Completing Part XVIII Information Return slips and summary

Substantial variations from other information returns
Completing slips for the Part XVIII Information Return
Completing a summary for the Part XVIII Information Return 
Scenarios to avoid rejecting a Part XVIII Information Return


The following definitions apply to these instructions:

More definitions are available in the Guidance on the Canada-U.S. Enhanced Tax Information Exchange Agreement.

Substantial variations from other information returns

It is important to note the following variations when completing a Part XVIII Information Return compared to other information return types.


The annual exchange of original records is scheduled to occur in September.

There could be other exchanges throughout the year. It is recommended to check if there is a list of notifications of errors on My Business Account or Represent a Client periodically after a return has been submitted, regardless of receiving an email, in case the email recipient is absent for an extended period of time or there are issues with that email address.

Completing slips for the Part XVIII Information Return

This section provides details about the information to be entered in the following slip fields.

Document Type Code

Enter one of the following values to indicate the type of slip being submitted:


  1. An original return cannot contain an amended, cancelled or fixed slip.
  2. An amended return cannot contain an original slip or a fixed slip.
  3. An amended return can contain only amended slips or only cancelled slips, not a mix (as this will result in duplicate document reference identifiers of the reporting financial institution. Consequently, the return will be rejected.)
  4. A fixed slip must be used following a cancelled slip and only when there is a change to:
    • the Individual Taxation Identification Number (TIN) field (for an individual account holder or a controlling person) or the Organization Taxation Identification Number (TIN) field
    • the FirstName and/or LastName field (for an individual account holder or a controlling person) or the NameLine1Text and/or NameLine2Text field (for an organization account holder)
    • Add or remove controlling persons reported on a slip
  5. A fixed return can contain only "FIX" document type codes.

Document Reference Identifier (for a slip)

A new document reference identifier must be assigned for each slip that is created, whether it is an original, amended, cancelled or a fixed slip. The document reference identifier must be unique and can never be repeated. It must be in the format "CA–YY–BNRZ–SL–SEQ#", where:


You must include the hyphens between the document reference identifier segments in your XML file if you are filing with the Internet file transfer (XML) application — this will result in a 34–character identifier.

If you are filing with the Web Forms application, each segment of the identifier is presented separately (no hyphen required) and most segments will be completed with the information you already entered, leaving only the sequence number to be completed.



The document reference identifier for a Canadian financial institution with the BN 123456789RZ0001 filing a slip for the 2022 tax year could be reported as CA–22–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000001. Other slips would have a different sequence number.

Corrected Document Reference Identifier (for a slip)

Complete this field only when creating an amended, a cancelled or a fixed slip. In the event that more than one original return has been filed, or a fix return has been filed, more than one chain will exist for the reporting financial institution. You must keep track of which slips belong to which chain. Enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed account holder slip (from the correct chain) that is being replaced.

The corrected document reference identifier must target the latest version of the slip, in the correct chain that was successfully filed with the CRA. In this way, a series of corrections or amendments can be handled as the new document reference identifier replaces the previous version identified with the corrected document reference identifier.

For more information and examples, go to Amending, cancelling or fixing records.


You are amending the record with the document reference identifier CA–22–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000001. The new record will need a new document reference identifier (for example, CA–22–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000020) and the corrected document reference identifier should reference CA–22–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000001.

If you need to amend that record again or to cancel it, a new document reference identifier will be created and the corrected document reference identifier would reference CA–22–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000020.

Client Account Number

Enter the account number used by the financial institution (FI) to designate the account of its client. If the financial institution does not have an account number for this client, provide the unique identifier used by the financial institution to identify the account holder.

The client account number may be:


If there is no account numbering system, enter "NANUM" for no account number.

Client Account Number Type Code

Enter one of the following values to identify the type of account number:


Canadian banks, credit unions and caisses populaires enter 2 for OBAN

Closed Client Account Indicator

Indicate if the account is closed. Enter:

Account Holder Type Code

Identify the type of account holder as:


Based on the value entered for the account holder type code, complete only the information fields related to an individual or the information fields related to an entity or organization, but do not complete fields for both types on the same slip.

