Report 2 figures and tables: Economic Burden of Illness in Canada, 2005–2008

Report 2: EBIC Drug Expenditures, 2005-2008

Figures and Tables

Table 6: Drug Expenditures by Diagnostic Category, Canada, 2005-2008
($'000,000 Current Dollars)
Diagnostic Category 2008 Cost % of 2008 Cost 2007 Cost % of 2007 Cost 2006 Cost % of 2006 Cost 2005 Cost % of 2005 Cost
Certain Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 696.7 2.5 525.6 2.0 629.8 2.5 507.3 2.2
Respiratory Infections 509.3 1.8 458.9 1.7 495.5 2.0 515.7 2.2
Maternal Conditions 58.5 0.2 39.8 0.2 38.6 0.2 30.9 0.1
Perinatal Conditions 9.8 0.0 3.5 0.0 5.2 0.0 4.1 0.0
Nutritional Deficiencies 77.2 0.3 109.0 0.4 89.5 0.4 64.5 0.3
Malignant Neoplasms 467.1 1.7 504.7 1.9 552.1 2.2 353.1 1.5
Other Neoplasms 49.8 0.2 39.2 0.1 43.6 0.2 125.2 0.5
Diabetes Mellitus 1,198.2 4.3 1,012.7 3.8 901.3 3.6 878.1 3.8
Endocrine Disorders 1,728.4 6.2 1,670.1 6.3 1,628.5 6.5 1,641.0 7.1
Neuropsychiatric Conditions 3,551.3 12.7 3,340.1 12.6 3,156.8 12.6 2,946.3 12.7
Sense Organ Diseases 283.4 1.0 257.8 1.0 256.4 1.0 261.7 1.1
Cardiovascular Diseases 4,272.7 15.3 3,981.6 15.1 3,721.3 14.8 3,637.6 15.7
Respiratory Diseases 1,197.2 4.3 1,086.7 4.1 985.1 3.9 931.9 4.0
Digestive Diseases 1,434.0 5.1 1,384.3 5.2 1,339.2 5.3 1,317.4 5.7
Genitourinary Diseases 670.8 2.4 601.8 2.3 563.4 2.2 572.4 2.5
Skin Diseases 680.5 2.4 594.2 2.2 541.1 2.2 523.0 2.3
Musculoskeletal Diseases 1,982.5 7.1 1,813.9 6.9 1,643.6 6.5 1,463.1 6.3
Congenital Anomalies 35.0 0.1 23.6 0.1 12.0 0.0 8.9 0.0
Oral Conditions 42.3 0.2 38.7 0.1 27.6 0.1 29.5 0.1
Injuries 259.7 0.9 261.1 1.0 257.2 1.0 272.8 1.2
Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions 1,283.1 4.6 1,447.8 5.5 1,270.7 5.1 1,092.2 4.7
Factors Influencing Health and Contact with Health Services 700.4 2.5 858.0 3.2 562.6 2.2 546.5 2.4
Total EBIC Drug Expenditures 21,187.6 75.9 20,053.1 75.8 18,721.1 74.6 17,723.2 76.4
Unattributable Drug ExpendituresTable 6 - Footnote 1 6,734.8 24.1 6,386.4 24.2 6,373.4 25.4 5,471.1 23.6
Total Drug ExpendituresTable 6 - Footnote 2 27,922.4 100.0 26,439.5 100.0 25,094.5 100.0 23,194.3 100.0
Footnote 1
1Unattributable drug expenditures were calculated by subtracting EBIC total drug expenditures from NHEX total drug expenditures.
Footnote 2
2Annual total drug expenditures were obtained from CIHI's National Health Expenditure Trends, 1975 to 2012 (5).
Note: Any discrepancies may be due to rounding.
Table 7: Drug Expenditures by Diagnostic Category and Sex, Canada, 2008
($'000,000 Current Dollars)
Diagnostic Category 2008 Male Cost % of Total Cost 2008 Female Cost % of Total Cost Total Cost
Certain Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 385.0 55.3 311.7 44.7 696.7
Respiratory Infections 224.5 44.1 284.8 55.9 509.3
Maternal Conditions     58.5 100.0 58.5
Perinatal Conditions 5.2 52.6 4.7 47.4 9.8
Nutritional Deficiencies 16.6 21.5 60.6 78.5 77.2
Malignant Neoplasms 150.7 32.3 316.4 67.7 467.1
Other Neoplasms 12.8 25.7 37.0 74.3 49.8
Diabetes Mellitus 723.3 60.4 474.9 39.6 1,198.2
Endocrine Disorders 942.8 54.6 785.5 45.4 1,728.4
Neuropsychiatric Conditions 1,525.0 42.9 2,026.2 57.1 3,551.3
Sense Organ Diseases 143.5 50.6 139.9 49.4 283.4
Cardiovascular Diseases 2,351.4 55.0 1,921.3 45.0 4,272.7
Respiratory Diseases 585.1 48.9 612.1 51.1 1,197.2
Digestive Diseases 620.8 43.3 813.2 56.7 1,434.0
Genitourinary Diseases 253.5 37.8 417.4 62.2 670.8
Skin Diseases 306.9 45.1 373.6 54.9 680.5
Musculoskeletal Diseases 654.6 33.0 1,327.9 67.0 1,982.5
Congenital Anomalies 10.5 30.1 24.5 69.9 35.0
Oral Conditions 16.4 38.8 25.9 61.2 42.3
Injuries 126.7 48.8 133.0 51.2 259.7
Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions 548.1 42.7 735.0 57.3 1,283.1
Factors Influencing Health and Contact with Health Services 127.8 18.2 572.6 81.8 700.4
Total EBIC Drug Expenditures 9,731.1 45.9 11,456.5 54.1 21,187.6
Notes: Drug expenditures by sex can be determined only for attributable EBIC drug expenditures. 
Any discrepancies may be due to rounding.

