2021–2022 Annual Report to Parliament on the Administration of the Access to Information Act


In keeping with section 94 of the Access to Information Act and section 20 of the Service Fees Act, each year the head of every federal government institution prepares and submits an annual report to Parliament on how their institution has administered the Access to Information Act.

The following report is tabled in Parliament under the direction of the Minister of National Revenue. The report describes how the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administered and fulfilled its obligations under the Access to Information Act between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022. It also discusses emerging trends, program delivery, and areas of focus for the year ahead.

Access to Information Act

The Access to Information Act came into force on July 1, 1983, and was significantly amended on June 21, 2019, with the coming into force of Bill C-58, An Act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. 

The Act extends the present laws of Canada that provide access to information under the control of the Government of Canada and provide for the proactive publication of certain information.

The purpose of the Act is to enhance the accountability and transparency of federal institutions in order to promote an open and democratic society, as well as enable public debate on the conduct of those institutions.

The Access to Information Act is based on three main principles:

The Access to Information Act’s formal processes do not replace other ways of getting federal government information. The CRA actively encourages individuals and their representatives to get information informally through its online self-service channels, such as My Account and Represent a Client. The CRA encourages individuals, businesses and other groups to consider getting information online at canada.ca/en or through the CRA’s automated and toll free phone lines. The CRA continually updates these portals to provide access to more information, which reduces the burden on Canadians to make Privacy Act requests. Also, the CRA actively promotes other informal channels, such as requesting information directly from the CRA through its automated and toll free phone lines, as alternatives.

Table of content

About the Canada Revenue Agency

Operational environment including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Policies, guidelines, and procedures

Monitoring compliance

Interpretation and explanation of Appendix A  – Statistical report

Interpretation and explanation of Appendix B – Supplemental statistical report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act


Appendix A – Statistical report

Appendix B – Supplemental statistical report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act

Appendix C – Delegation order


ISSN: 2563-3481

About the Canada Revenue Agency

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) promotes and ensures compliance with Canada’s tax legislation and regulations and plays an important role in the economic and social well-being of Canadians. The CRA does this by administering tax programs for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories. It also administers various social and economic benefit and incentive programs delivered through the tax system. In addition, the CRA has the authority to partner with the provinces, territories, and other government bodies to share information, and for a fee, can administer enhanced services at the request of provinces and territories. 

The minister of national revenue is accountable to Parliament for all the CRA’s activities, including administering and enforcing the Income Tax Act and the Excise Tax Act.

The Board of Management, which was established by the Canada Revenue Agency Act, is made up of 15 directors appointed by the Governor in Council. Each province nominates one director, and the territories take turns nominating one director. The other four directors include the chair, the commissioner and chief executive officer of the CRA, and two directors nominated by the Government of Canada. The board oversees the administration and management of the CRA, including the development of the corporate business plan and management of policies related to resources, services, property, and personnel. In fulfilling this role, the board brings a forward-looking strategic perspective to the CRA’s administration, fosters sound management practices, and commits to delivering efficient and effective service.

As the CRA’s chief executive officer, the commissioner is responsible for the day-to-day administration and enforcement of the program legislation that falls under the minister of national revenue’s delegated authority. They ensure that operations are guided by the CRA’s vision to be trusted, fair, and helpful by putting people first. As well, they are accountable to the board for the management of the CRA, which includes supervising employees, implementing policies, and managing budgets. They also assist and advise the minister about legislated authorities, duties, functions, and Cabinet responsibilities.

The CRA is made up of 12 functional branches and four regional offices across the country:



Access to Information and Privacy Directorate

The Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Directorate helps the CRA meet its requirements under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. To fulfill this mandate, the ATIP Directorate:

The director general of the ATIP Directorate has the full delegated authority of the minister of national revenue under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. As well, the director general:

The ATIP Directorate supports two main functions: processing and program support, which includes privacy management. Directorate employees are located in Ottawa, Montréal, and Vancouver. In the 2021–2022 fiscal year, an equivalent of 194 full time employees administered the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

The following chart shows the structure of the ATIP Directorate.

Image description

First row Assistant Commissioner of the Public Affairs Branch and Chief Privacy Officer

Second row Director General of the Access to Information and Privacy Directorate

The three areas of responsibility of the Director General of the Access to Information and Privacy Directorate are listed in the three circles below. They are:

First the Privacy and Access Policy Division, Second the Access, Operations, and Analysis Division, and third, the Access to Information and Privacy Way Forward Initiative

The four areas of responsibility of the Director of the Privacy and Access Policy Division are listed in the four boxes to the right. They are: the Access to Information Policy and Governance Section, the Privacy Risk and Incident Management Section, the Program Support Section and the Privacy Policy and Governance Section.

The six areas of responsibility of the Director of the Access, Operations, and Analysis Division are listed in the six boxes at the bottom. They are: the Corporate and Complex Case Section, the Vancouver Regional Operations Section, the Montréal Regional Operations Section, the Complaints and Intake Section, the Strategic Compliance Section, and the Legislative & Headquarters Operations Case Section.

The two areas of responsibility of the Director, ATIP Way Forward Modernization Initiative are listed in the two boxes to the far right column. They are: the Business Process Improvement Section, and the Analytics and Innovation Section.

Delegating responsibilities under the Access to Information Act

As head of the CRA, the minister of national revenue is responsible for how the CRA administers and complies with the Access to Information Act, the Access to Information Regulations and related Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat policies. Subsection 95(1) of the Act gives the minister the authority to designate one or more CRA officials to perform all or part of the minister’s powers, duties, and functions under the Act. 

The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue, signed the CRA’s current delegation order for the Access to Information Act on May 15, 2020. The order identifies specific provisions of the Access to Information Act and its regulations that the Minister delegated to various positions within the CRA.

The ATIP Directorate’s director general, directors, assistant directors, and managers of the units approve responses to requests under the Access to Information Act. Delegations are also extended to the commissioner, the deputy commissioner and the assistant commissioner of the Public Affairs Branch and chief privacy officer.

For the delegation order and schedule, see Appendix C – Delegation order.

