Appendix C (networks, coalitions and advisory bodies) : Population-Specific HIV/AIDS Status Report: People living with HIV/AIDS
Appendix C
It is important to note certain limitations of the methodology for this appendix. The networks, coalitions, and programs identified in this chapter were active at some point between 2009 and 2011, but may no longer be active at the time of publication.
1) HIV/AIDS Networks, Coalitions and Advisory Bodies
National Non-Governmental Organizations
- Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)
- Canadian AIDS Society (CAS)
- Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE)
- Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR)
- Canadian HIV/AIDS Black, African and Caribbean Network (CHABAC)
- Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network (CHLN)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Canadian HIV Trials Network (CTN)
- Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)
- Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC)
- Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR)
- Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD)
Federal Advisory Bodies
- CIHR HIV/AIDS Research Advisory Committee (CHARAC)
- Ministerial Advisory Council on the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada (MAC-FI)
- National Aboriginal Council on HIV/AIDS (NACHA)
National Bodies
- Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS (F/P/T-AIDS)
- Leading Together Championing Committee (LTCC)
International Bodies
- Global Network of People Living with AIDS North America (GNP+NA)
- International Community of Women Living With HIV/AIDS
Provincial Networks, Coalitions and Advisory Bodies with PHA-Specific Mandates
British Columbia
- Northern BC Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Task Force
- Pacific AIDS Network (PAN)
- Positive Living BC
- Positive Women's Network
- Alberta Community Council on HIV (ACCH)
- MAN/SASK Network
- Persons Living with AIDS Network Inc. of Saskatchewan (PLWA Network)
- Play it Safer Network
- MAN/SASK Network
- Manitoba PHA Caucus
- Play it Safer Network
- Coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le sida (COCQ-SIDA)
- Coalition sida des sourds du Québec (CSSQ)
- African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO)
- Gay Men's Sexual Health Alliance (GMSH)
- Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy (OAHAS)
- Ontario AIDS Network (OAN)
- Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN)
- Ontario Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS (OACHA)
- Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network (AIRN)
- Nova Scotia Advisory Commission on AIDS
- Regional Atlantic AIDS Network (RAAN)
Northern Canada
- Northwest Territories HIV & Hepatitis C Support Network
2) Organizations Involved in the Delivery of Programs and Time-Limited Projects (2009-2011) Supporting People Living with HIV or AIDS in Canada
It is important to note certain limitations of the methodology for this appendix. Some projects, programs or initiatives delivered by provinces and territories may not have been captured through the information-gathering methodology used in this report.
National level projects
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
Project P1: The objective of this project is to provide national level support for Aboriginal AIDS service organizations, and to ensure that the needs of Aboriginal communities are addressed/ reflected in national policy, communication, and capacity-building strategies throughout the voluntary sector.
Canadian AIDS Society
Project P2: This project provides national support to AIDS service organizations, and acts as a national voice in the development and implementation of national policy, communication, and capacity-building strategies throughout the voluntary sector.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Project P3: This project enhances national HIV/AIDS coordination and planning, policy development and capacity building and communications as it pertains to the legal, ethical and human rights of individuals, AIDS service organizations, and members of the general public affected by HIV/AIDS.
Canadian Treatment Action Council
Project P4: This project enhances national HIV/AIDS policy development specific to treatment access issues. This objective is in line with the goal of the National Voluntary Sector Response Fund (NHVSRF) which seeks to sustain an effective voluntary sector response to HIV/AIDS in Canada.
Canadian Working Group on Rehabilitation
Project P5: The project's specific focus is to coordinate policies, programs and services among stakeholders and to develop best practice guidelines on HIV for rehabilitation professionals.
Project P6: This project increases community-based AIDS service organizations' capacity to provide effective, integrated treatment information to people living with HIV/AIDS and service providers.
Project P7: National Network of Excellence in HIV/AIDS Knowledge Exchange: The purpose of this project is to establish a national HIV/AIDS Knowledge Exchange Broker to communicate HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment and support knowledge to front-line organizations working in HIV/AIDS. The Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE) will gather, synthesize, and disseminate relevant research, epidemiological data and best practices to front-line organizations (AIDS service organizations, public health units, population-based organizations, social services and community-based organizations) to increase their capacity to plan and deliver programs and services. CATIE will provide a single point of contact via a website, a toll-free telephone number, publications, workshops, and other communication vehicles.
Interagency Coalition on AIDS
Project P8: The project provides national level support to new immigrants and engages Black Canadian, African and Caribbean communities, in national policy, communication, and capacity-building strategies throughout the voluntary sector.
British Columbia
A Loving Spoonful
Project P9: A Loving Spoonful is a volunteer-driven, non-partisan society that provides free, nutritious meals to people living with HIV/AIDS in Greater Vancouver.
AIDS Vancouver
Project P10: AIDS Vancouver works in the community with an integrated approach to HIV/AIDS care and support, prevention and harm reduction. AIDS Vancouver offers a comprehensive range of services, including case management, support programs, a grocery program, a helpline, a resource centre, and prevention and education outreach.
AIDS Vancouver Island
Project P11: AIDS Vancouver Island works to improve the lives of people living with HIV or AIDS, and to prevent more individuals from becoming infected with the virus. It provides support for people living with HIV and/or hepatitis C through the Positive Wellness program.
AIDS Society of Kamloops
Project P12: The AIDS Society of Kamloops (ASK) provides awareness, education, advocacy, housing, and support related to HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, marginalization and persons at risk, to develop healthier communities. ASK provides one-to-one counselling for PHA and their families.
ANKORS - AIDS Network Kootenay Outreach and Support Society
Project P13: ANKORS Prevention, Education, Training & Community Care Team Program: Provides programs and services specifically designed to address regional issues facing rural communities. The project provides support to PHA.
BC Mennonite Central Committee
Project P14: The HIV/AIDS program seeks to work with churches, community organizations and individuals interested in providing support to persons infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS, as well as providing a local support group for persons living with HIVAIDS.
Hiiye'yu Lelum (House of Friendship) Society
Project P15: Kwam Kwum Súli: Strengthening the Spirit: The project's objectives are to enhance sexual health and injection drug use harm reduction initiatives for at-risk Aboriginal youth; to facilitate access to diagnosis, care, and treatment; and to create social support opportunities for those infected with HIV and/or other related diseases and conditions. To meet these objectives, the organization will undertake the following activities: youth-driven development and presentations of materials such as workshops and theatre presentations; and youth engagement in traditional activities.
Positive Living BC (formerly, BC Persons with AIDS Society)
Project P16: Advocacy Services Program: Addressing the health determinants of income and social status that directly impact the health and well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS by helping PHA access government benefits and services.