Figure 16: Drug Expenditures by Age Group, Canada, 2008

Figure 16

Note: Any discrepancies may be due to rounding.

Text Equivalent - Figure 16
Age Group Drug Expenditures (in billions) Percentage of Total Drug
0-14 years 1.0 4.8
15-34 years 2.8 13.4
35-54 years 6.4 30.0
55-64 years 4.3 20.3
65-74 years 3.6 17.0
75+ years 3.1 14.6

Enlarge Figure 16

Figure 17: Drug Expenditure Distribution by Diagnostic Category and Age Group, Canada, 2008

Figure 17

Notes: Individuals aged 0-14 years have an attributable cost of 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% for cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal diseases and endocrine disorders, respectively; these numeric values are represented but not displayed in the figure.  'Other diagnostic categories' include the costs from all other EBIC diagnostic categories not individually displayed in the figure. Any discrepancies may be due to rounding.

Text Equivalent - Figure 17
Diagnostic Category Percentage of Costs Attributed to Age Group 0-14 years Percentage of Costs Attributed to Age Group 15-34 years Percentage of Costs Attributed to Age Group 35-54 years Percentage of Costs Attributed to Age Group 55-64 years Percentage of Costs Attributed to Age Group 65-74 years Percentage of Costs Attributed to Age Group 75+ years
Cardiovascular Diseases
($4.3 billion)
0.2 1.2 17.5 24.7 28.5 27.8
Neuropsychiatric Conditions
($3.6 billion)
6.7 22.3 39.3 15.4 7.2 9.2
Musculoskeletal Diseases
($2.0 billion)
0.4 7.6 33.7 25.9 18.2 14.2
Endocrine Disorders
($1.7 billion)
0.6 3.4 30.4 29.8 23.9 12.0
Digestive Diseases
 ($1.4 billion)
5.3 17.8 35.1 19.1 13.0 9.6
Other Diagnostic Categories
($8.2 billion)
8.2 18.6 30.6 16.9 14.1 11.7

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