Request for registered charity information

Use this form to make an informal request for registered charity information that is not in the List of charities.

To access public portions of a T3010, Registered Charity Information Return, and financial information, go to List of charities.

For a list of information you can request, go to How to get information about a charity.

If you are a member of the media, contact a media relations representative.

Privacy notice

Personal information is collected under the authority of the Income Tax Act and is used to complete your request for publicly available charity information and/or to confirm that you are authorized to request confidential information on behalf of a registered charity. Incomplete or inaccurate contact information may result in your request being abandoned.

Information you send to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by email is not secure while it is in transit. Do not include confidential information such as your social insurance number or personal tax information on this form.

Information is described in personal information bank Charities, CRA PPU 200 in the CRA chapter of Information about Programs and Information Holdings (formerly Info Source). Personal information is protected under the Privacy Act and individuals have a right of protection, access to and correction or notation of their personal information. Please be advised that you are entitled to complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding our handling of your information.


Note: Data may be lost if you navigate to another webpage before submitting the request. We recommend opening links in a separate window.

Charity information

Enter the name and business/registration number (BN) of the charity. You can enter more than one charity name and BN.

To find a charity's BN, go to the List of charities. A BN consists of nine numbers + RR+ four numbers (123456789RR0001).

Commonly requested documents
Your contact information

Page details

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