T215 Exempt from Certification Past Service Pension Adjustment (PSPA)

2024V1 - updated 2023-10-05

What’s New: No changes





Recipient surname
- Required 20 alphanumeric
- First 20 letters of the recipient's surname
- Omit titles such as Mr., Mrs., etc.
- Do not include the first name or initials

Recipient first name
- 12 alphanumeric
- First 12 letters of the recipient's first given name
Note: If only initials are available, provide the recipient’s first initial.

Recipient initial
- 1 alpha
- Initial of the recipient's second given name



Recipient address - line 1
- Required 30 alphanumeric
- First line of the recipient’s address

Recipient address - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- Second line of the recipient’s address

Recipient city
- 28 alphanumeric
- City in which the recipient is located

Recipient province or territory code
- 2 alpha
- Canadian province or territory in which the recipient is located or the state in the USA where the recipient is located
- Use the abbreviations listed in the T619 - Electronic transmittal under section: Transmitter province or territory code.
- When the recipient’s country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter ZZ in this field.

Recipient country code
- 3 alpha
- Country in which the recipient is located
- Use the alphanumeric country codes as outlined in the International Standard (ISO) 3166 Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.
- Always use CAN for Canada, and USA for the United States of America.

Recipient postal code
- 10 alphanumeric
- Recipient’s Canadian postal code, format: alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, example A9A9A9
- or the recipient’s USA zip code
- or where the recipient’s country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter the foreign postal code


Past Service Pension Adjustment Amount
- Required 9 numeric
- Enter dollars and cents
- T215 slip, box 2

Registered pension plan registration number
- Required 7 numeric
- Enter the registration number for the plan where the recipient received the past - service pension adjustment amount.
- T215 slip, box 3

Recipient social insurance number (SIN)
- Required 9 numeric
- T215 slip, box 4
- When the recipient has failed to provide a SIN, enter zeroes in the entire field.
Note: Omission of a valid SIN results in non-registration of contributions to the Canada Pension Plan.

Report Type Code
- Required 1 alpha
- Original = O
- Amendment = A
- Cancel = C
Note: An amended return cannot contain an original slip.




Registered pension plan name - line 1
- Required 30 alphanumeric
- First line of the pension plan name
- If "&" is used in the name area enter as "&amp;"

Registered pension plan name - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- Second line of the pension plan name



Registered pension plan administrator name - line 1
- Required 30 alphanumeric
- First line of the pension plan administrator 's name
- If "&" is used in the name area enter as "&amp;"

Registered pension plan administrator name - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- Second line of the pension plan administrator 's name

Registered pension plan administrator name - line 3
- 30 alphanumeric
- Use for "care of" or "attention"



Registered pension plan administrator address - line 1
- 30 alphanumeric
- First line of the pension plan administrator's address

Registered pension plan administrator address - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- Second line of the pension plan administrator's address

Registered pension plan administrator city
- 28 alphanumeric
- City in which the pension plan administrator is located

Registered pension plan administrator province or territory code
- 2 alpha
- Canadian province or territory in which the pension plan administrator is located or the state in the USA where the plan administrator is located
- Use the abbreviations listed in the T619 - Electronic transmittal under section: Transmitter province or territory code.
- when the pension plan administrator's country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter ZZ in this field.

Registered pension plan administrator country code
- 3 alpha
- Country in which the pension plan administrator is located
- Use the alphanumeric country codes as outlined in the International Standard (ISO) 3166 Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.
- Always use CAN for Canada, and USA for the United States of America.

Registered pension plan administrator postal code
- 10 alphanumeric
- Pension plan administrator 's Canadian postal code, format: alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, example: A9A9A9
- or the pension plan administrator's USA zip code
- or when the pension plan administrator's country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter the foreign postal code



Registered pension plan administrator area code
- Required 3 numeric
- Area code of telephone number

Registered pension plan administrator telephone number
- Required 3 numeric with a hyphen (-), followed by 4 numeric
- Telephone number of the pension plan administrator

Registered pension plan administrator extension
- 5 numeric
- Extension of the pension plan administrator



Past service – day
- Required 2 numeric (e.g., 04, 31)

Past service - month
- Required 2 numeric (e.g., 03, 12)

Past service – year
- Required 4 numeric (e.g., 2004)


Report Type Code
- Required 1 alpha
- Original = O
- Amendment = A
Note: An amended return cannot contain an original slip.

Total number of T215 slip records
- Required 7 numeric
- Total number of T215 slip records filed with this T215 Summary

Total Past Service Pension Adjustment Amount
- Required 13 numeric
- Accumulated total of all PSPA' s calculated from box 2 of the T215 slips
- Report dollars and cents
- The total is the reported amount from the T215 slips filed with this T215 Summary

Registered pension plan registration number
- Required 7 numeric
- T215 summary
-Enter the registration number of the plan that covers the past service pension adjustment amounts that you are reporting on this summary.




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