Project P17: Prisoner POSITIVE works directly with the HIV-positive prisoner population through workshops for groups within correctional institutions, as well as individually through outreach activities after release.
Dr. Peter Centre
Project P18: The Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation helps rebuild lives shattered by HIV/AIDS, addiction, mental illness, poverty, and discrimination because of gender and sexual orientation. The Centre has a combined Day Health Program and 24-hour nursing care residence.
Friends for Life
Project P19: The Vancouver Friends For Life Society serves as a catalyst to enhance the wellness of individuals living with a life-threatening illness by providing complementary and alternative health and support services.
Healing Our Spirit
Project P20: Toll-free phone number to request loan of HIV/AIDS information books/DVDs/videos. Items mailed to requester.
Living Positive Resource Centre
Project P21: Living Positive Resource Centre (LPRC) is a non-profit organization in Kelowna, BC, which provides support and advocacy services to PHA and other people in need within the Central Okanagan. LPRC serves people experiencing issues related to housing, income, nutrition, access to health care, including addictions and mental health services, connections with natural support systems, and other determinants of health.
McLaren Housing
Project P22: McLaren Housing Society of British Columbia is a non-profit organization that provides safe, affordable housing to men, women and families who live with HIV/AIDS, are in financial need and yet are able to live independently.
Portland Hotel Society
Project P23: Promotes, develops and maintains supportive affordable housing for adults who are hard to house and at risk of homelessness due to their physical and/or mental health, behaviour, substance dependencies, and forensic history.
Positive Living Fraser Valley Society
Project P24: The Lighthouse Centre is developing a resource centre that will allow persons living in the Fraser Valley to access services in the community to promote healthy behaviours and raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.
Positive Living North
Project P25: The Choice is Yours: Interactive, Targeted HIV/AIDS Education: Positive Living North delivers a comprehensive strategy to prevent the spread of HIV within vulnerable populations in Prince George and Northern BC.
Project P26: The Fire Pit: Fanning the Flames: The project's objectives are to enhance sexual health and injection drug use harm reduction initiatives for at-risk Aboriginals; to facilitate access to diagnosis, care, and treatment; and to create social support opportunities for those infected with HIV and other related diseases and conditions. To meet these objectives, the organization will undertake cultural activities and facilitate culturally appropriate prevention, education, and activities on sexual health and on injection drug use harm reduction.
Positive Living Northwest
Project P27: No Kheyoh T'Sih'En T'Sehena Society / Front Line Warriors: Positive Prevention: Developing and disseminating presentations and promotional materials for frontline service providers and community members at the local, regional and provincial level. This project relies heavily on 'Front Line Warriors' to provide their stories and experiences.
Positive Women's Network
Project P28: Support Program for HIV-Positive Women: Providing effective programming and resources for women, their families and service providers, including culturally appropriate services for Aboriginal women who face multiple barriers.
Red Road HIV/AIDS Network
Project P29: Website access to GIS and Bloodlines magazine. GIS is a mapping of HIV/AIDS services throughout BC.
Project P30: Works with FN Summits, FN Leadership Council, BC Assembly of First Nations regarding on-reserve service barriers and implementation of policies to remove the barriers.
Surrey HIV/AIDS Centre Society
Project P31: The Surrey HIV/AIDS Centre Society's mission is to assist the community and those living with HIV/AIDS in overcoming vulnerability, challenges and stigma through education, advocacy, research, ongoing support and empowerment.
Vancouver Island Persons with AIDS Society
Project P32: The mission of the Vancouver Island Persons Living With HIV/ AIDS Society is to offer compassionate peer support and information to all persons living with HIV/AIDS.
Vancouver Native Health Society
Project P33: The Vancouver Native Health Society (VNHS) delivers medical, counselling and social services, with an emphasis on providing care to the Aboriginal community. All programs are accessible without fees to native and non-native individuals residing in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. This "ghettoized" neighbourhood is home to most of the Lower Mainland's most marginalized: substance dependent individuals, the mentally ill, PHA, homeless, immigrants, troubled youth and First Nations people.
Victoria AIDS Resource and Community Services Society
Project P34: The Victoria AIDS Resource and Community Services Society (VARCS) is a non-profit group in Victoria providing practical, emotional, and social support to people living with HIV and their caregivers. VARCS provides a drivers' program, home help, advocacy, referrals, home and hospital visits and the Mobile X needle exchange program.
YouthCO AIDS Services
Project P35: The Peer (Promoting an Effective Education Response) to Youth & HIV/AIDS Program: Delivering HIV prevention programming to youth at risk of infections, and support services to youth living with HIV/AIDS.
Vancouver AIDS Society
Project P36: Volunteer Resources Program: Informs the development of new, challenging and relevant volunteer opportunities. Increases the capacity and skill level of volunteers at the organization to provide services that will enhance the quality of life for individuals who are infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS.
Wings Housing Society
Project P37: Wings Housing Society provides housing assistance for people with HIV/AIDS, including Portable Housing Subsidies (partial rent payments) throughout British Columbia and tenancy in Vancouver's West End.
AIDS Bow Valley (ABV)
Project P38: The mission of ABV includes: providing community outreach; reducing stigma and discrimination; offering support, referral and advocacy for people living with HIV/AIDS; increasing HIV/AIDS and STI knowledge within high-risk populations through prevention education strategies by using a community development and health promotion approach; increasing access to prevention tools for high-risk populations; and increasing knowledge and use of the principles of harm reduction by service providers, healthcare providers and the community at large.
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association (ACAA)
Project P39: ACAA activities across the Calgary, Bow Valley and Palliser Regions of southern Alberta include: providing client services supporting PHAs; community outreach (including: HEAT program for MSM, Prison Outreach, IDU & Sex Trade Outreach, Spirit Helpers for Aboriginals and Youth Xchange for street involved youth); community development; speakers network; community strategies; volunteer training; human rights and community development programming; development, communications, planning/evaluation, community-based research and fund development.
Alberta Community Council on HIV (ACCH)
Project P40: ACCH supports community-based responses to HIV/AIDS in Alberta and provides provincial leadership through collective action and a unified voice. Its support takes the form of assisting its membership with skill and capacity building, as well as advocacy and coordination, community-based research, and stewardship of the Alberta Community HIV Fund (ACHF). Specific to PHA support, ACCH provides funding and coordination for Alberta's "Positive Voices" conference that is held biannually.
Central Alberta AIDS Network (CAANS)
Project P41: CAANS activities include community action, assisting the community in the development of appropriate and sustainable responses to HIV and related issues; health promotion, including providing programming that assists people living with HIV/AIDS and their identified support systems to have access to health promotion services specific to HIV and related issues; reducing the negative effects of substance use and the sex trade on individuals, families and communities through a harm reduction approach; providing education and prevention; and preventing HIV in populations known to be vulnerable to HIV by equipping them with skills to respond appropriately.