Operational environment including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

The ATIP Directorate processes among the largest volume of requests and pages of any federal institution. According to the latest statistics from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, in 2020–2021 the CRA processed the second largest volume of pages of any federal institution to respond to Access to Information Act requests and closed the fourth largest number of requests. 

The number of requests the CRA received under the Access to Information Act in 2021–2022 (2,843) was 29% higher than in 2020–2021(2,202). The number of requests completed (2,974) was 28% higher than in 2020–2021 (2,319). Beyond large page and request volumes, the CRA continues to respond to very complex requests, including many COVID-19-related requests. Complaints and consultations also represent a significant workload for the ATIP Directorate.

The following chart shows the trend of requests received under the Access to information Act over the past five years.

Image described below
Image description

Access to Information Act requests trend

In 2017–2018, 2,750 requests were received, 2,772 were completed, 1,641,339 pages were processed

In 2018–2019, 2,931 requests were received, 2,845 were completed, 2,013,227 pages were processed

In 2019–2020, 2,864 requests were received, 2,731 were completed, 1,953,575 pages were processed

In 2020–2021, 2,202 requests were received, 2,319 were completed, 1,804,108 pages were processed

In 2021–2022, 2,843 requests were received, 2,974 were completed, 2,378,269 pages were processed

One of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the access to information program included demonstrations that blocked employees from working onsite to open and send mail for five weeks. The CRA’s innovative efforts at the beginning of the pandemic to put solutions in place to send requests electronically lessened this impact. Instead, it leveraged Canada Post’s Connect service. For more information about the impact of COVID-19 on operations, see Appendix B

ATIP Way Forward Modernization Initiative

The ATIP Way Forward Initiative is a project designed to modernize processes and technology to improve productivity and efficiency in the ATIP Directorate. The goal of the initiative is to standardize and re-engineer business processes that support the directorate and make it more efficient. It did this by developing a project management office and governance structure, and by staffing a Lean Centre of Expertise and a Business Intelligence and Reporting Centre.

In 2021–2022, key changes made to enhance productivity and efficiency in the ATIP Directorate included implementing the following initiatives:

Backlog elimination plan

The ATIP Directorate has been working diligently to eliminate its backlog inventory while balancing the requirement to respond on time to a steadily increasing workload of requests received under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, as well as other related inventory such as consultation files and complaints. In the fall of 2021, the ATIP Directorate put a backlog elimination plan in place to address the backlog. The first phase involves closing by
September 30, 2022, all requests that the CRA received before March 31, 2019 (186 requests). At the end of the reporting period, 43 requests remained. Phase 2 will focus on closing requests received between April 2019 and March 2020. Responding to requesters in a timely manner and eliminating the backlog remains an ongoing focus of our work.

Level 1 request initiative

The ATIP Directorate routinely receives requests for tax information that does not require redactions (level 1 files). Although each of these requests are not labour intensive, together they represent a significant volume for the ATIP Directorate. Using Lean methodology and working with local tax service offices, the ATIP Directorate was able to significantly reduce the workload associated with these types of files. 

During the reporting period, the ATIP Directorate reduced the average processing time for these requests from 26 days to 11 days. It did this by removing 10 of the 16 steps from the process. This represents a savings of over 1,800 working hours annually.

The ATIP Directorate also communicated with specific frequent requesters and directed them to other more efficient channels, such as My Account and Represent a Client, to get their information.

Audio redaction software

In the past, the CRA had to transcribe any audio recordings before redacting and releasing the transcript. The new audio redaction software implemented during the reporting period, allows the CRA to redact the information and release it in the original format. 

PDF conversion tool 

Rather than manually converting records into a PDF so it can process them, the ATIP Directorate created a program to help offices of primary interest prepare the documents for processing by automatically converting the records to PDF. The ATIP Directorate continues to look into enhancements to this software. 

Upgraded server supporting the ATIP tracking system

The ATIP Directorate upgraded from one server in each of its three offices to one centralized server. This server is more stable, is easier to upgrade, and has more available space than the individual servers. 

Lean Centre of Expertise

The ATIP Directorate implemented a centre of expertise that teaches and promotes Lean principles within the directorate. All employees have obtained their Lean white belt certifications, and the directorate sends out videos regularly to reinforce Lean concepts. It also conducts Lean workshops to identify and plan how to implement improvements to its business processes.

Of note, in the Information Commissioner of Canada’s 2021–2022 annual report to Parliament on the access to information program in Canada, she credited the CRA for the innovative work it has done to put long-term continuous improvement solutions in place to improve access to information in Canada, including reducing the backlog of requests.

Access to Information and Privacy Strategic Plan 2021–2024 

The Access to Information and Privacy Strategic Plan 2021–2024 was implemented during the reporting period. The plan outlines the ATIP Directorate’s vision and purpose, strategic priorities, and initiatives. The plan supports service excellence and flows from the Public Affairs Branch’s and the CRA’s strategic plans. The plan focuses on two key priorities: transforming business and information technology and creating a culture of privacy and accountability. It outlines the initiatives planned over the next three years that will help develop plans, projects, and activities to move the ATIP Directorate forward, including working in a paperless environment.

Human resources

In 2021–2022, the ATIP Directorate launched eight selection processes ranging from SP-031 and SP-09 levels and created pools of qualified candidates. 

The ATIP Directorate is committed to promoting the one-office model by recruiting the best qualified people regardless of where they are physically located across Canada. It also fully supports creating a respectful, inclusive, and diverse workplace. 


The ATIP Directorate is committed to promoting and providing ATIP training to CRA employees. This training varies depending on the needs of the employees. For instance, employees who have little or no knowledge of the subject are encouraged to take the Canada School of Public Service’s Fundamentals of Access to Information and Privacy course or the Access to Information in the Government of Canada course. Subject matter experts are advised to take more specific training, such as on how to provide complete recommendations in response to requests. Privacy management training is also delivered throughout the year.

The CRA’s Legal Services Branch also provides training related to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. 

In 2021–2022, the CRA continued to offer its suite of 10 web-based modules, which consist of specialized technical training, to ATIP Directorate ATIP employees. 

