ongoing

Description of the Horizontal Initiative (Including Funding Agreement): This initiative is directed at mitigating Canada's risk from two major, inter-related animal and public health threats: the potential spread of avian influenza (AI) virus (e.g., H5N1) to wild birds and domestic fowl in Canada; and, the potential for a human-adapted strain to arise resulting in human-to-human transmission potentially triggering a human influenza pandemic. A coordinated and comprehensive plan to address both avian and pandemic influenza is maintained.

The bulk of the initiative is ongoing. Activities have been launched in the areas of vaccines and antivirals, surge capacity, prevention and early warning, emergency preparedness, critical science and regulation, risk communication, and inter-jurisdictional collaboration. To enhance the Federal capacity to address an on-reserve pandemic, efforts have been made to increase surveillance and risk assessment capacity to fill gaps in planning and preparedness.

Shared Outcome(s):

Immediate Outcomes

  • Strengthened Canadian capacity to prevent and respond to pandemics; and
  • Increased internal and external awareness, knowledge and engagement with stakeholders.

Intermediate Outcomes

  • Increased prevention, preparedness and control of challenges and emergencies related to AI/PI; and
  • Strengthened public health capacity.

Long-Term and Strategic Outcomes

  • Increased/reinforced public confidence in Canada's public health system; and
  • Minimization of serious illness, overall deaths, and societal disruption as a result of an influenza pandemic.

Governance Structure(s):

In January 2008, the Agency, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research finalized the Avian and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Interdepartmental/Agency Governance Agreement. The primary scope of the Agreement is the management of specific horizontal issues and/or initiatives relating to avian and pandemic influenza preparedness.

The Agreement is supported by a structure that falls within the auspices of the Deputy Minister's Committee on Avian and Pandemic Influenza Planning. Implementation of the Agreement is led by the Avian and Pandemic Influenza Assistant Deputy Ministers (API ADM) Governance Committee focusing on implementation of the initiatives. The API ADM Governance Committee provides strategic direction and oversight monitoring.

An Avian and Pandemic Influenza Operations Directors General Committee supports the API ADM Governance Committee, makes recommendations to it and oversees the coordination of deliverables.

Planning Highlights: In 2013-14, the Agency will continue to work collaboratively with its partners towards preparedness measures for the risks of an avian influenza or human influenza pandemic. This includes continuing to ensure a supply of antivirals and pandemic influenza vaccines and revision of the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan. Health Canada will continue to coordinate policy and programs for emergency preparedness and provide timely decisions for antiviral and vaccine regulatory submissions that meet the highest standards of safety, quality and efficacy. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency will continue to increase human resource and regulatory capacity, enhance stakeholder knowledge and awareness of avian influenza while continuing to ensure timely identification of potential outbreaks through an integrated Canadian surveillance system. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research will continue to support the activities of an influenza research network which is fundamental to the ongoing pandemic preparedness in Canada.

Federal Partner: The Agency
Program Sub-program Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned
Spending for
Expected Results for 2013–14
Public Health Infrastructure Public Health Capacity Building Public Health Ongoing 5.2 ER 1.1
Information and Networks Ongoing 1.0 ER 2.1
Public Health Laboratory Systems Ongoing 11.5 ER 3.1
ER 3.2
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Ongoing 6.0 ER 4.1
ER 4.2
Health Security Emergency Preparedness and Response Ongoing 20.4 ER 5.1
ER 5.2
Total Ongoing 44.1  

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 1.1: Public Health Officers address a range of public health issues across Canada and increase the capacity of partner organizations to fulfil their identified public health needs through the continuous applied transfer of acquired, experiential and ongoing development of skills.

ER 2.1: Strengthen the capacity for public health surveillance and data coordination in Canada to support prevention and response to pandemic influenza.

ER 3.1: Canada conducts relevant research to better understand influenza pathogenesis (how the virus produces disease), further interrogate the virus (antiviral susceptibility, vaccine effectiveness), develop possible vaccine candidates, and epidemiology (how the virus spreads) to mitigate impact and improve capacity against future pandemic influenza viruses.

ER 3.2: Canada is able to prepare for and anticipate risks associated with novel influenza strains and is therefore able to identify, and mitigate and control disease transmission at the initial outbreak stage in order to reduce the potential impact of influenza epidemics and pandemics.

ER 4.1: Predictive and assessment models used for pandemic preparedness are developed and established.

ER 4.2: Respiratory and vaccine preventable diseases and vaccine safety are monitored and reported in a timely manner.

