
Appendix 1: Status of SD targets distributed by goal

April 01, 2001, to March 31, 2002


Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Total

Total targets (2001-2004)

12 4 43 24 83

Targets for 2001- 2002:

8 4 30 7 49


5 4 24 5 38

In progress

1 0 6 2 9

Not yet started

2 0 0 0 2

Percentage completion

62.5 100 80 71.4 77.6


1. The SD strategy for 2001-2004 has a total of 83 targets. Of that number, 35 were scheduled for completion at the end of March 2002, 13 for the end of March 2003, 18 for March 2004, and 1 for March 2005. There are 14 targets that have completion dates that are either annual or ongoing, while the completion dates for an additional two targets are to be determined.

2. At the end of March 2002, a total of 38 (77 percent) targets were completed, 9 were in progress, and 2 were not yet started.

3. Of the 14 "annual" or "ongoing" targets, 13 were completed at the end of March 2002, and 1 was in progress.

Appendix 2: Status of SD targets distributed by branch (OPI)

April 01, 2001, to March 31, 2002

Status of SD targets distributed by branch (OPI)





Not yet Percentage




In progress

started completed


1 1 0 0 100


1 0 1 0 0


1 1 0 0 100


41 32 7 2 78


2 2 0 0 100


3 2 1 0 66.7


49 38 9 2 77.6

ACB - Assessment and Collections Branch
ITB - Information Technology Branch
Appeals - Appeals Branch
Customs - Customs Branch
FAB - Finance and Administration Branch
HRB - Human Resources Branch
PLB - Policy and Legislation Branch

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