Fields for an Individual Account Holder

Complete the following fields only if the account holder is an individual (account holder type code = 1).

If the account holder is an entity or organization, go to Fields for an Entity or Organization account holder section.

Residence Country Code

Enter the ISO 3166-1 alpha country code, "US", to indocate the tax jurisdiction of the individual.

Individual Taxation Identification Number

Enter the American taxation identification number. This could be the individual account holder's U.S. social security number (SSN) or their individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN).

If the SSN or ITIN is not available and you meet the requirements of the CRA Guidance enter either "222222222", "333333333", "444444444", "555555555" or "777777777" and include the Date of Birth of the account holder in the “AccountHolderBirthInformation” fields. Otherwise enter nine zeroes ‘’000000000’’ and include the Date of Birth (if available) in the “AccountHolderBirthInformation” fields.


Do not enter a Canadian taxpayer identification number in this field, that is, a social insurance number (SIN) or an individual tax number (ITN).

Taxation Identification Number Issue Country Code

If you entered a valid US tax ID number in the Individual Tax ID number field, enter "US".  If the Individual Taxation Identification Number is populated with a value other than a valid TIN, then the Taxation Identification Number Issue Country Code should be "CA".

Individual Identification Number

Enter the Canadian taxation identification number (if applicable): the nine–digit social insurance number (SIN) or individual tax number (ITN).

First Name

Enter the individual's first name.


If the financial institution has no first name information for this individual, enter "NFN" for no first name.

Middle Name

Enter the individual's middle name.

Last Name

Enter the individual's last name.

Account Holder Birth Information

Complete the individual's year, month and day of birth in the respective fields if that information is in the financial institution's records.

These values must be numeric and contain a leading zero, where applicable.


February 3rd, 1964, would be reported as:
Year = 1964
Month = 02
Day = 03

Fields for an Entity or Organization Account Holder

Complete the following fields only if the account holder is an entity or organization (account holder type code = 3).

Residence Country Code

Enter the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code, "US", to indicate the tax jurisdiction of the individual.

Organization Taxation Identification Number

Enter the American taxation identification number: the U.S. employer identification number (EIN) or, the global intermediary identification number (GIIN) of the entity or organization account holder. If you enter a GIIN, it must be entered exactly as issued by the IRS, (19 characters, for example, 98Q96B.00000.LE.124).

If the EIN or GIIN is not available, and you meet the requirements of the CRA Guidance enter either and you meet the requirements of the CRA Guidance enter either "444444444", "555555555", "666666666" or "777777777". Otherwise, enter 9 zeroes "000000000".

For more information about the GIIN, go to IRS FATCA registration.

Taxation Identification Number Issue Country Code

If you gave a valid EIN or GIIN in the Organization Taxation Identification Number, enter "US". If the Organization Taxation Identification Number is populated with a value other than a valid TIN, then the Taxation Identification Number Issue Country Code should be “CA”.


Entering nine zeros does not constitute a valid EIN or NIIM.

Business Number

Enter the Canadian taxation identification number: the entity or organization account holder's CRA 15-digit business number (BN) or 9-digit trust account number, if applicable.

Organization Account Holder Name – Line 1

Enter the entity or organization account holder's name.

If the name contains an ampersand "&" and you are filing with Internet file transfer (XML), you must enter this character in the XML tag as follows: "&" that is, one ampersand character followed by the letters a, m, and, p, followed by a semi-colon.

Organization Account Holder Name – Line 2

Enter any remaining name information that did not fit in line 1. If no additional space is required, leave the field blank.

Organization Account Holder Type Code

Enter one of the following values to identify the type of entity or organization:

Fields for Controlling Person(s)

Fields to be completed for a controlling person are the same as the fields required for an individual account holder. For more information, go to Fields for an Individual Account Holder and Address fields.


You can complete up to a maximum of 16 controlling persons per slip. Use another slip if you need to report more than 16 controlling persons.

Address fields

The following fields indicate the address of the account holder (individual or entity/organization) and financial institution, as well as the controlling person(s) and/or sponsor, if applicable.