HIV Edmonton
Project P42: HIV Edmonton's mandate includes increasing the capacity of community, education, health and social service providers (CEHSP) to offer services free of barriers and discrimination for those infected with, affected by, and at risk of, HIV; providing quality care to PHA and those affected by, and at risk of, HIV; creating supportive environments through advocacy and policy support; raising public awareness of the societal cost and impact of HIV; informing public policy and practice; and offering community-based HIV-related education to CEHSP and those infected with, affected by, and at risk of, HIV.
HIV North Society
Project P43: Mandates include increasing knowledge of prevention strategies of HIV among prison populations, youth, high-risk populations, Aboriginal peoples, and homeless and street-involved populations. Creating Support Environments by increasing access to social services for people living with HIV/AIDS and those in high-risk target groups; and increasing support networks for PHA, including health and housing.
HIV Society of SE Alberta
Project P44: The project's objectives include fostering the development and maintenance of those living with HIV/AIDS in southeastern Alberta to access services and improving the well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS in this area of the province.
Kimamow Atoskanow Foundation (KAF)
Project P45: Full Circle: The project objectives are to enhance sexual health and/or injection drug use harm reduction initiatives for, and with, vulnerable subpopulations, including those infected, specifically current and former inmates and co-infected Aboriginal people with HIV/AIDS; to facilitate access to diagnosis, care, treatment; to create social support opportunities for those infected with HIV and/or other related diseases and conditions; and to develop regional capacity-building initiatives for non-reserve Aboriginal community-based programming. These objectives will be achieved by developing media resources, by providing social support, including holistic and wellness training and skills training for frontline workers, and by formalizing a provincial Aboriginal alliance.
Lethbridge HIV Connection:
Project P46: The project's objectives include increasing community acceptance and support for those who are infected with, or affected by, and those at risk of, HIV/AIDS; undertaking health promotion; and increasing the capacity of people living with HIV to manage their condition.
Shining Mountains Living Community Services
Project P47: Reducing Barriers: The project's objectives are to enhance sexual health and injection drug use harm reduction initiatives for, and with, vulnerable subpopulations, specifically high-risk women and youth, injection drug users, and Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS. To meet these objectives, the organization will provide nightly access to culturally sensitive prevention material; offer support and transportation services to Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS; provide information sessions on traditional healing strategies; partner with community organizations; organize support circles and workshops; and enhance the skills of Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS in managing the disease.
Wood Buffalo HIV & AIDS Society (WBHAS)
Project P48: Objectives of this project include creating supportive environments; increasing target populations' knowledge of HIV and awareness of HIV initiatives and resources; and increasing the capacity of PLWHA in the region to manage their condition emotionally, socially, physically and financially.
AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan
Project P49: AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan, founded in 1986, works to support community health through sharing HIV/AIDS information and resources in southern Saskatchewan. This project will focus on assisting providers in gaining greater understanding of HIV/AIDS; striving for a coordination of care; and contributing to the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Saskatoon
Project P50: Provides support to those affected by HIV/AIDS and education about HIV/AIDS infection and prevention. This project includes an effective and sustainable HIV education program implemented in Saskatchewan and delivered to and involving the community.
All Nations Hope AIDS Network
Project P51: A Journey of Healing, Aboriginal People Living with HIV/AIDS (APHAs) Joining the Circle: The project's objective is to develop regional capacity-building initiatives for non-reserve Aboriginal community-based programming. To meet this objective, the organization will provide culturally appropriate training sessions; develop materials for Aboriginal service providers on issues relating to Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS; establish a speakers' bureau to present at workshops and conferences; and assist two-spirited Aboriginal people through partnership building, research, strategic planning and events.
Battlefords Family Health Centre Inc.
Project P52: Circle of Change: Reducing Harm: The project objectives are to enhance sexual health and injection drug use harm reduction initiatives for, and with, vulnerable subpopulations such as Aboriginal inmates, high-risk women and youth; to facilitate access to diagnosis, care, and treatment; and to create social support opportunities for those infected with HIV and related diseases and conditions. This will be accomplished through targeted educational groups for adult inmates and youth; drop-in support group; engagement of Aboriginal street youth; and an outreach program.
Kikinahk Friendship Centre Inc.
Project P53: Kikinahk Sexual Health and Drug Use Awareness Program: The project's objective is to develop sexual health and injection harm reduction initiatives for, and with, vulnerable subpopulations, such as high-risk youth and people who live with intravenous drug users (IDU). The organization will undertake some of the following activities to meet its objective: develop partnerships; form focus groups on injection drug use; develop a workshop on the prevention of and living with HIV/AIDS; develop a monthly mailout on available HIV/AIDS resources and services; share materials and expertise through seminars in schools and the local addictions office; and organize informational sessions on HIV/AIDS, IDU prevention and harm reduction.
Persons Living with AIDS Network Inc. of Saskatchewan
Project P54: Meeting the needs of people who are living with HIV/AIDS and blood-borne pathogens, through education, support and addressing issues that they experience.
Manitoba Persons Living with HIV and AIDS Caucus
Project P55: Positive Involvement, New Independence: The goal of this project is to build capacity for PHA within Manitoba to address their health and well-being by providing peer-support programs, including counselling, access to treatment information, volunteer training and skills development, and information dissemination through a newsletter.
Kali Shiva AIDS Services
Project P56: The Positive Women's Program provides non-medical supports and services to people living with HIV/AIDS, and resources for women living with HIV/AIDS in Manitoba by providing a support network for positive women and their children.
Ka Ni Kanichihk - "Those Who Lead" Inc.
Project P57: Aboriginal Women Responding to the AIDS Crisis ( AWRAC): The project's objective is to develop national and regional capacity-building initiatives for non-reserve Aboriginal community-based programming. The activities the organization will undertake to meet its objectives include: establishing an advisory council and conducting focus groups to develop an Aboriginal community-based program and capacity-building training model, specifically focusing on women; teaching Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS and volunteers to deliver training on the model; and providing training on the model to Aboriginal organizations at regional community gatherings and conferences.
Nine Circles Community Health Centre
Project P58: An Integrated Community-based Response to HIV/AIDS: Nine Circles is a community-based, multi-faceted primary healthcare centre, which provides prevention, advocacy, care, treatment and support for people living with, affected by, and at risk for, HIV/AIDS. It conducts focus groups with Aboriginal youth and youth at risk in Winnipeg to explore perceptions of risk for HIV/HCV and STIs; focus groups with HIV-positive youth to explore perceptions of existing services and ways to improve engagement with youth; focus groups with street-involved youth to understand the unique needs of vulnerable young people and their use of mobile technologies for health promotion; will implement Telehealth in order to facilitate prevention and educational activities among service providers in northern Manitoba; will hire a one-year term employee to facilitate capacity building between NCCHC and service providers in northern Manitoba.
