Supplementary Information Tables: 2014–15 Report on Plans and Priorities

Greening Government Operations

Goal 7: Waste and Asset Management

Target 7.1: Real Property Environmental Performance

As of April 1, 2014, and pursuant to departmental Real Property Sustainability Frameworks, an industry- recognized level of high environmental performance will be achieved in GoC real property projects and operations.

Scope and Context

The Public Health Agency of Canada (the Agency) is custodian of three laboratories totalling 40,683 m2. These facilities are in addition to 56,000 m2 of (rentable) leased space for approximately 2,454 employees in 59 locations.

In response to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy 2010–13, the Agency developed a Green Buildings Strategic Framework. The Framework promotes green building and development practices using a suite of industry-recognized assessment tools resulting in better environmental performance of projects. This Framework will be used as the basis for developing a Real Property Sustainability Framework for the Agency.

Green Building and development practices are applied to the Agency's three custodial laboratories. Construction of a new laboratory is nearly completed following LEED Footnote 6 (CI) Silver and International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories Footnote 7 environmental performance criteria.

Link to Department's PAA
Internal Services
Performance Measurement
Expected Result
An industry-recognized level of high environmental performance will be achieved in GoC real property projects and operations.
Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
Real Property Sustainability Framework in place to improve the management of energy, waste and water in departmental real property assets by March 31, 2015. March 31, 2015
Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings (over 1000 m2) and new lease or lease renewal projects (over 1000 m2) where the Crown is the major lessee, assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool, and associated floor space (m2) 0 Crown-owned buildings
Amount 0 m2
0 New lease or lease renewal projects
0 m2

Planned assessment tool to be used:
– BOMA BESt Footnote 8
– International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (laboratory project only)

Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings, new construction, build-to-lease projects, major renovations projects, achieving an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance, and associated floor space (m2) 0 Crown-owned buildings
Amount 0 m2
0 New construction projects
0 m2
0 Build-to-lease projects
0 m2
0 Major renovation projects
0 m2

Planned environmental performance level to be achieved:
– 3 Green Globes (projects $1M-$10M)
– LEED (CI) Silver (projects $10M+)
– International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (laboratory project only)

Number of fit-up and refit projects achieving an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance 0 Fit-up and refit projects
0 m2

Planned environmental performance level to be achieved:
– 3 Green Globes Footnote 9 (projects $1M-$10M)
– LEED (CI) Silver (projects $10M+)
– International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (laboratory project only)

Implementation Strategy Element or
Best Practice
Targeted Performance Level Achieve a level of performance that meets or exceeds the custodian's current commitment(s) to sustainable buildings using industry-recognized assessment and verification tool(s) Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area. Manage the collection, diversion and disposal of workplace waste in Crown-owned buildings in an environmentally responsible manner. Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area.

Target 7.2: Green Procurement

As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.

Scope and Context

The Public Health Agency of Canada will continue to focus on greening its procurement of office supplies, information technology (IT) hardware, and office equipment. The scope of each target area is outlined below:

  • Office Supplies: Excludes purchases using acquisition cards;
  • IT Hardware: Includes automatic data processing equipment (e.g. computers) and excludes laboratory, field equipment and purchases using acquisition cards;
  • Office Equipment: Includes all printers, faxes, scanners, multi-functional devices and photocopiers. Excludes laboratory, field equipment and purchases using acquisition cards; and
  • The Public Health Agency of Canada relies upon Health Canada's procurement and materiel management specialists in order to fulfill these functions.
Link to department's PAA
Program: Internal Services
Sub-Program: Asset Management Services
Performance Measurement
Expected Result
Environmentally responsible acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services.

Departmental Green Procurement Target:

By March 31, 2017, 90% of IT hardware purchases will include criteria to reduce the environmental impact associated with the production, acquisition, use and/or disposal of the equipment.

Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
Volume of IT hardware purchases that meet the target objective relative to the total dollar value of all purchases for IT hardware in the year in question. 90%

Departmental Green Procurement Target:

By March 31, 2017, 80% of office supply purchases will include criteria to reduce the environmental impact associated with the production, acquisition, use and/or disposal of the supplies.

Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
Volume of office supply purchases that meet the target objective relative to the total dollar value of all office supply purchases in the year in question. 45%

Departmental Green Procurement Target:

By March 31, 2017, 90% of purchases of office equipment (printers, faxes, scanners and photocopiers) will have one or more environmental features.

Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
Volume of office equipment purchases that meet the target objective relative to the total dollar value of all purchases for office equipment in the year in question. 90%
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice Targeted Performance Level Leverage common use procurement instruments where available and feasible. Seeking to reach "Achieved"

Target 7.3: Sustainable Workplace Operations

As of April 1, 2015, the GoC will update and adopt policies and practices to improve the sustainability of its workplace operations.

Scope and Context

The Agency has over 2,454 employees located in over 59 locations across Canada. Although some unique situations exist, the majority of Agency workplaces are offices containing typical office equipment: computers, telephones, printers and photocopiers, boardrooms and cafeterias.

Since 2010, the Agency has accomplished the following to make its workplaces more sustainable:

  • Appointed a sustainable development advocate for the Agency;
  • Surpassed the federal target for printer reduction to achieve a ratio of 11.24 employees to each printer;
  • Ensured that all surplus electronic and electrical equipment and batteries are diverted from landfill;
  • Reduced its CO2 levels from phantom energy through its National Energy Reduction Initiative (NERI); and
  • Put into place a Green Meetings Guide.
Link to Department's PAA
Internal Services
Performance Measurement
Expected Result
Departmental workplace operations have a reduced environmental impact.
Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
An approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace is in place by March 31, 2015. March 31, 2015
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice Targeted Performance Level Maintain or improve existing approaches to sustainable workplace practices (i.e., printer ratios, paper usage, and green meetings). Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area. Dispose of e-waste in an environmentally sound and secure manner. Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area.
Goal 8: Water Management

Target 8.1: Water Management

As of April 1, 2014, the GoC will take further action to improve water management within its real property portfolio.

Scope and Context

The Agency is custodian of 3 laboratories totalling 40,683 m2. These facilities, and 56,000 m2 of (rentable) leased space for approximately 2,454 employees in 59 locations, are managed through the Health Portfolio Shared Services Partnership with Health Canada.

Through the development of a Real Property Sustainability Framework, the Agency will define its approach to sustainable water management within its real property portfolio.

Link to Department's PAA
Internal Services
Performance Measurement
Expected Result
Water is managed sustainably in GoC real property operations.
Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
Approach to improving water management included in Real Property Sustainability Framework by March 31, 2015. March 31, 2015

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