Address – Line 1

Enter the number of the building, street name, suite number, floor number, district name (commonly referred to as sector or part of the city) and post office box number.


Do not include the city, province or state, country code and postal or zip code in the Address – line 1 or line 2. These elements should be completed in their respective fields.

Address – Line 2

Enter any remaining address information that did not fit in line 1 if more space is needed.

City Name

Enter the city name.

Province or State Code or Name

Enter the Canadian province or territory, the U.S. state or any similar country subdivision.

Country Code

Enter the jurisdiction or country code associated with the address using the corresponding ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code.

Postal or Zip Code

Enter the postal code, zip code or foreign code, for example, A1B2C3 for a Canadian postal code.

Account balance, dividend, interest, gross proceeds or redemptions and other amounts

For more information on how to report these financial amounts, go to
Guidance on the Canada-U.S. Enhanced Tax Information Exchange Agreement.
Chapter 12 — Part XVIII — Information reporting of the Guidance is of particular relevance and provides information on matters including:

The format in the following example applies to all the financial fields below. You cannot put commas or spaces to separate the dollar parts of the amount when you report amounts on a slip. However, you have to put a period to separate the dollars and the cents, or similar fractions in other currencies. As well, enter the amounts without the dollar or currency sign.


Five hundred thousand dollars and sixty cents would be reported as "500000.60".

Account Balance Amount

Enter the account holder's account balance or value of the reported account in dollars and cents. This field has a maximum of 13 digits for the dollars. The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.

Dividend Amount

In the case of a custodial account, enter the total gross amount of dividends paid or credited to the account in dollars and cents. This field has a maximum of 11 digits for the dollars. The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.

Interest Amount

In the case of a custodial account or depository account, enter the total gross amount of interest paid or credited to the account in dollars and cents. This field has a maximum of 11 digits for the dollars. The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.

Gross Proceeds or Redemptions Amount

In the case of a custodial account, enter the total gross proceeds from the sale or redemption of property paid or credited to the account in dollars and cents. This field has a maximum of 11 digits for the dollars. The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.

Other Amount

In the case of a depository account, leave blank.

In the case of a custodial account, enter the total gross amount of income (other than interest, dividends, or gross proceeds as these are reported separately) generated with respect to the assets held in the account.

In all other cases, enter the total amount paid or credited to the account holder with respect to that account.

This field has a maximum of 11 digits for the dollars. The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.

Account Currency Type Code

Indicate the currency of the amounts listed above using the corresponding ISO 4217 alpha 3 currency code.

Completing a summary for the Part XVIII Information Return

A summary must be completed for each Part XVIII Information Return. It is used to report information that is common to all slips in the return and includes the data that sums up certain information provided within its slips. Details about the reporting financial institution and its sponsor, if applicable, are reported in the summary.

The amounts to report on the summary are the total of the amounts in the corresponding fields of the supporting slips. If there are errors or omissions, the CRA may communicate with the filer's contact identified in the return to correct this situation.

This section provides details about the information to be entered in the following summary fields.

Filer Account Number

Enter the filer's business number (BN) RZ program account that is being used to file the Part XVIII Information Return with the CRA, that is the BN for the T5 group program account. This BN will use the format # # # # # # # # # RZ # # # #, for example, 123456789RZ0001. (15 alaphanumeric composed of: 9 digits, RZ, 4 digits)


Do not enter the business number of the transmitter or the agent who is sending the returns electronically on behalf of the reporting financial institution in this field. Service provider information would be included in the T619 if you are filing with Internet file transfer (XML) or in the “transmitter contact information” if you are filing with Web Forms. The BN will be used to process the return and to access the notifications of errors list through My Business Account (or Represent a Client).

You cannot use the BN RZ for TFSA, T5018 or partnership to file a Part XVIII Information Return. We will accept BN RZ for information returns that are listed for the T5 group program account type on the Form RC1, Request for a business number and certain program accounts. If you do not have a BN RZ account or you are unsure of your number, call our business enquiries line at 1-800-959-5525 to obtain one.