Sexuality Education Resource Centre
Project P59: Improving Access to Services for Immigrant and Refugee Communities in Winnipeg and Brandon Regions: The Sexuality Education Resource Centre works to increase access to HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment and support services for immigrant and refugee communities in the Winnipeg and Brandon Regions. The project is working to increase awareness and knowledge that contribute to improved health within these communities.
In Ontario, the province provides funding to up to 90 programs and other community or social service agencies through the Community-Based AIDS Education and Support Program, including health clinics and hospitals. Many, but not all of these projects, are captured below, along with projects receiving federal funding. Services generally include HIV/AIDS prevention, education, support and practical assistance programs.
AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo & Area
Project P60: The "Aht Fra" Project: Accessibility through Interpreter Project for People with HIV/AIDS: This project develops pilot models of service coordination and integration to increase accessibility to services for people living with HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Committee of Durham Region
Project P61: The AIDS Committee of Durham provides HIV/AIDS-related support and advocacy to individuals, families and groups infected with, or affected by, HIV/AIDS and to the general community in the region of Durham.
AIDS Committee of Guelph & Wellington County
Project P62: Positive Prevention - Train the Trainer: The objectives of this project include increasing the knowledge and ability of peer educators to effectively deliver one-on-one education sessions and facilitate educational workshops for people living with HIV and AIDS and people co-infected with HIV and AIDS and hepatitis C; and increasing the levels of positive sexual health and overall well-being of people living with HIV and AIDS and those co-infected with hepatitis C.
Project P63: Wellington and Grey Bruce Rural Prevention Outreach Program: The objectives of this project include increasing knowledge of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C and sexual health among Aboriginal people in Grey-Bruce; decreasing isolation among HIV-positive Aboriginal people; decreasing stigma and discrimination experienced by rural Aboriginal people, the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, the mental health community, and people living with HIV/AIDS (PHA); increasing knowledge, skills and ability to access resources among rural physicians in the care and treatment of PHA; increasing knowledge of gay-specific psychosocial risk factors around transmission among rural gay men; and increasing knowledge of HIV treatment and complementary therapies among rural PHA.
AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area
Project P64: The AIDS Committee of North Bay & Area (ACNBA) serves people in North Bay and area who are infected with, and/or affected by, HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Committee of Ottawa
Project P65: The AIDS Committee of Ottawa (ACO) provides free, confidential services for people living with, affected by, and at risk for, HIV in the Ottawa area.
AIDS Committee of Simcoe County (ACSC)
Project P66: ACSC supports those infected with, affected by, and at risk for, acquiring HIV/AIDS to help improve the quality of their lives.
AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT)
Project P67: Integrating a Common Approach to HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and Hepatitis C: This project will provide formalized guidelines, policies and organizational tools for the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) and other AIDS organizations to be better prepared to address the emerging needs related to those with HIV and other infections.
Project P68: Health Promotion for People with HIV/AIDS: The objectives of this project include increasing the capacity of PHA to make informed decisions related to their health and well-being; increasing the capacity of women living with HIV/AIDS to enhance their health and well-being and to reduce their isolation; increasing access to services for PHA by providing opportunities for peer support, information sharing and skills development; and decreasing social isolation of many PHA by providing opportunities for peer interaction, information sharing on health management issues, and participation in hands-on health-promoting activities.
Project P69: Positive Youth Outreach (PYO): Healthy Promotion and Outreach to HIV-Positive Youth: The objectives of this project include increasing access to health promotion information and skills development opportunities for HIV-positive youth; increasing access to HIV treatment information and support for HIV-positive youth; decreasing social isolation and increasing access to HIV-related psychosocial and medical services; and increasing awareness of PYO and its services among HIV-positive youth and other AIDS/youth-serving agencies in Toronto.
Project P70: VIVER: Portuguese-Speaking Case Management: The objectives of this project include increasing accessibility for Portuguese-speaking PHA to health and social services; and increasing access to programs and services which promote self-efficacy, reduce social isolation and improve the emotional health and well-being of Portuguese-speaking PHA.
Project P71: VIVER: Portuguese-Speaking Community Development: The objectives of this project include increasing access to HIV/AIDS information and services for Portuguese-speaking PHA and affected by, and/or at risk for, HIV/AIDS; increasing volunteer capacity to provide HIV-related information, referrals and facilitated access for PHA; and increasing capacity of Portuguese-speaking social service programs and AIDS service organizations to provide services to Portuguese-speaking PHA.
AIDS Committee of Windsor (ACW)
Project P72: ACW provides support, education and outreach services for people at risk of, or living with, HIV or AIDS. AIDS Support Chatham-Kent (ASCK) is a satellite office of the AIDS Committee of Windsor (ACW). Established in 1995, the Chatham office enabled the organization to expand services and offer greater accessibility to clients.
AIDS Committee of York Region
Project P73: The AIDS Committee of York Region offers education to promote the development of a caring and compassionate society, as well as access to dignified care for people infected with, or affected by, HIV and AIDS.
AIDS Niagara
Project P74: AIDS Niagara provides support, education and advocacy in a safe and confidential environment to all who are infected with, or affected by, HIV and AIDS.
AIDS Thunder Bay
Project P75: Enhancing Healthy Options: The objectives of this project include increasing social contact for people living with HIV/AIDS (PHA) and their partners/families; increasing personal knowledge and skills about good health options; and increasing the level of knowledge/information and actual experience with complementary/alternative therapies.
African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO)
c/o Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention
Project P76: Words into Deeds: Engaging People living with HIV/AIDS in the response to HIV affecting African and Caribbean communities in Ontario: The project addresses the various social isolation and discrimination issues facing African and Caribbean communities.
Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention
Project P77: South Asian PHA Volunteer Program: The objectives of this project include reducing barriers to services for South Asian people living with HIV/AIDS (PHA); increasing the capacity of South Asian PHA to deal with the psychosocial issues associated with HIV/AIDS; increasing the knowledge and capacity of South Asian PHA to manage their own health; enhancing a supportive environment for PHA among service providers and the South Asian community; and increasing, diversifying, supporting and enhancing volunteer involvement to enhance organizational capacity.
Asian Community AIDS Services (ACAS)
Project P78: ACAS is a community-based organization that provides HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and support services to the East and South East Asian communities in Toronto.
Barrett House - Good Shepherd Ministries
Project P79: Barrett House is a Toronto residential care facility for people living with HIV/AIDS. Barrett House is a residence, not a hospice. It provides a dignified, caring and homelike environment for persons living with HIV/AIDS who require ongoing care. The goal of Barrett House is to offer residents a supporting, caring and secure environment - a "family."
Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP)
Project P80: Case Management for Black, African and Caribbean People living with HIV/AIDS (PHA): This project is focused on enhancing organizational capacity to provide programming to Black African and Caribbean people living with HIV and AIDS in Toronto. This project will use case management to assist individuals in relationships and couples who are at risk for HIV. Case management, as defined by Black Cap, is a multi-disciplinary approach to providing care and includes activities varying from group support sessions to individual support, such as lay counselling. In this project, participants will have a protective and confidential environment to enable them to discuss sex and relationships, find ways to reduce risk by incorporating safer sex strategies into their lives, and be better able to disclose their HIVstatus to partners.
Bruce House
Project P81: Volunteer Support Program: Bruce House provides housing, compassionate care and support in Ottawa for people living with HIV/AIDS. The objectives of this project include increasing the number and types of volunteer opportunities and activities supporting Bruce House programs and services; increasing the capacity of the Volunteer Support Program to provide more opportunities for volunteers to have meaningful and satisfying leadership and decision-making roles in the organization; increasing, improving and developing appropriate tools and activities for the recruitment, training, recognition and retention of volunteers; increasing knowledge, skills and abilities for PHA for increased meaningful involvement in the agency; and providing additional employment and/or volunteerism opportunities.
Casey House
Project P82: Casey House Hospice provides a continuum of compassionate care for persons infected with, and affected by, HIV/AIDS through a comprehensive range of exemplary palliative and supportive care services. As the treatment concerns of those living with HIV/AIDS are often complex and evolving, Casey House continually adapts its care practices to meet the changing needs of its clients. Through partnerships, Casey House delivers care in a variety of settings, such as in the home, clinics and a mobile health bus.
Centre for Spanish-Speaking Peoples (CSSP)
Project P83: The Centre for Spanish-Speaking Peoples serves new immigrants from 22 countries and other members of a very diverse Spanish-speaking community. It offers an HIV/AIDS program targeting people living with, and/or affected by, HIV/AIDS.
Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment C/O Toronto People with AIDS Foundation
Project P84: Legacy Project: Structured mentorship support to promote community collaboration, succession and meaningful participation of people with HIV/AIDS: This program will enhance the organizational capacity of the Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment (CAAT) to better serve PHA and offer unique activities that can enable PHA to stay healthy. Project activities include consulting with PHA throughout the project, developing, implementing, and evaluating a peer-mentor training program, providing practicum-style learning opportunities, doing outreach to agencies, and sharing the program model. Through this project, people with HIV/AIDS will benefit from the guidance and support of experienced peer mentors living with HIV/AIDS, to lead and serve on the boards of organizations and project advisory committees. Another benefit of involving PHA in HIV/AIDS work is that they can help make programs and services more appropriate and relevant to the health of PHA.
Fife House
Project P85: AIDS Bereavement Project of Ontario: Turning to One Another - AIDS Service Organizations Bringing the "Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS Principle to Life": The AIDS Bereavement Project of Ontario will enhance the capacity of Ontario's AIDS service organizations to effectively engage clients in programs and services. Not only will this program improve service delivery to clients, it also aims to expand their skills and knowledge to help other people with HIV/AIDS (PHA) by taking part in service delivery. PHA and AIDS service organizations from across the province will participate in the development and implementation of a strategy for these organizations to meaningfully engage people with the disease in their work. Based on lessons learned, training workshops will be developed and delivered to people with HIV/AIDS to work and volunteer in various HIV/AIDS initiatives across the province, including HIV prevention education projects and support programs. Training workshops will also be developed and delivered to AIDS service organizations to train staff on how to meaningfully engage clients in agency initiatives.
Project P86: Volunteer Services Program: The objectives of this project include maintaining and enhancing the strength, integrity, and operational efficiency of the Volunteer Program at Fife House; promoting leadership skills and expertise in supportive housing for PHA among the Fife House volunteer community; improving the effectiveness of the Volunteer Services Program; and maintaining and increasing the commitment of Fife House volunteers.
Hamilton AIDS Network
Project P87: PHA Resource Program: The objectives of this project include increasing the knowledge of PHAs, including information and resources around treatment and health promotion; developing, enhancing and supporting skills development for PHAs in the areas of communication, public speaking, facilitation and leadership; increasing the supportive environment among healthcare providers working with people living with HIV/AIDS, and youth through effective educational programming; and increasing the opportunity for peer-based resources for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Hemophilia Ontario
Project P88: Hemophilia Ontario is committed to improving the quality of life of people affected by hemophilia and related blood conditions, and to work towards a cure. HIV and hepatitis C programming and initiatives include education, support, and advocacy for people living with a bleeding disorder, HIV/AIDS, and/or hepatitis C.
HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic of Ontario (HALCO)
Project P89: HALCO is a community-based legal clinic that provides free legal services to people living with, or affected by, HIV/AIDS in Ontario.
HIV/AIDS Regional Services (HARS)
Project P90: HARS provides education and support to individuals and organizations in Kingston and the surrounding region. Services include counselling, advocacy, access to free condoms, a needle exchange and an extensive resource library and education department.
Hospice Toronto
Project P91: Hospice Toronto (formerly Trinity Home Hospice) provides continuity of care through volunteer care teams to people living with life-threatening illnesses. Hospice Toronto helps those who are terminally ill die in comfortable environments with peace and dignity. Hospice Toronto services complement client and community resources through the provision of integrated practical care and emotional support to people with life-threatening illnesses, as well as to their families and friends.
LOFT Community Services
Project P92: Centralized Service Coordination Pilot Project for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) Who Face Health and Mental Health Crises: This project focuses on developing and piloting models of service coordination and integration to increase accessibility to services for PHAs.
Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy (OAHAS)
Project P93: OAHAS is a provincially mandated (off-reserve) AIDS service organization which provides outreach, educational workshops, training and care, and treatment and support services for Aboriginal peoples living with HIV/AIDS, their partners, families and communities.
Ontario AIDS Network
Project P94: PHA Program: The objectives of this project are to maintain and enhance the existing network of PHAs within the OAN and community partnerships that support PHAs; to increase the knowledge and skills of PHAs relating to care, treatment and support; to increase the number of PHAs involved with community-based organizations, including member groups of the OAN; and to maintain and increase effective PHA inclusion and meaningful involvement in the OAN.
