Appendix B: Results-based Management Accountability Framework (RMAF) for SD Strategy 2007-2010

1.0    Principles

The CRA recognizes that better measurement is an important aspect to continuous learning and better reporting. For our progress reports we concentrate our measurement efforts on the areas of greatest materiality to the Agency and its stakeholders with respect to the SD program, namely:

In measuring our performance in these and other areas, we recognize that developing and acquiring data can be resource intensive. Therefore, to the greatest extent possible, the CRA exploits existing data sources for measuring environmental and SD performance, and wherever feasible, seeks to expand these sources of information to include SD components. This approach minimizes costs, and is in keeping with the principle of integrating SD into the way we do business. In some cases, the reliance on existing data sets can limit the robustness of performance indicators and measures. Other limitations related to the availability, cost, and timing of data, play a role in determining the focus, coverage, and availability of performance information contained in SD reports. Managers of the SD program are continuously seeking to improve the availability, timeliness, and quality of data.

It is at the activity level in our national SD action plan where concrete actions are taken to influence SD outcomes. At the activity level, program resources are applied daily to effect organizational change. Accordingly, each activity has its own detailed blueprint that includes precise objectives, outputs, performance indicators, data sources and availability, detailed risk and project management plans. The objectives of the EMPs are achieved in the same way. Daily implementation of activities that support EMPs targets ensure that objectives are reached, SD goals are attained, and ultimately, that the SD vision is realized.

Our approach to SD performance measurement and reporting is outlined in Agency's SD Strategy 2007-2010 RMAF. It describes our measurement, reporting and evaluation strategies, and discusses the importance of accurate and timely data as the foundation of performance measurement.

2.0 Performance Measurement Drivers

The development of an RMAF for the CRA's fourth SD strategy is a requirement of the Treasury Board Secretariat, and an expectation of the CESD. A public commitment to develop the RMAF was also made by the CRA in its 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities. The RMAF was developed using the Treasury Board Secretariat's guide for creating RMAFs, and contains the five recommended elements:

3.0 Results-based Management Accountability Framework Approach

CRA-specific values and drivers have also been integrated into these individual elements to ensure the framework is consistent with the operational realities of the CRA's SD program and to optimize cost-effective delivery. These are: 

4.0    Results-based Management Accountability Framework Highlights

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