Summary Report Type Code

Enter one of the following values to indicate the type of summary being submitted:

For more information, go to Amending, cancelling or fixing records.


  1. An original return cannot contain an amended, cancelled or fixed slip.
  2. An amended return cannot contain an original or fixed slip.
  3. An amended return can contain only amended slips or only cancelled slips not a mix.
  4. A fixed return can only be used following a cancelled return and only when there is a change to:
    • The Individual Taxation Identification Number field (for an individual account holder or a controlling person) or the Organization Taxation Identification Number field
    • The First Name and/or Last Name field (for an individual account holder or a controlling person) or the Organization Account Holder Name - Line1 and/or Organization Account Holder Name - Line2 field (for an organization account holder)
    • Add or remove controlling person reported on a slip
  5. A fixed return can contain only “F” document type codes.



If the summary report type code is identified as "O" for original, the records for the reporting financial institution, sponsor (if applicable) and all slips associated with this summary would have "O" in their document type code field.

If the summary report type code is identified as "A" for amended:

  • all slips associated with this summary would have "A" in their document type code
  • all slips associated with this summary would have "C" for cancelled in their document type code

The document type code could indicate "A" for amended record, or "C" for cancelled record for both the reporting financial institution and sponsor.

If the summary report type code is identified as "F" for fixed , the records for the reporting financial institution, sponsor (if applicable) and all slips associated with this summary would have "F" in their document type code field.

Recipient Country Code

Enter the corresponding ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code to indicate the jurisdiction of the tax administration to which the data relates (enter "US" for U.S. reportable accounts).    


This field will always be "US" for U.S. reportable accounts under Part XVIII of the Income Tax Act (ITA).

Part XVIII Type Code

Enter "F" for U.S. reportable accounts under Part XVIII of the ITA.

Taxation Year

Enter the calendar year to which this return relates, using the format # # # #. For example, if reporting information for the accounts or payments made in the calendar year 2022, the field would read "2022".

Filer Contact Information Fields

Complete the following fields to identify the person the CRA may contact, if required, to get or clarify information related to the content of this return.

If the reporting financial institution is reporting for itself, provide the information for the person to contact for this financial institution. If a sponsor is reporting on behalf of the reporting financial institution, provide the information for the person to contact for the sponsor.

Contact Name

Enter the contact's full name (first name followed by the last name).

Contact Phone Area Code

Enter the area code of the contact's telephone number.

Contact Phone Number

Enter the contact's telephone number using the format # # # – # # # #.

Contact Phone Extension Number

Enter the extension of the contact's telephone number, if applicable.

Contact Email Address

Enter the contact's complete email address (@ symbol and period are required).


Following the exchange of information with the U.S., we will inform you that your notifications of errors list is available for download on the CRA login services, My Business Account or Represent a Client, through the contact email addresses you give us. A notification of errors indicates that information is missing or is not valid and that record(s) must be amended, or cancelled and refiled as fixed records. The list will be available on the BN that was reported in the "filer account number" field of the summary.

Transmitter Contact Information Fields

If you use the Web Forms application to file the return, complete these fields to identify the person the CRA may contact, should there be any questions with the electronic transmission of this return. This information is included in the T619, Electronic Transmittal record if the return is filed using the Internet file transfer (XML) application.

Reporting Financial Institution Fields

The following fields pertain to the reporting financial institution.

Each return must contain the information related to the reporting financial institution.

Document Type Code

Enter one of the following values to indicate the type of data being submitted for the reporting financial institution record:

  1. An original return cannot contain an amended, cancelled or fixed reporting financial institution record.
  2. An amended return will contain an amended reporting financial institution record regardless if there is a change being made to the reporting financial institution information or not. Associated slips must be either all amended slips or all cancelled slips.
  3. An amended return can contain a cancelled reporting financial institution record, if all slips that are associated to that reporting financial institution have also been cancelled.
  4. A fixed return will always contain a fixed reporting financial institution record. 