In October 2021, as part of the ATIP Way Forward Initiative, directorate employees took part in mandatory Lean White Belt training. Employees who could not attend the training and new hires will participate in the training in 2022–2023.

In 2020–2021, the CRA established an agency-wide privacy and access to information training and awareness strategy. During the reporting period, activities took place toward implementing that strategy. These activities included agency-wide surveys and interviews to identify needs and gaps in existing privacy and access to information learning, and to shape new approaches to address them.

During the reporting period, the ATIP Directorate delivered technical training as well as information and awareness sessions to:

In 2022–2023, the CRA will continue to implement the agency-wide privacy and access to information training and awareness strategy, including expanding training and awareness by offering monthly information sessions to all CRA employees.

Raising awareness

Every year, about 40 countries and 60 non-government organizations celebrate Right to Know Week in September to raise awareness of an individual’s right to access government information, while promoting freedom of information as essential to both democracy and good governance.

In 2021–2022, the CRA promoted Right to Know Week for the 11th consecutive year with a theme of open government. The CRA also held a virtual presentation to celebrate Right to Know Week with a guest speaker, Canada’s Information Commissioner, Caroline Maynard. The Commissioner noted in her 2021–2022 annual report to Parliament on the access to information program in Canada that this was the largest audience (more than 4,000) she had ever presented to. During her presentation she spoke about the importance of upholding the right of access to information and the importance of sound information management practices.

During the reporting period, the Commissioner also met with the Canada Revenue Agency’s Commissioner-chaired Corporate Management Committee. During the meeting, she encouraged the Committee members to set an example and communicate the importance of upholding the right of access to information, ensuring efficient management of information, as well as providing timely responses to all access requests. She also highlighted the need to take immediate and concrete action, rather than waiting for legislative change, and she stressed the importance of having the necessary resources, processes, and tools in place for institutions to meet their obligations under the Act.

As well, the ATIP Directorate obtained a short bilingual video about “Access to information and privacy” from the Canadian School of Public Service and featured it in the CRA’s intranet Agency News. The ATIP Directorate also added the awareness video to the ATIP landing page.

The CRA also raised awareness about access to information through multiple committee meetings and in regular communication with CRA employees and senior management.

Collaborating with oversight bodies and other organizations

The CRA continues to work closely with the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, and other organizations to strengthen access to information at the CRA. Notably beyond many collaborations referenced earlier in this report, in 2021–2022, the CRA: 

Policies, guidelines, and procedures

The Access to Information and Privacy Directorate dedicated significant time in 2020–2021 to the review of CRA corporate documents, including policy instruments.

The CRA continues to provide feedback to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat on draft corporate policy instruments and promotes compliance with the instruments.

Updating Information about Programs and Information Holdings (formerly Info Source)

Information about Programs and Information Holdings provides information about the functions, programs, activities, and related information holdings of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. This resource also offers guidance to individuals on how they can access the information that government institutions so they can exercise their rights under these acts.

Each institution subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act must update its chapter annually by the due date set by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, normally in June.

The CRA's Info Source chapter can be found at canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/access-information-privacy-canada-revenue-agency/information-programs-information-holdings-sources-federal-government-employee-information.

Monitoring compliance

The ATIP Directorate produces multiple reports that capture key statistics about the CRA’s inventory of ATIP requests. The reports show active and closed requests, the status of requests by branch and region, the carry-forward inventory, complaints, and deemed refusal volumes.

Management regularly uses the reports to monitor trends, measure the directorate’s performance, and identify any process changes needed to improve performance. Management presents the reports monthly to senior management at the commissioner-chaired Corporate Management Committee.

During the reporting period, the ATIP Directorate:

Interpretation and explanation of Appendix A – Statistical report

Appendix A provides a statistical report on the CRA’s activities under the Access to Information Act for the period of
April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022. The following explains and interprets the statistical information and includes additional access to information statistics at the CRA.


Some totals may be more than 100% due to rounding.

Part 1 – Requests under the Access to Information Act

During the reporting period, the CRA received 2,843 new requests under the Access to Information Act. This is an increase of 641 requests (29%) from last year’s total of 2,202. Including the 1,203 requests carried forward from the
2020–2021 reporting period, the CRA had 4,046 active requests in its inventory.

The number of pages processed during the year was the highest on record. There was an increase of 574,161 (32%) pages processed compared to last year.

The following table shows the number of requests the CRA received and closed, as well as the number of pages processed over the past five fiscal years. 

The following table shows the number of requests the CRA received and closed under the Privacy Act, as well as the number of pages it processed over the past five fiscal years
Fiscal year Requests received Requests closed Pages processed
2017–2018 2,750 2,772 1,641,339
2018–2019 2,931 2,845 2,013,227
2019–2020 2,864 2,731 1,953,575
2020–2021 2,202 2,319 1,804,108
2021–2022 2,843 2,974 2,378,269

The following table shows the breakdown of the sources of the 2,843 requests received during the 2021–2022 reporting period.

The following table shows the channels of the 8,763 requests received during the 2021–2022 reporting period.
Source Number of requests Percentage
Media 45 2%
Academia 78 3%
Business (private sector) 1,387 49%
Organization 49 2%
Public 1,128 40%
Decline to identify 156 6%

The following table shows the channels of the 2,843 requests received during the 2021–2022 reporting period.

The following table shows the channels of the 8,763 requests received during the 2021–2022 reporting period.
Channel Number of requests Percentage
Online 1,198 67%
E-mail 161 6%
Mail 660 23%
In person 0 0%
Phone 0 0%
Fax 104 4%

Other requests and workload

Beyond the 2,843 requests received under the Access to Information Act, the CRA processed a high volume of other requests. The additional volume significantly affected operations, since resources had to be diverted to manage the workload. 

The additional requests included external and internal consultations, general enquiries, and complaints. During the fiscal year, the Intake Team of the ATIP Directorate responded to 3,300 emails and 1,367 phone enquiries received through the general enquiries mailbox and toll-free phone line.

Part 2 – Informal requests

In 2021–2022, the ATIP Directorate  received 376 informal requests for previously released information. Informal requests are those that are not processed under the Access to Information Act. During the same period 347 requests were closed. 84% of the requests were received online, while the remaining 16% were received by email or by mail.