ER 5.1: Further strengthen F/P/T capacity to respond to an influenza pandemic by facilitating and supporting PT and National Emergency Stockpile Services (NESS>) in the maintenance of national antiviral stockpiles.

ER 5.2: Canada has the capacity to carry out public health interventions by ensuring Canada has access to a supply of vaccines in the event of a pandemic influenza, as well as emergency response and a maintained state of readiness of the Health Portfolio's Emergency Operations Centre.

Federal Partner: Health Canada
Federal Partner Program Names of
Programs funded
under the
Horizontal Initiative
Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Health Products Regulatory activities related to pandemic influenza vaccine Ongoing 1.2 ER 6.1
Resources for review and approval of antiviral drug submissions for treatment of pandemic influenza Ongoing 0.3 ER 7.1
Establishment of a crisis risk management unit for monitoring and post-market assessment of therapeutic products Ongoing 0.3 ER 8.1
Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit Strengthen Federal public health capacity through governance and infrastructure support to FN/I Health System Ongoing 0.7 ER 9.1
FN/I emergency preparedness, planning, training and integration Ongoing 0.3 ER 10.1
Specialized Health Services Public health emergency preparedness and response (EPR) on conveyances Ongoing 0.1Federal Partner: Health Canada - Footnote * ER 11.1
Total Ongoing 2.9  
Footnote *
*As part of Budget 2012, the Government of Canada amalgamated Health Canada's (HC's) Travelling Public Program with the Public Health Agency of Canada's Office of Quarantine Services into a single Office of Border Health Services managed by the Agency as of April 1, 2013. The amalgamation of the two programs is intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of travel and border health services within the Health Portfolio. HC reduced the Avian and Pandemic program funding for this initiative by $0.1M. The remaining $0.1M will be transferred to the Agency as of April 1, 2013 in order to continue supporting the Avian and Pandemic program.

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 6.1: Policies, guidance and protocols are relevant for pandemic influenza; coordinated communications among jurisdictions with stakeholders and the public.

ER 7.1: Provision of timely decisions for antiviral and vaccine regulatory submissions that meet the highest standards of safety, quality and efficacy.

ER 8.1: Timely and effective post-market monitoring and assessment of health products.

ER 9.1: Enhanced collaboration with Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada as well as P/T partners on joint emergency preparedness and response (EPR) activities (including strengthening, testing and revising on-reserve First Nation pandemic plans). Strengthened links with key stakeholders to facilitate the integration of pandemic plans into all-hazards EPR plans.

ER 10.1: Continue to support the testing and revision of community pandemic plans based on H1N1 lessons learned.

ER 11.1: Coordination of policy and programs (including the emergency call system) for emergency preparedness and response related to pandemic influenza, quarantineable events and public health emergencies of international concern for conveyances, goods, cargo, and ancillary services.

Federal Partner: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Animal Health and Zoonotics Program/Internal Services   Ongoing 20.3 ER 12.1
ER 12.2
ER 12.3
ER 12.4
ER 12.5
ER 12.6
ER 12.7
ER 12.8
ER 12.9
Total Ongoing 20.3  

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 12.1: Increased human resource capacity to support risk mitigation procedures (such as enhanced screening of live birds or poultry products) at Canada's ports of entry.

ER 12.2: Enhanced stakeholder and the general public knowledge and awareness of the poultry industry service sector.

ER 12.3: Enhanced/integrated Canadian surveillance system to ensure timely identification of potential outbreaks and response to avian influenza situations. Targeted wild bird surveillance plan for 2013 is currently being reviewed.

ER 12.4: During inter-pandemic periods, strengthen regulatory capacity, utilize performance measurement tools to identify areas for improvement, and continue proactive and coordinated risk communications related to biosecurity and disease prevention.

ER 12.5: A trained, skilled and equipped workforce ready to respond to potential avian influenza and animal disease outbreaks.

ER 12.6: Improve, through investment in research, Federal capacity for the control, risk assessment, diagnostics, modelling, and vaccine component of avian influenza issues to enhance evidence-based decision-making on avian influenza responses and the effectiveness of disease control measures to help mitigate risks to human health and economic loss.

ER 12.7: Continue to provide assistance to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Central Bureau in the Communications Department in an effort to promote the development and implementation of science-based standards. CFIA continues to support the OIE's mandate and efforts to assist member countries in the control and eradication of animal diseases, including zoonotics, through its annual contribution to the OIE. In addition, the CFIA continues to support the development of capacity to address emergence of risk at the animal level through the Canadian chapter of Veterinarians Without Borders. Work continues to harmonize diagnostic approaches, response and market access related issues associated with AI.

