Meeting between Patrick Borbey, President of the PSC, and France Pégeot, Chair of the Canadian Transportation Agency

* Information valid as of July 2021


Deputy Head

France Pégeot was appointed Chair, Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA), on June 1, 2021.

France Pégeot is exercising the Public Service Commission’s (PSC’s) authority for the first time as Deputy Head (DH).  A copy of the New Direction in Staffing (NDS) highlights for DHs is attached as Annex A.

Organizational Context


The CTA is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal and regulator that for all practical purposes has all the powers of a superior court. The CTA has three core mandates:


In view of its mandate, the CTA receives temporary funding to support various initiatives and projects such as modernization of the CTA’s regulations and the Government of Canada Workplace 2.0 Fit-up Standards. Consequently, in accordance with the Directive on Term Employment, term employees are not converted to indeterminate status after a total of three years of employment. These conditions make it more difficult to hire and retain employees, which presents a staffing challenge for the CTA. The Staffing Support Advisor assigned to the CTA frequently discusses the various staffing options available and often promotes the PSC’s recruitment programs to support them in this regard.


Apart from using applicant assessment tools such as group interviews, one-on-one video interviews, and standardized tests with an outside firm to improve the efficiency of its recruitment process, the CTA did not report any experimentation or innovation in recruitment.

Workforce and Staffing Activities


The CTA is a small organization with 349 employees (as at March 31, 2021).

Staffing activities

In 2020-2021, the CTA carried out a total of 246 staffing activities:

For more details on staffing activities, see Annex B. 

Time to Staff

There is insufficient data to provide results on internal or external staffing times for the CTA.

Staffing Framework

Implementation of the New Direction in Staffing

The CTA developed a new staffing framework, which was approved by the then DH in June 2016. It includes the use of advertised and non-advertised appointment processes, the area of selection and the articulation of selection decisions. The CTA also developed a template to be completed by sub-delegated managers for the articulation of selection decisions. In addition, the CTA established its staffing sub-delegation instrument. All of these policy instruments were shared with the PSC. Reporting requirements set out in Annex D of the Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument

Use of the Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order and the Public Service Official Languages Appointment Regulations

In 2020-2021, the CTA reported no exclusions under the Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order and the Public Service Official Languages Appointment Regulations.

DH-approved exceptions to the national-area-of-selection requirements for an external advertised appointment process

No DH-approved exceptions to the national area of selection have been reported by the CTA since 2016.

Results of the CTA’s cyclical assessment

The CTA is one of 12 small and micro organizations participating in the Cyclical Assessment Pilot Project. Work is progressing well, and the final report will be shared with the CTA’s DH later this summer.
The report will be completed and submitted by October 2021.

Inquiries and trends

Since April 2020, the PSC has received 25 queries from the CTA. Most of the queries relate to the assessment of candidates, the Annex D reporting requirements, the cyclical assessment report, and the choice of processes (advertised versus non-advertised).


Past audits


The table below shows the various investigations conducted by the PSC for the CTA between June 2018 and June 2021.

Table 1 – Investigations
Nature of Issue Cases Received Cases Referred by Organization Closed – Not Accepted Completed Unfounded Completed Founded Ongoing
S. 66 External appointments (merit, error, omission, improper conduct) 1 0 1 0 0 0
S. 69 Fraud 2 1 1 0 1 0
S. 118 Improper political activities – Employees 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3 1 2 0 1 0


A few details about the founded investigation:

New community of practice for investigators

Results of the Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey

Overall, the CTA’s results of the Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey (SNPS) are above the average for organizations of similar size and for the public service, in terms of favourable perceptions of staffing knowledge.

The key results of the 2018 SNPS for the CTA are as follows:

Diversity Profile

The Clerk of the Privy Council asked senior executives to commit to measurable change with respect to diversity and inclusion in the public service, including the creation of staffing plans to address gaps in employment equity group representation.

The CTA has an overrepresentation of women and visible minorities. However, persons with disabilities are underrepresented in the organization. Information for Indigenous people has been removed from the table below to avoid disclosure affecting the identity of individuals.