For more details, see tables 2.1 to 2.5 of Appendix A.

Part 3 – Applications to the Information Commissioner on declining to act on requests

After the coming into force of Bill C-58, an act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, the Access to Information Act was amended to add section 6.1, which allows government institutions to decline to act on a request for information deemed to be vexatious, made in bad faith or otherwise an abuse of the right of access. To invoke section 6.1, institutions must first get the approval of the Information Commissioner of Canada through a prescribed application process.

In 2021–2022, the CRA submitted two decline-to-act applications to the Information Commissioner of Canada. One application was approved and the other declined.

Although frivolous, vexatious, or otherwise abusive requests are rare, dealing with them can place a strain on public resources, delay delivery of other services and have a negative impact on the rights of other requesters. Where warranted, the Access to Information and Privacy Directorate will exercise the ability to refuse to process a request where it clearly meets these grounds. 

Part 4 – Requests closed during the reporting period

Disposition and completion time

The disposition of the 2,974 requests closed under the Access to Information Act is as follows: 

The following chart shows the completion time for the 2,974 requests closed in 2021–2022.

Image described below
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Completion time

1,460 (49%) in 30 days or under

401 (13%) from 31 to 60 days

359 (12%) from 61 to 120 days

754 (25%) in 121 days or more

For more details, see table 3.1 of Appendix A.


The Access to Information Act allows an institution to refuse access to specific information when necessary. For example, the CRA can refuse to give a requester information about another individual if that individual has not given consent. For detailed information on each of the exemptions that may be applied, see section 13 of the Access to Information Act.

In 2021–2022, the CRA applied the following exemptions, in full or in part, to the 2,974 requests closed during the reporting period:


The Access to Information Act does not apply to information that is publicly available, such as information in government publications, libraries, and museums. Also, the Act does not apply to Cabinet confidences. In 2021–2022, the CRA applied exclusions 46 times: 35 times for information that was publicly available and 11 times for Cabinet confidences.

Format of information released

Requesters can choose to receive their response package on paper or electronically. Persons with disabilities may ask for information in alternative formats, such as braille, although the CRA did not receive any of these requests this fiscal year. Providing documents electronically is more efficient because it significantly reduces manual processes, and it is environmentally friendly and secure. There was a 6% increase in the volume of requests sent electronically in 2021–2022 compared to 2020–2021.


In 2021–2022, of the 1,853 requests for which information was disclosed in full or in part, 1,664 requests (90%) were released in electronic format.


The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat uses two criteria to define complexity: the number of pages to process and the nature and sensitivity of the subject matter. Based on these criteria, the CRA handles a large number of complex requests. 

For example, to respond to the 2,778 requests it closed in 2021–2022 (excluding the dispositions of no records exist, request transferred, and declined to act requests), the CRA processed 2,378,269 pages. A significant number of requests involved a large volume of pages: 938 (40%) requests required the processing of more than 100 pages. Of these requests, 70 involved the processing of more than 5,000 pages, and 9 involved processing more than 50,000 pages, 1 of which involved the processing of more than 150,000 pages.

In addition to paper records, the CRA processed three requests for records in audio format, for a total of 121 minutes processed. There were no requests for records in video format. In addition to requests with a large volume of pages, the CRA processed many sensitive requests, such as those involving tax litigation and consultation with third parties, including provincial, federal and international bodies. Other requests were considered complex because of the nature and sensitivity of the subject matter. For more details, see tables 4.5.2 to 4.5.7 of Appendix A.

In 2021–2022, the CRA processed 49 more complex requests compared to the previous reporting period. This represents an 8% increase.

The following chart shows the volume of complex files processed over the past
three years.


In 2021–2022, the ATIP Directorate processed an average of 1,015 pages per request.

Image described below
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The following chart shows the volume of complex files processed over the past three years.

685 requests in fiscal year 2018–2019

605 requests in fiscal year 2019–2020

654 requests in fiscal year 2020–2021

Closed requests

The ATIP Directorate closed 2,095 (70%) requests within the timelines required by law. This means that it provided responses within 30 calendar days or within an extended deadline.

Deemed refusals 

A deemed refusal is a request closed after the deadline of 30 calendar days, or after the extended deadline if a time extension was taken. 

Of the 2,974 requests closed during the reporting period, 879 were closed after the deadline. This resulted in a deemed refusal rate of 30%. 

Requests closed beyond legislated timelines (including any extension taken)

The Access to Information Act sets the timelines for responding to access to information requests and allows time extensions when there is a large volume of records to be processed or a need to complete consultations (for example, with a government institution or third party). 

Of the 2,974 requests closed during the reporting period, 364 requests were closed past the legislated timeline when no extension was taken. A further 515 cases were closed after the legislated timeline when an extension was taken. 

Requests for translation

Records are normally released in the language they exist in. However, the institution may translate records to an official language if requested, or if the institution considers a translation to be necessary so the individual can understand the information.

The CRA did not receive any requests to translate records in response to access to information requests in 2021–2022.

Part 5 – Extensions 

The Access to Information Act sets required timelines for responding to access to information requests. The Act allows time extensions when there is a large volume of records to be processed or a need to complete consultations (for example, with a government institution or other third party). 

Of the 2,974 requests closed in 2021–2022, the CRA applied extensions to 1,148 (39%) of them. It applied those extensions 94% of the time because of workload and because meeting the original 30-day time limit would have resulted in unreasonable interference with CRA operations. The CRA applied the remaining extensions because of the need for internal and external consultations.

Part 6 – Fees and the Service Fees Act

The Service Fees Act requires a responsible authority to report annually to Parliament on the fees collected by the institution. 

With respect to the fees collected under the Access to Information Act, the information below is reported in accordance with the requirements of section 20 of the Service Fees Act: 

Part 7 – Consultations received from other institutions and organizations

In 2021–2022, the ATIP Directorate received 80 consultation requests from other Government of Canada institutions and organizations and closed 93 requests (received in multiple years).

