Family and caregiving benefits

Child benefit, dental coverage and GST/HST credit. Employment Insurance (EI) including maternity, parental and caregiving benefits and leave. Help for the costs of raising children with disabilities.

Services and information

Canada child benefit

Monthly payment for eligible families with children under 18 years of age.

Caregiving benefits and leave

Apply if you are providing care or support to a critically ill or injured person or someone needing end-of-life care.

Maternity and parental benefits

Apply if you're pregnant, have recently given birth, are adopting a child or are caring for a newborn.

GST/HST credit

Quarterly payment for people with low and modest incomes, how much you could receive, and payment dates

Canadian Dental Care Plan

Dental coverage for seniors 65 and over, children under 18, and adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate.

Child disability benefit

Monthly payment to families who care for a child under age 18 who has a severe impairment.

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) survivor's pension

Apply for a monthly payment paid to the legal spouse or common-law partner of a deceased CPP contributor.

Canada Pension Plan children's benefits

Apply for a monthly benefit for a dependent child of a person receiving a CPP disability benefit or CPP post-retirement disability benefit.

Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime

Apply for income support if you have been away from work to cope with death or disappearance of your child.

Welcoming a child

Find resources on paths to parenthood, financial support and well-being.

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