Table 2 – Diversity Profile
Designated Group Workforce Availability   CTA
Representation in the Public Service
Women 52.7% 55.0%  57.2% 55%
Indigenous people 4.0% * * 5.1%
Persons with disabilities 9.0% 5.4% 5.3% 5.2%
Visible minorities 15.3% 19.2%  18.9% 17.8%


Employment Equity in the Public Service of Canada for Fiscal Year 2019 to 2020, Treasury Board Secretariat
Employment Equity in the Public Service of Canada for Fiscal Year 2018 to 2019, Treasury Board Secretariat

In addition, the following data shows the current gap in the representation of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in the CTA and the estimated level of recruitment required to close the gap over the next five years, taking into account factors such as attrition:

To close employment equity gaps, specifically the PWD gap, the CTA uses advertised appointment processes with an area of selection restricted to employment equity groups. It also conducts non-advertised appointment processes.

The following solutions may also be helpful in continuing to build a representative and diverse organization:

Priority Entitlements and Veterans

Priority appointments

Between April 1, 2020, and May 31, 2021, the CTA did not make any priority appointments.

Appointments of persons with a Canadian Armed Forces priority entitlement

Between the coming into force of the Veterans Hiring Act on July 1, 2015, and May 31, 2021, the organization did not make any appointments of persons with a CAF priority entitlement.

Requests for priority clearance

Between April 1, 2020, and May 31, 2021, the CTA submitted 92 priority clearance requests.

Table 3 – Requests for priority clearance
Types of priority clearance Number Percentage
Internal advertised processes
  • Internal advertised (12)
  • Appointments from a pool of qualified candidates (12)
  • Process targeting employment equity groups (1)
Internal non-advertised 16 17%
External advertised processes
  • External advertised (43)
  • Appointments from a pool of qualified candidates (25)
  • Processes targeting employment equity groups (4)
External non-advertised 18 20%
Priority appointment (including term and indeterminate appointments) 1 1%
Student bridging 4 4%
Section 43 1 1%
Totals 92 100%

Source: Priority Information Management System

COVID-19 priority clearance requests

Since the Priority Entitlement Policy Division began monitoring COVID-19 priority clearance requests, the CTA has submitted five requests to the PSC.

Priority persons

As of June 28, 2021, the CTA had one person with priority entitlement in the Priority Information Management System.

Non-partisanship in the Public Service

Recruitment Programs

The CTA has not yet engaged with the PSC regarding the use of any of its student, Indigenous or PWD recruitment programs. The Staffing Support Advisor (SSA) assigned to the CTA shared information on the recruitment programs available to increase the representation of those groups within the organization.

Federal Internship Program for Canadians with Disabilities

While the CTA does not currently participate in the Federal Internship Program for Canadians with Disabilities, the program contributes to the Government of Canada’s Accessibility Strategy, which aims to increase the economic inclusion of 125 women, men and people of diverse gender identities with physical and/or cognitive disabilities and limited work experience by developing key skills for future employment. The program offers for a 50% salary reimbursement to hiring departments for the two‑year internship period. It also provides managers and interns with career counselling services offered by Public Services and Procurement Canada and tools to support intern development, such as recommended training offered by the Canada School of Public Service.

In its first year, the program resulted in 20 interns being hired by eight organizations, and 55 interns are being hired in collaboration with 28 departments for the second cohort. The CTA did not hire an intern in either cohort, but it is currently in the process of hiring an intern.

Qualified candidates (AS-01s) from the second cohort will be available to hiring organizations in the coming months. Processing of the third cohort will begin in the fall of 2021.

If the CTA wishes to hire interns, managers can explore the option by emailing

Employment Opportunity for Students with Disabilities / Indigenous Student Employment Opportunity 

Federal Student Work Experience Program

Post-Secondary Recruitment

Participation in targeted recruitment programs

Participation in Indigenous hiring initiatives

While the PSC has not collaborated with the CTA on specific initiatives, the Indigenous Career Pathways (ICP) is an initiative that may help the organization by supporting the hiring of Indigenous persons. For more information, contact the Aboriginal Centre of Expertise.

The ICP provides managers and human resources specialists with expertise and support in the area of Indigenous recruitment. It offers two tools:

Staffing Support

PSC representatives and organizational contacts

The SSA assigned to the CTA is Caroline Fortin-Beaudry. The main contact person for the CTA is Human Resources Advisor Flora Sigeris, and the head of Human Resources is Chief Corporate Officer Mireille Drouin.