For more details, including disposition and completion times, see tables 7.1 to 7.3 of Appendix A.


The total number of external access consultation requests received in 2021–2022 decreased 8% since the last year.

Internal consultations

In 2021–2022, the ATIP Directorate received 10 internal consultation requests and completed 6. These requests are informal reviews and do not fall under the Access to Information Act.

Part 8 – Completion time of consultations on Cabinet confidences

Although Cabinet confidences are excluded from the application of the Access to Information Act (section 69), Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat policies require agencies and departments to consult with their legal services office to determine if they should exclude requested information. If any doubt exists or if the records contain discussion papers, legal counsel must consult the Office of the Counsel to the Clerk of the Privy Council Office.

In 2021–2022, the ATIP Directorate had to consult with the Legal Services Branch twice, regarding Cabinet confidence exclusions. The Privy Council Office did not need to be consulted.

Part 9 – Investigations and reports of findings


In 2021–2022, the CRA received 157 complaints under the Access to Information Act, a 32% increase compared to the previous year. The complaints the CRA received related to the following issues: 

In 2021–2022, 490 complaints were closed and represent a 238% increase from 2020–2021. 

At the end of the fiscal year there were 221 active complaints.

The following chart shows the number of complaints received and closed since 2021–2022.

Image described below
Image description


In 2019–2020, 206 complaints were received, 292 complaints were completed

In 2020–2021, 193 complaints were received, 196 complaints were completed

In 2021–2022, 157 complaints were received, 490 complaints were completed.


The following chart shows the disposition of the complaints closed during the fiscal year.

Image described below
Image description

Complaint dispositions

Of all of the complaints,

124 (25%) were well-founded

32 (6%) were discontinued

274 (56%) were not well-founded

42 (9%) were resolved

18 (4%) ceased to investigate

For definitions of the complaint disposition categories, go to the Information Commissioner of Canada Investigation Guidance page.

Reports of findings

In 2021–2022, the CRA received one initial report under section 37(1) of the Access to Information Act containing orders issued by the Information Commissioner of Canada for the provision of records and one final report under section 37(2) containing the Information Commissioner’s recommendations.

Part 10 – Court action

In 2021–2022, there were no complaints pursued to the Federal Court. 

Part 11 – Resources related to the Access to Information Act


During the 2021–2022 fiscal year, the ATIP Directorate’s direct cost to administer the Access to Information Act was $4,854,235. This does not include significant support and resources from CRA branches and regions. For more details, see table 11.1 of Appendix A.

Human resources

In 2021–2022, the CRA dedicated an equivalent of 36 full-time employees, in addition to 16 consultants and agency personnel and 1 student, to administering the Access to Information Act. Many of these employees simultaneously administer the Privacy Act. 

Interpretation and explanation of Appendix B – Supplemental statistical report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act

The following is a brief overview of the tables included in Appendix B: 


The CRA is committed to improving the access to information regime in Canada.

In 2021–2022, the CRA continued to make significant progress in addressing backlog challenges and providing greater access to information by: 

In 2022–2023, the ATIP Directorate will focus on the priorities in its strategic plan, including leading the directorate’s business transformation and technology modernization and continuing to create a culture of privacy, transparency, and accountability.

The directorate will also continue to implement the backlog elimination plan with a focus on completing Phase 1 by March 31, 2023, and starting Phase 2, which has a planned completion date of March 31, 2024. Another priority during the fiscal year will be to continue to develop and implement innovative solutions to address requests for taxpayer information that can be provided by more efficient channels, such as My Account, My Business Account, or Represent a Client than the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act.  

Appendix A – Statistical report

Statistical report on the Access to Information Act

Name of institution: Canada Revenue Agency

Reporting period: April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022

Part 1 – Requests under the Access to Information Act

1.1 Number of requests

Part 1 - Requests under the Access to information Act - 1.1 Number of requests
Number of requests
Received during reporting period 2,843
Outstanding from previous reporting period 1,203
Outstanding from previous reporting period 545
Outstanding from more than one reporting period 658
Total 4,046
Closed during reporting period 2,974
Carried over to next reporting period 1,072
Carried over within legislated timeline 610
Carried beyond legislated timeline 462

1.2   Sources of requests

Part 1 - Requests under the Access to information Act - 1.2 Sources of requests
Source Number of requests
Media 45
Academia 78
Business (Private sector) 1,387
Organization 49
Public 1,128
Decline to identify 156
Total 2,843

1.3   Channels of requests

Part 2 – Informal requests - 2.1 Number of informal requests
Channel Number of requests
Online 1,918
E-mail 161
Mail 660
In Person 0
Phone 0
Fax 104
Total 2,843

Part 2 – Informal Requests

2.1    Number of informal requests

Part 2 - Informal Requests - 2.1 Number of informal requests
Number of requests
Received during reporting period 376
Outstanding from previous reporting period 1,203
Outstanding from previous reporting period 20
Outstanding from more than one reporting period 0
Total 396
Closed during reporting period 347
Carried over to next reporting period 49

2.2   Channels of informal requests

Part 2 – Informal requests - 2.2 Channels of informal requests
Channel Number of requests
Online 316
E-mail 57
Mail 3
In Person 0
Phone 0
Fax 0
Total 376

2.3 Completion time of informal requests 

Part 2 – Informal Requests - 2.3 Completion time of informal requests
Completion time (days)
1 to 15
16 to 30
31 to 60
61 to 120
121 to 180
181 to 365
More than
365 days
50 36 77 146 33 5 0 347

2.4   Pages released informally

Part 2 - Informal requests - 2.4 pages released informally
Less than 100 pages processed 101 to 500 pages processed 501 to 1000 pages processed 1001 to 5000 pages processed More than 5000 pages processed
Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed
7 111 3 662 2 1,355 1 4,870 1 8,128

2.5   Pages re-released informally

Part 2 - Informal requests - 2.5 Pages re-released informally
Less than 100 pages processed 101 to 500 pages processed 501 to 1000 pages processed 1001 to 5000 pages processed More than 5000 pages processed
Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed
208 4,247 86 21,548 19 12,697 15 31,251 5 117,060

