File your taxes online: Certified tax software


The NETFILE and ReFILE services are now closed for the electronic filing of your initial and amended T1 personal income tax and benefit return. NETFILE and ReFILE services will re-open on Monday, February 24, 2025.

NETFILE Access Code

For the 2023 tax year, prior to filing your tax return electronically with NETFILE, you will be asked to enter an Access code after your name, date of birth, and social insurance number. Your eight-character Access code is made up of numbers and letters and is located on the right side of your Notice of Assessment for the previous tax year. While this Access code is not mandatory, if you do not enter your Access code, you will not be able to use any information from your 2023 tax return when confirming your identity with the Canada Revenue Agency. You will have to rely on other information for authentication purposes. This code does not apply to you if you are filing your tax return for the first time.

Example of NOA letter showing where access code is located by yellow highlight

Select the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) certified tax software from the lists below. You will be re-directed to the software developer's web page, where you can access software products that use the CRA's NETFILE web service.

All certified tax software are approved for the year(s) indicated in the table, and include the ReFILE, Auto-fill my return, and Express NOA services. Several include the T1135 service.

Find a free or pay-what-you-want tax software

Some free tax software offer a pay-what-you-want model. Select the link below to view a list of available software.

Free products and products with pay what you want model
Free products and products with pay what you want model
Tax software Certified
tax years
Platform Company information
CloudTax Free 2018-2023 Online CloudTax Inc.
CloudTax Free for Android
2018-2023 Mobile app CloudTax Inc.
CloudTax Free for iPhone, iPad
2018-2023 Mobile app CloudTax Inc.
GenuTax Standard for Windows 2017-2023 Desktop GenuSource Consulting Inc.
Wealthsimple Tax 2020-2023 Online SimpleTax Software Inc.
TaxTron for Web 2018-2023 Online Taxtron Inc.
StudioTax for iPhone, iPad 2019-2023 Mobile app BHOK It Consulting
StudioTax for Android 2019-2023 Mobile app BHOK It Consulting
EachTax Free 2021-2023 Online XInfo Technology Inc.
H&R Block Free 2019 Online H&R Block Canada Inc.
Better Tax 2023 Online The Better Tax Company

Find paid tax software with free offerings

Some paid tax software provide free offerings. Free offerings are based on individual tax situations or income levels. Find out from the software developer what free offerings are available for their product.

Paid products and products with free offerings
Paid products and products with free offerings
Tax software Certified
tax years
Platform Company information
TurboTax Free for iPhone, iPad 2020 Mobile app Intuit Canada
H&R Block Online 2017-2018, 2020-2023 Online H&R Block Canada Inc.
TurboTax Free for Android 2020 Mobile app Intuit Canada 2017-2023 Online XInfo Technology Inc. 2017-2023 Online Fastneasy Services Inc.
eFile Canadian Tax Return (Android) 2017-2023 Mobile app Fastneasy Services Inc.
eFile Canadian Tax Return (Apple) 2017-2023 Mobile app Fastneasy Services Inc.
FutureTax for Windows 2017-2023 Desktop FUTURECA CORP.
myTaxExpress for Mac 2017-2023 Desktop Arcadia Solution Corp.
myTaxExpress for Windows 2017-2023 Desktop Arcadia Solution Corp.
Tax Chopper Online 2017-2023 Online Advantage Financial Technology Corp.
TaxFreeway for iPad 2017-2023 Mobile app Entropy Technology Ltd.
TaxFreeway for Mac 2017-2023 Desktop Entropy Technology Ltd.
TaxFreeway for Windows 2017-2023 Desktop Entropy Technology Ltd.
TaxTron for Mac 2017-2023 Desktop Taxtron Inc.
TaxTron for Windows 2017-2023 Desktop Taxtron Inc.
TurboTax for Android 2020-2023 Mobile app Intuit Canada
TurboTax for iPhone, iPad 2020-2023 Mobile app Intuit Canada
TurboTax Online 2020-2023 Online Intuit Canada
TurboTax Windows 2017-2023 Desktop Intuit Canada
UFile ONLINE 2017-2023 Online Thomson Reuters
UFile for Windows 2017-2023 Desktop Thomson Reuters 2017-2023 Online MacroNT Inc.
AdvTax 2017-2023 Online Aclasssoft Inc.
StudioTax for Mac 2017-2023 Desktop BHOK It Consulting
StudioTax for Windows 2017-2023 Desktop BHOK It Consulting
CloudTax Plus for Android 2020-2023 Mobile app CloudTax Inc.
CloudTax Plus for Apple 2020-2023 Mobile app CloudTax Inc.
CloudTax Plus 2020-2023 Online CloudTax Inc.
TurboTax Free 2020-2021 Online Intuit Canada
TurboTax Free for Windows 2018-2022 Desktop Intuit Canada
CloudTax API 2023 Online CloudTax Inc.

Update your tax software

Tax software must be certified by NETFILE every year.

Check the software list above to confirm that your software is certified for the year you need. If you are using uncertified software or an older version of the software, you may need to update or download a certified version from the developer.

Information on how to update your software is available on the developer's website or from within the software itself.

File up to 20 returns

You may file up to 20 returns per computer or online account using NETFILE-certified tax software in Canada for each tax year. Tax software companies must respect this limit to be certified for NETFILE.

Notice to the user

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) does not look at the privacy policies of software developers. It is your responsibility to research these policies before buying or using a software product or web application. 

Use of the software, and any omission or error in the information provided, is the responsibility of the user and the software developer. The CRA cannot be held responsible if programming errors affect the calculation of income tax and benefits payable.

The CRA respects the Official Languages Act and the relevant Treasury Board policies, and it is committed to making sure all information and services on this site are available in English and French. However, users should be aware that some information from external sources that do not have to follow the Official Languages Act is offered only as a convenience and is available only in the language in which it was provided to the CRA.

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