Error codes and descriptive messages for TFSA rejected individual records
Error code displayed in the downloaded file | Message displayed in the downloaded file |
2 | TFSA holder SIN is missing |
3 | TFSA holder SIN does not meet numerical verification standards |
4 | TFSA holder surname is missing |
5 | TFSA holder date of birth is missing |
6 | Calendar year-end FMV is missing |
7 | Calendar year-end FMV cannot be a negative amount |
8 | Transaction date is entered but no corresponding transaction amount is reported |
9 | TFSA contribution reported cannot be a negative amount |
10 | TFSA withdrawal reported cannot be a negative amount |
11 | TFSA holder date of birth is not entered in proper YYYY-MM-DD format |
12 | TFSA holder date of death is not entered in proper YYYY-MM-DD format |
13 | TFSA close date is not in the proper YYYY-MM-DD format |
14 | Transaction amount is reported but no corresponding transaction date is entered |
15 | Transaction date is not entered in proper YYYY-MM-DD format |
16 | TFSA holder date of death reported but TFSA holder FMV at time of death is missing |
17 | TFSA holder FMV at time of death is invalid – must be entered in numeric format |
18 | TFSA holder FMV at time of death cannot be a negative amount |
19 | TFSA holder FMV at time of death reported but the holder date of death is missing |
20 | New TFSA account this year Indicator must be “Y” or “N” |
21 | TFSA account closed indicator must be “Y” or “N” |
22 | TFSA close date must be blank if account closed indicator is “N” |
23 | TFSA account closed indicator equals “Y” but close date is missing |
24 | Successor holder account indicator must be “Y" or “N” |
25 | Surname of deceased holder on a successor holder account is missing |
26 | SIN of deceased holder on a successor holder account is in invalid format - must be numeric |
27 | TFSA deceased holder date of death on a successor holder account is not valid or not entered in numeric format |
28 | TFSA deceased holder date of death cannot be greater than the reporting period |
29 | Transaction date cannot be greater than the close date of the account |
30 | Transaction date is not within the reporting period |
31 | TFSA contribution or withdrawal amount reported is not in the correct format – must be numeric |
32 | TFSA contribution or withdrawal amount reported cannot be negative |
33 | Surname of former spouse for marriage breakdown transfer in/out transaction is missing |
34 | Deceased holder information is entered but successor holder account indicator is “N” |
35 | Original record already sent for this reporting period – amendment required |
36 | Date of birth reported indicates the TFSA holder was not 18 or older when TFSA was opened – account is invalid |
37 | TFSA holder surname does not match CRA records. Ensure that the surname showing on the record matches to the SIN and DOB |
38 | Date of birth reported indicates the TFSA deceased holder in an election year was not 18 or older when TFSA was opened – account is invalid |
39 | Surname of deceased holder in an election year does not match CRA records |
40 | TFSA deceased holder date of death on a successor holder account does not match CRA records |
41 | TFSA account closed prior to date of death – succession is not possible |
42 | TFSA holder SIN is not in correct format – must be numeric |
43 | SIN of deceased holder on a successor holder account is missing |
44 | SIN of deceased holder on a successor holder account does not meet numerical verification standards |
45 | TFSA deceased holder date of death on a successor holder account is missing |
46 | TFSA holder SIN not found on CRA records |
47 | TFSA holder SIN invalid – Dependant Identification Number (DIN) is not valid for TFSA – Cancel contract or amend with a valid SIN |
48 | TFSA holder SIN invalid – Individual Tax Number (ITN) is not valid for TFSA – Cancel contract or amend with a valid SIN |
49 | TFSA holder SIN invalid – A Temporary Tax Number (TTN) is not valid for TFSA |
50 | Invalid SIN for deceased holder – A Dependant Identification Number (DIN) is not valid for TFSA – Cancel contract or amend with a valid SIN |
51 | Invalid SIN for deceased holder – An Individual Tax Number (ITN) is not valid for TFSA – Cancel contract or amend with a valid SIN |
52 | Unresolved record(s) exist for prior year(s) – Correct and re-submit applicable prior year record(s) as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
53 | Record received prior to an original or previously amended record for this particular contract being accepted – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
54 | Record submitted for the election or the succession is changing the identity of the TFSA holder – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
55 | Changes required to amended record – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
56 | Cancel not permitted: Record(s) exist for subsequent years – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
57 | Cancel record is for a succession. Attempt to cancel previously accepted record requires a 100% match – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
58 | SIN on Cancel record does not match SIN on Contract to be cancelled – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
59 | Cancel record received has existing supplementary transactions (such as, exempt or deemed contributions) – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
60 | SIN of the spouse found under the deceased holder account on CRA records does not match to the SIN of the successor reported on the record – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
61 | Election for deceased holder; SIN on the record is cross-referenced to an Individual Tax Number (ITN) – ITN is not valid for TFSA – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
62 | Deceased holder date of death not on CRA records – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
63 | TFSA holder date of death on CRA records precedes date of election – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
64 | TFSA successor holder date of death precedes date of succession – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
65 | TFSA Holder SIN is different from the SIN used on the original election/succession from previous year(s) – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
66 | New TFSA Account this year indicator equals “Y”; contract currently exists for different SIN or DOB |
67 | New TFSA account this year indicator equals “N”; existing contract accepted in previous year(s) under different SIN or DOB |
68 | Election already established in subsequent year for this TFSA ID and contract number – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
69 | Contract currently exists: Original record for prior year(s) has not been filed – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
70 | SIN of deceased holder on the record is different from the SIN on the record of the deceased holder for the previous year(s) – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
71 | Calendar year-end FMV is invalid – must be a positive amount and entered in numeric format |
72 | TFSA holder date of birth does not match CRA records. Ensure that the date shown on the record matches to this social insurance number and surname |
73 | TFSA holder date of death on the record does not match CRA records |
74 | TFSA holder date of death is prior to 2009 or not in the current reporting period |
75 | TFSA close date entered on the record is not in the reporting period |
76 | TFSA holder date of death is missing. Ensure that both the date of death and FMV at death are reported, if required |
77 | SIN of deceased holder is invalid - A Temporary Tax Number (TTN) is not valid for TFSA |
78 | SIN of deceased holder not found on CRA records |
79 | SIN cross-referenced to ITN: ITN is not valid for TFSA election – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
80 | Succession already exists for this account – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
81 | Amended record is 100% duplicate of target record – Action as required by the TFSA Processing Unit |
82 | Date of death on CRA records; TFSA close date required for this account (If record is greater than 2 years from the year of death for a trusteed account - cancel this record) |
83 | Account was reported as closed in a previous year – the same contract number cannot be used for an account that has been closed |
84 | New TFSA account indicator equals “N”; no election or unresolved records existing for previous years(s). Amend record to indicate “Y” or submit record(s) for the previous year(s) |
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