RRSP Contribution Receipt Filing

2022V1 - updated 2021-09-06

What’s new: No changes






Contributor surname
- Required
, 20 alphanumeric
- first 20 letters of the contributor’s surname
- omit titles such as Mr., Mrs., etc.
- do not include the first name or initials

Contributor first name
- 12 alphanumeric
- first 12 letters of the contributor’s first given name
Note: If only initials are available, provide the contributor’s first initial

Contributor initial
- 1 alpha
- initial of the contributor’s second given name


Contributor social insurance number (SIN)
- Required
, 9 numeric
- when the contributor has failed to provide a SIN, enter zeroes in the entire field


Contributor address - line 1
- 30 alphanumeric
- first line of the contributor’s address

Contributor address - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- second line of the contributor’s address

Contributor city
- 28 alphanumeric
- city in which the contributor is located

Contributor province or territory code
- 2 alpha
- Canadian province or territory in which the contributor is located or the state in the USA where the contributor is located
- use the abbreviations listed in the T619 - Electronic transmittal under section: Transmitter province or territory code
- when the contributor’s country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter ZZ in this field

Contributor country code
- 3 alpha
- country in which the contributor is located
- use the alphabetic country codes as outlined in the International Standard (ISO) 3166 Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries
- always use CAN for Canada, and USA for the United States of America

Contributor postal code
- 10 alphanumeric
- contributor’s Canadian postal code, format: alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, example: A9A9A9
- or the contributor’s USA zip code
- or where the contributor’s country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter the foreign postal code

The annuitant name and sin number tags are required when the contributor and the annuitant are not the same person.


Annuitant surname
- 20 alphanumeric
- first 20 letters of the annuitant’s surname
- omit titles such as Mr., Mrs., etc.
- do not include the first name or initials

Annuitant first name
- 12 alphanumeric
- first 12 letters of the annuitant’s first given name
Note: If only initials are available, provide the annuitant’s first initial.

Annuitant initial
- 1 alpha
- initial of the annuitant’s second given name


Annuitant social insurance number (SIN)
- Required, 9 numeric
- if the annuitant and the contributor are not the same person

RRSP specimen plan number
- Required
, 20 alphanumeric
- registered Retirement Savings Specimen plan number that was issued by CRA

Contract number
- Required
, 12 alphanumeric
- registered Retirement Savings plan contract number

Report type code
- Required
, 1 alpha
- original = O
- amendment = A
- cancel = C
Note: An amended return cannot contain an original slip.

Account Number
For Original returns:
- Required, 15 alphanumeric, 9 digits RZ 4 digits, example 000000000RZ0000
- must correspond to the Account number on the related RRSP Contribution Receipt Filing Summary record
- if you have not been notified of your number, or you are unsure of your number, contact our Business Enquiries line at 1-800-959-5525
For Amended returns:
- Required, enter the same Account number used in the original filed return.
- for 2008 and prior tax year amendments, enter the filer identification number, example HA0000000
- for 2009 and subsequent tax year amendments, enter the BN RZ, example 000000000RZ0000
Note: In order to process a return, the complete Account number is required.

Contributor spouse or common-law partner indicator
- Required
, 1 numeric
- indicate whether the annuitant’s spouse or common-law partner has ever contributed to the retirement income plan
- if your spouse or common-law partner has never contributed or if you are single, code as 1
- if your spouse or common-law partner has contributed to this plan, code as 2


Amount prior year
- 9 numeric, enter dollars and cents
- RRSP contributions made in the final 10 months (March to December months) of the taxation year
- example: filing of slips for 2012 taxation year
- enter the contributions made between March 1st, 2012 and December 31, 2012

Amount current year
- 9 numeric, enter dollars and cents
- RRSP contributions made in the first 60 days (January and February months) after the taxation year
- example: filing of slips for 2012 taxation year, contributions made between January 1, 2013 and March 1st, 2013 are reported in the 2012 taxation year return




Account Number
For Original returns:
- Required, 15 alphanumeric, 9 digits RZ 4 digits, example 000000000RZ0000
- use the Account number assigned to file the RRSP Contribution Receipt Filing return with CRA
- if you have not been notified of your number, or you are unsure of your number, contact our Business Enquiries line at 1-800-959-5525
For Amended returns:
- Required, enter the same Account number used in the original filed return.
- for 2008 and prior tax year amendments, enter the filer identification number, example HA0000000
- for 2009 and subsequent tax year amendments, enter the BN RZ, example 000000000RZ0000
Note: In order to process a return, the complete Account number is required.

Report type code
- Required
, 1 alpha
- original = O
- amendment = A
Note: An amended return cannot contain an original slip.

Filer amendment note  
- use for report type A only
- 1309 alphanumeric

Taxation year
- Required
, 4 numeric
- taxation year

RRSP specimen plan number
- Required
, 20 alphanumeric
- registered Retirement Savings Plan Specimen plan number that was issued by CRA

Total number of RRSP contribution receipt slips
- Required
, 7 numeric
- total number of RRSP slips filed with this RRSP Contribution Summary


Issuer name - line 1
- Required
, 30 alphanumeric
- first line of issuer’s name
- if "&" is used in the name area enter as "&amp;"

Issuer name - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- second line of issuer’s name

Issuer name - line 3
- 30 alphanumeric
- use for "care of" or "attention"



Issuer address - line 1
- 30 alphanumeric
- first line of the issuer’s address

Issuer address - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- second line of the issuer’s address

Issuer city
- 28 alphanumeric
- city in which the issuer is located

Issuer province or territory code
- 2 alpha
- Canadian province or territory in which the issuer is located or the state in the USA where the issuer is located
- use the abbreviations listed in the T619 - Electronic Transmittal under section: Transmitter province or territory code
- when the issuer's country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter ZZ in this field

Issuer Country code
- 3 alpha
- country in which the issuer is located
- use the alphabetic country codes as outlined in the International Standard (ISO) 3166 Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.
- always use CAN for Canada, and USA for the United States of America.

Issuer postal code
- Required, 10 alphanumeric
- issuer’s Canadian postal code, format: alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, example: A9A9A9
- or the issuer’s USA zip code
- or when the issuer’s country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter the foreign postal code



Contact name
- Required
, 22 alphanumeric
- contact’s first name followed by surname for this return
- omit titles such as Mr., Mrs., etc.

Contact area code
- Required
, 3 numeric
- area code of telephone number

Contact telephone number
- Required
, 3 numeric with a hyphen (-), followed by 4 numeric
- telephone number of the contact

Contact extension number
- 5 numeric
- extension of the contact



Total contributions on the final 10 months of taxation year
- report the total contribution amount of all of the RRSP contribution slips filed with this RRSP Contribution Summary for the final 10 months of the taxation year
- 13 numeric characters, enter dollars and cents

Total contributions in the first 60 days of the current year
- report the total contribution amount of all of the RRSP contribution slips filed with this RRSP Contribution Summary for the first 60 days of the current year
- 13 numeric characters, enter dollars and cents





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