Part 3 – Applications to the Information Commissioner on declining to act on requests

Part 3 – Applications to the Information Commissioner on declining to act on requests
Number of requests
Outstanding from previous reporting period 0
Sent during reporting period 2
Total 2
Approved by the Information Commissioner during reporting period 1
Declined by the Information Commissioner during reporting period 1
Withdrawn during reporting period 0
Carried over to next reporting period 0

Part 4 – Requests closed during the reporting period

4.1       Disposition and completion time

Part 4 – Requests closed during the reporting period, 4.1 Disposition and completion time
Disposition of requests Completion time (days)
1 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 60 61 to 120 121 to 180 181 to 365 More than 365 Total
All disclosed 115 342 127 48 7 16 6 661
Disclosed in part 15 213 175 238 105 152 292 1,190
All exempted 0 1 3 3 0 2 2 11
All excluded 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 3
No records exist 12 48 34 42 9 8 6 159
Request transferred 24 6 6 0 0 0 0 36
Request abandoned 602 82 55 26 16 15 117 913
Neither confirmed nor denied 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decline to act with the approval of the Information Commissioner 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Total 768 692 401 369 137 194 423 2,974

4.2   Exemptions

Part 4 Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.2 Exemptions
Section Number
Section Number
Section Number
Section Number
13(1)(a) 30 16(2) 13 16.6 0 20(1)(d) 0
13(1)(b) 3 16(2)(a) 0 17 2 20.1 0
13(1)(c) 42 16(2)(b) 0 18(a) 0 20.2 0
13(1)(d) 2 16(2)(c) 159 18(b) 2 20.4 0
13(1)(e) 0 16(3) 0 18(c) 0 21(1)(a) 83
14 1 16.1(1)(a) 0 18(d) 5 21(1)(b) 189
14(a) 3 16.1(1)(b) 0 18.1(1)(a) 0 21(1)(c) 4
14(b) 0 16.1(1)(c) 1 18.1(1)(b) 0 21(1)(d) 4
15(1) 2 16.1(1)(d) 0 18.1(1)(c) 0 22 9
15(1) - I.A.* 16 16.2(1) 0 18.1(1)(d) 0 22.1(1) 0
15(1) - Def.* 0 16.3 0 19(1) 804 23 175
15(1) - S.A.* 16 16.31 0 20(1)(a) 0 23(1) 0
16(1)(a)(i) 1 16.4(1)(a) 0 20(1)(b) 20 24(1) 1,006
16(1)(a)(ii) 5 16.4(1)(b) 0 20(1)(b.1) 0 26 0
16(1)(a)(iii) 0 16.5 0 20(1)(c) 19 - -
16(1)(b) 285 - - - - - -
16(1)(c) 545 - - - - - -
16(1)(d) 0 - - - - - -

* I.A.: International Affairs
   Def.: Defense of Canada
   S.A.: Subversive Activities


4.3   Exclusions

Part 4 Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.3 Exclusions
Section Number of requests Section Number of requests Section Number of requests
68(a) 34 69(1)(a) 0 69(1)(g) re (b) 0
68(b) 1 69(1)(b) 0 69(1)(g) re (c) 0
68(c) 0 69(1)(c) 0 69(1)(g) re (d) 0
68.1 0 69(1)(d) 0 69(1)(g) re (f) 1
68.2(a) 0 69(1)(e) 1 69(1)(g) re (f) 1
68.2(b) 0 69(1)(f) 0 69.1(1) 0
69(1) 4 69(1)(g) re (a) 3 - -

4.4   Format of information released

Part 4 Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.4 Format of information released
Paper Electronic Other
E-record Data Set Video Audio
189 1,661 0 0 3 0

4.5    Complexity

4.5.1 Relevant pages processed and disclosed for paper and e-record formats

4.5 Complexity 4.5.1 Relevant pages processed and disclosed for paper and e-record formats
Number of pages processed Number of pages disclosed Number of requests
2,378,269 1,762,458 2,778

4.5.2 Relevant pages processed per request disposition for paper and e-record formats by size of requests

Part 4 Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.5.2 Relevant pages processed per request disposition for paper and e-record formats by size of requests
of requests
Less than 100 pages processed 101 to 500 pages processed 501 to 1000 pages processed 1001 to 5000 pages processed More than 5000 pages processed
Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed Number of requests Number of pages disclosed
All disclosed 595 19,089 54 10,851 6 3,907 5 9,811 0 0
Disclosed in part 339 14,271 343 85,835 151 108,154 291 670,737 66 1,319,964
All exempted 8 27 2 620 0 0 0 0 1 6,648
All excluded 1 43 1 179 1 507 0 0 0 0
Request abandoned 896 155 5 1,579 2 1,652 7 12,364 3 111,876
Neither confirmed nor denied 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Declined to act with the approval of the Information Commissioner 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,840 33,585 405 99,064 160 114,220 303 692,912 70 1,438,488

4.5.3  Relevant minutes processed and disclosed for audio formats

Part 4 Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.5.3 Relevant minutes processed and disclosed for audio formats
Number of minutes processed Number of minutes disclosed Number of requests
121 121 3

4.5.4  Relevant minutes processed per request disposition for audio formats by size of requests

Part 4 Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.5.4 Relevant minutes processed per request disposition for audio formats by size of requests
of requests
Less than 60 minutes 60-120 minutes More than 120 minutes
Number of requests Number of minutes processed Number of requests Number of minutes processed Number of requests Number of minutes processed
All disclosed 1 57 0 0 0 0
Disclosed in part 2 64 0 0 0 0
All exempted 0 0 0 0 0 0
All excluded 0 0 0 0 0 0
Request abandoned 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neither confirmed nor denied 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3 121 0 0 0 0

4.5.5 Relevant minutes processed and disclosed for video formats

Part 4 Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.5.5 Relevant minutes processed and disclosed for video formats
Number of minutes processed Number of minutes disclosed Number of requests
0 0 0

