Canada Research Coordinating Committee

The Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC) advances federal research priorities and the coordination of policies and programs of Canada’s research funding agencies and the Canada Foundation for Innovation. It provides a senior strategic forum for sharing information, building consensus and making decisions on forward-looking initiatives that strengthen Canada’s research enterprise, foster world-leading research, and advance the social and economic well-being of Canadians.




More information for

Canada’s research funding ecosystem

Funding opportunities

New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) streams

Current NFRF competitions

Contact us

General inquiries:
CRCC Secretariat

Media inquiries:
CRCC Media Relations

What we are doing

Committee information


François-Philippe Champagne
Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry


Mark Holland
Minister of Health


Paul Hébert
Paul Hébert
President, Canadian Institutes of Health Research


New Frontiers in Research Fund (logo)

Research Stories

Learn about the researchers and their research projects funded by the New Frontiers in Research Fund.

New Frontiers in Research Fund (logo)

New Frontiers in Research Fund

The fund will invest $275 million over the next 5 years beginning in fiscal 2018-19, and $65 million ongoing, to fund international, interdisciplinary, fast-breaking and high-risk research.

Dimensions (logo)


The program addresses obstacles faced by, but not limited to, women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minority/racialized groups, and members of LGBTQ2+ communities.

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