Document Reference Identifier (for the reporting financial institution record)

The structure of the document reference identifier for the reporting financial institution record is based on the same logic as the document reference identifier field at the slip level, with one exception. The fourth segment of the document reference identifier indicates that this document reference identifier is for a financial institution (FI) rather than for a slip (SL).

A new document reference identifier must be assigned for each reporting financial institution record that is created, whether it is an original, an amended, a cancelled or a fixed record. The document reference identifier must be unique, and can never be repeated. It must be in the format CA–YY–BNRZ–FI–SEQ#, where:


You must include the hyphens between the document reference identifier segments in your XML file if you are filing with the Internet file transfer (XML) application — this will result in a 34–character identifier.

If you are filing with the Web Forms application, each segment of the identifier is presented separately (no hyphen required) and most segments will be completed with the information you already entered, leaving only the sequence number to be completed.


The document reference identifier for a Canadian financial institution with the BN 123456789RZ0001 that is filing a return for the 2022 tax year could be reported as CA–22–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000001.

Corrected Document Reference Identifier (for the reporting financial institution record)

Complete this field only if you are amending or cancelling information in the reporting financial institution record or filing a fixed return. In the event that more than one original return has been filed, or a fix return has been filed, more than one chain will exist for the reporting financial institution. You must keep track of which slips belong to which chain. Enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed reporting financial institution record (from the correct chain) that is being replaced.

The corrected document reference identifier must target the latest version of the slip, in the correct chain, that was successfully filed with the CRA. In this way, a series of corrections or amendments can be handled as the new document reference identifier replaces the previous version identified with the corrected document reference identifier.

You can only cancel a reporting financial institution record if all the associated slips are also being cancelled. For more information and examples, go to Amending, cancelling or fixing records.

Filer Category for Reporting FI

Enter one of the following values to indicate the type of Filer Category submitted for the reporting financial institution record:


The Filer Category element is reported under either the Reporting FI or the Sponsor element. When a reporting financial institution is filing for itself and there is no sponsor, the filer category code must be entered in the reporting financial institution record only.

Residence Country Code

Enter "CA" to indicate the residence jurisdiction of the reporting financial institution for tax purposes using the corresponding ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code.

Global Intermediary Identification Number

Enter the global intermediary identification number (GIIN) of the reporting financial institution. The GIIN must be entered exactly as issued by the IRS (19 characters, for example, 98Q96B.00000.LE.124).

For more information about the GIIN, go to IRS FATCA registration.

Reporting Financial Institution Name – Line 1

Enter the name of the reporting financial institution.

Reporting Financial Institution Name – Line 2

Enter the remaining name information of the reporting financial institution that did not fit on line 1 if more space is needed.

Reporting Financial Institution Address

Fields to be completed for the reporting financial institution address are the same as required for an individual account holder. For more information, go to Address fields.

Financial Institution Sponsor Fields

Complete the following fields if the sponsor is reporting on behalf of the financial institution.

Document Type Code

Enter one of the following values to indicate the type of data being submitted for the sponsor record:


  1. An original return cannot contain an amended, cancelled or fixed sponsor record.
  2. An amended return will contain an amended sponsor record, regardless if there is a change being made to the sponsor information or not. Associated slips must be either all amended slips or all cancelled slips.
  3. An amended return will contain a cancelled sponsor record if the sponsor information is being removed.
  4. A fixed return will always contain a fixed sponsor record (if applicable).

Document Reference Identifier (for the sponsor record)

The structure of the document reference identifier for the sponsor record is based on the same sequential logic as the document reference identifier field found at the slip level, with one exception. The fourth segment of the document reference identifier indicates that this document reference identifier is for a sponsor (SP) rather than for a slip (SL).

A new document reference identifier must be assigned for each sponsor record that is created whether it is an original, an amended, a cancelled or a fixed record. The document reference identifier must be unique and can never be repeated. It must be in the format CA–YY–BNRZ–SP–SEQ#, where:


You must include the hyphens between the document reference identifier segments in your XML file if you are filing with the Internet file transfer (XML) application — this will result in a 34–character identifier.