Caroline Fortin-Beaudry
Staffing Support Advisor


Lynn Brault
Director General, Staffing Support, Priorities and Political Activities Directorate
Policy and Communications Sector

Gaveen Cadotte
Vice-President, Policy and Communications Sector


Annex A

A New Direction in Staffing – A Merit-Based System That is Effective, Efficient and Fair

Appointment Policy

New focus on core requirements to provide sub-delegated persons with greater discretion in making an appointment


All PSC monitoring and reporting requirements now found in the Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring built by organizations, targeted to their needs

PSC Oversight

System-wide focus

This document should be read in conjunction with the Public Service Employment Act, the Public Service Employment Regulations, the PSC Appointment Policyand the PSC Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument.

Annex B

Population by tenure as of March 31

Text version
Table 1 - Public Service Employment Act population by tenure as of March 31
Year Indeterminate population Term population Casual population Student population Total population
As of March 31, 2016 192 7 29 6 234
As of March 31, 2017 182 9 23 9 223
As of March 31, 2018 186 25 21 7 239
As of March 31, 2019 195 48 19 7 269
As of March 31, 2020 200 63 21 9 293
As of March 31, 2021 213 88 36 12 349

Population by language requirements as of March 31, 2021

Text version
Table 2 - Public Service Employment Act population by language requirements of the position as of March 31, 2021
Linguistic requirements of the position Population as of March 31, 2021 Percentage of population as of March 31, 2021
Bilingual 145 54%
Unilingual 123 46%
Unknowns 81 Not Applicable

Population by occupational group as of March 31, 2021

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Table 3 - Top occupational groups, as a percentage of the Public Service Employment Act population as of March 31, 2021
Occupational group Population as of March 31, 2021 Percentage of population as of March 31, 2021
PM – Programme Administration 121 36%
CO – Commerce 47 14%
AS – Administrative Services 47 14%
EC – Economics and Social Science Services 37 11%
Other 85 25%
Unknowns 12 Not Applicable

Population by region as of March 31, 2021

Text version
Table 4 - Distribution by region, as a percentage of the Public Service Employment Act population as of March 31, 2021
Region Population as of March 31, 2021 Percentage of population as of March 31, 2021
National Capital Region (NCR) 345 99%
Non-NCR 4 1%
Unknown 0 Not Applicable

External indeterminate hires by occupational group, 2020-2021

Text version
Table 5 - External indeterminate hires by top occupational groups, for fiscal year 2020-2021
Occupational group Number of indeterminate hiring activities Percentage of all indeterminate hiring activities
EN – Engineering and Land Survey 2 40%
PM – Programme Administration 2 40%
CO – Commerce 1 20%
Other 0 0%
Total 5 100%

Staffing by region

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Table 6 - Percentage of staffing activities in the National Capital Region compared with all other regions by fiscal year
Fiscal year Percentage of staffing activities in the National Capital Region (NCR) * Percentage of staffing activities in all other regions
(Non-NCR) *
2016-2017 99% 1%
2017-2018 99% 1%
2018-2019 100% 0%
2019-2020 99% 1%
2020-2021 100% 0%

* Regional distribution excludes unknowns

Staffing by process type

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Table 7 - Number and percentage of staffing activities by type of process and fiscal year
Fiscal year Non-advertised processes (excludes unknowns) Advertised processes Percentage of Non-advertised processes
2016-2017 8 45 15%
2017-2018 12 48 20%
2018-2019 19 78 20%
2019-2020 22 68 24%
2020-2021 45 68 40%

Staffing by appointment type

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Table 8 - Staffing activities by appointment type and fiscal year
Fiscal year Promotions Lateral and downward movements Appointments to the public service (includes casuals and students) Acting appointments (excludes appointments of less than 4 months) Total
2016-2017 35 33 63 8 139
2017-2018 31 33 70 24 158
2018-2019 42 36 110 17 205
2019-2020 50 25 77 32 184
2020-2021 53 31 130 32 246

Staffing by tenure

Text version
Table 9 - Staffing activities by tenure and fiscal year
Fiscal year Indeterminate staffing activities Term staffing activities Casual staffing activities Student staffing activities Total staffing activities
2016-2017 80 16 37 6 139
2017-2018 85 28 39 6 158
2018-2019 99 52 46 8 205
2019-2020 102 42 31 9 184
2020-2021 108 62 63 13 246