Project P95: Capacity Building to Increase Community Engagement: This project focuses on developing and piloting models of service integration and coordination, which will help increase the capacity of PHAs to develop and staff effective programs. It will also create role models for other PHAs that will encourage them to become full participants and contributors in their communities. This project will increase the skills of PHAs and teach them how to develop training modules, deliver educational workshops, and run peer-led support groups. Project activities include developing a training curriculum, implementing initiatives and evaluating for effect the PHAs in these roles, and developing and distributing a training manual.
Project P96: Aboriginal Youth Peer Prevention Project: This project focuses on enhancing organizational capacity to better serve Aboriginal youth. HIV-positive and negative Aboriginal youth will participate in a pilot project in the Chatham-Kent area to develop an Aboriginal youth strategy along with tools for HIV prevention in Ontario. Seven regional peers will be recruited for a provincial advisory committee. Aboriginal youth will learn how to design, develop, and deliver resources and effective prevention activities on increasing awareness of HIV risk and the means of transmission among Aboriginal youth. This strategy will be shared through a final report which will reach approximately 800 Aboriginal youth and their service providers and will provide them with the appropriate information and educational resources to help reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS among Aboriginal youth in Ontario.
Ontario Association of the Deaf - Deaf Outreach Program
Project P97: Provides HIV/AIDS education and support to deaf Ontarians living with, and/or affected by, HIV/AIDS.
Peel HIV/AIDS Network
Project P98: Health Promotion for People Living with, and Affected by, HIV/AIDS: The objectives of this project include increasing the level of knowledge and skills of PHA including prisoners and their caregivers in the Peel Region; improving access to HIV/AIDS-related treatment and services in Peel Region; and increasing involvement of ethnic communities in Peel HIV/AIDS Network activities.
Peterborough AIDS Resource Network (PARN)
Project P99: PARN provides support, health promotion and advocacy for people who are infected with, and/or affected by, HIV/AIDS. PARN also provides education for people at risk for HIV and awareness of AIDS issues to the broader community.
Planned Parenthood of Toronto
Project P100: The Positive Prevention Project: Developing Youth-led Strategies Supporting a Common Approach to HIV, Hepatitis C and STI Prevention: The objectives of this project include increasing the knowledge of HIV-positive youth about sexual health and increasing their facilitation and leadership skills so that they in turn can educate their peers about HIV, hepatitis C and STI prevention; increasing the knowledge of at-risk youth about HIV and STIs (specifically syphilis, gonorrhoea, and chlamydia); and increasing the understanding of the impact of stigma and discrimination and how to best communicate HIV, hepatitis C & STI prevention messages to youth.
Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN)
Project P101: Prison In-Reach Project: The objectives of this project are to reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS among prisoners and ex-prisoners and to increase health promotion and health services for prisoners and ex-prisoners living with, and affected by, HIV/AIDS in Ontario.
Regional HIV/AIDS Connection
Project P102: HIV/AIDS Regional Coordination and Integration Plan - Connecting Regional Persons Living with HIV/AIDS to Care and Support: The objectives of this project are to decrease the regional barriers of isolation, transportation and social stigma PHA experience in Perth, Lambton, Elgin and Oxford counties, where there is no HIV-specific service provider; and to increase the coordination and integration of HIV/AIDS care and support services within Middlesex and surrounding counties.
Réseau Access Network
Project P103: Réseau Access Network is committed to promoting wellness, education, harm and risk reduction in the Sudbury area. Réseau Access Network supports the individual and serves the whole community, including persons at risk, with a comprehensive/holistic approach to HIV/AIDS, HCV treatment and related health issues.
The Teresa Group
Project P104: The Teresa Group serves children affected by HIV and AIDS and their families. It provides a wide variety of support, financial and counselling services. It also operates the Infant Formula Program, which attempts to reduce the risk of HIV transmission through breast milk by offering free formula for a period of one year to new mothers in Ontario who are HIV-positive.
Project P105: Volunteer Support Program: The objectives of this project are as follows: to increase the number of volunteers; to increase volunteer knowledge and awareness of HIV issues for affected children and families; to increase the skills of mid- and long-term volunteers about the changing needs of clients; and to maintain opportunities for support and recognition to volunteers.
Toronto People with AIDS Foundation
Project P106: Food for Life: The objectives of this project are as follows: to increase access of homebound PHAs to adequate and appropriate nutrition; to decrease social isolation of PHAs in Toronto; and to increase access to already existing programs and services offered by Toronto AIDS service organizations (ASOs) to homebound PHAs.
Project P107: PHA Engagement in POZ Prevention for Gay Men: The objectives of this project are to increase PHA capacity and engagement in POZ prevention programming for gay men living with HIV/AIDS and to increase the provision of POZ Prevention and sexual health information for gay men living with HIV/AIDS.
Two-Spirited People of the First Nations
Project P108: Two-Spirited People of the First Nations is an organization that provides HIV/AIDS education, outreach, prevention, and support/counselling for two-spirited peoples and others living with, and/or affected by, HIV/AIDS.
Voices of Positive Women
Project P109: Peer Network Community Collaboration Program: This project addresses the funding priority of developing and piloting models of service co-ordination and integration to increase the accessibility of services to clients. Activities include: creating and distributing an urban and rural services referral list; carrying out a needs assessment to develop and implement a transportation network to increase access to services; establishing agreements with regional health units to allow clients to be readily referred between agencies to obtain services; delivering educational training for service providers; and developing a peer-support network that will use HIV-positive volunteers as local contacts for isolated individuals who wish to make connections to HIV programs and services.
Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, Inc.
Project P110: Walking the Healing Path: The project's objectives are to enhance sexual health and injection drug use harm reduction for at-risk Aboriginal people; to facilitate access to diagnosis, care, treatment; and to create social support opportunities for those infected with HIV and/or related diseases and conditions. To meet these objectives, the organization will develop culturally relevant resources; organize various information sessions and workshops; and provide outreach activities, such as home visits, transportation services, and support groups.
Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre
Project P111: Negotiating Disclosure: an HIV Serostatus Disclosure Model for African and Caribbean Women: The project will address the funding priority of reducing systemic barriers to improve access to health services for at-risk women and women living with HIV/AIDS from the African and Caribbean communities.
Project P112: YOUTHLINK offers a range of services from prevention and early intervention to treatment for young people between the ages of 12 and 24 and their families/caregivers living in the amalgamated City of Toronto.
Women and HIV/AIDS Working Group
Project P113: The Women and HIV/AIDS Working Group addresses increased rates of HIV among women in Ontario, and is composed of individuals from ministry staff, researchers, community representatives and people infected with, and affected by, HIV/AIDS. This provincial working group is responsible for supporting research on women and HIV/AIDS in Ontario, policy and program responses, and a comprehensive strategy focusing on HIV prevention. This has included consultation with women of varied backgrounds, an extensive literature review (publications literature review), and a survey of agencies providing services to women. An early result of this process has been the creation of a series of fact sheets on women and HIV. The Ontario Women's Study research team, which is affiliated with the Women and HIV/AIDS Work Group, is developing an Ontario-wide research program that will take into account the varied life experiences of women who are vulnerable to HIV infection.
AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM)
Project P114: ACCM Client Support Services: Improving the quality of life of people living with HIV by helping to break their isolation, increasing their ties with other people, and creating opportunities for developing their personal knowledge and skills.
Bureau local d'intervention traitant du sida (BLITS)
Project P115: Lifecourse trajectory: Supporting and encouraging people with HIV to return to or maintain an active lifestyle in accordance with their individual situation.
Centre Associatif Polyvalent d'Aide Hépatite C (CAPAHC)
Project P116: Blue sentry: Creating/consolidating the networking of services and various HIV/AIDS resources for prison inmates who are released from federal institutions in Quebec, in order to improve the continuum of services between incarceration and release.
The Centre for AIDS Services of Montreal (Women) (CASM)
Project P117: Women +: Providing services to HIV-positive women from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
Project P118: Refugee project: Supporting HIV-positive refugees from sub-Saharan Africa.
Val-d'Or Native Friendship Centre
Project P119: HIV/AIDS prevention project aimed at vulnerable persons in the Aboriginal community of Val-d'Or: The project objectives are to enhance sexual health and injection harm reduction initiatives for vulnerable subpopulations; to facilitate access to diagnosis, care and treatment; and to create social support opportunities for those infected with HIV and related diseases and conditions. To achieve these objectives, the organization will collaborate and co-operate with other regional organizations, engage in awareness and prevention activities, increase HIV/AIDS knowledge and intervention capacities, and put the harm reduction approach into practice.
Coalition Sida des Sourds du Québec
Project P120: The CSSQ is a provincial non-profit agency that carries out HIV/AIDS and STBBI prevention and education among deaf and hard-of-hearing Quebecers. It also provides support services to deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals with HIV/AIDS in LSQ (Quebec Sign Language) and ASL (American Sign Language). The ACAP funds a project called Site Internet that groups together, on a sign language portal, as much information and as many resources available on the subject as possible. The site is operated by HIV/AIDS- and deafness-related community groups.
Coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le Sida (COCQ-Sida)
Project P121: The project's mandate is to encourage, support and strengthen community action on AIDS in Quebec. COCQ-Sida was created to bring together community organizations concerned with AIDS, to promote solidarity among people, and to consolidate the approaches, action and resources involved, while respecting the independence of member groups.
First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC)
Project P122: Sharing circle and education: Strengthening the ties among Aboriginal inmates with HIV or hepatitis C, and Aboriginal people and workers, and increasing awareness of HIV/AIDS in prisons.
Centre Sida Amitié
Project P123: Objectives include prevention of HIV and HCV, supporting, helping and treating people living with HIV.
Centre des R.O.S.É.S. de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue/Support coordinator for people with HIV/AIDS
Project P124: Encouraging social integration in order to break the isolation and improve the quality of life of people with HIV/AIDS.
Groupe d'Action pour la Prévention de la Transmission du VIH et de l'Éradication du Sida (GAP-VIES)
Project P125: By women, for women, for life: Addressing the needs of women living with HIV in order to encourage solidarity among this population and to facilitate their social and community involvement so that they can help reduce the stigma faced by many HIV-positive women in our society.
Groupe d'entraide à l'intention des personnes séropositives et itinérantes (GEIPSI)
Project P126: Managerial position: Supporting the organization in finding both financial and human resources stability in order to help people living with HIV, homeless people and individuals with addictions.
Mouvement d'information, d'éducation et d'entraide dans le lutte contre le sida (LE M.I.E.N.S.)
Project P127: MIENS is a regional organization that provides AIDS information, education and support. Activities are carried out mainly in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean area. Through its MASCU-LIEN prevention program, the organization supports men who have sex with men (MSM).
Native Women's Shelter of Montreal
Project P128: Harm Reduction: The project's objectives include the following: to facilitate access to diagnosis, care and treatment; to create social support opportunities for those infected with HIV and other related diseases and conditions; and to increase regional capacity-building initiatives for non-reserve Aboriginal community-based programming. The project objectives will be achieved through workshops, cultural ceremonies, resource booklet, support group exclusively for women, and accompaniment to medical appointments.
Mouvement d'Aide et d'Information Sida (MAINS)
Project P129: Coordination of volunteers, promotion and social marketing: Improving the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS and their friends and families, and increasing awareness and prevention activities among high-risk groups.
Maison Plein Coeur
Project P130: Maison Plein Cœur/Volunteer coordination: Supporting people living with HIV/AIDS in returning to an active social life through volunteering.
Mouvement d'information et d'entraide dans la lutte contre le VIH-Sida à Québec (MIELS-QUÉBEC)
Project P131: Health promotion: Helping to improve the overall health (physical, mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual, etc.) of people with HIV/AIDS in the Québec City area.
Project P132: Community life: Promoting the well-being and quality of life of people with HIV/AIDS, while encouraging their participation in MIELS-QUÉBEC decision making.
Regroupement des Centres d'amitié autochtones du Québec (RCAAQ)
Project P133: Mobilisons notre support! (Mobilize our support!): The project's objectives are to enhance sexual health and injection drug harm reduction initiatives for vulnerable subpopulations; to facilitate access to diagnosis, care and treatment and to create social support opportunities for those infected with HIV or related diseases and conditions; and to develop capacity-building initiatives for non-reserve Aboriginal community-based programming. To achieve these objectives, the organization will review the services and resources for Aboriginal persons living with, or at risk fo,r HIV/AIDS; hold an awareness workshop for young people at risk; and provide adapted training at each of the Quebec Aboriginal friendship centres.
Project P134: Sidaction is based on one essential principle: bringing together research and AIDS associations to participate in a cross-sectoral vision. By anticipating, analyzing and identifying new needs, finding appropriate responses, initiating new lines of research, preparing tomorrow's research by helping young researchers, thinking of new prevention methods, improving access to care in developing countries and adopting new forms of lobbying, Sidaction is taking action in all fields to address the epidemic's evolution and to respond as effectively as possible to pressing needs for supporting patients, by funding innovative programs, supporting and strengthening existing programs, developing its own programs and encouraging the creation of new initiatives.
New Brunswick
John Howard Society
Project P135: Works in collaboration with AIDS service organizations to support harm reduction services (e.g., a needle exchange program) and to help youth infected with HIV connect with appropriate services (e.g., funding a street worker project).
