ARCHIVED - Case Definitions for Communicable Diseases under National Surveillance - 2009


Results of Provincial/Territorial (P/T) Consultation Process
Centre for Communicable Disease and Infection Control
Centre for Food-borne, Enteric and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Centre for Immunization and Respiratory Infections
National Microbiology Laboratory Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

This document was published in 2009.
It will be updated on a case by case basis.
For each case definition, date of last update will be indicated at
the end of the case definition.


November 2009 ยท Volume 35S2

For readers interested in the PDF version, the document is available for download or viewing:

Supplement - Case Definitions for Communicable Diseases under National Surveillance (PDF Document - 704 Kb - 128 pages)

Table of Contents

  1. List of Abbreviations
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Introduction
  4. Enteric, Food and Waterborne Diseases
  5. Diseases Transmitted by Respiratory Routes
  6. Diseases Transmitted by Direct Contact and Through the Provision of Health Care
  7. Diseases Preventable by Routine Vaccination
  8. Sexually Transmitted and Bloodborne Pathogens
  9. Vectorborne and Other Zoonotic Diseases
  10. Potential Bioterrorism Agents

Page details

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