ER 12.8: Maintaining, coordinating and managing the Canadian Animal Health Surveillance Network, an integrated network of Federal, Provincial and university labs. This network allows for rapid testing, detection and reporting of AI.

ER 12.9: Continued development of a viable response plan for avian influenza and animal disease outbreaks, including HR capacity, and data management tools.

Federal Partner: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Health and Health Services Advances Pandemic Preparedness Research Strategic Initiative (PPSRI) 45.3Federal Partner: Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Footnote * 1.5 ER 13.1
ER 13.2
Total 45.3 1.5  
Footnote *
*The end date of the PPSRI was March 31, 2011; however, the renewal of a major project launched through the PPSRI extended funding beyond the original end date.

Expected Results:

ER 13.1: Progress on funded projects and outcomes of research are reviewed.

ER 13.2: Uptake of research results is facilitated, and consultations on future research needs are completed through reports and meetings of researchers, stakeholders and decision makers.

Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date) Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2013–14
Ongoing 68.8

Results to be Achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if Applicable): N/A

Contact Information:

Dr. John Spika
130 Colonnade Road
Ottawa ON K1A 0K9

Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative

Name of Horizontal Initiative: Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative

Name of Lead Department(s): Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency)

Lead Department Program: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: February 20, 2007

End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: March 31, 2017

Total Federal Funding Allocation (Start to End Date): $111 M

Description of the Horizontal Initiative (Including Funding Agreement): The Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative (CHVI) is a collaborative undertaking between the Government of Canada (GoC) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to contribute to the global effort to develop a safe, effective, affordable and globally accessible HIV vaccine. This collaboration, formalized by a Memorandum of Understanding signed by both parties in August 2006 and renewed in July 2010, builds on the Government of Canada's commitment to a comprehensive, long-term approach to address HIV/AIDS. Participating Federal departments and agencies are the Agency, Health Canada, Industry Canada, the Canadian International Development Agency, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

The CHVI's overall goals are to: advance the basic science of HIV vaccine discovery and social research in Canada and low-and-middle income countries (LMICs); support the translation of basic science discoveries into clinical research, with a focus on accelerating clinical trials in humans; address the enabling conditions to facilitate regulatory approval and community preparedness; improve the efficacy and effectiveness of HIV Prevention of Mother-to-Child services in LMICs by determining innovative strategies and programmatic solutions related to enhancing the accessibility, quality, and uptake; and ensure horizontal collaboration within the CHVI and with domestic and international stakeholders.

Shared Outcome(s):

Immediate (1–3 years) Outcomes

  • Increased and improved collaboration and networking among researchers working in HIV vaccine discovery and social research in Canada and in LMICs;
  • Greater capacity for vaccines research in Canada;
  • Enhanced knowledge base;
  • Increased readiness and capacity in Canada and LMICs; and
  • An Alliance Coordinating Office established.

Intermediate Outcomes

  • Strengthened contribution to global efforts to accelerate the development of safe effective, affordable, and globally accessible HIV vaccines;
  • An increase in the number of women receiving a complete course of anti-retroviral prophylaxis to reduce the risk of mother to child transmission of HIV; and
  • A CHVI Research and Development Alliance established.

Long-Term Outcomes

  • The CHVI contributes to the global efforts to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS particularly in LMICs.

Governance Structure(s):

The Minister of Health, in consultation with the Minister of Industry and the Minister of International Cooperation, is the lead Minister for the CHVI. An Advisory Board will be established and be responsible for making recommendations to responsible Ministers regarding projects to be funded and will oversee the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the GoC and the BMGF. The CHVI Secretariat, housed in the Agency will continue to provide a coordinating role to the GoC and the BMGF.

Planning Highlights: Participating departments and agencies will further initiatives commenced in 2012–13. For example, improve domestic and international research projects, as well as continue to support the Alliance Coordinating Office.

Plans for 2013–14 include: hosting the 2013 Health Products and Food Branch International Regulatory Forum and 2013 Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization Conference; continue to support the CHVI Regulatory Capacity Building Mentorship Program; continue delivery of the Canadian HIV Technology Development Program; explore monoclonal antibody capacity in Canada; continue support for implementation research to eliminate mother-to-child transmission in sub-Saharan Africa; continue to support Canadian research teams working on prevention trials capacity building and on HIV vaccine discovery and social research; and develop and launch additional research funding opportunities to continue to advance the basic science of HIV vaccine discovery and social research.

The Government of Canada and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will continue to work together to define areas of investment to accelerate the development of a safe, effective, affordable and accessible HIV vaccine as one of the key priorities.

