ARCHIVED - Canadian National Report on Immunization, 2006


Volume: 32S3 - November 2006

ANNEX 1: Provincal and Territorial Immunization Programs

This annex provides a summary of routine childhood immunization programs and special immunization activities relating to those programs, as well as immunization programs that are offered to special target groups.hha

Routine childhood immunization programs

Surveys conducted by the Canadian Nursing Coalition on Immunization (CNCI) on immunization programs available in each P/T show that the majority of routine immunization schedules are similar across jurisdictions and conform to NACI recommendations (Table 7).

Table 7. Publicly funded immunization programs in Canada, routine schedule for infants and children by P/T

  DTap IPV Hib Td, Tdap or
HB MMR Var Men-C Pneu-C-7 Inf
NACI recomm-
2, 4, 6,18 mths,
4-6 yrs
2, 4, 6, 18 mths,
4-6 yrs
2, 4, 6, 18 mths 14-16 yrs Infancy (3 doses)
OR Pre-teen/
12 mths, 18
mths/4-6 yrs
between 12 &
18 mths
2, 4, 6mths OR
12 mths, if not
yet given OR
14-16 yrs, if not
yet given
2, 4, 6, 12/15
6-23 mths
(1-2 doses)
Province/ territory
BC 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths dTap, gr 9 2, 4, 6 mths 12, 18 mths 12 mths 2, 12 mths 2, 4, 6, 18 mths 6-23 mths
AB 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths dTap, gr 9 Gr. 5 12 mths, 4-6 yrs 12 mths 2, 4, 6 mths 2, 4, 6, 18 mths 6-23 mths
SK 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths dTap, gr 8 Gr. 6 12, 18 mths 12 mths 12 mths 2, 4, 6, 18 mths 6-23 mths
MB 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2,4,6,18 mths dTap, gr 9 Gr. 4 12 mths, 4-6 yrs 12 mths Gr. 4 2,4,6,18 mths 6-23 mths
ON 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2,4,6,18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2,4,6,18 mths dTap, 14-16 yrs Gr. 7 (2 doses) 12, 18 mths 15 mths 12 mths 2,4,6,15 mths ≥ 6mths
QC 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2,4,6,18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2,4,6,18 mths dTap, gr 10 Gr. 4 12, 18 mths 12 mths 12 mths 2,4,12 mths 6-23 mths
NB 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2,4,6,18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2,4,6,18 mths dTap, gr 9 0, 2, 6 mths 12, 18 mths 12 mths 12 mths 2, 4, 6, 18 mths 6-23 mths
NS 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths dTap, gr 10 Gr. 4 12 mths, 4-6 yrs 12 mths 12 mths 2, 4, 6, 18 mths 6-23 mths
PE 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths dTap, gr 9 2, 4, 15 mths 15, 18 mths 12 mths 12 mths 2, 4, 6, 18 mths  
NL 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths dTap, gr 9 Gr. 4 12, 18 mths 12 mths 12 mths 2, 4, 6, 18 mths 6-23 mths
NT 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths dTap, gr 9 0, 1, 6 mths 12, 18 mths 12 mths 2, 4 mths 2, 4, 6, 18 mths 6-23 mths
YT 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths dTap, gr 9 2, 4, 12 mths, . 19 yrs and not previously immunized 12, 18 mths   2, 6 mths 2, 4, 6, 18 mths 6-23 mths
NU 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths, 4-6 yrs 2, 4, 6, 18 mths dTap, gr 9 0, 1, 9 mths 12, 18 mths 12 mths   2, 4, 6, 15 mths ≥ 6mths to 5yrs
Original Source: Canadian Nursing Coalition on Immunization, 2004, updated July 2006

Since 2003, new childhood programs have been launched or expanded in almost all P/T. In 2003, British Columbia, Alberta and Nunavut offered a publicly funded routine pneumococcal program (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, Pneu-C-7); as of January 2006, all jurisdictions have a routine program in place. In 2003, only one-third of the P/T offered a publicly funded routine meningococcal conjugate (Men C) program; as of November 2005, 12 P/Ts have a program available. For varicella zoster vaccine, the number of P/Ts offering a publicly funded routine program has more than doubled, rising from five in 2003 to 12 in 2006. In 2003, seven P/T had incorporated a routine adolescent acellular pertussis program, and by September 2004 this program was available in all P/Ts.