If you are filing with the Web Forms application, each segment of the identifier is presented separately (no hyphen required) and most segments will be completed with the information you already entered, leaving only the sequence number to be completed.


The document reference identifier for a sponsor with the BN 123456789RZ0001 that is filing a return for the 2022 tax year on behalf of the reporting financial institution could be reported as CA–22–123456789RZ0001–SP–000000001.

Corrected Document Reference Identifier (for the sponsor record)

Complete this field only if you are amending or cancelling the sponsor record or filing a fixed return. In the event that more than one original return has been filed, or a fix return has been filed, more than one chain will exist for the sponsor. You must keep track of which slips belong to which chain. Enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed sponsor record (from the correct chain) that is being replaced.

The corrected document reference identifier must target the latest version of the slip, in the correct chain, that was successfully filed with the CRA. In this way, a chain of corrections or amendments can be handled as the new document reference identifier replaces the previous version identified with the corrected document reference identifier.

For more information and examples, go to Amending, cancelling or fixing records.

Filer Category for a Sponsor

Enter the following value to indicate the type of Filer Category submitted for the sponsor record:


The Filer Category element is reported under either the Reporting FI or the Sponsor element. When a sponsor is filing on behalf of a financial institution, the filer category code must be entered in the sponsor record only, not on the financial institution record.

Residence Country Code

Indicate the residence jurisdiction of the sponsor for tax purposes using the corresponding ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code.

Global Intermediary Identification Number

Enter the global intermediary identification number (GIIN) of the sponsor. The GIIN must be entered exactly as issued specifically for the sponsor by the IRS (19 characters with ".SP." in the category code, for example, 98Q96B.00000.SP.124).

For more information about the GIIN, go to IRS FATCA registration.

Sponsor Name – Line 1

Enter the name of the sponsor.

Sponsor Name – Line 2

Enter the remaining name information of the sponsor that did not fit on line 1 if more space is needed.

Sponsor Address

The fields to be completed for the sponsor address are the same as required for an individual account holder. For more information, go to Address fields.

Total Slip Count

Enter the total number of slips that are associated with this summary.

For all total amounts reported in the summary

Please note that the comma and the space between the thousands and the hundreds place are not accepted in XML files.

If you use the Web Forms application to file your return, the sum of the amounts reported on the slips will be automatically calculated in the summary.

Total Account Balance Amount

Enter the sum of the amounts in the account balance amount field reported on all the slips associated with this summary using the format # # # # # . # #. (The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.)

See Amending, cancelling or fixing records for more details.

Total Dividends Amount

Enter the sum of dividends reported on all slips associated with this summary using the format # # # # . # #. (The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.)

Total Interest Amount

Enter the sum of interest reported on all slips associated with this summary using the format # # # # . # #. (The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.)

Total Gross Proceeds or Redemptions Amount

Enter the sum of the gross proceeds or redemptions reported on all slips associated with this summary using the format # # # # . # #. (The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.)

Total Other Amount

Enter the sum of "other amount" reported on all slips associated with this summary using the format # # # # . # #. (The decimal point and two digits for the cents are required.)


A filer is submitting slips for account holder A and account holder B as follows:

Account holder A (slip 1) – Account Balance Amount 50000.00, Interest Amount 100.00
Account holder B (slip 2) – Account Balance Amount 150000.00, Dividends Amount 1000.00, Interest Amount 500.00, Other Amount 500.00

The following amounts should be entered on the summary:

Total Account Balance Amount = 200000.00
Total Dividends Amount = 1000.00
Total Interest Amount = 600.00
Total Other Amount = 500.00

Scenarios to avoid rejecting a Part XVIII Information Return

A Part XVIII Information Return will be rejected in the following conditions.

Note that many of these scenarios will be detected instantly (prior to submitting the return) if you use the CRA Web Forms application.

Filer BN

Tax year

Account holder type code

Organization account holder type code

Duplicate return


Out of balance

Summary report type code or Document type code

Document reference identifier or Corrected document reference identifier

Invalid combination

See Amending, cancelling or fixing a record for the complete list.

Page details

Date modified: