How to complete Form GST370, Employee and Partner GST/HST Rebate Application
You must complete parts A, B, and D of Form GST370. If applicable, your employer has to complete Part C. Use a separate form for each tax year.
On this page
Part A – Identification
The tax year of claim should be the same year as the income tax and benefit return for which you are claiming the GST/HST rebate.
Part B – Rebate calculation
Calculate your rebate based on the expenses you deducted on your income tax and benefit return. These expenses include GST and PST, or HST, and tips (if the supplier included the tip in your bill).
For eligible expenses on which you paid GST, you can claim a rebate of 5/105 of those expenses. For eligible expenses on which you paid HST, you can claim a rebate of 13/113, or 15/115 of those expenses, depending on which HST rate applied to the purchase.
In certain cases, you may have to do an additional calculation if you bought property and services in one province and brought them into a participating province. For more information, read Situation 5 – Property and services brought into a participating province.
Refer to the following situations to determine how to calculate your rebate based on your particular case. When you calculate your rebate, use only the expenses deducted on your income tax and benefit return.
Situation 1 – The only expenses you deducted are union, professional, or similar dues
Not all union, professional, or similar dues that you claimed on line 21200 of your income tax and benefit return are subject to GST/HST. Your receipt for these dues should show whether GST/HST was charged. If these dues are the only expense you deducted, do not complete the charts on pages 4 and 5 of Form GST370, Employee and Partner GST/HST Rebate Application.
If you paid GST, enter on lines 1 and 3 of Part B the amount of the expense including the GST minus any amount you were reimbursed. Multiply the amount on line 3 by 5/105 and enter the result on line 4.
If you paid HST, enter in column 3B, and/or 3C of lines 5 and 7 of Part B the amount of the expense including the HST minus any amount you were directly reimbursed. Add the amounts from columns 3B, and 3C of line 7, and enter the total on line 8. Multiply the amounts from columns 3B, and 3C of line 7 by the corresponding fraction (13/113 and/or 15/115) and enter the results on lines 9 or 10 respectively. Finally, add the amounts from lines 9, and 10 and enter the result on line 11.
Columns 3B and 3C represent the HST rates for the participating provinces applicable to your situation.
Add lines 4 and 11, and enter the result on line 14. The amount on line 14 is your total rebate claim. Enter this amount on line 45700 of your income tax and benefit return. Do not forget to complete Part D.
Situation 2 – You deducted only GST expenses
Before completing Part B, complete Chart 1 and Chart 2 (if applicable) on pages 4 and 5 of Form GST370, Employee and Partner GST/HST Rebate Application to determine your total expenses that are eligible for the GST rebate.
Enter in column 1A of Chart 1 the employment expenses you deducted on your income tax and benefit return. You calculated these amounts on Form T777, Statement of Employment Expenses, or on Form TL2, Claim for Meals and Lodging Expenses.
Also, if applicable, enter in column 1A of Chart 1 the union, professional, or similar dues you claimed on line 21200 of your income tax and benefit return and on which you paid GST. Your receipt for these dues should show whether GST was charged.
Do not enter any amount in the black areas of Chart 1, since these expenses are not eligible for the rebate.
Enter in column 2A of Chart 1 the amount of any expenses included in column 1A that is not eligible for the rebate. For a list of non-eligible expenses, see Expenses. For each expense, subtract the amount in column 2A from the amount in column 1A. Enter the result in column 3A. Total the expenses in column 3A, and enter the result in the “Total eligible expenses” box of column 3A.
If you deducted CCA for a motor vehicle, an aircraft or a musical instrument on which you paid GST, enter the total amount of this CCA in column 1A of Chart 2. If you claimed CCA for a motor vehicle, an aircraft, or a musical instrument, subtract any non-eligible CCA in column 2A from your total CCA in column 1A. Enter the result in column 3A.
Copy the “Total eligible expenses” amount from column 3A of Chart 1 and column 3A of Chart 2 to lines 1 and 2 respectively of Part B on the front of Form GST370. Add line 1 and line 2 in Part B, and enter the result on line 3. Multiply line 3 by 5/105, and enter the result on line 4.
Copy the amount from line 4 to line 14. This is your total rebate claim. Enter this amount on line 45700 of your income tax and benefit return. Do not forget to complete Part D.
Situation 3 – You deducted only HST expenses
Before completing Part B, complete Chart 1 and Chart 2 (if applicable) on pages 4 and 5 of Form GST370, Employee and Partner GST/HST Rebate Application to determine your total expenses that are eligible for the HST rebate.