Key findings - Staffing and non-partisanship survey (2018)

Student program hires

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Table 10 - Student staffing activities by recruitment program and fiscal year
Fiscal year Federal Student Work Experience Program Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program Research Affiliate Program Total
2016-2017 6 0 0 6
2017-2018 5 1 0 6
2018-2019 8 0 0 8
2019-2020 7 1 1 9
2020-2021 12 1 0 13

Post-Secondary Recruitment Program and former student hires

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Table 11 - Post-Secondary Recruitment Program and former student hires by fiscal year (indeterminate and term)
Fiscal year     Post-secondary Recruitment (PSR) Former student hires*
2016-2017 2 3
2017-2018 1 3
2018-2019 1 7
2019-2020 0 8
2020-2021 0 9

*Hiring of former students includes indeterminate and term hires with experience in a federal student recruitment program within the last 10 years.

Internal time to staff

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Table 12 - Internal time to staff
Number of calendar days The number of internal appointments for which the TTS-IA was within the specified number of calendar days for organizations subject to the Public Service Employment Act
0 calendar days 0
0 to 29 calendar days 10
30 to 59 calendar days 67
60 to 89 calendar days 147
90 to 119 calendar days 203
120 to 149 calendar days 191
150 to 179 calendar days 174
180 to 209 calendar days 168
210 to 239 calendar days 136
240 to 269 calendar days 125
270 to 299 calendar days 114
300 to 329 calendar days 79
330 to 359 calendar days 74
360 to 389 calendar days 66
390 to 419 calendar days 56
420 to 449 calendar days 46
450 to 479 calendar days 34
480 to 509 calendar days 28
510 to 539 calendar days 27
540 to 569 calendar days 19
570 to 599 calendar days 10
600 to 629 calendar days 13
630 to 659 calendar days 13
660 to 689 calendar days 12
690 to 719 calendar days 7
720 to 749 calendar days 10
750 to 779 calendar days 8
780 to 809 calendar days 8
810 to 839 calendar days 3
840 to 869 calendar days 5
870 to 899 calendar days 6
900 to 929 calendar days 3
930 to 959 calendar days 2
960 to 989 calendar days 2
More than 990 calendar days 36

Internal time to staff is calculated as the number of calendar days between the opening date of the advertisement and the date of the first notification.

Internal time to staff for fiscal year 2020-2021

The median internal time to staff for the public service (organizations subject to the Public Service Employment Act) for fiscal year 2020-2021 is 208 days. The data is insufficient for providing results on external process times for Canadian Transportation Agency.

External time to staff

Text version
Table 13 - External time to staff
Number of calendar days The number of external appointment processes for which the TTS-EA was within the specified number of calendar days for organizations subject to the Public Service Employment Act
0 calendar days 0
0 to 29 calendar days 26
30 to 59 calendar days 28
60 to 89 calendar days 69
90 to 119 calendar days 73
120 to 149 calendar days 79
150 to 179 calendar days 106
180 to 209 calendar days 118
210 to 239 calendar days 94
240 to 269 calendar days 75
270 to 299 calendar days 82
300 to 329 calendar days 78
330 to 359 calendar days 64
360 to 389 calendar days 67
390 to 419 calendar days 48
420 to 449 calendar days 40
450 to 479 calendar days 29
480 to 509 calendar days 22
510 to 539 calendar days 26
540 to 569 calendar days 15
570 to 599 calendar days 14
600 to 629 calendar days 13
630 to 659 calendar days 15
660 to 689 calendar days 8
690 to 719 calendar days 13
720 to 749 calendar days 5
750 to 779 calendar days 11
780 to 809 calendar days 8
810 to 839 calendar days 3
840 to 869 calendar days 5
870 to 899 calendar days 1
900 to 929 calendar days 0
930 to 959 calendar days 1
960 to 989 calendar days 1
More than 990 calendar days 1

External time to staff is calculated as the number of calendar days between the opening date of the advertisement and the date of the first estimated external hire.

External time to staff for fiscal year 2020-2021

The median external time to staff for the public service (organizations subject to the Public Service Employment Act) for fiscal year 2020-2021 is 250 days.  The data is insufficient for providing results on external process times for Canadian Transportation Agency.

Technical Notes:



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