ARCHIVED: Mandate #3: The Management of the National Antiviral Stockpile: Options Report - Best Practice and Other Recommendations


Mandate #3:  Best Practice and Other Recommendations

The AVSMTG also discussed recommendations for ongoing management of Canada’s stockpiles that incorporate ideal management practices and other future considerations that were deemed beyond the timelines/mandate of this Task Group. 

Best Practices:

1. Ongoing Management of the Stockpile

Establish an integrated and ongoing mechanism to address stockpile issues such as

  • future stockpile expiries (i.e. another ‘surge’ for stockpile expiries will occur in 2011/2012),
  • monitor international practices,
  • assess new technology/research into new or improved antivirals (i.e. generic tablets),
  • evaluate Canadian population trends, and
  • continued examination of stockpile management best practices. 

Options for this mechanism could include expansion of an existing group (i.e. Pandemic Preparedness Health Operations Committee) perhaps to include representation by the Antiviral Working Group, or to establish a new working group (i.e. Antiviral Supply Working Group).  It may be possible to establish another process to address future issues (such as an expert distribution list) however, it would be important to ensure F/P/T consultation occurs and a time-limited approach does not provide the preferred continuous mechanism to address these ongoing issues.

2.  Maintenance of the Stockpile

As part of an ongoing mechanism, there should be guidance and support for the management of the stockpiles, including

  • close monitoring of humidity/temperature control for all jurisdictions
  • a plan for additional storage requirements (e.g. space; upgrades for monitoring)
  • a mechanism for quarantine of expired stock since this stock can only be used with an Interim Order
  • explore options for enhanced antiviral stockpile inventory control measures that can provide a real-time assessment of stockpile’s rate of depletion.  This information will inform decisions on the utilization/allocation of the NAS and triggers for access to the NESS.
  • provide guidelines for ongoing evaluation or inspection of the stockpiles

Other Recommendations:

  1. Develop a national antiviral communications strategy
    • Ensure an ongoing forum for sharing communications and public messaging approaches (media lines)
  2. A collaborative approach to address expiring stock and the composition of the National Antiviral Stockpile is desired.  Clarification on the roles/responsibilities will be further informed by the MOU on Roles and Responsibilities, which will lead to further discussions by F/P/T governments. 
  3. A potential long-term option could include a recommendation to change Canada’s Food and Drugs Act with its next amendment.  The goal would be to allow for the shelf-life extension of drugs in government stockpiles independent of the participation of the manufacturer or drug sponsor.  It is recognized that this process may take several years and would not apply to the remaining 5 year shelf-life stock in the NAS.

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