4.5.6  Relevant minutes processed per request disposition for video formats by size of requests

Part 4 Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.5.6 Relevant minutes processed per request disposition for video formats by size of requests
of requests
Less than 60 minutes 60-120 minutes More than 120 minutes
Number of requests Number of minutes processed Number of requests Number of minutes processed Number of requests Number of minutes processed
All disclosed 0 0 0 0 0 0
Disclosed in part 0 0 0 0 0 0
All exempted 0 0 0 0 0 0
All excluded 0 0 0 0 0 0
Request abandoned 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neither confirmed nor denied 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

4.5.7   Other complexities

Part 4 Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.5.7 Other complexities
Disposition of requests Consultation
Legal advice
Other Total
All disclosed 6 2 5 13
Disclosed in part 73 0 38 111
All exempted 0 0 1 1
All excluded 0 0 1 1
Request abandoned 4 0 62 66
Neither confirmed nor denied 0 0 0 0
Declined to act
with the approval of
the Information Commissioner
0 0 0 0
Total 83 2 107 192

4.6   Closed requests

4.6.1   Requests closed within legislated timelines

4.6 Closed requests, 4.6.1 Requests closed within legislated timelines
Requests closed within legislated timelines
Number of requests closed within legislated timelines 2,095
Percentage of requests closed within legislated timelines (%) 70.44%

4.7  Deemed refusals

4.7.1    Reasons for not meeting legislated timelines

4.7 Deemed refusals 4.7.1 Reasons for not meeting legislated timelines
Number of requests closed past the legislated timelines Principal reason
Interference with operations /workload External consultation Internal consultation Other
879 667 6 2 204

4.7.2  Requests closed beyond legislated timelines (including any extension taken) 

Part 4 – Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.7.2 Requests closed beyond legislated timelines (including any extension taken)
Number of days
past legislated timelines
Number of requests past
legislated timelines where
no extension was taken
Number of requests past
legislated timelines where
an extension was taken
1 to 15 55 59 114
16 to 30 31 27 58
31 to 60 49 32 81
61 to 120 45 52 97
121 to 180 20 40 60
181 to 365 61 44 105
More than 365 103 261 364
Total 364 515 879

4.8  Requests for translation

Part 4 – Requests closed during the reporting period - 4.8 Requests for translation
Translation requests Accepted Refused Total
English to French 0 0 0
French to English 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0

Part 5 - Extensions

5.1  Reasons for extensions and disposition of requests

Part 5 - Extensions 5.1 Reasons for extensions and disposition of requests
Disposition of
requests where an
extension was taken
9(1)(a) Interference
with operations
9(1)b) Consultation 9(1)(c) Third party notice
Section 69 Other
All disclosed 143 0 2 1
Disclosed in part 761 0 45 4
All exempted 7 0 1 0
All excluded 3 0 1 0
Request abandoned 120 0 7 0
No records exist 47 0 5 0
Decline to act with the approval of the Information Commissioner 1 0 0 0
Total 1,082 0 61 5

5.2    Length of extensions

Part 5 Extensions - 5.2 Length of extensions
Length of
9(1)(a) Interference with
9(1)(b) Consultation 9(1)(c) Third party
Section 69 Other
30 days or less 314 0 10 2
31 to 60 days 226 0 17 1
61 to 120 days 318 0 31 1
121 to 180 days 117 0 31 1
181 to 365 days 73 0 0 0
365 days or more 34 0 0 0
Total 1,082 0 61 5

Part 6 - Fees

Part 6 - Fees
Fee type Fee collected Fee waived Fee refunded
Number of
Amount Number of
Amount Number of
Application 2,402 $12,010 441 $2,205 0 $0.00
Other fees 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00
Total 2,402 $12,010 441 $2,205 0 $0.00

Part 7 - Consultations received from institutions and organizations

7.1   Consultations received from other Government of Canada institutions and organizations

Part 7 – Consultations received from other institutions and organizations, 7.1 Consultations received from other Government of Canada institutions and organizations
Consultations  Other Government of Canada institutions Number of pages to review Other organizations Number of pages to review
Received during reporting period 77 2,590 3 14
Outstanding from the previous reporting period 18 4,045 1 315
Total 95 6,635 4 329
Closed during the reporting period 90 6,444 3 14
Carried over within negotiated timelines 2 73 1 315
Carried over beyond negotiated timelines 3 118 0 0

7.2   Recommendations and completion time for consultations received from other Government of Canada institutions

Part 7 - Consultations received from other institutions and organizations - 7.2 Recommendations and completion time for consultations received from other Government of Canada institutions
Recommendation Number of days required to complete consultation requests
1 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 60 61 to 120 121 to 180 181 to 365 More than 365 Total
Disclose entirely 17 22 16 1 0 0 2 58
Disclose in part 0 4 9 4 2 0 0 19
Exempt entirely 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Exclude entirely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consult other institution 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Other 5 1 1 0 1 1 0 9
Total 24 29 26 5 3 1 2 90

7.3   Recommendations and completion time for consultations received from other Government of Canada organizations

Part 7 - Consultations received from other institutions and organizations - 7.3 Recommendations and completion time for consultations received from other Government of Canada organizations
Recommendation Number of days required to complete consultation requests
1 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 60 61 to 120 121 to 180 181 to 365 More than 365 Total
Disclose entirely 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3
Disclose in part 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Exempt entirely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Exclude entirely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consult other institution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3

Part 8 – Completion time of consultations on Cabinet confidences

8.1   Requests with Legal Services

Part 8 – Completion time of consultations on Cabinet confidences 8.1 Requests with Legal Services
Number of days Less than 100 pages processed 101 - 500 pages processed 501 - 1000 pages processed 1001 - 5000 pages processed More than 5000 pages processed
Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed
1 to 15 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 to 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 to 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
121 to 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
181 to 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
More than 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.2   Requests with Privy Council Office

Part 8 – Completion time of consultations on Cabinet confidences 8.1 Requests with Legal Services
Number of days Less than 100 pages processed 101 - 500 pages processed 501 - 1000 pages processed 1001 - 5000 pages processed More than 5000 pages processed
Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed
1 to 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 to 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 to 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
121 to 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
181 to 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
More than 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Part 9 ‑ Investigations and reports of finding