Federal Partner: The Agency
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Healthy Communities 18.0 2.7 ER 1.1
ER 1.2
ER 1.3
ER 1.4
Total 18.0 2.7  

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 1.1: Continue to support domestic and international efforts related to the research and development of an HIV vaccine.

ER 1.2: Develop an approach to access the HIV Vaccine Translational Support Fund to provide researchers with financial and project management support for translating HIV vaccine candidates from pre-clinical development research to small scale human clinical trials.

ER 1.3: Support the continued work of the Alliance Coordinating Office to establish a strong and vibrant network of HIV vaccine researchers and other vaccine researchers both in Canada and internationally.

ER 1.4: Ensure effective communications, strategic planning, coordination, reporting and evaluation within the Government of Canada.

Federal Partner: Health Canada
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Internal Services Governance and Management Support Services 1.0Federal Partner: Health Canada - Footnote * 0.1Federal Partner: Health Canada - Footnote * ER 2.1
Health Products Regulatory Capacity Building Program for HIV Vaccines 4.0 0.7 ER 2.1
ER 3.1
Total 5.0 0.8  
Footnote *
*A Budget Transfer Agreement was established to allow a transfer of funds between Internal Services and Health Products in the amount of $0.1M for FY 2013-14. These funds will be used to address ER 2.1.

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 2.1: Increased regulatory convergence and exchange of domestic and international best practices, policies and protocols related to the regulation of vaccines, with a focus on HIV/AIDS vaccines.

ER 3.1: Increased regulatory readiness and strengthened capacity of regulatory authorities in LMICs in to the area of vaccine products and clinical trials through training and the establishment of a mentorship program.

Federal Partner: Industry Canada
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Commercialization and Research and Development Capacity in Targeted Canadian Industries Industrial Research Assistance Program's Canadian HIV Technology Development (CHTD) Component 13.0 4.2Federal Partner: Industry Canada - Footnote * ER 4.1
Total 13.0 4.2Federal Partner: Industry Canada - Footnote *  
Footnote *
*Including the CHTD re-profiling, which was approved in November 2011: $1.73M has been re-profiled from FY 2011-12 to FY 2013-14.

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 4.1: New and innovative technologies for the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of HIV in pre-commercial development are advanced at small and medium-sized enterprises operating in Canada.

Federal Partner: Canadian International Development Agency
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Global Engagement and Strategic Policy International Development Assistance Program 60.0 12.2 ER 5.1
ER 5.2
ER 5.3
ER 5.4
Total 60.0 12.2  

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 5.1: Increased capacity to conduct high-quality clinical trials of HIV vaccine and other related prevention technologies in LMICs through new teams of Canadian and LMICs researchers and research institutions.

ER 5.2: In collaboration with CIHR, increased capacity and greater involvement and collaboration amongst researchers working in HIV vaccine discovery and social research in Canada and in LMICs through the successful completion of the development stage of the Team Grant program to support collaborative teams of Canadian and LMIC researchers.

ER 5.3: Increased number of women accessing high quality HIV Prevention of Mother-to-Child services.

ER 5.4: Increased capacity of regulatory authorities in LMICs, especially those where clinical trials are planned or ongoing, through training and networking initiatives.

Federal Partner: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Federal Partner Program Names of Programs funded under the Horizontal Initiative Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2013–14 Expected Results for 2013–14
Health and Health Services Advances Institute Strategic Advances – HIV/AIDS 15.0 2.8 ER 6.1
ER 6.2
ER 6.3
Total 15.0 2.8  

Expected Results for 2013–14:

ER 6.1: Greater support for new ideas, concepts, approaches and technologies by developing and launching funding opportunities in HIV vaccine research.

ER 6.2: Increased cadre of Canadian and LMIC vaccine researchers, through new investments in and ongoing support to funded CHVI investigators and teams.

ER 6.3: Enhanced linkages and efficiencies amongst researchers funded within this initiative by promotion of mechanisms for networking and information sharing (such as data sharing platforms and global intellectual property access mechanisms) to support the production of new knowledge and the translation of research findings into the development, testing and availability of an effective vaccine for HIV.

Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date) Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2013–14
111.0 22.7

Results to be Achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if Applicable): Non-governmental stakeholders (including research institutions and not-for-profit community organizations) are integral to the success of the CHVI. Their role is to engage and collaborate with participating departments and agencies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other funders to contribute to the CHVI goals and to Canada's contribution towards the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise.

Contact Information:

Marc-André Gaudreau
100 Eglantine Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9

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