AIDS New Brunswick
Project P136: Objectives include improving access to prevention information/services (e.g., website, resource centre, collaborative projects, presentations, etc.), harm reduction services (e.g., needle exchange program) support services for PHAs and caregivers (e.g., newsletters, training, resources, peer support), and enhancing organizational development (e.g., strategic planning, evaluation, PHA involvement, volunteer/membership development).
AIDS NB, Northern Liaison Officer to work within Bathurst, NB
Project P137: An extension of AIDS - NB to fulfill its mandate in northern NB. Programs and activities target all risk groups including youth, women, MSM, IV drug users, and persons living with HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Saint John:
Project P138: Serves individuals infected by HIV and their families, youth, IDU.
Project P139: SIDA AIDS Moncton's focus and mission is to improve the quality of life of those infected with, and affected by, HIV/AIDS, and to reduce the spread of HIV and other STBBI. Provides harm reduction services (e.g., needle exchange program).
Newfoundland and Labrador
AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador
Project P140: The Committee promotes improving access to care, treatment and support for PHA and caregivers (e.g., collaborative work with provincial government and other partners, information and support), enhancing access to prevention programs (e.g., training, education, harm reduction, collaborative work), and strengthening the organization (e.g., board development, staff/volunteer training).
Project P141: AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador Client Support and Outreach Services: ACNL provides education and outreach services on a provincial scope to many different groups across the province. This includes workshops, presentations and direct support and advocacy.
AIDS Committee of Western Newfoundland
Project P142: Volunteer group dedicated to increasing awareness of HIV/AIDS in the region and assisting people whose lives have been affected by the virus.
Labrador Friendship Centre
Project P143: HIV/AIDS Labrador Project: The project's objective is to enhance sexual health and injection drug use harm reduction initiatives for high-risk Aboriginal women and youth; Aboriginal people with HIV/AIDS; inmates; and intravenous drug users. The organization will meet these objectives by preparing presentations on prevention; organizing a public awareness campaign and miscellaneous activities; developing educational materials and participating in various events targeting youth; delivering the basics on sexually transmitted infections in Labrador; and organizing foetal alcohol-related training pertaining to HIV/AIDS.
Tommy Sexton Centre Apartments
Project P144: This facility provides supportive housing to people living with HIV/AIDS in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Tommy Sexton Centre Emergency Shelter
Project P145: This facility provides short-term emergency shelter services to people living with,or at risk of exposure to, HIV/AIDS in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Nova Scotia
AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia (ACNS)
Project P146: "Addressing HIV/AIDS-related Stigma & Discrimination in NS": This program provides direct support and care through one-on-one counselling and outreach in a number of areas including: grief and loss, treatment, and homecare situations. In addition, this program will produce tangible resources that will be made available to the target population across the province. Specifically, this program will produce a resource for primary caregivers dealing with people living with HIV/AIDS in palliative stages, create and distribute biannual treatment updates, and maintain a treatment information resource bank. To augment the one-on-one support services and resources produced, this program will provide health promotion programming to people living with HIV/AIDS through the Complementary and Alternative Therapies program, administer the health fund, and conduct provincial day-long workshops for people living with HIV/AIDS. This program seeks to address HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination in NS by conducting focus groups with PHAs across the province to support the development of a social marketing campaign and a program to reduce the impacts of stigma.
Project P147: ACNS Support Program: This program provides a range of support and care programming for people living with, and affected by, HIV/AIDS in Nova Scotia. The goal of this program is to provide programming that promotes health and improves the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS and their primary caregivers.
AIDS Coalition of Cape Breton
Project P148: The AIDS Coalition of Cape Breton is a community-based, volunteer-driven organization that offers programs and services throughout Cape Breton Island. The organization aims to reduce the spread of HIV and to create supportive environments for people living with, and affected by, the virus.
Healing Our Nations
Project P149: Finding our Voices: The project's objectives are to enhance sexual health and injection harm reduction initiatives for at-risk Aboriginal women and youth, two-spirited people, and intravenous drug users; to facilitate access to diagnosis, care, treatment; and to create social support opportunities. These goals will be achieved by increasing the capacity to provide a unified response to HIV/AIDS in the region; developing an action-oriented policy statement; planning and delivering educational HIV/AIDS sessions focusing on women's issues; undertaking an ongoing update of materials and developing innovative HIV/AIDS awareness resources for regional distribution; exchanging training opportunities with partner organizations; and developing a training and capacity-building event for Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS.
Northern AIDS Connection Society (NACS)
Project P150: NACS is a community-based organization whose mission is to empower persons living with, and affected by, HIV/AIDS through health promotion and mutual support and to reduce the spread of HIV in Nova Scotia.
Prince Edward Island
Project P151: Focuses on activities that support prevention (e.g., presentations, workshops, harm reduction, resource distribution), and increased access to health and social supports for PHAs (support programs, workshops, etc.).
Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories HIV & Hepatitis C Support Network
Project P152: HIV & Hepatitis C Community Education Resources, Support Networks and Capacity Building: The purpose of this project is to provide hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS education and prevention information to the public and those engaging in high-risk behaviours, training for other service providers, and support services to those living with HIV/AIDS and their families and friends.
Government of Nunavut Department of Health and Social Services
Project P153: The project supports the existing Healthy Living Fund project in Nunavut, sponsored by the Government of Nunavut Department of Health and Social Services. Two key Government of Nunavut activities are supported: (1) support the development of a Nunavut Sexual Health Strategy to support healthier lifestyle choices, particularly among Nunavut's young/at-risk population, which is also the target population of the Nunavut Healthy Living project. Funding provided will be used to work with key partners and stakeholders to document community-level knowledge and evidence to support informed decision making related to the development of the strategy. (2) support the development of a Nunavut-specific sexual health/sexually transmitted infection education tool kit to enhance Nunavut's new school health curriculum and provide support for its use in Nunavut schools and communities.
Blood Ties Four Directions Centre
Project P154: In Yukon, Blood Ties Four Directions Centre works to provide support and care for people living with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C, and prevention education and awareness on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C. The Centre also works to reduce transmission in vulnerable population groups through the provision of harm reduction services, including a needle exchange and safe inhalation equipment.
Council of Yukon First Nations in Partnership with Blood Ties Four Directions Centre
Project P155: Bringing the HIV and Hepatitis C Risk Assessment Guidelines to Remote Rural Northern Communities Project: The project objectives are to facilitate access to diagnosis, care, and treatment and to create social support opportunities for those infected with HIV and other related diseases and conditions, and to provide general HIV/AIDS awareness in remote Northern rural areas. The activities the organization will undertake to meet its objectives include forming a steering committee to monitor the project; involving community HIV educators and health representatives in developing culturally relevant materials on HIV transmission, prevention, and harm reduction practices; and providing support to the high-risk HIV and hepatitis C population in rural and remote communities.
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