Enter in column 1B, and/or 1C of Chart 1 (depending on the HST rate(s) applicable to you) the employment expenses you deducted on your income tax and benefit return. You calculated these amounts on Form T777, Statement of Employment Expenses, or on Form TL2, Claim for Meals and Lodging Expenses.
Also, if applicable, enter in column 1B, and/or 1C of Chart 1 the union, professional, or similar dues you claimed on line 21200 of your income tax and benefit return, and for which you paid HST. Your receipt for these dues should show whether HST was charged.
Do not enter any amount in the black areas of Chart 1, since these expenses are not eligible for the rebate.
Enter in column 2B and/or 2C of Chart 1 the part of any expenses included in the applicable box of column 1 of Chart 1 that is not eligible for the rebate. For a list of non-eligible expenses, see Expenses. For each expense, subtract the amount in column 2 from the corresponding amount in column 1. Enter the result in column 3B, and/or 3C of Chart 1, as applicable. Total the expenses in column 3B and/or 3C, and enter the result(s) in the appropriate "Total eligible expenses" box(es) of column 3 of Chart 1.
If you deducted CCA for a motor vehicle, an aircraft or a musical instrument on which you paid HST, enter the total amount of this CCA in column 1B and/or 1C of Chart 2. If you claimed CCA for a motor vehicle, aircraft, or musical instrument, subtract any non-eligible CCA in column 2B and/or 2C as applicable from your total CCA in the corresponding row of column 1. Enter the result in column 3B and/or 3C of Chart 2, as applicable.
Copy the “Total eligible expenses” amount from column 3B and/or 3C of Chart 1 to column 3B and/or 3C of line 5 (depending on the HST rates applicable to your situation) of Part B on page 2 of Form GST370. Copy the amount from column 3B and/or 3C of Chart 2 to column 3B and/or 3C of line 6 (depending on the HST rates that apply to your situation) of Part B on page 2 of the form. Add columns 3B and/or 3C of line 5 and line 6 of Part B and enter the results on the corresponding columns of line 7. Add the totals from the applicable columns on line 7 and enter the result on line 8.
Multiply column 3B of line 7 by 13/113, and enter the result on line 9. Multiply column 3C of line 7 by 15/115 and enter the result on line 10. Total lines 9, and 10, and enter the result on line 11.
If Situation 5 does not apply to you, copy the amount from line 11 to line 14. This is your total rebate claim. Enter this amount on line 45700 of your income tax and benefit return. Do not forget to complete Part D.
Situation 4 – You deducted both GST and HST expenses
Before completing Part B, complete Chart 1 and Chart 2 (if applicable) on pages 4 and 5 of Form GST370, Employee and Partner GST/HST Rebate Application to determine the total expenses that are eligible for the GST and HST rebate.
You calculated your employment expenses using Form T777, Statement of Employment Expenses, or Form TL2, Claim for Meals and Lodging Expenses. Separate the expenses on which you paid GST from those expenses on which you paid HST. Enter the GST expenses in column 1A of Chart 1, and the HST expenses in column 1B, and/or 1C (depending on the HST rate(s) applicable to you) of Chart 1.
Also, if applicable, enter in column 1A, 1B, and/or 1C of Chart 1 the union, professional, or similar dues that you claimed on line 21200 of your income tax and benefit return and on which you paid the GST or HST. Your receipt for these dues should show whether GST or HST was charged.
Do not enter any amount in the black areas, since these expenses are not eligible for the rebate.
Enter in column 2A, 2B, and/or 2C of Chart 1 the part of any expenses included in the applicable box of column 1 that is not eligible for the rebate. For a list of non-eligible expenses, see Expenses. For each expense, subtract the amount in column 2 from the corresponding amount in column 1. Enter the result in column 3A, 3B, and/or 3C of Chart 1, as applicable. Total the expenses in column 3A, 3B, and/or 3C, and enter the result(s) in the appropriate “Total eligible expenses” box(es) of column 3 of Chart 1.
If you deducted CCA for a motor vehicle, an aircraft, or a musical instrument on which you paid the GST/HST, enter the total amount of the CCA in column 1A, 1B, and/or 1C of Chart 2. If you claimed CCA for a motor vehicle, an aircraft or a musical instrument, subtract any non-eligible CCA in column 2A, 2B, and/or 2C as applicable from your total CCA in the corresponding row of column 1 (see Example). Enter the result in column 3A, 3B, and/or 3C of Chart 2, as applicable.