Special immunization programs

Table 8 summarizes information regarding immunization programs offered to certain target groups.With regard to the newly funded programs, all P/Ts, except one, offer a publicly funded pneumococcal program to NACI-recommended "high risk groups", and some also offer their program to NACI-defined “presumed high risk groups”. A high-risk meningococcal program consistent with NACI recommendations is in place in almost all P/T. For varicella, a high-risk program has been implemented in 11 of 13 P/T.

Table 8. Publicly funded immunization programs in Canada, high-risk groups by P/T

Hepatitis B Varicella Meningococcal conjugate Pneumococcal conjugate
BC Selected criteria High risk High-risk people of all ages, contacts of cases High risk < 5 yrs, children with asplenia < 17 yrs
AB Selected criteria High-risk susceptible individuals, susceptible individuals aged 13 years and older Contacts of cases, high risk, laboratory workers High risk and presumed high risk 2-59 mths, healthy Aboriginal children up to 59 mths, children with asplenia aged 2 mths-16 yrs
SK Selected criteria Selected high-risk susceptible people High risk, close contacts High risk < 5 yrs
MB Selected criteria (3 doses) High-risk, susceptible household contacts High risk ≥ 2mths High risk < 5 yrs
ON Selected criteria Susceptible high-risk people of all ages High risk all ages, close contacts of cases High risk < 5 yrs
QC Selected criteria High risk Contacts of cases, high risk High risk, non-immunized children < 5 yrs
NB     High risk all ages, contacts of cases High risk < 5 yrs
NS Selected criteria High risk High risk High risk
PE Selected criteria High risk High risk, contacts of cases High risk, presumed high risk
NL Selected criteria Selected high-risk susceptible people Contacts of cases, outbreak control High risk < 9 yrs
NT   High risk High risk High risk < 2 yrs
YT Selected criteria High risk ≥ 12 mths (1 dose) High risk High risk
NU Selected criteria   Household contacts, outbreak control  
Original Source: Canadian Nursing Coalition on Immunization, 2004, updated July 2006

The Immunization and Respiratory Infections Division has received notification of several special activities focusing mainly on meningococcal conjugate and varicella vaccine activities (Table 9). However, those mentioned in this report do not necessarily represent the complete efforts of all provinces and territories.

Table 9. Current special immunization programs in Canada by P/T

TdaP Hepatitis B Varicella Meningococcal conjugate
BC   Gr 6 catch-up (2 doses) Catch-up of susceptible children aged 18-48 mths for 2005 only, 4-6 yr old catch-up, gr 6 catch-up, catch-up of susceptible women of child-bearing age (15-45 yrs) Gr 6 catch-up, gr 9 catch-up, gr 12 catch-up (2005/06 and 2006/07 school years only)
AB     Gr 5 catch-up, 4-6 yr old catch-up  
SK     Gr 6 catch-up 4-6 yr old catch-up, gr 6 catch-up
MB     4-6 yr old catch-up, gr 4 catch-up
ON     5-yr old catch-up 12-yr old catch-up, 15-19 yr old catch-up
QC 1 dose dTap for ≥ 7yrs   4-6 yr old catch-up, gr 4 catch-up, heath professional non-immune  
NB     Catch-up for those born in 2003, 4 yr old catch-up Catch-up for those born in 2003, gr 9 catch-up, gr 11 and 12 catch-up for 2005-06
NS     1-6 yr old catch-up for those who are non-immune 14-16 yr old catch-up, gr 4 catch-up until 2011
PE       Gr 9 (14-16 yrs) catch-up
NL     4-6 yr old catch-up Gr 4 catch-up, gr 9catch-up, gr 11 &12 catch-up
NT     Catch-up for children < 5 yrs old 1-5 yr old catch-up
YT dTap, gr 12 catch-up for 03/04, 04/05 and 05/06 school years     16-19 yr old (leaving school) catch-up, catch-up for all children under 5 yrs
NU   Gr 4 catch-up    
Original Source: Canadian Nursing Coalition on Immunization, 2004, updated July 2006


Several P/Ts have recently implemented meningococcal conjugate C (Men C) catch-up programs. Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories and Yukon have catch-up programs for pre-schoolers; British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland offer a catch-up for school-aged children; and British Columbia, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Yukon target adolescents.

Varicella catch-up programs are offered in 10 of 13 P/T, many initiated during 2004 or 2005. Targeted groups include pre-schoolers and school-aged children.

As for adolescent acellular pertussis, Quebec currently (2006) has a catch-up program for children ≥ 7 years. As well, Yukon has a grade 12 catch-up program in place, expected to be completed at the end of the 2005/06 school year.

For more up-to-date information on immunization programs across all Canadian jurisdictions visit the PHAC Web site at or your provincial/ territorial ministry of health's Web site.

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