Represent a Client

Before you start

CVITP volunteers who are authorized on a taxpayer’s account can use their CRA credentials to sign in to Represent a Client and view the taxpayer’s information online for a limited period. To be authorized on a taxpayer’s account, a volunteer must have a RepID and must have submitted an Authorization request, through UFile CVITP, for the taxpayer. Each person can only have one RepID. If you already have a RepID, you do not need to register a new one for CVITP purposes.

Having increased access to an individual’s information through Represent a Client will improve the level of service volunteers can provide. This is particularly helpful when an individual is missing information that can’t be downloaded through AFR, and/or they cannot meet confidentiality requirements over the phone.

There are several services available for representatives with Level 1 (view only) authorization. The information that is available to authorized volunteers via Represent a Client includes:


Volunteers cannot view an individual’s date of birth (DOB) or address through Represent a Client.

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