Copy the “Total eligible expense” amount from column 3A of Chart 1 and column 3A of Chart 2 to lines 1 and 2 respectively of Part B on page 1 of the form. Add line 1 and line 2 in Part B and enter the result on line 3. Multiply line 3 by 5/105 and enter the result on line 4.
Copy the “Total eligible expenses” amount from column 3B and/or 3C of Chart 1 to column 3B and/or 3C of line 5 (depending on the HST rates applicable to your situation) of Part B on page 2 of the form. Copy the amount from column 3B and/or 3C of Chart 2 to column 3B and/or 3C of line 6 (depending on the HST rates that apply to your situation) of Part B on page 2 of the form. Add columns 3B and 3C of line 5 and line 6 of Part B and enter the results on the corresponding columns of line 7. Add the totals from the applicable columns on line 7 and enter the result on line 8.
Multiply column 3B of line 7 by 13/113, and enter the result on line 9. Multiply column 3C of line 7 by 15/115 and enter the result on line 10. Total lines 9, and 10 and enter the result on line 11.
If Situation 5 does not apply to you, add lines 4 and 11, and enter the result on line 14. This is your total rebate claim. Enter this amount on line 45700 of your income tax and benefit return. Do not forget to complete Part D.
Situation 5 – Property and services brought into a participating province
You may be eligible to claim a rebate of 1/101, 2/102, 8/108, or 10/110 for eligible expenses deducted on your income tax and benefit return for which you paid all or part of the applicable provincial part of HST separately. You may have paid all or part of the applicable provincial part of HST separately in the following situations:
- You purchased goods in a non-participating province and brought them into a participating province
- You purchased goods in a participating province and brought them into another participating province for which the rate of HST is higher
- You imported commercial goods from outside Canada into a participating province
- You had goods delivered or made available to you in a participating province, or sent by mail or courier to you at an address in a participating province from a non-registered non-resident of Canada
If Situation 5 applies to you complete Chart 3. If you need help, call CRA's business enquiries line at 1-800-959-5525.
Situation 6 – The only expenses you deducted are tradesperson’s tools expenses and/or apprentice mechanic tools expenses
If the only expenses you claimed on line 22900 of your income tax and benefit return were for the cost of tools bought as a tradesperson and/or an apprentice mechanic (see Employed apprentice mechanics), and neither Situation 4 nor Situation 5 applies to you, do not complete the charts on pages 4 and 5 of Form GST370, Employee and Partner GST/HST Rebate Application.
If you paid GST, enter on lines 1 and 3 of Part B the amount of the expense you claimed on line 22900 of your income tax and benefit return, including the GST minus any amount you were reimbursed. Multiply the amount on line 3 by 5/105 and enter the result on line 4.
If you paid HST, enter in column 3B, and/or 3C of lines 5 and 7 of Part B the amount of the expense minus any amount you were directly reimbursed. Add the amounts from columns 3B, and/or 3C of line 7, and enter the total on line 8. Multiply the amounts from columns 3B, and/or 3C of line 7 by the corresponding fraction (13/113 or 15/115) and enter the results on lines 9, and 10 respectively. Finally, add the amounts from lines 9, and 10, and enter the result on line 11.
Columns 3B and 3C represent the HST rates for the participating provinces applicable to your situation.
Add lines 4 and 11, and enter the result on line 14. The amount on line 14 is your total rebate claim. Enter this amount on line 45700 of your income tax and benefit return. Do not forget to complete Part D .
Part C – Declaration by claimant’s employer or parthership
You may want to claim a rebate for expenses that relate to a taxable allowance. A taxable allowance will be included in box 40 of your T4 slip. If so, your employer or an authorized officer has to complete Part C. An authorized officer includes an immediate supervisor, controller, or office manager.
You cannot claim a rebate for expenses for which you received a non-taxable allowance. A non-taxable allowance is an allowance that was considered reasonable when it was paid.
You can only file one Form GST370 per calendar year. If your claim relates to expenses incurred from more than one employer, attach a letter to the form from any additional employers certifying the expenses relating to them.
Part D – Certification
Sign the certification area. If you don’t, it may delay or invalidate your GST/HST rebate claim.
Completing your tax return
After completing Form GST370, attach a copy to your income tax and benefit return and enter the amount of your claim on line 45700 of your tax return. Keep a copy of the completed form for your records.
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