ARCHIVED: Bibliography: Handbook on Sensitive Practice for Health Care Practitioners: Lessons from Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse



Works Cited

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  168. Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J. Felstiner, C., et al. (2003). Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2003: Major Findings. Retrieved January 16, 2008, from (PDF document)
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Recommended Reading and Resources

Childhood sexual abuse and trauma: Readings

Dorais, Michel. 2002. Don't tell: The sexual abuse of boys. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.

Everett, B. & Gallop, R. (2001). The link between childhood trauma and mental illness: Effective interventions for mental health professionals. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Herman, J. (1992). Trauma and recovery. New York: Basic Books.

Hulme, P.A. (2004). Theoretical perspectives on the health problems of adults who experienced childhood sexual abuse. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 25, 339-361.

Lew, M. (2004). Victims no longer: The classic guide for men recovering from sexual child abuse. Harper Collins Publishers: New York.

Rosenbloom, D. & Williams, M.B. (1999). Life after trauma: A workbook for healing. New York: Guilford.

Rothschild, B. (2000). The body remembers: The psychophysiology of trauma and trauma treatment. New York: Norton.

Saakvitne, K.W., Gamble, S., Pearlman, L.A. & Tabor Lev, B. (2000). Risking connection: A training curriculum for working with survivors of childhood abuse. Lutherville, MD: The Sidran Press.

van der Kolk, B. A., McFarlane. A., & Weisaeth, L. (Eds.). (1996).Traumatic stress: The effects of overwhelming experience on mind, body, and society. New York: Guilford Press.

van der Kolk, B.A. (1998). The psychology and psychobiology of developmental trauma. In: Stoudemire, A. (Ed) Human Behaviour: An Introduction for Medical Students. (pp. 383-399). Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven.

van der Kolk, B.A. (2003). The neurobiology of childhood trauma and abuse. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, 12, 293-317.

Pain: Readings

Gatchel, R.J., Peng, Y.B., Peters, M.L., Fuchs, P.N., & Turk, D.C. (2007). The biopsychosocial approach to chronic pain: Scientific advances and future directions. Psychological Bulletin, 133, 581-624.

Mailis-Gagnon, A., & Israelson, D. (2003). Beyond pain: Making the mind-body connection. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Radomsky N. (1995). Lost Voices: Women, Chronic Pain and Abuse. New York: Haworth Press.

Childhood sexual abuse and trauma: Websites

Stop Family Violence has many resources available free of charge. Toll free telephone 1-800 267-1291; (613) 957-2938; Fax (613) 941-8930;

Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres is a pan Canadian organization of sexual assault centres in Canada. Their website has contact information and links for sexual assault centres across Canada.

Tamara's House, a residential treatment centre for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)

British Columbia Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse (Vancouver, BC)

Men's Resource Centre (Winnipeg, Manitoba)

The Men's Project (Ottawa/Cornwall Ontario)

Ritual abuse: Readings

Clay, Colin. (1996). More than a survivor: Memories of satanic ritual abuse and the paths which lead to healing. Saskatoon, SK: Author.

Oksana, Christine. (1994). Safe passage to healing: A guide for Survivors of ritual abuse. New York: Harper Perennial.

Smith, Margaret. (1993). Ritual Abuse: What it is: Why it happens: How to help. New York: Harper Collins

Sexual abuse in sport: Readings

Brackenridge, C.H. (1994). Fair play or fair game: Child sexual abuse in sport organisations. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 29(3), 287-299.

Brackenridge, C.H. (1997). "He owned me basically": Women's experience of sexual abuse in sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 32(2), 115-130.

Brackenridge, C.H. (2000). Harassment, Sexual Abuse, and Safety of the Female Athlete. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 19(2), 187-198.

Brackenridge, C.H., & Kirby, S. (1997). Playing safe? Assessing the risk of sexual abuse to young elite athletes. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 32(4), 407-418.

Kirby, S., & Wintrup, G. (2002). Running the gauntlet in sport: An examination of initiation/hazing and sexual abuse. Journal of Sexual Aggression, Special Issue on Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport, 8.

Kirby, S., Greaves, L., & Hankivsky, O. (2000). The dome of silence. Sexual harassment and abuse in sport . Halifax, NS: Fernwood Publishing.

Critical cultural perspective: Readings

Gustafson, D.L. (2005). Transcultural nursing theory from a critical cultural perspective. Advances in Nursing Science, 28(1), 2-16.

Gustafson, D.L. (2007). White on whiteness: Becoming radicalized about race. Nursing Inquiry, 14(2), 153-161.

Gustafson D.L. (Accepted). Beyond sensitivity and tolerance: Theoretical approaches to caring for newcomer women with mental health problems. In S. Guruge & E Collins (Eds.). Working with women and girls in the context of migration and settlement. Toronto, ON: Centre for Addiction & Mental Health.

Racine, L. (2003). Implementing a postcolonial feminist perspective in nursing research related to non- Western populations. Nursing Inquiry, 10 (2), 91-102.

Reitmanova, S. & D.L. Gustafson. (Accepted). "They can't understand it": Maternity health care needs of immigrant Muslim women in St. John's, Canada. Maternal and Child Health Journal .

Swendson, C. & Windsor, C. (1996). Rethinking cultural sensitivity. Nursing Inquiry, 3(1), 3-10.

Aboriginal Peoples: Readings

Adams, H. (1995). A tortured people: The politics of colonization. Penticton, BC: Theytus Books.

Brizinksi, P. (1993). Knots in a string: An introduction to Native Studies in Canada (2nd ed.). Saskatoon, SK: University Extension Press.

Browne, A. (1995). The meaning of respect: A First Nations perspective. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4); 95-109.

Canadian Medical Association. (1994). Bridging the gap: Promoting health and healing for Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Medical Association.

Lux, M. (2001). Medicine that walks; Disease, medicine and Canadian Plains Native people, 1880-1940. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

McClure, L., Boulanger, M. Kaufert, J. & Forsythe, S. (Eds.) (1992). First Nations urban health bibliography: A review of the literature and exploration of strategies. No. 5. Winnipeg: Northern Health Research Unit, University of Manitoba.

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. (1996). People to people, nation to nation: Highlights from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa, ON: Minister of Supply and Services Canada. Retrieved January 30, 2008, from

Statistics Canada. (1993). Language, tradition, health, lifestyle and social issues: 1991 Aboriginal Peoples Survey. Cat. No. 89-533. Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada.

Stiegelbauer, S.M. (1996). What is an elder? What do elders do? First Nation elders as teachers in culture- based urban organizations. Canadian Journal of Native Studies, XVI(1), 37-66.

Smylie, J. (2000). A guide for health professionals working with Aboriginal peoples. SOGC Policy Statement No. 100, Executive summary. Retrieved June 6, 2007, from

Smylie, J. (2001). A guide for health professionals working with Aboriginal peoples. Aboriginal Health

Resources SOGC Policy Statement No. 100. Retrieved June 7, 2006, from

Smylie J. (2000). Guide for health professionals working with Aboriginal peoples. The sociocultural context of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. SOGC Policy Statement No. December 2000. Retrieved June 7, 2006, from

Smylie J. (2001). A guide for health professionals working with Aboriginal peoples . Cross cultural understanding. SOGC Policy Statement No. 100. Retrieved June 7, 2006, from

Smylie, J. (2001). Guide for health professionals working with Aboriginal peoples. Health issues affecting Aboriginal peoples. SOGC Policy Statement No. 100. Retrieved June 7, 2006, from

Waldram, J. B., Herring, D. A., & Kue Young, T. (1995). Aboriginal health in Canada: Historical, cultural and epidemiological perspectives. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

Young, D., Ingram, G., & Swartz, L. (1989). Cry of the eagle: Encounters with a Cree healer. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

Young, D. E., & Smith, L. L. (1992). The involvement of Canadian Native communities in their health care programs: A review of literature since the 1970s. Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Northern Reference Series No. 2. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta.

Young, T.K. (1988). Health Care and Cultural Change: The Indian Experience in the Central Subarctic . Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

Aboriginal Peoples: Websites

Assembly of First Nations:
First Nations & Inuit Health Branch website:
Métis National Council:
Aboriginal Healing Foundation:

Plain Language: Readings

Human Resources and Social Development Canada.

Plain Plain language guidelines and manuals.

Plain Language: Websites

NIH plain language training.
The Plain Language Association International.

Pregnancy, labour, and postpartum

Hobbins, D. (2004). Survivors of childhood sexual abuse: Implications for perinatal nursing care. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 33(4), 485-97.

Jacobs, J. L. (1992). Child sexual abuse victimization and later sequelae during pregnancy and childbirth. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 1(1), 103-112.

Kendall-Tackett, K. (1998). Literature review. Breastfeeding and the sexual abuse survivor. Journal of Human Lactation, 14(2), 125-33.

Rhodes, N., & Hutchinson, S. (1994). Labor experiences of childhood sexual abuse survivors. Birth, 21(4), 213-20.

Rose, A. (1992). Effects of childhood sexual abuse on childbirth: One woman's story. Birth, 19(4), 214-8.

Seng, J.S., Sparbel, K.J.H., Low, L.K., & Killion, C. (2002). Abuse-related posttraumatic stress and desired maternity care practices: Women's perspectives. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, 47(5), 360-70.

Simkin, P and Klaus, P. (2004). When survivors give birth: Understanding and healing the effects of early sexual abuse on the childbearing woman. Seattle, WA: Woman Classic Day Publishing.

Waymire, V. (1997). A triggering time: Childbirth may recall sexual abuse memories. AWHONN Lifelines, 1(2), 47-50.

The therapeutic relationship, boundaries, and managing challenging situations: Readings

College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. (2007). Guide to standard for managing challenging situations when providing patient care. Retrieved November 7, from

College of Physical Therapists of Alberta. (2007). Managing challenging situations. A resource guide for physical therapists. Retrieved November 7, 2007, from

College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. (2005). Guide to the standard for establishing and maintaining therapeutic relationships. Retrieved November 7, 2007, from

College of Nurses of Ontario. (2006). Practice standard. Therapeutic nurse-client relationship, Revised 2006 . Retrieved November 7, 2007, from

Nurses Association of New Brunswick. (2000). Standard for the therapeutic nurse-client relationship . Retrieved November 7, 2007, from

College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia. (2002). Professional boundaries and expectations for nurse- client relationships. Retrieved November 7, 2007, from

Screening tools

Roy, C.A., & Perry, J.C. (2004). Instruments for the assessment of childhood trauma in adults. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disorder, 192(5), 343-51.

Thombs, B.D., Bernstein, D.P., Ziegelstein, R.C., Scher, C.D., Forde, D.R., Walker, E.A., et al. (2006). An evaluation of screening questions for childhood abuse in 2 community samples: Implications for clinical practice. Archives of Internal Medicine, 166(18), 2020-6.

Thombs, B.D., Bernstein, D.P., Ziegelstein, R.C., Bennett, W., & Walker, E.A. (2007). A brief two-item screener for detecting a history of physical or sexual abuse in childhood. General Hospital Psychiatry, 29, 8-13

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