Part 9 – Investigations and reports of finding, 9.1 Investigations
Section 32 Section 30(5)
– Ceased to investigate
Section 35
– Formal representations
157 32 1

9.2 Investigations and reports of finding

Part 9 – Investigations and reports of finding, 9.2 Investigations and reports of finding
Section 37(1) Initial Reports Section 37(2) Final Reports
Received Containing
issued by the
Containing orders
issued by the
Received Containing
issued by the
Containing orders
issued by the
1 0 1 1 1 0

Part 10 - Court action

10.1   Court actions on complaints 

Part 10 - Court action 10.1 Court actions on complaints
Section 41
Complainant (1) Institution (2) Third Party (3) Privacy Commissioner (4) Total
0 0 0 0 0

10.2   Court actions on third party notifications under paragraph 28(1)(b)

Part 10 - Court action 10.2 Court actions on third party notifications under paragraph 28(1)(b)
Section 44 – under paragraph 28(1)(b)

Part 11 - Resources related to the Access to Information Act

11.1   Costs

Part 11 - Resources related to the Access to Information Act, 11.1 Costs
Expenditures Amount
Salaries $ 3,056,815
Overtime $ 133,951
Goods and Services $ 1,663,469
  • Professional services contracts
$ 1,499,325
  • Other
$ 164,144
Total $ 4,854,235

11.2   Human resources

11.2 Human resources
Resources Person years dedicated to privacy activities
Full-time employees 36
Part-time and casual employees 0
Regional staff 0
Consultants and agency personnel 16
Students 1
Total 53

Appendix B – Supplemental statistical report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act

Table 1 – Capacity to receive requests

The following table reports the total number of weeks the CRA was able to receive ATIP requests through different channels.

Table 1 - The following table reports the total number of weeks the CRA was able to receive ATIP requests through different channels.
- Number of weeks
Able to receive requests by mail 47
Able to receive requests by email 52
Able to receive requests through the digital request service 52

Table 2.1

The following table reports the total number of weeks the CRA was able to process paper records in different classification levels.

Table 2.1 - The following table reports the total number of weeks the CRA was able to process paper records in different classification levels.
- No capacity Partial capacity Full capacity Total
Unclassified paper records 5 0 47 52
Protected B paper records 5 0 47 52
Secret and top secret paper records 5 0 47 52

Table 2.2

The following table reports the total number of weeks the CRA was able to process electronic records in different classification levels.

Table 2.2 - The following table reports the total number of weeks the CRA was able to process electronic records in different classification levels.
- No capacity Partial capacity Full capacity Total
Unclassified paper records 0 0 52 52
Protected B paper records 0 0 52 52
Secret and top secret paper records 0 0 52 52

Table 3.1

The following table reports the total number of open Access to Information Act requests that are outstanding from previous reporting periods.

Table 3.1 - The following table reports the total number of open Access to Information Act requests that are outstanding from previous reporting periods.
Fiscal year
open requests
were received
Open requests that are
within legislated timelines
as of March 31, 2022
Open requests that are
beyond legislated timelines
as of March 31, 2022
2021–2022 594 209 803
2020–2021 13 141 154
2019–2020 3 70 73
2018–2019 0 22 22
2017–2018 0 13 13
2016–2017 0 7 7
2015–2016 or earlier 0 0 0
Total 610 462 1,072

Table 3.2

The following table reports the total number of open complaints with the Information Commissioner of Canada that are outstanding from previous reporting periods.

Table 3.2 - The following table reports the total number of open complaints with the Information Commissioner of Canada that are outstanding from previous reporting periods..
Fiscal year open requests were received Number of open complaints
2021–2022 100
2020–2021 30
2019–2020 26
2018–2019 40
2017–2018 12
2016–2017 2
2015–2016 or earlier 12
Total 222

Table 4.1

The following table reports the total number of open Privacy Act requests that are outstanding from previous reporting periods.

Table 4.1 - The following table reports the total number of open Privacy Act requests that are outstanding from previous reporting periods..
Fiscal year
open requests
were received
Open requests that are
within legislated timelines
as of March 31, 2022
Open requests that are
beyond legislated timelines
as of March 31, 2022
2021–2022 904 180 1,084
2020–2021 0 46 46
2019–2020 0 38 38
2018–2019 0 1 1
2017–2018 0 0 0
2016–2017 0 0 0
2015–2016 or earlier 0 0 0
Total 904 265 1,169

Table 4.2

The following table reports the total number of open complaints with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada that are outstanding from previous reporting periods.

Table 4.2 - The following table reports the total number of open complaints with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada that are outstanding from previous reporting periods.
Fiscal year open requests were received Number of open complaints
2021–2022 17
2020–2021 4
2019–2020 4
2018–2019 5
2017–2018 1
2016–2017 0
2015–2016 or earlier 4
Total 35

Table 5

The following table reports if there was authority received for a new collection of the social insurance number (SIN)

Table 5 - The following table reports if there was authority received for a new collection of the social insurance number (SIN)
Authority received for a new collection of the social insurance number (SIN)
Did your institution receive authority for a new collection
or new consistent use of the SIN in 2021–2022?

Appendix C – Delegation order

Image described below
Image description

Access to Information Act

Delegation Order

I, Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue, do hereby designate, pursuant to section 95(1) of the Access to Information Act, the officers or employees of the Canada Revenue Agency who hold the positions set out in the attached Schedule to exercise or perform the powers, duties or functions that have been given to me as head of a government institution under the provisions of the Access to Information Act as set out in the Schedule.

This designation replaces all previous delegation orders.

Diane Lebouthillier
Minister of National Revenue

Signed in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada this 15th day of May, 2020

The CRA positions that are authorized to perform the powers, duties, and functions given to the minister of national revenue under the provisions of the Access to Information Act and its regulations are:


Deputy Commissioner

Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs Branch, and Chief Privacy Officer

Director General, Access to Information and Privacy Directorate, Public Affairs Branch

Directors in the Access to Information and Privacy Directorate of the Public Affairs Branch

Assistant directors, managers, technical reviewers / advisors in the Access to Information and Privacy Directorate of the Public Affairs Branch

Page details

Date modified: